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The rising grain price in the first half of the year, coupled with the news that China's summer grain output fell for the first time in seven years, has enhanced market expectation for the grain price to rise.  相似文献   

Baostecl, China's biggest steel giant, has announced to raise steel prices for Jan productions on the eve of annual iron orc price talk, after it returns to the negotiating table as the representative of Chinese steelmakers. The price hike, a routine for the steelmaker, has provoked controversies, according to International Finance News report.  相似文献   

Price can be dated back to mankind's earliest forms of barter or trade,when our ancient ancestors were counting small seashells used for exchanging goods amongst one another,from these primitive origins price has passed down to to- day's society. And now in the modern era,we could never live without a tiny label that has an item's price on it.Everything has a price,and with large price fluctuations from changes in the market,a price problem has been produced.  相似文献   

Price can be dated back to mankind's earliest forms of barter or trade,when our ancient ancestors were counting small seashells used for exchanging goods amongst one another,from these primitive origins price has passed down to today's society.
And now in the modern era,we could never live without a tiny label that has an item's price on it.Everything has a price,and with large price fluctuations from changes in the market,a price problem has been produced.  相似文献   

The Chinese real estate market has seen sustained prosperity for the last 10 years, but the climbing price of housing has made everyone begin to question whether this industry is overheated or if there is a bubble ready to burst. Recent figures from the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Bureau of Statistics show that, in September 2007 alone, the housing purchase price  相似文献   

Puzzles in Chinese economy
Theoretically, CPI is the consumer price index and a measure of the level of inflation, reflecting the price change that consumers paid for goods and services. PPI is the producer price index, reflecting the price level of production. PPI is generally referred to the price indices of industrial products in China. Under normal circumstances, PPI is a leading indicator of CPI and has an important part in transmission of CPI; the current trend of the PPI will decide the general direction of CPI.  相似文献   

At the moment,the whole world faces the most severe inflation in food prices in history,as grain and soybean prices climb to all-time highs.Al- though some observers blame the weather for the decrease in crop yields and that the growing demand for cereals used for bio-fuel production has conspired toward continuous price rises on world grain mar- ket;others regard it simply as a matter of demand outpacing supply.In seven of the last eight years,world grain production has fallen behind rates of consumption. Soaring world grain prices are pro- jected to keep driving food price infla-  相似文献   

China's color TV price war hadnot yet come to an end before anair-conditioner price war began.Recently, the Chunlan Corporation announced large comprehensive price reductions for 40 models of wall-mounted air conditioners, ranging from RMB500 to1,000. Changhong Corporation'sprice reduction for its air conditioners in Shanghai has reached between RMB1,500 and 2,000, inwhich dealers are actively takingpart.What sort of competition willChina's home appliances industryface via price wars of …  相似文献   

At the moment,the whole world faces the most severe inflation in food prices in history,as grain and soybean prices climb to all-time highs.Although some observers blame the weather for the decrease in crop yields and that the growing demand for cereals used for bio-fuel production has conspired toward continuous price rises on world grain ma ket;others regard it simply as a matter of demand outpacing supply.In seven of the last eight years,world grain production has fallen behind rates of consumption.  相似文献   

China's Ministry of Land and Resources has announced a 30,percent cut in the minimum purchase price of land for industrial use in order to boost investment.  相似文献   

Raising the retail price of finished oil arouses the public worries about the . rapid rise of CPI this year. Niu Li, the expert on petroleum in National Information Center stated that the price of cereal has gained stability and the rise of energy price has served as the major drive of the rise of CPI instead of that of cereal price. According to his worries, the price of crude oil kept successive rise in 2003 and 2004, but the effect of its price's transmis-  相似文献   

The Chinese government will carefully stimulate energy price reform,and gradually build up a new pricing system that is able to reflect the scarcity of energy resources,market supply and demand,as well as any envi- ronmental cost,while taking into consid- eration the various interests of different groups,and their diversified levels of af- fordability. Moving faster on price reform China has managed to keep its en- ergy production price low for a long time, because it only reflects the exploration,  相似文献   

No one would be willing to pay one-third of the price for the packaging or wrapping of what he or she purchases. But over-packaging has become a disease that leads to a massive waste of resources and contributes to environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Following a series of reforms conducted in the financial, taxa-tion, foreign trade, investment, price and distribution structures—a decisive step for the establishment of socialist market economic structure, China's economy has entered 1995. This year, China's economic development will feature the following trends: 1. National economy will continue to maintain high growth, and GDP will increase by around 10%. In recent years, the growing global economy has formed an excellent external environment for China's economic development; domestically, the adequate  相似文献   

Price paid while development achieved Since the reform and opening up in 1978, China has already paid a high price in its resources and environment despite the fact that a miraculous economic progress has been achieved. The country's sustainable development has been increasingly thwarted by its accelerating resources exhaustion, environment pollution and biological deterioration. Without fundamental changes to its past resource-extensive economic growth model, it would be difficult for the fast-growing economy to sustain its robust economic growth.  相似文献   

Why is the Chinese yuan (CNY) trading weak recendy? Since the middle of September,USDCNY has traded fairly consistently below the morning fixing.It has tested the weak end of the daily +/0.5% band five times to date,and generally in the last two weeks the CNY has ended the day with no offer.Chart 1 shows the percentage difference between the day-end USD-CNY price to the fix (we use the 5-day moving average to smooth out some of the volatility).This price action suggests that the market is not selling US dollars (USD) as it once did and that the People's Bank of China (PBoC) could be selling USD from its FX revenues.The FX reserves fell in September and initial indications for October suggest that this trend has continued.With China still running a sizeable trade surplus (USD 17bn in October),some suggest that CNY weakness could be evidence that ‘hot money' is leaving the country.  相似文献   

Puzzles in Chinese economy Theoretically,CPI is the consumer price index and a measure of the level of inflation,reflecting the price change that consumers paid for goods and services.PPI is the producer price index,reflecting the price level of production.PPI is generally referred to the price indices of industrial  相似文献   

Professor Wu Jinglian recalled the changes of Renminbi exchange rate mechanism and analyzed that before 1994, China had a multi-exchange rate, such as official price and adjustable price, sometimes leading a higher evaluation of Renminbi. Since 1994, China has had a strict control floating exchange rate. After the financial crisis in Southeast Asia, China's neighboring countries as well as the US appealed for non-depreciation of Renminbi.China accepted the appeal and kept a steady exchange rate of Renminbi,which contributed to the economic resurgence of Asia and world.  相似文献   

Professor Wu Jinglian recalled the changes of Renminbi exchange rate mechanism and analyzed that before 1994, China had a multi-exchange rate, such as official price and adjustable price, sometimes leading a higher evaluation of Renminbi. Since 1994, China has had a strict control floating exchange rate. After the financial crisis in Southeast Asia, China‘s neighboring countries as well as the US appealed for non-depreciation of Renminbi.China accepted the appeal and kept a steady exchange rate of Renminbi,which contributed to the economic resurgence of Asia and world.……  相似文献   

Bicycles are generally considered "Green Vehicles", with their cheap price and easy maintenance. China, known as the "Kingdom of Bicycles", has the largest output and export volume of whole bikes, but the industry has been in difficulties in recent years. The blind import of international capital is the main reason for the decline of the bicycle industry in the country. In the mid 1980s, cheap labor and optimistic market forecasts attracted international capital to China's bicycle indus-  相似文献   

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