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This study examined the relationships between environmental concern, the three main constructs of theory of planned behavior (TPB), two extended constructs (psychological ownership of the company and sense of responsibility) and employee behavioral intention to implement environmental measures. A questionnaire designed for restaurant employees was used to measure identified indicators. Structural equation modeling was chosen for hypothesis testing. Our results indicated that the three TPB constructs and one psychological trait (sense of responsibility) mediated the relationship between environmental concern and behavioral intention. Employee psychological ownership of a company was verified to exert a positive effect on employee behavioral intention. However, the findings cannot be applied to F&B settings in general since the study was restricted to Chinese restaurants identified.  相似文献   

Due to its immediacy and efficiency, Twitter has recently emerged as a form of marketing communication tool that offers unique advantages for two-way communication between marketers and consumers. This study examines brand-following behavior on Twitter using the Ajzen's model of theory of planned behavior (TPB). Results show that attitude toward brand following, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and brand attachment are positively associated with intention to follow brands on Twitter. Consumers’ intention to create (i.e., intention to tweet at brands) and disseminate (i.e., intention to retweet the links of brands) brand-related information, as well as purchase intention, are the outcomes of intention to follow brands on Twitter. Overall findings suggest that TPB model can be used to predict Twitter users’ brand-following behavior. More importantly, our finding that brand attachment drives consumer intention to follow brands on Twitter extends the TPB framework. This study provides both theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

Increased community awareness on various environmental problems has changed consumers’ behaviors and induced purchasing decisions on green products. Applying the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study aims to explain the effects (i.e., attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control) on purchase intention of green skincare products; it also aims to determine if country of origin (COO) and price sensitivity moderate the links between purchase intention and its antecedences. Data collected from 300 respondents in Taiwan are tested against the research model by using structural equation modelling. The results indicate that attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control have a significant impact on purchase intention of green skincare products, and that country of origin and price sensitivity can enhance the positive effects on the links between purchase intention and its antecedences. The findings of this study present important theoretical and practical implications for consumer green product purchase behaviors.  相似文献   

This study aimed to systematically review and categorize studies on consumer behavior based on theory of planned behavior (TPB), its core constructs, or extensions, and to provide directions for future research agenda. Scopus and the Web of Science were consulted for studies based on TPB, its parts, or extensions. The inclusion criteria were studies published in peer-reviewed journals, in English, and within the past decade (i.e., between 2012 and 2021). Graphical methods were used to visually display research findings. For the purpose of literature clustering, MAXQDA 2020 software was employed. In total, 118 scientific, peer-reviewed sources were included in the review. Two categories, five clusters, and seven subclusters emerged from the literature set. The results revealed a significant research tendency toward exploring consumer green behavior and consumer purchase intention of food products. The least-explored research themes were focused on consumer intention toward and purchase behavior of clothing, green vehicles, and green personal care products. The review confirmed the growing prevalence of TPB in consumer behavior research aimed at exploring factors preceding behavior.  相似文献   

Game meat can be considered an alternative to traditional meats and is growing steadily. Previous literature has not investigated why consumers choose or buy game meats. The study draws on the theory of Consumer Choice Value and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). The moderating influence of food neophobia/neophiliac behaviour is also examined. The data was analysed using Structural Equation Modelling, cluster-analysis, and multigroup analysis. Regarding consumer's choice value, epistemic and social value were found significant. TPB shows that perceived behavioural control was non-significant and to some extent, consumers with food neophobia/neophiliac behaviour moderated the purchase behaviour. Consumer's perceived well-being mediates the relationship between intention and purchase behaviour. It contributes to the breadth of the current theoretical-framework and provides useful insights for retailers and researchers.  相似文献   

Purpose: The objectives of this study were to examine the antecedents and consequence of consumer attitudes toward local food and to segment these consumers using their food-related lifestyle (FRL) attributes. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior, we proposed three factors to impact attitude toward local food (health consciousness, concern for the environment, and concern for local economies) along with subjective norm and perceived behavioral control to influence intentions to purchase local food.

Methodology: Data were collected from 502 local food consumers measuring the following: antecedents and consequence of attitude toward local food; FRL; demographic information.

Findings: Health consciousness, concern for the environment, and concern for local economies were found to be significant predictors of attitude toward local food. Attitude toward local food and subjective norm, but not perceived behavioral control, were found to have a significant effect on intention to purchase local food. Further, segmenting based on their FRL yielded four types of consumers (Impromptu Novelty Explorer, Uninvolved Connoisseur, Involved Information Seeker, and Apathetic Local Food Consumer). An ANOVA provided a snapshot of several demographic and psychographic differences between segments.  相似文献   

Digital piracy is rampant in developing countries, including Indonesia. Each year, it has caused billions of dollars of loss to many industries, such as software, video game, film and music industries. The present study aims to examine the determinants of attitude towards digital piracy and to explore whether gender matters in explaining the attitude. A convenience sample of 223 university students in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia, participated in the research. The results show that males have a more positive attitude towards digital piracy than females. The determinants of attitude towards digital piracy among female consumers are affective beliefs, perceived importance of digital piracy issue and Machiavellianism, while the predictors for the male counterparts include affective beliefs, perceived importance of digital piracy issue and moral judgment.  相似文献   

