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2008年12月,荷兰海关以涉嫌侵犯知识产权为由,扣留了一批由印度仿制药生产商生产的,从印度空运出口至巴西并在荷兰转运的仿制药氯沙坦钾.欧盟表示,这是应一家在荷兰拥有专利的公司请求采取的行动.在被扣押了36天后,这批药品货物被退还给印度货主并被运回了印度.这一案件的发生引发了一场针对仿制药过境贸易问题的论战,印度和巴西...  相似文献   

上海自贸区进出境手续的简化,为侵犯知识产权的货物进出自贸区提供了机会。反假冒贸易协定(ACTA)和跨太平洋伙伴关系协议(TPP)都将知识产权边境执法措施扩展到了过境环节,为适应知识产权边境执法的国际新动向,树立自贸区良好的法治形象,对于涉嫌侵犯中国知识产权并怀疑可能进入中国市场的过境货物,应当采取知识产权执法措施。执法措施的对象应限定于侵犯著作权或商标权的过境货物,对其他知识产权则应进行调研,以便将来有针对性地扩大适用类型。  相似文献   

2012年2月1日,欧盟委员会发布“对于过境欧盟的货物特别是药品的知识产权海关执法指南”(GuidelinesoftheEuropeanCommissionconcerningtheenforcementbyEUcustomsauthoritiesofintellectualproperetyrightswithregardtogoods,inparticularmedicines,intransitthroughtheEU)。过境欧盟的货物如被欧盟海关当局认定为有进入欧盟市场的风险,而且该类货物在欧盟成员国境内又有权利人可主张知识产权保护的,将被欧盟海关暂时扣留。  相似文献   

随着知识经济的不断发展,欧盟近年来进一步完善知识产权边境保护的处理程序,逐步加大遏止知识产权侵权与仿冒产品进入欧盟的力度.2003年欧盟全面修改了海关对侵犯知识产权产品的指令,该指令不仅扩大了知识产权的保护范围,还进一步强化了海关扣押、销毁产品的权力,并允许权利人同时向欧盟多个国家提出挡关请求.同时,欧盟要求各成员国于2004年7月1日起全面实施该指令.  相似文献   

《反假冒贸易协定》等国际条约赋予了国家因知识产权保护需要而限制货物经自由贸易区自由过境的权力。"一线监管放开"的中国(上海)自由贸易试验区并不是过境中转侵权货物的避风港。中国应当考虑借鉴《反假冒贸易协定》中对于经自由贸易区转运或转装货物的知识产权执法体系,对于意图通过上海自由贸易试验区进入中国市场的过境货物进行海关执法。  相似文献   

浅议知识产权海关保护   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
知识产权海关保护,又称知识产权的进出境保护、知识产权的边境保护或知识产权的边境执法,是指海关为了维护正常的社会经济秩序和公共利益,依照国家的法律法规,制止侵犯知识产权的货物进境或出境的措施。一、我国知识产权海关保护的现状(一)法律依据1995年10月,中国首次颁布实施  相似文献   

格老秀斯的海洋自由理论已演变为GATT等诸多国际条约中的过境自由,是助推"一带一路"下"贸易畅通"和"道路联通"的国际法依据。另一方面,发达国家发起的《反假冒贸易协定》不容小觑,其试图突破TRIPS的过境管辖底限,成为"一带一路"的隐患。WTO成员与非成员订立"一带一路"区域性过境协定时,面临着是否符合GATT最惠国待遇之例外原则的质疑。此外欧盟成员及欧盟法院的判例均引用过"制造假定"理论,授予过境国海关扣押过境货物的权力。为抵消上述影响,在WTO框架下签订开放度极高的区域性过境自由协定,提升中国在TRIPS理事会的地位,全面履行《贸易便利化协议》议定书,签订更多的双、多边过境条约,才是未雨绸缪的良策。  相似文献   

余翔  李新江 《国际贸易》2003,(12):45-49
知识产权海关保护也称知识 产权边境保护,是指海关在进出境的监督管理过程中,依法制止侵犯受国家法律和行政法规保护的知识产权货物进出境的措施。1995年10月1日,《中华人民共和  相似文献   

