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Dialogues between companies and actors of society often start as a result of a public scandal or in a situation of crisis. They can lead to short-term public relations activism or to long-term reputation gains. On the basis of cases and of a typology of forms of dialogues, the author develops ethical criteria and conditions for a successful dialogue – the ethical basis for such criteria being values such as equality, freedom and participation. A special focus is put on challenges that often result from dialogues such as the ethical judgment of compromises. This article proposes ethical criteria to evaluate compromises. This leads to a model of ethical dialogue.  相似文献   


Purpose: Problems of relationship quality and interfirm conflict in business-to-business settings are serious concerns that need to be addressed. Thus, the authors have engaged in an extensive review to promote an understanding of these complex issues. This article develops an integrated framework for analyzing wide-ranging relations between individual representatives and patterns of interfirm incompatibility for managerial control.

Methodology/approach: The review involves numerous sources that include articles and monographs. A theoretical framework is constructed to integrate fragmented empirical data. In particular, social identity and commitment-trust theories are mobilized for this framework.

Findings: The review of studies has a substantial consistency with the theoretical framework. The article outlines a causal chain from interpersonal agent dissimilarities to dysfunctional buyer–supplier relations, culminating in interfirm pathological conflict. Moderating factors in the causal chain are: agent identity differentiation (for interpersonal dissimilarity), supplier relations mismanagement (for buyer–supplier relationship quality), and interfirm opportunism (for interfirm pathological conflict). Buyer–supplier interfirm incompatibility mediates the causal link between interpersonal dissimilarity and buyer–supplier relationship quality. Identity differentiation, the validation of one’s self-image, is introduced as a process that determines buyer–supplier agent interpersonal dissimilarity judgments. This framework uses a contextual perspective. It describes interactions between observations of micro-level phenomena of interpersonal dissimilarities and macro-level models of interfirm fit. From a managerial perspective, interpersonal relations between individual buyer and supplier agents may be further strengthened by such strategies as expanding the scope of the interpersonal relationship, relaxation of role responsibilities, and volunteering business-related contact referrals.

Originality/value: A new theoretical framework has been devised to predict and explain relationship quality and interfirm pathological conflict in the business-to-business context. The framework contributes to the value of the knowledge base by serving as a means for building new diagnostic tools for assessment of interfirm behavioral issues affecting exchanges. New concepts are introduced to enhance current literature on business-to-business marketing. The framework provides concrete

indicators that operationally define ideas and enable or improve measurement for empirical modeling.  相似文献   

As a criterion of a good firm, a lucrative and growing business has been said to be important. Recently, however, high profitability and high growth potential are insufficient for the criteria, because social influences exerted by recent firms have been extremely significant. In this paper, high social relationship is added to the list of the criteria. Empirical corporate social performance versus corporate financial performance (CSP–CFP) relationship studies that consider social relationship are very limited in Japan, and there are no definite conclusions for the studies in the world, because of scant data and the inappropriate methods, especially for supporting linear hypothesis which these studies are based on. In this paper, the CSP–CFP relationship is analyzed by an artificial neural networks model, which can deal with a non-linear relationship, using 10-year follow-up survey data.
Daisuke OkamotoEmail:

This article explores the influence of contractual governance mechanisms, buyer–supplier trust, and supplier opportunistic behavior on Uganda's public sector supplier performance. Many outsourced contracts are reported to frequently fail to deliver on time, budget, specifications, and quality and do not deliver value to the public. This could be attributed to poor contractual governance mechanisms, lack of buyer–supplier trust, and high levels of supplier opportunistic behavior. A cross-sectional data set collected from 632 staff of Uganda's public sector is used to validate the theoretical model and hypotheses developed from literature review. Findings reveal that contractual governance mechanisms, buyer–supplier trust, and supplier opportunistic behavior are significant predictors of public sector supplier performance. The results also suggest that supplier opportunistic behavior has a stronger influence toward supplier performance than others. The implications for these findings for future research and practice are also discussed.  相似文献   


