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This paper studies the optimal investment strategies under the dynamic elasticity of variance (DEV) model which maximize the expected utility of terminal wealth. The DEV model is an extension of the constant elasticity of variance model, in which the volatility term is a power function of stock prices with the power being a nonparametric time function. It is not possible to find the explicit solution to the utility maximization problem under the DEV model. In this paper, a dual-control Monte-Carlo method is developed to compute the optimal investment strategies for a variety of utility functions, including power, non-hyperbolic absolute risk aversion and symmetric asymptotic hyperbolic absolute risk aversion utilities. Numerical examples show that this dual-control Monte-Carlo method is quite efficient.  相似文献   

We investigate and compare two dual formulations of the American option pricing problem based on two decompositions of supermartingales: the additive dual of Haugh and Kogan (Oper. Res. 52:258–270, 2004) and Rogers (Math. Finance 12:271–286, 2002) and the multiplicative dual of Jamshidian (Minimax optimality of Bermudan and American claims and their Monte- Carlo upper bound approximation. NIB Capital, The Hague, 2003). Both provide upper bounds on American option prices; we show how to improve these bounds iteratively and use this to show that any multiplicative dual can be improved by an additive dual and vice versa. This iterative improvement converges to the optimal value function. We also compare bias and variance under the two dual formulations as the time horizon grows; either method may have smaller bias, but the variance of the multiplicative method typically grows much faster than that of the additive method. We show that in the case of a discrete state space, the additive dual coincides with the dual of the optimal stopping problem in the sense of linear programming duality and the multiplicative method arises through a nonlinear duality.   相似文献   

We consider a Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV) model for the asset price of a defaultable asset showing the so-called leverage effect (high volatility when the asset price is low). We show that a VaR constraint re-evaluated over time induces an agent more risk averse than a logarithmic utility to take more risk than in the unconstrained setting.  相似文献   

If the average risk-adjusted growth rate of the project's present value V overcomes the discount rate but is dominated by the average risk-adjusted growth rate of the cost I of entering the project, a non-standard double continuation region can arise: The firm waits to invest in the project if V is insufficiently above I as well as if V is comfortably above I. Under a framework with diffusive uncertainty, we give exact characterization to the value of the option to invest, to the structure of the double continuation region, and to the subset of the primitives' values that support such a region.  相似文献   

This paper considers the behavior of the critical price for the American put in the exponential Lévy model when the underlying stock pays dividends at a continuous rate. We prove the continuity of the free boundary and give a characterization of the critical price at maturity, generalizing a recent result of S.Z. Levendorskiǐ (Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance 7:303–336, 2004).   相似文献   

We consider an optimal time-consistent reinsurance-investment strategy selection problem for an insurer whose surplus is governed by a compound Poisson risk model. In our model, the insurer transfers part of the risk due to insurance claims via a proportional reinsurance and invests the surplus in a simplified financial market consisting of a risk-free asset and a risky stock. The dynamics of the risky stock is governed by a constant elasticity of variance model to incorporate conditional heteroscedasticity as well as the feedback effect of an asset’s price on its volatility. The objective of the insurer is to choose an optimal time-consistent reinsurance-investment strategy so as to maximize the expected terminal surplus while minimizing the variance of the terminal surplus. We investigate the problem using the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman dynamic programming approach. Closed-form solutions for the optimal reinsurance-investment strategies and the corresponding value functions are obtained in both the compound Poisson risk model and its diffusion approximation. Numerical examples are also provided to illustrate how the optimal reinsurance-investment strategy changes when some model parameters vary.  相似文献   

A model of rational mortgage refinancing is developed where the drift and volatility of interest rate process switch between two regimes. Because of the possibility of a regime shift, the optimal refinancing policy is characterized by the different threshold of interest differential for each regime. Numerical simulation demonstrates that the optimal refinancing threshold in each regime can be smaller or larger than the threshold under single-regime models. Finally, we evaluate the predictions of the model, based on the estimated parameters for a two-regime model to capture the evolution of the mortgage rates in the US. Our model can produce both late and early refinancing, which is consistent with the observed refinancing behavior. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the Sumitomo Trust and Banking Co., Ltd.  相似文献   

When firms want to buy back their own shares, they have a choice between several alternatives. If they often carry out open market repurchase, they also increasingly rely on banks through complex buyback contracts involving option components, e.g. accelerated share repurchase contracts, VWAP-minus profit-sharing contracts, etc. The entanglement between the execution problem and the option hedging problem makes the management of these contracts a difficult task that should not boil down to simple Greek-based risk hedging, contrary to what happens with classical books of options. In this paper, we propose a machine learning method to optimally manage several types of buyback contract. In particular, we recover strategies similar to those obtained in the literature with partial differential equation and recombinant tree methods and show that our new method, which does not suffer from the curse of dimensionality, enables to address types of contract that could not be addressed with grid or tree methods.  相似文献   

