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In this paper we explore two regulatory paradigms, with an emphasis on the regulation of executive compensation. An example of the traditional rule-based paradigm is Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m) in which a tax-deductible cap was passed into law to limit executive compensation. We demonstrate that this approach yielded mixed results. While stronger pay/performance sensitivity has been documented, Section 162(m) appears to have actually exacerbated the level of executive compensation. We contrast the rules-based paradigm with an alternative paradigm illustrated by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in which the US Congress introduced a series of corporate governance initiatives into federal securities law. The transformation of the mode of regulatory intervention as reflected by SOX is shown to be fully consistent with recent changes in the generally accepted conceptual framework for financial reporting.  相似文献   

政策性农业保险参与主体博弈分析及风险防范策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在对政策性农业保险参与主体进行角色定位分析的基础上,剖析了政策性农业保险中政府、保险公司和农户等主体之间以及各级政府之间在不同风险状态下的利益博弈关系,探讨了政府介入政策性农业保险条件下风险补偿的博弈行为,分别从政府、商业保险公司和农户三个主体的角度提出了政策性农业保险风险的具体防范策略。  相似文献   

Over the last five decades, social science researchers have examined how the public perceives the risks associated with a variety of environmental health and safety (EHS) hazards. The body of literature that has been emerged diverse both in the methodology employed to collect and analyze data and in the subject of study. The findings have confirmed that risk perceptions vary between groups of individuals as well as between categories of EHS risks. However, the extant literature on EHS risk perceptions has failed to provide empirical insights into how risk perceptions can be best explained according to the interplay of both (1) the category of EHS hazard appraised and (2) the prominent individual-level characteristics that best explain observed risk perception differences. This study addresses this deficiency in the literature by providing insights into the individual and cumulative roles that various individual-level variables play in characterizing risk perceptions to various categories of EHS risks including ‘agentic risks’ like street drug use and cigarette smoking, ‘emerging technological risks’ like nanoparticles and cloning, and ‘manufacturing risks’ like air and chemical pollution. Our data are drawn from the 2009 Citizens, Science, and Emerging Technologies national study of United States households that investigated public perceptions of EHS risks, traditional and emerging media use, and various individual characteristics like personal demographics, socioeconomic factors, and perceptual filters. The findings show that some categories of EHS risks like those associated with emerging technologies may be more easily predicted than other categories of risks and that individual-level characteristics vary in their explanative power between risk categories even among a single sample of respondents.  相似文献   

王和 《保险研究》2020,(3):3-11
在抗击新冠肺炎疫情的过程中,保险业以高度的社会责任感和专业精神,积极响应,迅速行动,得到了政府、社会和客户的广泛好评。但与此同时,保险业作为社会风险管理制度安排,在抗击疫情中,特别是在减少疫情影响、确保经济稳定方面,能够发挥的作用相对有限。为此,保险业要以这次抗击疫情为契机,按照问题导向的原则,正本清源地开展系统性总结与反思,进行全面整改与提升。首先,需要提高站位,全面融入现代社会治理体系,通过理论、技术和模式创新,为公共安全和公共卫生突发事件管理,以及社会稳定和经济发展发挥应有和更大的作用;其次,这次抗击疫情凸显了保险行业发展理念、经营模式和管理技术的许多深层次问题,保险业不应就事论事地看问题,而应在全面回顾、总结和反思的基础上,追根溯源、抽丝剥茧地分析原因,拨乱反正、举一反三地进行整改,将这次抗击疫情作为推动行业全面深化改革和转型升级的重要机遇和动力。  相似文献   

Klaus Derfuss 《Abacus》2015,51(2):238-278
Extant findings regarding how context variables relate to participative budgeting and the evaluative use of accounting performance measures (APM) are contradictory. Unlike previous reviews of such findings, this empirical article uses a meta‐analysis to examine the relations of context variables with participative budgeting or evaluative use of APM to determine (i) how the variables relate and (ii) which factors might cause between‐correlation variance, such as statistical artefacts or moderating influences of variable measures, sample selection, or industry differences. All meta‐analyses are based on rather small samples. Three groups of context variables emerge. First, some relate significantly and homogeneously to participative budgeting or evaluative use of APM; these direct relations should be considered explicitly in further studies. Second, for some variables, the relations are homogeneous but not significant, such that they are neither simple nor direct. Third, substantial variance exists in the correlations for some context variables; these relations are contingent on other influences. Industry differences and sample selection explain some inconsistencies in exploratory moderator analyses and should receive additional research attention.  相似文献   

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