This article discusses category management interactions in supplier–retailer relationships based on conceptual insights about value in business markets. Much category management literature has studied supplier–retailer relationships, but despite value creation being central to category management the conceptual approach is often the power-trust controversy. Based on value concept, category management and supplier–retailer relationship literature this study develops a model and hypotheses of retailer perceived benefits and sacrifices from category management collaboration. The article proposes that closer supplier-retailer interactions through the category management process hold the potential for increased value creation through application of complementary information resources, an improved coordination of tactical efforts, and an alignment of category aims and strategies explicitly linked to retailers' value systems. Further, the perceived necessity of trust in these relationships meshes with retailers' perceived sacrifices regarding negotiation power and full control of category marketing variables, thus establishing a trade-off for retailers between benefits and sacrifices.  相似文献   

Trust is a fundamental aspect of the moral treatment of stakeholders within the organization–stakeholder relationship. Stakeholders trust the organization to return benefit or protections from harm commensurate with their contributions or stakes. However, in many situations, the firm holds greater power than the stakeholder and therefore cannot necessarily be trusted to return the aforementioned duty to the stakeholder. Stakeholders must therefore rely on the trustworthiness of the organization to fulfill obligations in accordance to Phillips’ principle of fairness (Business Ethics Quarterly 7(1), 1997, 51–66), particularly where low-power stakeholders may not be fully consenting (Van Buren III, Business Ethics Quarterly 11(3), 2001, 481–499). The construct of organizational trustworthiness developed herewith is presented as a possible solution to the problem of unfairness in organization–stakeholder relations. While organizational trustworthiness does not create an ethical obligation where none existed before, stakeholders who lack power will likely be treated fairly when organizational trustworthiness is present.  相似文献   


Despite the benefits of following a relationship marketing approach, firms should use caution when targeting customers with relationship marketing strategies as not all customers want to enter into long-term relationships. Targeting customers based on the length of customer-firm association could also be flawed as the success of doing so is disputed. This study explored relationship intention under cell phone customers in two emerging markets, namely the Philippines and South Africa. Findings show that relationship marketing strategies should only be focused on customers displaying high relationship intentions rather than, erroneously, investing in relationships with customers based on association length.  相似文献   

This study examines unethical purchasing practices from the perspective of buyer–supplier relationships. Based on a review of the inter-organizational literature and qualitative data from in-depth interviews with purchase managers from diverse industries, a conceptual framework is proposed, and theoretical arguments leading to propositions are presented. Taking into consideration the presence or absence of an explicit or implicit company policy sanctioning ethically questionable activities, unethical purchasing practices are conceptualized as a three-tiered set. Three broad themes emerge from the analysis toward explaining purchasing ethics from a buyer–seller perspective: (a) Inter-organizational power issues (inter-organizational power and idiosyncratic investments), (b) Inter-organizational relational issues (long-term orientation and satisfaction), and (c) Interpersonal relational issues (interpersonal ties and trust). Theoretical and managerial implications of the conceptual framework are discussed.  相似文献   

Purpose: The objective of this study is to develop understanding of the interplay between the perceptions of power balance, relationship value, and relationship quality between retail distributors and their suppliers.

Methodology: The authors applied a phenomenological approach in both qualitative and quantitative data collections and analyses. Key informants in 27 of the dominant retail distributors within 5 Norwegian industries and 50 of their most important suppliers were interviewed.

Findings: The power balance seems to favor the retail distributors. Retail distributors and suppliers tell of somewhat different characteristics pertaining to “best” and “worst” relationships relating to economic-, capability-, and integration-based values as perceived between retail distributors and their suppliers.

Research limitations/implications: The empirical findings indicate the complexity in assessing relationship quality and show a rich basis for further research, thereby contributing to knowledge and insights in characterizing relationship quality when power is asymmetrically distributed between distributors and their suppliers. However, personal interviews may reveal answers at rational, cognitive, and even emotional levels, thus complicating subjective analysis.

Practical implications: The results of the study are important for both researchers and practitioners on both sides of retail distributor–supplier relationships.

Originality/value: This study advances the work on what characterizes relationship quality in asymmetric power business relationships.  相似文献   

Purpose: The main objective is to test and assess a research model through time and across contexts in which satisfaction is a mediator between quality constructs in manufacturer–supplier relationships. Satisfaction is positioned as a mediator between trust and commitment (i.e., causes) on the one hand, and cooperation, coordination and continuity expectancy (i.e., outcomes) on the other. The objective is also to provide a substantiation and contribution through time and across contexts, to business theory of supplier-manufacturer relationships

Methodology/approach: One out of eight samples selected for additional empirical substantiation for this study comprises a total of 600 small and medium-sized Spanish enterprises from various industrial sectors. A total of 259 usable questionnaires were returned, generating a response rate of 43.2%. The study is positioned (and compared) in relation to seven other samples that have been tested within the same research model in Canada, Finland, Norway (twice), South Africa, Sweden, and Taiwan. The total number of useable questionnaires is 1641, the average number of useable questionnaires per study is 205 and the average response rate is 37.4% in the studies assessed of this article.

