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Previous studies have presented evidence revealing that the dispositional personalities of consumers, or the traits associated with their gambling behaviors and risk preferences, differ across various gambling types. Those studies leave open the question of whether and how personality differences affect domain-specific gambling preferences. Using latent class analysis (LCA), we explored the latent classes of risk preference for different gambling types and the effects of personality traits on these classes. A total of 732 Macau residents completed a questionnaire assessing 13 gambling types and personality traits. Preferences for gambling shown by the participants varied between three latent classes of games: chance gambling, entertainment gambling, and technical gambling. Moreover, not all personality traits consistently predicted preferences for these gambling classes. For instance, aggression-hostility positively predicted a general preference for both chance gambling and technical gambling, but impulsive sensation-seeking positively predicted only a preference for chance gambling. However, neuroticism-anxiety traits showed no such predictive effect for any of the three gambling classes. This study suggests that personality patterns emerge for overall and specific gambling types and underscores the value of LCA to help resolve the longstanding debate over whether gambling is domain specific.  相似文献   

This study examines how the corporate social and environmental disclosure (CSD) practices of a sample of gambling companies operating within Australia appears to change around the time of three specific interrelated Australian government initiatives; the Productivity Commission, 1999, Australia's Gambling Industries, Report No. 10, the subsequent establishment of the Ministerial Council on Gambling and the MCG‐initiated National Framework on Problem Gambling. Drawing upon three complementary theories, namely legitimacy, stakeholder and institutional theory, our analysis of the extent and type of CSD in the annual reports of gambling companies over a 15 year period suggests that CSD is a response to social pressures created around the time of these initiatives.  相似文献   

We provide evidence that casino openings can have spillover effects on an individual's portfolio risk-taking. Using investor-level brokerage data and the initial legalization and opening of commercial casinos in the United States as a quasi-natural experiment, we find that, after a casino opens in close geographical proximity to investors, those with a high propensity to gamble (PTG) increase their idiosyncratic portfolio risk by 12.88% relative to those unlikely to gamble. This effect lasts for approximately 3 months and does not affect systematic portfolio risk. These results suggest that increased access to gambling can temporarily increase portfolio risk-taking for those with a PTG.  相似文献   

在资本市场中,风险投资活动以风险投资家和风险企业的合作为基础。同时,风险投资与风险企业也存在着信息不对称,双方在相互寻找和选择的过程中进行着博弈。研究如何建立风险投资与风险企业之间的合作机制,抑制博弈过程中可能会出现的机会主义行为,将对风险投资活动起到重要的指导作用。  相似文献   


Live chat services and chatbot functionalities are experiencing significant growth within companies in the financial sector and growing consumer interest. But which consumers (segments) are more or less interested in these tools? Companies with an online presence would be well advised to profile potential users of these two important tools. This study seeks to classify potential users of live chat services and chatbots. A telephone interview questionnaire is administered to 342 panelists of a recognized Canadian research firm. A two-step cluster analysis is used to reveal natural groupings in the data set. Research conducted identifies four distinct segments, namely Women divided interest, Men partially interested, Age 35–44 partially interested and Older disinterested. This study brings to the fore information essential to the development of effective marketing strategies for reaching the different segments [e.g. develop and evidence an online end-to-end purchasing process for segment (1); provide good Web visibility for segment (2); ensure the presence of competitive offers and Web comparators for segment (3); and, pursue a more traditional approach for segment (4)]. This study represents the first ever classification of individuals based on their interest in emerging services (live chat services and chatbots).


In the 2001 INSOL International Consumer Debt Report: Report of Findings and Recommendations, the view was held that the solution to overspending and over‐indebtedness is inter alia to be found in the idea that prevention is better than cure. Ex ante responsible lending practices as preventative measures to avoid reckless credit granting and over‐indebtedness are arguably more important tools in establishing a healthy credit market than ex post measures. The focus of this contribution, is therefore, to provide a detailed overview of the South African reckless credit regime as a debt‐ prevention measure aimed at promoting responsible lending, with specific focus on the aspect of pre‐agreement assessment as a core mechanism to avoid reckless credit granting and over‐indebtedness. The main features of the reckless credit regime are highlighted, and afterwards, a detailed exposition of the evolution and extensive recent development of the pre‐agreement assessment component in South Africa is undertaken. Finally, observations are made regarding the South African reckless regime in general and with regard to affordability assessment specifically and its ability, benchmarked against the essential features of a responsible lending regime as advocated by Wilson in the book ‘International responses to issues of credit and over‐indebtedness in the wake of crisis’, to promote responsible lending. The conclusion is reached that benchmarked against the four characteristics of an effective responsible lending regime as identified by Wilson, it is apparent that the South African reckless lending regime is no ‘toothless tiger’, and that it attaches the necessary amount of significance to the credit provider's duty to take reasonable steps to do a proper pre‐agreement assessment in order to avoid reckless credit granting. Copyright © 2015 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Defining the outputs of the property insurance and gambling sectors of an economy has proved to be a difficult problem for national income accountants. It is well known that the traditional expected-utility model is not consistent with economic agents fully insuring their property. Thus the present paper adapts existing non-expected-utility theories to yield useful measures of output for the property insurance and gambling sectors.  相似文献   