The extant literature on predicting organic food choice as a consumption behaviour has overlooked the role of food eating values (utilitarian and hedonic values) and individuals exploratory buying behavioural traits (exploratory information seeking and exploratory acquisition seeking). The novelty of the study is the use of food eating values and individuals exploratory buying behaviour traits as an extension to the theory of planned behaviour in predicting attitude and intentions towards organic food consumption with a representative sample of N = 431. Data was collected in two phases. In the first phase, a small qualitative face to face (semi structured) interviews were held from 22 respondents to elicit the utilitarian and hedonic values individuals attach with the organic food consumption. This is followed by the collection of survey data from two Indian metropolitan cities (New Delhi and Chennai) using a mall intercept method from the individuals visiting hypermarkets and supermarkets. The hypotheses were tested using structural equations modelling or SEM in IBM AMOS 24. Attitude to consume organic foods was found to be most dominant in predicting behavioural intention in both basic and the extended TPB model followed by subjective norms. Perceived behavioural control was found to be a significant predictor only in the extended TPB model, suggesting a dual role. Findings also suggested that utilitarian values are more influential than hedonic values in the formation of attitudes towards organic foods.Further, the exploratory information seeking traits are found to strengthen the relationship between a) perceived behavioural control and behavioural intention to consume organic foods and b) attitude to consume organic foods and behavioural intention to consume organic foods whereas exploratory acquisition seeking traits to be strengthening the relationship between attitude and behavioural intentions only. Implications for the policy makers is discussed towards the end of the study.  相似文献   

The impact of organic food corporate image on customers' surpassing purchasing behavior is absent in prior literature. Based on the S–O-R framework, the current study focuses on organic food member customers to explore the influence of corporate ability (CA) image and corporate social responsibility (CSR) image of organic food company on the consumption behavior and co-developing behavior of customers. The consumer samples came from 269 member customers of an organic food enterprise in southwest China. The results show that organic food company CA and CSR image positively affect consumer trust and co-developing behavior. CSR image enhances consumer trust and co-developing behavior than CA image does. Additionally, consumer trust and purchase intention play a multi-step mediating role in the relationship between corporate image (CA and CSR) and consumers' co-developing behavior. In conclusion, our findings provide new insights for understanding the relationship between the corporate image of organic food and the co-developing behavior of customers. The research results provide support for organic food companies that can effectively promote consumer trust, continuous purchase, and active engagement in the co-development of products and services by creating an image of ability and social responsibility.  相似文献   

This study examines the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in the context of adhering to the UK low‐risk single‐occasion drinking (LRSOD) guidelines. Additionally, gender differences were explored. A convenience sample of 110 female students and 107 male students provided information about their LRSOD behaviour, as well as views, attitudes and intention regarding keeping to the LRSOD limit. Results of this study show the theory of reasoned action rather than the TPB to be pertinent, accounting for 24% of the variance for the female sample and 36% for the male sample. Gender differences are evident in terms of perceived pressure from government and educational campaigns as well as perceived likelihood of positive consequences of adhering to the LRSOD guidelines. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Much of the microfinance rhetoric revolves around fighting female poverty, which is often the result of discriminatory gender norms. Also, the microfinance industry has always been influenced by foreign actors, who, according to the literature, promote women’s empowerment. Yet, little is known about how microfinance institutions’ (MFIs) outreach to women is affected by the interplay between societal norms and the actions of these foreign actors. In response, this study draws on two streams of institutional theory, institutional logics perspective and institutional work theory, to investigate the influence of gender discrimination on microfinance outreach to women and to test the moderating effect of an international founder. Using data on 213 MFIs from 65 countries, the results show that gender discrimination negatively impacts microfinance outreach to women, but that the negative effect is mitigated by having an international founder. These findings are discussed, and several avenues are opened for future research.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to identify the effect of the perception of a brand's ethical problems on consumer behavior. The research contemplates two experimental studies, in which different brands were used in different product categories. Based on the results of the experiments, we verified the moderating effect of the perceived purchase complexity and the mediating effect of perceived social risk in the relationship between the perception of ethical problems related to a brand and the declared purchase intention, both by university students and by real consumers. Through the analysis of means differences and conditional models analyzed with PROCESS (Hayes, 2012), we identified that the perception of ethical problems related to a brand affects consumer confidence and, in some cases, the perception of product quality. In addition, we find that for products with low purchasing complexity, the effect of ethical problems is mitigated both in relation to the purchase intention and in the formation of the perception of social risk linked to consumption.  相似文献   

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is successful in predicting consumer intentions for a wide variety of products and behaviors. However, little is known about how effective the TPB is when the behavior under study is embarrassing. To this end, this paper extends the TPB to create a conceptual model to examine the role of anticipated negative emotions on channel intention. An empirical study was conducted whereby the model was tested using survey data on the purchase of Regaine (a hair loss product that is embarrassing to buy) in Boots (a well-known UK multichannel drugstore). The embarrassing nature of Regaine created differences in the importance that emotions played when consumers intend to purchase using face-to-face channels (such as the physical drugstore) as against multichannel options or the internet. The results were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The effectiveness of the TPB was improved. The variance explained (R2 to intention) was 0.44% for the total sample, 49% for the drugstore, 58.4% for the internet, and 42.5% for multichannel.  相似文献   

This paper sets out the importance of internalisation theory to international business research and practice. It examines the context against which the theory has been developed, the environmental conditions in which the multinational enterprise has evolved and the phenomena that the theory has explained. It also examines the challenge to the theory of “unanswered questions”. These include governance, location theory, dynamics, networked multinationals, innovation, entrepreneurship and the role of risk and uncertainty.  相似文献   

A comprehensive review of the information systems literature suggests that the traditional perception–intention–usage framework may be deficient in explaining post-adoption behaviors. As an effort to fill this gap, the current paper presents a new theory – the theory of need for information systems (TNIS) – and introduces two new constructs – need for technology and need for information. Drawing on the needs-based perspective on behaviors, TNIS conceptualizes these two need constructs as the key predictors of continuance intention and usage. The current paper also discusses useful insights, important implications, and an appropriate instrument for measuring the two new constructs. This study thus contributes to a novel framework to advance theoretical understanding of post-adoption behaviors and to direct future research toward new avenues.  相似文献   

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