当前,知识产权保护政策和保护措施已经成为美国经济与贸易发展的推动力。美国在货物、技术和服务产品中的高知识产权含量以及因此而产生的有力市场竞争优势,必然使美国不断地提升知识产权保护在国家发展战略中的地位,并演化为一系列的政策、立法和措施。近年来,美国一方面致力于完善知识产权保护,另一方面通过诉诸WTO对中国的知识产权制度进行审查,通过海关扣押、337调查、及加强供应链知识产权的管理等手段遏制了中国产业的升级和产品的出  相似文献   

欧盟应对气候变化的边境调节税:新的贸易壁垒   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
《京都议定书》生效,承担减排义务的附件I国家开始面临竞争力损失和实现减排目标相冲突的两难困境。边境调节税被认为是一个解决问题的好办法,但其在环境问题上的应用是近年来国外学术界讨论的一个热点问题,特别是在气候变化问题上的应用争议较大。最近欧盟有关方面提出要对来自非减排国家的工业化产品征收边境调节税,引起较大的反响。文章从边境调节税的概念及其相关的性质出发,分析了欧盟当前行动的动机与政策应用的前景,对于其可能造成对中欧贸易的影响进行了展望,并分析了这种做法与当前国际贸易制度和国际气候制度的兼容性,认为这种做法缺乏合法性和合理性。  相似文献   

A significant body of empirical studies demonstrates sizable national border effects in foreign trade of Canadian provinces throughout the 1980s and 1990s. This paper revisits and expands the scope of the border effects analysis by estimating the border effect in trade with US states as well as countries in the European Union (EU) and the G-20 using more recent data from 2001–10. Furthermore, we perform the Blinder–Oaxaca nonlinear decomposition to decompose the border effects into various components, including the transaction costs, the tariff and non-tariff measures, and the unexplained component. Results from the Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood model show that, compared to existing estimates from the 1980s and 1990s, the size of the border effect in trade between Canadian provinces and US states has declined. The border effects for Canada–EU and Canada–G-20 bilateral trade flows sit at somewhat elevated levels. About a third of the border effects in overall trade with EU and G-20 countries can be attributed to the variables related to transaction costs in foreign trade. While the significance of tariffs has declined, the prevalence of non-tariff measures seems to be on a rise. That said, we find that the welfare-changing measures combined – tariff and non-tariff measures – play a limited role in explaining the border effects in comparison with the role of transaction costs and the unexplained component.  相似文献   

The literature on trade facilitation has mostly focused on implications for trade volumes. However, recent theoretical contributions have emphasized that trade costs – such as transaction costs related to cross-border trade procedures – affect both the traded volumes of ‘old’ goods (the intensive margin) and the range of traded goods (the extensive margin). This article therefore tests whether trade facilitation affects the extensive margin by counting the number of 8-digit products that are exported from developing to EU countries, and using this as the dependent variable in an estimation. Moreover, it also tests whether the extensive margins in differentiated and homogeneous goods are affected in the same way by transaction costs. Estimation results suggest that if export transaction costs – proxied by the number of days needed to export a good – declined by 1%, the number of exported differentiated and homogeneous products would rise by 0.6% and 0.3%, respectively. Policy simulations further illustrate that if all countries were as efficient at the border as the most efficient country at the same level of development, the number of exported differentiated and homogeneous products would increase by 62% and 26%, respectively.  相似文献   

王晶 《北方经贸》2003,(8):38-39
欧盟是世界上经济最发达的地区之一 ,多年来一直是中国重要的贸易伙伴。但近年来为了保护本地区内部市场 ,欧盟采取了一系列的贸易保护措施 ,尤其是非关税壁垒措施更是大量的使用。这些措施的实行在一定程度上对我国商品对欧盟的出口产生了诸多不利的影响。文章就欧盟非关税壁垒措施包含的内容以及欧盟出台的相应政策进行了详细的分析 ,并对中国与欧盟近期贸易前景进行了预测。  相似文献   

本文选用2000-2005年欧盟成员国之间以及欧盟成员国与外部主要贸易伙伴国之间的双边出口贸易额等数据,使用面板数据方法,基于边界效应的视角,分别探讨了欧盟25国和欧盟15国的商品市场一体化影响因素。结果表明:欧盟这样的区域贸易协定对其成员国具有正面影响。地理临近性和文化联系鼓励紧密的贸易伙伴,距离、税率和人口对双边贸易存在负面影响,这与以往的研究结果相同。非关税壁垒成为重要边界可部分解释欧盟25国的内部边界效应高于欧盟15国的研究结果。  相似文献   