The calculation of statistical expectation values is a most useful tool in risk analysis, but it is not a panacea. Valuable additional decision support can be obtained from argument-based tools, i.e. rigorous tools based on conceptual distinctions and logical reasoning. If the decision problem is not well defined, then argument-based tools can be used to analyse the uncertainties involved and provide a more well-reasoned presentation of the problem. If the available information is insufficient for a reliable quantitative analysis, then argument-based tools can partly replace it as guidance for the decision-making process. Argument-based tools can be grouped into three main categories: (1) tools used to determine the impact of alternative structurings of decisions and to make an informed choice among them, (2) tools used for the evaluation of decision options, and (3) tools used for the choice among such options in terms of the relative strengths of the arguments that speak for and against each of the options.  相似文献   

Calculation has been recently discussed in relationship to market transactions as: (1) a set of operations, including classifications and computations, which support decision-making processes by economic actors; (2) action plans or strategies which can be evaluated against efficacy criteria; (3) broader social processes which induce behavioral modifications and transformations along (1) and (2). Calculations would appear as situated plans or strategies, bounded by institutional constraints, and anchored in classifications, computations, and evaluations, strategies which are implemented within trading interactions. Such plans make use of available resources and adapt to constraints, but are prior with respect to live trading interactions. Using a conceptual apparatus anchored in the work of Erving Goffman, I argue that calculation is situational action. Its features are shaped by the interaction order of trading, and it can be conceptualized as emerging from gaming encounters—i.e., competitive displays of the participants’ socially relevant attributes. These arguments are supported with empirical data from online, anonymous financial trading. In these markets, gaming encounters make anonymous strangers present in the trader’s situation, as a basis for assessing the relevance of displays on the trading screen and for reacting to these displays. At the same time, traders engage in repeated self-displays as a means for defining their own situation and for projecting subsequent action sequences.  相似文献   

基于财务视角的政府绩效报告的构建   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
政府绩效评价作为新公共管理得以实施的管理机制和战略工具,需要政府财务报告提供信息支撑和制度基础,而现行政府财务报告无力承担此重任。所以,在政府财务报告的基础上,建立政府绩效报告不仅是绩效管理的需要,也是政府财务报告发展的方向。本文通过介绍和阐述政府绩效报告的发展历程和重要意义,在借鉴西方发达国家实践经验的基础上,试图从财务视角探讨我国政府绩效报告的构建。  相似文献   

We provide a simple method to track firm-specific investor gambling intensity based on the publicly available transaction data. This identification approach effectively incorporates information on what and how much to buy in the trading decision of an investor with a gambling preference. With empirical analysis based on data of the Chinese stock market from January 2003 to May 2021, we document that investor gambling intensity is strongly persistent and significantly predicts future stock returns, which is not a rediscovery of the well-known lottery effect. Stocks with high aggregate gambling intensity underperform stocks with low aggregate gambling intensity by approximately 117 basis points over the following month. Several potential explanations for such empirical findings are examined, and we document support for the explanation based on information diffusion.  相似文献   

Tjan AK 《Harvard business review》2001,79(2):76-85, 156
Eager to capitalize on the Internet's potential, many companies have allowed scores of on-line projects to bubble up throughout their organizations. The result? More harm than good, as companies find themselves confusing customers, aggravating employees, and wasting bushels of money. In this article, consultant Anthony Tjan explains how companies can do better. By adapting classical portfolio strategy to the digital age, executives can coordinate their Internet initiatives to avoid the needless headaches and spending, he says. Much of the market and industry data that underpin traditional portfolio analysis is unavailable for the Internet space, so Tjan replaces the two criteria used in traditional portfolio analysis--market position and industry attractiveness--with business viability and business fit. Viability captures the available quantitative data about an investment's likely payoff. Fit is qualitative; it measures the degree to which an investment dovetails with a company's existing processes, capabilities, and culture. Using viability and fit to assess their online initiatives, companies can then plot these efforts onto a simple matrix, called an Internet portfolio map. Their location on the matrix will suggest whether each initiative should be invested in, redesigned, sold or spun out, or killed. As Tjan notes, the process of organizing and evaluating new investment options against coherent, meaningful criteria isn't new. In the digital era, what is new are the tools you use. Internet portfolio planning is one such tool.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that managers use stock dividends or splits to cater to gambling investors who are willing to pay a premium for stocks with lottery-like features. Using proprietary account-level trading records, we find that retail investors, particularly those with a strong gambling preference, become strong net buyers following the announcement of stock dividends, while professional investors unload their holdings. Moreover, we find that positive market reactions to stock dividends is positively associated with increases in gambling investors.  相似文献   