Findings: The research model tested and assessed in the eight studies meets the requirements for satisfactory convergent, discriminant and nomological validity, as well as for construct reliability. The measurement and structural metrics support validity and reliability over time and across contexts, which is rare in marketing research.

Research implications: The theoretical framework contributes, through time and across contexts, to the business theory of supplier–manufacturer relationships. The tested research model demonstrates properties of validity and reliability across countries and company sizes. Implications and suggestions for further research are provided.

Practical implications: The empirical findings indicate key factors that contribute to satisfaction in manufacturer–supplier relationships in different countries and companies.

Originality/value: The article makes a contribution to theory relating to supplier–manufacturer relationships, providing evidence that the tested, hypothesized relationships are generally applicable. The validation or falsification of empirical findings in previous research is crucial in building valid and reliable theory over time and across contexts. Otherwise, theory becomes fragmented and undermines the credibility of marketing research.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between gift giving, guanxi and corruption through a study of the relationships between UK manufacturing companies in China and their local component suppliers. The analysis is based on interviews in the China-based operations of 49 UK companies. Interviews were carried out both with senior (often expatriate) staff and with local line managers who were responsible for everyday purchasing decisions and for managing relationships with suppliers. The results suggest that gift giving is perceived to be a significant problem in UK-owned companies in China. However the relationship between these payments and established understanding of gift giving within guanxi-networks appears to be weak. Gift giving appears to be associated with illicit payments, corruption and the pursuit of self-interest. Firms seek to reduce the incidence of illicit transactions by changing staff roles, instituting joint responsibilities, which include the separation of different aspects of sourcing/purchasing, ineasing the involvement of senior staff in the process and through the education of employee and suppliers.  相似文献   

This article analyses supplier–buyer relationships where the suppliers adapt to the buyers’ needs and expectations to gain mutual advantages. In some cases, such closely knit relationships lead to violations of the autonomy of one or both partners. A concept of corporate autonomy (CA) is developed to analyze this problem. Three different facets can be distinguished: rule autonomy, executive autonomy, and control autonomy. A case study of Mattel’s problems with lead-contaminated toys produced in China shows that the CA of buyer and supplier can be restricted as a result of a dysfunctional partnership involving a moral dilemma.  相似文献   

本文从生产要素、需求要素、产业关联、企业发展、政府行为和贸易行为层面构建文化产业国际竞争力的评价指标体系,依据相关横截面数据,以2011年世界经济排名前20的国家为对象,对中国文化产业国际竞争力水平进行了年度评价。结果表明:中国作为世界文化大国的地位并没有变化,但离文化强国的地位尚有很大差距,文化产业虽增长较快,但综合国际竞争力较弱,在20个参评国家中处于中下等位置,与世界第二大经济体的地位还不相称。存在要素配置不合理、居民文化消费层次低、文化企业价值网络尚不成熟等系列问题。因此,需要从促进产业整合、完善产业网络、提高科技含量、优化政策与法律环境、加强人才培养,推进产业开放,统筹规划产业布局等方面采取系列策略。  相似文献   

This article aims at providing further empirical evidence about the international activity of Italian small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In particular, the present contribution can be ascribable to the stream of research regarding the headquarters–subsidiary relationship. Focusing our attention on the subsidiary of Italian SMEs internationalized in Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs), we provide evidences about the main variables affecting their autonomy. Literature review provides us evidences of the fact that subsidiary autonomy is an extremely heterogeneous topic to investigate. Consequently, we decided to add to the quantitative analysis also a qualitative one. Through personal interviews with the Italian entrepreneurs and the managers of the local subsidiaries, we got a better and deeper insight into the evidences coming from the quantitative data.  相似文献   