保险公司的盈余为跳跃扩散过程,保险人投资于债券和股票,且股票的价格服从跳跃扩散过程的最优投资组合。在均值-方差准则下通过随机最优控制方法,建立并求解保险资金投资模型的HJB方程,获得了保险资金最优投资模型和有效边界的闭式解,并进行了数值模拟。结果显示,投资于风险证券的资金量与初始资本金并不是简单的正比例关系。  相似文献   

We give a complete and self-contained proof of the existence of a strong solution to the free boundary and optimal stopping problems for pricing American path-dependent options. The framework is sufficiently general to include geometric Asian options with nonconstant volatility and recent path-dependent volatility models.   相似文献   

Without requiring the existence of an equivalent risk-neutral probability measure this paper studies a class of one-factor local volatility function models for stock indices under a benchmark approach. It is assumed that the dynamics for a large diversified index approximates that of the growth optimal portfolio. Fair prices for derivatives when expressed in units of the index are martingales under the real-world probability measure. Different to the classical approach that derives risk-neutral probabilities the paper obtains the transition density for the index with respect to the real-world probability measure. Furthermore, the Dupire formula for the underlying local volatility function is recovered without assuming the existence of an equivalent risk-neutral probability measure. A modification of the constant elasticity of variance model and a version of the minimal market model are discussed as specific examples together with a smoothed local volatility function model that fits a snapshot of S&P500 index options data.  相似文献   

我国既有中国特色又与国际接轨的税收抵免制度已经建立。然而,这项制度还未健全,尚需完善。本文建议我国要以促进企业对外投资为主目标,进一步加强税收抵免政策和法律法规建设;要以服务企业对外投资为出发点,进一步加强税收抵免管理体系和机制建设。  相似文献   



In this paper we consider the valuation of Bermudan callable derivatives with multiple exercise rights. We present in this context a new primal–dual linear Monte Carlo algorithm that allows for efficient simulation of the lower and upper price bounds without using nested simulations (hence the terminology). The algorithm is essentially an extension of the primal–dual Monte Carlo algorithm for standard Bermudan options proposed by Schoenmakers et al. [SIAM J. Finance Math., 2013, 4, 86–116] to the case of multiple exercise rights. In particular, the algorithm constructs upwardly a system of dual martingales to be plugged into the dual representation of Schoenmakers. At each level, the respective martingale is constructed via a backward regression procedure starting at the last exercise date. The thus constructed martingales are finally used to compute an upper price bound. The algorithm also provides approximate continuation functions that may be used to construct a price lower bound. The algorithm is applied to the pricing of flexible caps in a Hull and White model setup. The simple model choice allows for comparison of the computed price bounds with the exact price obtained by means of a trinomial tree implementation. As a result, we obtain tight price bounds for the considered application. Moreover, the algorithm is generically designed for multi-dimensional problems and is tractable to implement.  相似文献   

以往国内利用可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型进行实证研究的文献,大多是假设中国处在资本充足、充分就业的新古典主义宏观闭合框架下,忽视了我国目前处于二元经济的客观事实。本文基于中国现阶段的基本国情,建立了一个刘易斯宏观闭合下的CGE模型,并利用该方法模拟了2008年末我国启动的政府投资(1.18万亿)对经济各个方面产生的影响。模拟结果显示:政府投资将会在未来几年之内拉动实际GDP增长1.83%、提升总消费2.1%、社会总投资9.89%、进口额2.09%、出口额2.14%,同时将带来约1805万的新增就业机会。  相似文献   

We consider an infinite time horizon optimal investment problem where an investor tries to maximize the probability of beating a given index. From a mathematical viewpoint, this is a large deviation probability control problem. As shown by Pham (in Syst. Control Lett. 49: 295–309, 2003; Financ. Stoch. 7: 169–195, 2003), its dual problem can be regarded as an ergodic risk-sensitive stochastic control problem. We discuss the partial information counterpart of Pham (in Syst. Control Lett. 49: 295–309, 2003; Financ. Stoch. 7: 169–195, 2003). The optimal strategy and the value function for the dual problem are constructed by using the solution of an algebraic Riccati equation. This equation is the limit equation of a time inhomogeneous Riccati equation derived from a finite time horizon problem with partial information. As a result, we obtain explicit representations of the value function and the optimal strategy for the problem. Furthermore we compare the optimal strategies and the value functions in both full and partial information cases.

Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at   相似文献   

We developed a new scheme for computing “Greeks” of derivatives by an asymptotic expansion approach. In particular, we derived analytical approximation formulae for Deltas and Vegas of plain vanilla and average European call options under general Markovian processes of underlying asset prices. Moreover, we introduced a new variance reduction method of Monte Carlo simulations based on the asymptotic expansion scheme. Finally, several numerical examples under CEV processes confirmed the validity of our method.  相似文献   

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