This work investigates whether pleasure influences political and gambling decisions. Participants received two questionnaires. On Questionnaire 1, they rated the pleasure/displeasure of a series of items: social and political issues in Experiment 1, winning bets in Experiment 2, and losing bets in Experiment 3. On Questionnaire 2, they indicated the items that they would actually choose in real life. Their choices were then compared with their hedonic ratings on Questionnaire 1. Results showed that participants tended to choose those items they had most highly rated for pleasure on Questionnaire 1. In all cases, the selected outcomes were higher than chance, and thus tended to maximize pleasure, but were significantly lower than the maximum possible, indicating the presence of non‐hedonic criteria. The tendency to maximize pleasure was independent of age, gender, political opinions, and gambling propensity in real life. The results of all three experiments support the hypothesis that decisions are made predominantly, though not exclusively, in the hedonic dimension of conscious experience. A fourth experiment was set to answer a methodological question: a delay of 77 ± 3 days was placed between Questionnaires 1 and 2. The results were similar to those of Experiments 1–3, thus answering the concern.  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》是我国也是世界上最早、最完整、最卓越的军事理论著作,是中华民族数千年灿烂文明长河中,令世界叹为观止的闪烁着真理光芒的文化瑰宝,一直为世人所推崇。《孙子兵法》为世界第一“兵学盛典”,已在世界范围内广泛传播,应用领域极为广泛,更倍受商界青睐。日本企业家将其奉为至宝,美国商人视其为“金科玉律”。军队是在战场上拼杀,企业是在市场上作战,二者有相当的相似性,《孙子兵法》是伟大的商战博弈论,故可为现代商战所用。《孙子兵法》中“上兵伐谋”的战略思想、“五事七计”的决策思想、不战而胜的“全胜”思想、“以利制权”的“权变”思想,则是现代商战的制胜法宝。  相似文献   

This paper examines results of a flexible grading system that allows each student to influence the weight allocated to each performance measure. We construct a stylized model to determine students' optimal responses. Our analytical model predicts different optimal strategies for students with varying academic abilities: a frontloading strategy for those with high academic ability and a gambling strategy for others. We test the model using data gathered from several sections of an Intermediate Accounting course offered by a Canadian university. We find that most students did make decisions that were consistent with our analytical model. Our results suggest that the flexible evaluation system does not uniformly motivate students of differing abilities and does not encourage most students to maintain effort uniformly throughout the semester.  相似文献   

We synthesise the empirical archival research on the consequences of local social norms on accounting, finance, and corporate governance outcomes in an international setting. The literature reviewed is premised on the theory that corporations do not make decisions, but managers do, and managers are likely to be influenced by the socioeconomic environment of the region in which they operate and/or by the people with whom they interact. To provide a structure to our review, we identify social capital, religiosity, gambling norms, and corruption culture, as four constructs of local social norms and link these with financial reporting and external auditing, financial, investment, and dividend decisions, capital market consequences and finally, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility behaviour of firms. We highlight some limitations of the existing research and offer some suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of neural network training in a time-varying context. Machine learning algorithms have excelled in problems that do not change over time. However, problems encountered in financial markets are often time varying. We propose the online early stopping algorithm and show that a neural network trained using this algorithm can track a function changing with unknown dynamics. We compare the proposed algorithm to current approaches on predicting monthly US stock returns and show its superiority. We also show that prominent factors (such as the size and momentum effects) and industry indicators exhibit time-varying predictive power on stock returns. We find that during market distress, industry indicators experience an increase in importance at the expense of firm level features. This indicates that industries play a role in explaining stock returns during periods of heightened risk.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the UK housing benefit system on the financial returns to employment of people in local authority or Housing Association accommodation. It outlines the current structure of housing benefit and examines its effects on the returns to employment using data from the Family Expenditure Survey. It analyses the consequences of a number of reforms to the current system — lowering social rents, increasing the levels of housing benefit received in work and restricting the amount of rent covered by housing benefit payments. This analysis highlights the trade-offs involved in various strategies available for restructuring the present system. JEL classification: H3, H4, J3.  相似文献   

Misconduct is widespread. Practices such as misselling, pump and dump, and money laundering cause harm while raising profits. This paper presents a mechanism that can determine what sorts of misconduct can be sustained in competitive equilibrium in concentrated markets, oligopoly settings, and markets with many small competing firms. The model studied allows general demand and distinguishes types of ethical dilemma using current psychological understanding. The paper shows, for example, that markets with many small competing firms are not vulnerable to misconduct if firms respond to entry with niche strategies or if the ethical dilemma draws an emotional response.  相似文献   

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