This paper examines dispositional sources of workplace guanxi and the mediating role of workplace guanxi on the affectivity and job satisfaction relationship. Data were collected from 808 respondents in multiple industries in a city in China’s northeast. The study found that both positive affectivity and negative affectivity have an effect on supervisor–subordinate guanxi and co-worker guanxi, which supports the proposition that workplace guanxi has a dispositional source. Supervisor–subordinate guanxi has a positive relationship with job satisfaction, although co-worker guanxi is not significantly related to job satisfaction. The research also found a mediating role of supervisor–subordinate guanxi on the affectivity and job satisfaction relationship, which suggests that supervisor–subordinate guanxi can extend the influence of affectivity to job satisfaction. Taken together, these results suggest that in a high power distance country such as China, supervisor–subordinate guanxi plays a more important role than co-worker guanxi in influencing job satisfaction. Theoretically, this study suggests the as yet unexplored possibility of dispositional antecedents of workplace guanxi and the role of workplace guanxi on the relationship between dispositions and workplace attitudes such as job satisfaction.  相似文献   

This article explores the role of customer-perceived value in long-term buyer–supplier relationships. This article aims to identify what creates value for organizational customers, particularly in the field of professional business-to-business (B2B) general insurance services. On the integrated grounds of customer relationship theory in marketing and the resource-based view in strategic management, qualitative research, coupled with interviews, was conducted to explore insights from various representatives of different Vietnamese general insurance firms. The findings suggest that reliability, risk coverage, reputation, technology, interpersonal skills, and technical skills are the six most important types of resources that insurance companies should possess to enhance customer-perceived value.  相似文献   

It has been our consistent policy to expand the opening policy, while using foreign capital reasonably and effectively. Our experience of economic development since China's economic reform and opening to the outside world 20 years ago has shown that implementing the opening policy, participation in the international division of labour and exchange, the use of both domestic and international markets and resources, and the introduction of a foreign market  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2021,97(4):697-714
This research presents a retail analytics application which uses machine learning (ML) to identify and predict under- and overperforming consumer packaged goods (CPGs) using retail scanner data. Essential to measuring market performance at the SKU level is the relationship between distribution and market share (the velocity curve). We validate that ML can reproduce the velocity curve, and ML is further used to predict underperforming, in-line performing, and overperforming SKUs relative to the velocity curve, based on a range of variables (SKU features) at a point in time. Our ML approach can correctly predict 83% of SKUs as under-, in-line-, or overperforming based on their characteristics. The research analyzes 9,321 SKUs of 2,565 brands across seven product categories of CPGs which were sold in 8,117 stores from 49 different retail chains of five different retail channels located in the US states of California, New York, Texas, and Wisconsin. The retail stores comprise convenience stores, drug stores, food stores, liquor stores, and mass merchandise retail stores. The data is Nielsen retail store scanner data for the calendar year 2014. The relationship between distribution and market share is a market-wide proxy for the ratio of relative sales in a category to, for example, aggregate shelf space, a key retail productivity metric. We further find indications that the distribution of SKUs across different store sizes, the stores’ category specialization, the line length of the brands, the overall performance of the parent brand, and sales consistency are the most important characteristics for the prediction of market share performance beyond the velocity curve. The methods and results presented will help CPG marketers (suppliers and retailers) understand which SKUs are under-, in-line-, or overperforming and the potential factors contributing to that performance. Optimizing assortments and portfolios is essential to decrease failure rates of individual SKUs. ML approaches can evolve to complementary support tools for such management problems.  相似文献   

Financially significant relationships between corporations and non-profit organizations (NPOs) have increased in recent years. NPOs offer access to interests and ideologies that are lacking within most for-profit organizations. These partnerships form a unique bridge between for-profit and non-profit goals and offer significant potential to produce innovative ways of “doing business by doing good.” Exploration of the structural implications of these relationships, however, has been limited. The potential for ideological imbalance in these relationships, particularly for the NPO, has been poorly described. We explore the structure of Corporate–NPO relationships from the NPO's perspective under high pressure conditions such as large relational investments or negative pressure from stakeholders. Using data collected from 20 NPOs in Australia, we identified the use by NPOs of both formal and informal governance mechanisms within their partnerships. These mechanisms acted to align and defend important goals of the NPO. They allowed the NPO and their corporate partners to be simultaneously “together and apart.” Our study offers important insight toward the study of cross-sector relationships and the role of governance mechanisms.  相似文献   

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