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"义"是孟子及传统儒学思想中重要的伦理范畴。孟子所言之"义"在大多数情况下是指"适宜"、"适度"之意。这样,"义"作为一种崇高的品质在很大程度上与亚里士多德所说的德性原则相符合,因而可以视为一种德性。既然是德性,同样可以成为幸福的元素,但是,要达到幸福,"义"还需要诸如"实现活动"、"外在善"等等一系列条件。  相似文献   

王晓明 《金卡工程》2009,13(2):232-232
亚里士多德认为伦理学研究的问题就是善,而至善就是幸福,人的一生就是认识幸福追求幸福的过程.亚里士多德幸福观的现实意义  相似文献   

幸福似乎是人类关注的一个永恒主题,古今中外诸多先哲从哲学、社会学、心理学、经济学等诸多角度对这一主题给予关注,给予思考,给予论述。党的"十八大"之后,中国国民对"中国梦"有了更多的期盼、更多的信心。实现中国梦,就是实现民生幸福、国家富强、民族复兴。一、效用论:经济学对幸福的关注长期以来,经济学将效用等同于幸福。亚里士多德的"找到幸福是一  相似文献   

<正>人人追求的幸福到底是什么? 亚里士多德认为:幸福是每个人都希望得到的东西。边沁认为:“避苦求乐”是个人行为的基础和区分行为善恶是非的准则,个人利益的满足是获得幸福的手段。美国政治学会会长、英国科学院院士罗伯特·莱思认为:幸福是生活品质的一个指标,幸福是人们追求的终极目标。其他人们为之奋斗的东西,包括金钱、财富、权利、  相似文献   

<正>幸福是什么?幸福在哪里?幸福就是去做自己真正热爱的事情,并且全心全意地把它做好。把自己的性格优势发挥到极致,充分地成为自己。古希腊哲学家亚里士多德曾经说过:“人生的目的就是获得幸福。”大千世界,各行各业的人们虽然每天忙的事情不同、想的问题不同,但是在追求幸福这件事情上,人们的态度总是一样的。什么构成了幸福感?可到底什么是幸福、如何才能获得幸福?大家的答案肯定五花八门。  相似文献   

校焕玲 《金卡工程》2010,14(4):300-300
亚里士多德是古希腊思想的集大成者,提出了一个比较完整的幸福论体系,本文就这一理论的渊源、思想以及其中有益的部分作了一些浅显的见解,希望为构建现代人的幸福观提供一点有益的参照。  相似文献   

和谐社会建设与美德伦理、人民幸福安康息息相关。美德是民主法治的内在灵魂;美德是实现公平正义的前提;诚信友爱是美德的具体体现;美德作为行动的力量,是人和社会充满活力的源泉;美德是社会安定有序的主要的德性支撑力量;幸福生活是和谐社会构建的价值目标。所以,要实现社会的和谐,就必须加强美德伦理建设,就必须努力提高人民群众的幸福程度。  相似文献   

和谐社会建设与美德伦理、人民幸福安康息息相关。美德是民主法治的内在灵魂;美德是实现公平正义的前提;诚信友爱是美德的具体体现;美德作为行动的力量,是人和社会充满活力的源泉;美德是社会安定有序的主要的德性支撑力量;幸福生活是和谐社会构建的价值目标。所以,要实现社会的和谐,就必须加强美德伦理建设,就必须努力提高人民群众的幸福程度。  相似文献   

刘五景  杨黎红 《金卡工程》2008,12(12):124-125
政治人是亚里士多德著作中一个极为重要的概念,它的丰富内涵包括其特定的地域性、狭隘的阶级性,城邦则是其存在的基础.理解亚里士多德意义上的政治人可以更好的研究亚里士多德的政治思想.  相似文献   

李晓霞 《金卡工程》2009,13(6):116-116
本文以古希腊哲学为背景,探讨了亚里士多德的法治思想,重点辨析了亚里士多德的法治观、幸福观、正义观。通过与柏拉图等人对比,理清了亚里士多德法治思想的内在逻辑和诉求,对理解西方法律传统和推动我国依法治国的实行有一定意义。  相似文献   

This paper argues for a balanced approach to considering the three intellectual virtues of Aristotle, brought forth by Flyvbjerg [2001. Making Social Science Matter: Why Social Inquiry Fails and How It Can Succeed Again. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press] – techne, episteme and phronesis – and links them to recent debates on the relevance of management accounting research. The intellectual virtue of phronesis is viewed as opening an avenue for conducting management accounting research that is societally relevant and the interventionist research (IVR) approach is suggested to form one natural platform for such research. The paper underlines that the intellectual virtue of episteme, being related to theoretical relevance, is a necessary element in all scholarly endeavours and that IVR has so far tended to suffer from being too much focused on the intellectual virtue of techne and thereby practical relevance only. The method of ‘engaged scholarship’ is offered as one fruitful option for balancing the three intellectual virtues and conducting research that is relevant to several dimensions.  相似文献   

