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This paper investigates the effects of bank loan availability on the trade credit and credit card demand of small firms, using firm‐level data from the 1995 Credit, Banks, and Small Business Survey, conducted by the National Federation of Independent Business. We find that firms increase their demand for trade credit and credit card debt when facing credit constraints imposed by banks. These results provide evidence of a pecking order of debt financing, where firms increase their reliance on potentially expensive sources of funds when bank loans are not available.  相似文献   

Bank Competition and Credit Standards   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article offers an explanation for the substantial variationof credit standards and price competition among banks over thebusiness cycle. As the economic outlook improves, the averagedefault probabilities of borrowers decline. This affects theprofitability of screening and causes bank screening intensityto display an inverse U-shape as a function of economic prospects.Low screening activity in expansions creates intense price competitionamong lenders and loans are extended to lower-quality borrowers.As the economic outlook worsens, price competition diminishes,and credit standards tighten significantly. Deposit insurancemay contribute to the countercyclical variation of credit standards.  相似文献   

李运达  贺强 《银行家》2021,(2):70-72
2020年10月,IMF发布的《全球金融稳定报告》指出,流动性压力下的偿付问题导致非金融企业部门脆弱性不断上升,正成为全球经济复苏的潜在阻力.我国的金融纾困政策将银行信用、商业信用"双管齐下"缓解中小企业流动性风险作为重要取向, 2020年下半年先后出台《保障中小企业款项支付条例》《关于规范发展供应链金融支持供应链产业...  相似文献   

随着绿色经济的快速发展,商业银行逐步增加了绿色信贷投放力度,以期在满足绿色融资需求的同时开拓新的利润增长点。本文系统地梳理了绿色信贷对银行财务绩效的作用机制,并基于2007—2017年我国29家商业银行的数据,实证检验了绿色信贷对银行财务绩效的异质性影响。实证结果表明:绿色信贷占总贷款比重上升有助于提高商业银行的净息差;对规模较小、流动性水平较高的银行而言,绿色信贷对银行财务绩效的改善效果更强,但资本充足水平对绿色信贷和财务绩效的关系并无明显影响。本文研究为商业银行积极开展绿色信贷业务提供了经验依据,并且从鼓励中小银行发展绿色信贷、推动绿色信贷资产证券化和绿色金融债发行、降低绿色信贷风险权重等方面,为进一步推进绿色信贷发展提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

本文利用我国上市公司1999至2004年的数据,考察了非国有控股的中小企业的企业家的财富集中度和风险厌恶程度等异质性特征与中小企业所处地区的金融市场化程度对中小企业银行信贷融资可获性的影响。研究发现:中小企业的企业家财富集中度和所处地区的金融市场化程度对中小企业的银行信贷融资可获性具有积极影响,但企业家风险厌恶程度与中小企业的银行信贷融资可获性没有显著的相关关系。实证结果表明,中小企业的部分企业家异质性特征在我国目前的融资环境下,是影响中小企业银行信贷融资可获性的重要因素,而金融市场化程度则对其功能的体现有显著影响。  相似文献   

典当在人类社会经济发展中有着悠久的历史。自1987年恢复典当业以来,我国典当业的发展取得了长足的进步,已成为我国金融体系的有益补充。随着金融改革的不断深化,如何加强典当业在金融体系中承担的金融功能,支持中小企业和三农发  相似文献   

We document that banks reduce the supply of mortgage loans when policy uncertainty increases in their headquarter states as measured by the timing of U.S. gubernatorial elections. The reduction is larger for term-limited elections and close elections. We utilize high-frequency, geographically granular loan-level data to address an identification problem arising from changing local loan demand: (i) we estimate a difference-in-difference specification with state/time or county/time fixed effects; (ii) banks reduce lending outside their home states as well when their home states hold elections; and (iii) we observe important cross-sectional differences in the way banks with different characteristics respond to policy uncertainty.  相似文献   

This article develops a model of the interactions between borrowers, originators, and a securitizer in primary and secondary mortgage markets. In the secondary market, the securitizer adds liquidity and plays a strategic game with mortgage originators. The securitizer sets the price at which it will purchase mortgages and the credit-score standard that qualifies a mortgage for purchase. We investigate two potential links between securitization and mortgage rates. First, we analyze whether a portion of the liquidity premium gets passed on to borrowers in the form of a lower mortgage rate. Somewhat surprisingly, we find very plausible conditions under which securitization fails to lower the mortgage rate. Second, and consistent with recent empirical results, we derive an inverse correlation between the volume of securitization and mortgage rates. However, the causation is reversed from the standard rendering. In our model, a decline in the mortgage rate causes increased securitization rather than the other way around.  相似文献   

依据沪深 A股主板市场2007-2015年样本数据,考量中国银行借款与商业信用融资的治理效应.结果显示:无论是国有控股公司还是民营公司,银行借款均对其过度投资行为存在诱发作用;与短期借款相比,长期借款对公司过度投资的诱发作用更加突出.结果表明,商业信用融资有助于抑制公司过度投资,且市场化程度越高的地区这种抑制作用越突出.  相似文献   

目前的信贷政策主基调是要求商业银行"均衡放贷"、"有扶有控",着力优化信贷结构,切实防范信贷风险和系统性金融风险.这些政策要求,促使商业银行努力提升自身灵活的信贷决策能力、过硬的信贷营销能力及有效的信贷风险防控能力.  相似文献   

