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体验以生命为依归,生命哲学家对体验内涵的诠释为教育学界开展体验式教学提供了理论支持。以大学语文课程为例,采用体验式教学可以使学生在体验的过程中促进生命成长、丰富生命世界,达到知、情、意、行的全面提高,实现了教育教学的目的;现代科技不断进步,多媒体技术的普及与应用,丰富了大学语文体验的方式和手段,从教学过程上保障了体验价值的实现。  相似文献   

The assumption that the border between Spain and Portugal is a stable one since medieval times is commonplace. Thus, the territorial trap conception, as defined by John Agnew, dominates understanding of this border. This paper will focus on a specific border area, the Couto Mixto, in an effort to contest this territorial trap. Furthermore, using some of the emerging border studies concepts, mainly borderscapes and border poetics, this research will discuss how this particular territory has been recently recovered and recreated. The theoretical underpinnings are followed by an analysis of what the Couto was and how it has been reappropriated in narrative terms in the last twenty years. The paper concludes by discussing the empirical findings on the Couto in light of the theoretical sections. It is eventually suggested that tourism based on specific immaterial border legacy could encourage Couto’s inhabitants and the precarious economy of the area.  相似文献   

从船舶全生命周期视角,分析了船舶设计、建造、航行、报废四个阶段与绿色船舶的关系及其污染源,以此为依据建立了绿色船舶评价指标体系,并运用模糊综合评价模型对某货船进行实证分析.绿色船舶评价针对船舶各个阶段的污染物排放,将船舶进行了一体化考虑.  相似文献   

基于生命周期视角的绿色产品开发过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在阐述绿色产品开发特征及其驱动力的基础上,提出基于生命周期视角的绿色产品开发过程目标与模式,总结了开发过程中的生命周期评估与设计的方法,并对传统产品开发与绿色产品开发进行了比较,最后利用实际案例阐述了上述理念。  相似文献   

城市绿色消费问题对策--绿色工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对城市绿色消费问题提出了全面化、社会化的绿色工程概念,对绿色工程框架进行了详细的分析和阐述,并给出了支持绿色工程有力实施的平台体系。借此,希望本研究有助于我国循环经济的建设与发展。  相似文献   

Using a novel high-frequency data set, we examine the contribution of Greek trading to the price discovery process of a pair of Cypriot blue-chip, cross-listed stocks during overlapping trading hours. Additionally, we investigate the effects of market fragmentation on the home market’s quality, as measured by microstructure-based liquidity measures. Contrary to earlier studies from other markets, our findings show that foreign stock exchanges can act as the leading contributors to price discovery and can concentrate the majority of trading activity and produce the lowest transaction costs. Our results also show that market fragmentation can lead to negative effects on market liquidity.  相似文献   

We distinguish learning in a static environment from that in a dynamic environment to show the existence of an important interaction between the development of new technologies and human capital accumulation. Because technological progress creates a more dynamic environment, it complements education in the production of human capital by enhancing adaptive skills. Higher levels of adaptability and human capital in turn determine the profitability of new inventions and the incentive to invest in new R&D. Differences in the history of technological progress produce different levels of adaptability and our results suggest why countries that have comparable levels of education and per capita incomes may differ significantly in their growth performance.  相似文献   

How should we think about mobile payments systems such as Apple and Android Pay? We argue that mobile payments should be understood in the context of changing consumption practices and the wider problematic of the consumer subject in International Political Economy. One (managerialist) view of these changes suggests that certain ‘immaterial’ values in brands, logos or networks can become an important element in economic growth. Thus, businesses increasingly craft user experiences to realise brand value as the indicator of future consumption, for example, Facebook, Netflix. Against this view, the critical literature has underlined how the customer relationship should be understood as an element in corporate power; enticing consumer subjects to dedicate their social lives to the task of monetisation. Rather than choose between sides of this dichotomy, we suggest it may be more fruitful to reflect upon the unanticipated potentialities of mobile payments. By reflecting on the sociality of money, we move beyond a simple cost-benefit analysis, or a structural determinism, to emphasise the contingency of market subjects, questioning how to think about the relationship between consumer subjects, on the one hand, and and a putatively impersonal (yet palpable) global economy, on the other.  相似文献   

我国主题饭店的设计和发展基本上处于摸索阶段.在设计方面存在着多方面的问题.在设计中引入体验设计理论和方法非常必要.本文探讨了主题饭店体验设计应遵循的原则,提出了主题饭店体验设计的心理学角度和参与性角度.  相似文献   


Novel curricular strategies are required if institutions want all students to actively experience the benefits of global knowledge and civic engagement, as financial and practical commitments frequently make study abroad inaccessible to many students. In this paper, we outline an innovative service-learning course, where local action coupled with an international target, offered a parallel and novel learning strategy that capitalized on the strengths of experiential education, while providing a practical and more inclusive student engagement opportunity available to a larger subset of students. We also describe our teaching strategy, which emphasizes the social context of the classroom: discovery, self-exploration, and shared learning. Together, service learning and a critical pedagogy can better help students relate to the otherwise abstract processes of foreign aid. In 2013 and 2014, approximately 30 undergraduate students participated in a student-led outreach project soliciting bicycle donations to support human development efforts in Uganda and Ghana. In addition to making reasonable progress toward learning outcomes during the two-year pilot, we found that the everyday challenges our students encountered in their service-learning project were microcosms for some of the large-scale, global challenges that foreign aid delivery faces.  相似文献   