若干发达国家于2010年10月正式公布了此前一直秘密谈判的《反假冒贸易协定》,旨在进一步加强知识产权的执法体系。于此同时,随着关税壁垒的大幅削减以及各国对国际货物贸易增长的进一步需求,贸易便利化成为各级贸易规则谈判的重要议题。在这样的背景下,贸易便利化与知识产权边境执法之间的相互关系和相互影响问题日渐凸显。本文尝试从贸易便利化的视角来考察知识产权边境执法体系,在概述了《反假冒贸易协定》的边境执法规则后,进一步分析了这套规则对贸易便利化的影响。在此基础上,本文着重讨论了中国应如何在促进贸易便利化和保护知识产权的双向维度下确立恰当的知识产权边境执法体系,并提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

“Environmental dumping” is a concern frequently raised in discussions on the potential risks involved in the eastern enlargement of the European Union1 (EU).2 There is a general concern that the Central and Eastern European accession countries may be neither willing nor able to fully apply the EU’s environmental acquis communautaire, the body of Community environmental legislation, once they have joined the EU. As a result, these countries would benefit from a competitive advantage when selling their goods on the Internal Market. This article asks whether, and in which specific cases, such concerns may be justified.  相似文献   

This article utilizes data from seventy-seven countries over the period 2004–07 in a gravity trade model to examine the impact of four dimensions of trade facilitation—physical infrastructure, information and communication technology, business environment, and border efficiency—on parts and components and final goods trade for the machinery and transport equipment sector. The results show that the effect of importers’ overall trade facilitation measures is stronger for promoting parts and components than for final goods trade. Among the four dimensions, border efficiency has the largest impact on trade flows for this sector, and the effect of exporter and particularly importers’ border efficiency is important for parts and components, as compared to final goods trade.  相似文献   

基于对不锈钢餐厨具遭遇欧盟退运通报的调查统计以及对欧盟及其成员国发布的食品接触不锈钢技术法规的比较分析,研究我国目前不锈钢餐厨具面临的贸易形势及其应对措施;通过比较欧盟技术法规,对意大利迁移量限量提出质疑;分析新型铁素体的性能特征,提出通过采用新材料制备不锈钢餐厨具打破欧盟技术壁垒的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper has two objectives (a) to introduce border policy-induced barriers (PIBs) to services trade and (b) analyse the impact of border PIBs in services sectors on goods trade. The World Input-Output Database covering 43 countries is used over the period 2000–14. A three-stage analysis is employed. The measures of bilateral services trade barriers calculated in each services sector in the first stage are decomposed into its cultural/geographic and policy-induced parts in the second stage. Border PIBs to services trade are used in the structural gravity estimations of bilateral goods trade in the final stage. The results demonstrate significant and robust adverse effects of barriers to services trade on goods trade. When the level of development is taken into consideration, there are marked differences in the impact of these barriers on goods trade.  相似文献   

The use of anti‐dumping measures as a trade protection tool, has increased phenomenally during the last decade. One significant aspect of this new trend is the increasing involvement of developing countries. India is one such country which has emerged as a very frequent user of anti‐dumping measures, surpassing even the traditional users. It had initiated more than 300 anti‐dumping cases by the end of 2002–03. Many of these cases are against developing countries. Most of the cases are concentrated in narrow range product groups, like chemicals and petrochemicals, iron and steel, pharmaceuticals and textiles. This study examines India's experience with anti‐dumping measures. The main objective of the study is to identify the factors which might have influenced the anti‐dumping behaviour in India. Discussion of these factors shows that imports have increased considerably. This is particularly true for a number of developing countries facing dumping charges in India. At the same time, many of the domestic producers of the like products have performed poorly during the last decade. Such trends may instigate the import‐competing industries to seek anti‐dumping protection and may also influence the authority to provide that. However, the results of our statistical exercise show that, although imports and performance of the domestic industry might have influenced the initiation of anti‐dumping cases, these factors did not seem to significantly influence the final decision of the authority. The results rather indicated a tendency on the part of the authority to provide anti‐dumping protection to industries, which are characterised by a large number of firms.  相似文献   

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