Bank rescue programs are designed to provide assistance to struggling financial intermediaries during financial crises. A complicating factor is that participating banks are often stigmatized by accepting assistance from the government. This paper investigates stigma in two ways: (i) it examines how stigma changes a bank's decision to seek assistance from the rescue program, and (ii) it analyzes how stigma affects a bank's ability to operate as a financial intermediary using a joint model for bank‐level application, approval, and lending decisions. The empirical results indicate that stigma hinders the objectives of the rescue program and slows the production of credit.  相似文献   

梁俊茹  范大路 《征信》2016,(12):64-70
为了全面系统地研究银行的不同特征对货币政策信贷渠道的影响,刻画在货币政策银行信贷渠道中银行的微观信贷行为,找到货币政策传统机制中微观基础缺失的原因,说明我国银行信贷渠道的有效性以及货币政策对银行信贷的分布效应,选取我国65家商业银行2000-2010年的面板数据,建立动态面板模型,运用GMM估计方法研究货币政策变化对贷款增长率和贷款供给特征的影响.研究表明:银行规模对货币政策冲击的反应最强烈,其次是资本充足率和流动性,再次是不良贷款率.  相似文献   

本文利用中国人民银行征信系统的相关数据,实证研究湖南地区中小企业信贷可得性的影响因素,以检验银行对中小企业的贷款技术。实证结果表明:大型和跨区域性银行对中小企业未采取关系型贷款;贷款银行对中小企业的财务特征不太重视;大型和跨区域性银行对中小企业贷款主要采用信用评分技术。作者建议:第一,整合信息资源,发展独立的信用评估机构对中小企业进行信用评估,降低大型和跨区域性银行对中小企业贷款成本和信息不对称程度;第二,大力发展区域性中小商业银行,并鼓励其形成和充分发挥对中小企业进行关系型贷款的比较优势。  相似文献   

在分析银保协作与可选择性风险转移(Alternativ Risk Transfer,即 ART)保险的内在逻辑基础上,进一步分析 ART 保险实现银行信用风险转移的内在机理,并以此为依据设计银保信贷系统的 ART 保险机制。结果表明,ART 保险可以有效分担银保信贷系统的信用风险,降低银保信贷系统的风险运营成本,提升银保信贷系统的运营效率,并实现商业银行信用风险转移目标。可见,推行银保协作型信贷模式,对于治理信贷配给,从而提升信贷市场效率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

银行治理、信贷配给与中小企业融资   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中小企业贷款难问题是目前困扰这些企业迅速发展的重要因素,国内外对这一问题成因进行了诸多研究与分析.从我国银行治理结构特点的这一独特视角出发,结合信贷配给理论,对不同治理结构下银行信贷行为进行建模与比较分析发现,银行治理结构通过影响银行信贷选择行为,将会对信贷市场配给程度以及中小企业获得贷款的可能性产生重要影响.  相似文献   

赵娜  王博  张珂瑜 《金融研究》2021,487(1):150-168
本文从企业投资视角探讨融资租赁与银行信贷之间是否存在替代关系,以及融资约束对于两者关系的作用机理。通过手工整理中国沪深两市 2004-2016 年间全部 A 股上市公司的年度融资租赁数据,并结合公司财务数据进行实证检验,结果表明:融资租赁和银行信贷都能够显著促进公司投资效率提高,并且融资租赁对于银行信贷具有显著的替代效应。本文进一步从融资约束视角验证融资租赁替代银行信贷的影响机制,发现公司的有形性资产净值率较低、资产负债率较高或是民营企业,则公司面临的融资约束程度越严重,融资租赁对银行信贷的替代作用就会越大。这不仅为融资租赁有助于实体经济发展提供了微观证据,也对于持续深化金融供给侧结构性改革,助力“六稳”“六保”具有政策启示。  相似文献   

新兴金融、互联网金融发展不断倒逼着银行业必须提高效率,而服务能力、信贷环境是银行效率提升的关键因素。本文运用数据包络分析方法和广义相加模型,对特定信贷环境中银行效率与服务能力的关系假设进行检验。实证结果表明,银行的信贷供给和服务配送能力对银行效率的提升具有正面影响,但信贷供给能力对银行效率的提升作用存在上限边界约束,而服务配送能力对银行效率的提升作用则受到下限边界约束;银行效率对信贷环境变化的动态响应呈“S”型变动特征。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the use of collateral (formal contracting), along with the market power of banks (which facilitates relational contracts), affects the availability of credit for business firms. Using loan data from the Spanish Credit Register, we show that the average credit quality of borrowers in a provincial market decreases with market concentration and the availability of collateral. Additionally, the marginal effect of each variable decreases with the higher values of the other variable. We also find that credit line interest rates increase with the availability of collateral, although the increase is lower for banks operating in more concentrated credit markets. Therefore, market power (relations) and collateral (formal contracting) act as substitutes to increase the availability of bank finance under asymmetric information.  相似文献   

We develop a model to evaluate the aggregate impact of college finance in an environment with entrepreneurship. The calibrated model captures the stylized fact that entrepreneurs with college are more common and more profitable in the United States. The calibration indicates this is mainly because higher labor earnings allow college‐educated agents to ameliorate credit constraints if and when they eventually become entrepreneurs. Changes in financing constraints on entrepreneurs can thus affect college attendance, and changes in financing constraints on college can affect entrepreneurship rates as well.  相似文献   

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