近期,"绿族"一词成为网络的流行语,其中"绿族"是对热爱环保、倡导绿色健康生活方式的人士的简称。这里,"绿色"首先是一种生活方式,一种体贴自然、善用自然的生活方式,是由关心环境和自然的态度造就的一种生活方式,  相似文献   

Using a discrete choice experiment, we elicit valuations of engagement with ‘everyday wildlife’ through feeding garden birds. We find that bird-feeding is primarily but not exclusively motivated by the direct consumption value of interaction with wildlife. The implicit valuations given to different species suggest that people prefer birds that have aesthetic appeal and that evoke human feelings of protectiveness. These findings suggest that people derive wellbeing by adopting a warden-like role towards ‘their’ wildlife. We test for external validity by conducting a hedonic analysis of sales of bird food. We discuss some policy implications of the existence of warden attitudes.  相似文献   

This paper argues for the importance of attending to both affective and emotional experience in analysing the origins and effects of border and immigration efforts in the US/Mexico border region. We do so by engaging with theoretical understands of the politics of affect and emotion among cultural and feminist geographers and social scientists. We then examine Arizona's SB 1070 and its connection to a larger history of border and immigration enforcement in Arizona. Drawing from ethnographic work, interviews, and media and policy analysis, we engage with narratives provided by border area ranchers to unpack how these ranchers' encounters with unauthorised migrants have changed over time. We then examine how the everyday fear and anxiety associated with these encounters drive political activism and state intervention in the region. We conclude by discussing how this intervention, in turn, reproduces racial and gender hierarchies, hierarchies that are themselves affectively mediated.  相似文献   

This paper draws from research on small-scale maize production in Mexico’s Central Highland region to discuss the geopolitical implications of everyday agricultural practices. An overwhelming majority of maize farmers in this region, as well as in the country more broadly, continue to cultivate locally adapted maize varieties they have bred themselves – criollo maize is the vernacular term – despite decades of concerted government attempts to effect the widespread adoption of commercially bred and licensed hybrid varieties. This state effort to restructure agricultural systems and food security according to nationalist and capitalist priorities is one tactic in a long and violent struggle for control over peasant land and labour in Mexico. By integrating feminist scholarship in geopolitics and in political ecology, I am following the lead of geographers who regard the materialities of everyday life as a foundation for political tensions and conflicts that are constantly unfolding along intersecting lines of difference. Though geopolitics has rarely turned its attention directly to theories of intimate socio-ecological relations, I argue that the field has much analytical and political leverage to gain by engaging with political ecology, and that feminist geographic imaginaries provide a crucial space in which to do so. This approach allows for an analysis of how a dominant geopolitics of land and agriculture is being undermined through the routine production of criollo maize, revealing new potential for creating broad political alliances with social movements that are currently working toward alternative visions of agriculture and food security.  相似文献   

内蒙古阿拉善21世纪议程管理办公室,周丁在漫漫黄沙的背景下谈道:“10岁的时候,我和我的同伴儿,喝过(这里)非常好的泉水,八卦泉的泉水。当时有桦树林,我们在桦树林玩儿,在水库里面,我们可以游泳。”  相似文献   

绿色营销:国内研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿色营销在我国经历了起步、成长到成熟阶段。目前,国内对绿色营销的研究主要集中在绿色营销的内涵及其重要意义、绿色营销的理论基础分析、绿色营销在我国发展的障碍和对策及绿色营销的具体操作方面。今后,绿色营销研究的重点将是如下几个方向:在国民经济建设实践中如何真正落实,从理论上深入探讨发展绿色营销和发展和谐社会的关系,完善企业绿色营销实施的系统理论,加强对绿色营销与我国企业国际化进程的研究和增强绿色营销在各行各业的研究,以及在研究方法上注重定性分析和定量分析相结合。  相似文献   

The New York Times, November 15, 2006 I've been a regular visitor to China since 1990, and here's what strikes me most: Each year that I've come here, China's people seem to speak with greater ease and breathe with greater difficulty. Yes, you can now hav…  相似文献   

跨国零售绿色经营推动我国产业绿色提升的路径及措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从全球绿色消费发展、全球绿色壁垒加强、全球产业链中绿色竞争加剧的现实出发,提出了提升产业绿色水平已经成为我国当前面临的重要问题之一的观点,依据产业经济学原理.构建了跨国零售绿色经营推动东道国产业绿色提升的分析框架;在分析的基础上提出了总体思路,以及政府和行业协会推动企业绿色生产经营的具体措施与建议.  相似文献   

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