A. Fricker   《Futures》2002,34(5):1064-433
Enough is more than subsistence but is related to the ecological limits of the earth, our demands on them, and the other resources we need to live sustainable and meaningful lives. Ethics has a cultural and temporal context. In the West there has been the tussle between rational and moral ethics. The former prevailed as the benefits of science and technology emerged. Rational ethics is utilitarian, anthropocentric, and unsustainable. Moral ethics is struggling to replace its former “other worldly” and religious cloak with, at least, an ecocentric and spiritual cloak. The ethics of enough is explored in terms of needs and wants, right and wrong desires, means and ends, and, finally, moral virtue and happiness. Moral virtue alone, though, is unlikely to lead to happiness. Good fortune is also required, but cannot be acquired on one’s own. It has to be bestowed, by society or a just government, which in turn has to be created by the participation and actions of its members or citizens. Both enough and the ethics are to be found in good fortune.  相似文献   

Lorne Tepperman  Hilja Laasen 《Futures》1990,22(10):1059-1070
Following definitions of ‘happiness’ and ‘social development’, crossnational and temporal happiness trends are analysed to reveal whether reported happiness reflects changes in broader social conditions. The authors question whether an effective measurement of happiness can serve as an indicator of social development. In addition, the role of information in contributing to or maximizing happiness is analysed.  相似文献   

利用CHFS2015数据通过有序probit模型实证分析了家庭风险金融资产配置对个人幸福感的影响。研究发现,在城乡总样本中配置股票对个人幸福感有显著负向影响,配置银行理财产品对个人幸福感有显著正向影响,基金、债券均无显著影响。但在城市、农村子样本中,不同风险资产配置又体现出差异性,如股票对幸福感的影响在农村不再显著。我们还发现,我国家庭风险金融资产配置比例极低,股票比重较大,结构有待调整。  相似文献   

A recent line of research highlights trust as an important element guiding the decision of households to invest into risky financial assets and insurance products. This paper contributes to this literature by identifying happiness as another key driver of the same decision. Using detailed survey data from a sample of Dutch households, we show that the impact of happiness on households’ financial decisions works in the opposite direction and is more economically important compared to trust. Specifically, happiness leads to a lower probability of investing into risky financial assets and having insurance, while trust has the usual positive effect found in the literature. Furthermore, the negative effect of happiness on the ownership of risky financial assets is about 6% higher compared to the positive equivalent of trust. Similarly, the negative effect of happiness on the ownership of insurance is 3% higher than the positive effect of trust.  相似文献   

完善基本养老保险制度是增进民生福祉与加强社会治理的关键要义。过往研究主要关注基本养老保险对幸福感的主效应,鲜有探讨异质性和中介效应。基于中国综合社会调查2015年的数据,利用有序Logit模型和倾向得分匹配模型,重点探讨基本养老保险对居民幸福感的影响机制。研究表明:参加基本养老保险对居民幸福感具有显著正向作用;基本养老保险显著提升中低收入居民的幸福感,但对高收入居民的影响微弱;社会信任在基本养老保险参与和居民幸福感之间发挥部分中介作用。因此,为了提升居民幸福感,我国在多层次养老保险体系建设中应以基本养老保险制度为重点,同时加快推进第二层次的企业年金制度和第三层次的个人储蓄性养老保险制度的发展,努力为培育社会信任提供公平正义的养老保险制度环境。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship of investors' happy sentiment and overconfidence effect. Sunshine, temperature, former returns, and margin loan change rate are used as proxies for happy sentiment. Using data from Taiwan Stock Exchange and principal component analysis, the happy sentiment index is divided into two categories: "natural environment happiness" and "investment atmosphere happiness." The results suggest that when natural environment happiness is stronger, investors are less likely to have overconfidence. On the contrary, when investment atmosphere happiness is stronger, investors are more likely to have overconfidence.  相似文献   

基于计划行为理论,构建城市轨道交通出行选择框架,依据长沙地铁出行SP调查数据,运用因子分析法,考量城市轨道交通出行幸福价值指数和出行幸福价值.结果发现:客观价值、主观价值、主观感觉、出行者特征和出行特征等功能因子决定地铁出行幸福价值;部分常用出行选择决定因素没有得到认同;出行幸福价值中部分客观价值与主观价值的认知存在不一致.鉴此,应在线路成网、改善交通接驳和最后一公里的方便性、增加发车频次、优化公共交通等级计费、传播城市轨道交通优势等方面提高出行幸福价值.  相似文献   

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