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拉丁美洲农业利用外国直接投资的实践及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拉美农业利用外国直接投资(FDI)的实践表明,外国直接投资在促进拉美农业发展的同时,也给拉美农业带来了诸如被跨国公司支配、转移不适宜技术、造成单一的农业生产结构、环境破坏和劳动力失业等一系列社会经济问题.文章针对拉美农业利用外国直接投资的教训,提出我国农业利用外国直接投资必须遵循的原则.  相似文献   

The article attempts to explore and contrast the different factors that influence the foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions of multinational banks. Employing eclectic theory, an estimation model with panel data from seven Latin American countries is set to test the proposed hypotheses. The results highlight an increase in foreign assets, removal of banking restriction, banking concentration, and capital cost differential in the local banking system as determinants of specific location advantages for attracting banking FDI. Other factors such as cultural proximity and crisis also have a significant impact on banking FDI. Discussions and implications are debated before conclusions are drawn for a future research agenda.  相似文献   

This article develops a new business environment index with indicators that are appropriate, broadly available for developing regions, and, most importantly, are not double-edged. We used the index to analyze the business environment in Latin America, and it suggests the main role of basic economic principles, institutional economics approach and historical context. We propose the identification of an interdisciplinary variable as well as interpretation of the index, based on 10 factors divided into three dimensions (economic, institutional, and social). The novelty is in the consideration of past values; it is neither based on popularity votes, and nor does it favor large economies.  相似文献   


This century's end has been witnessing an increase in environmental concern. While initially a subject of developed countries, developing countries began to realize that the trade off between developing and conserving the environment has to be equated to give present and future generations a chance of success in their development efforts. Thus far, the approach taken by both developed and developing countries towards correcting environmental problems has been primarily dominated by command and control type of regulations, whose success is clearly a function of the regulator's enforcement capacity. Yet, there are signs that this approach is changing towards a more participatory mixed environmental policy model. This change has further stimulated the growing “environmental industry,” in which international capital plays a major role. This paper discusses these recent trends in the context of the conservation of the Latin America and the Caribbean environment.  相似文献   

风险管理与人力资本投入的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究公司的破产风险对于员工事前人力资本投入的影响 ,指出风险的增大必然导致员工对专用性人力资本投入的减少和一般性人力资本投入的增加 ,员工一旦拥有了控制监督的权利 ,就会增加公司专用性人力资本的投入 ,同时减少一般性人力资本的投入  相似文献   

Relational capital (RC), which is defined as mutual trust, respect, understanding, and close friendship between individuals in a business partnership, is one of the foremost important elements of the international joint venture (IJV) relationship. However, only relatively few researchers have hitherto attempted to measure this concept or its antecedents and consequences on joint ventures (JVs). This article examines the links between RC and relational factors, such as inter-partner flexibility, cultural sensitivity, goal clarity, information exchange and conflict management, and how RC contributes to performance of the IJVs in Vietnam. Based on an extensive questionnaire survey, the study found significant relationships between these relational factors and RC and between RC and performance of the IJVs. The findings suggest that investment in RC between partners is critical for the success of the IJV. In this regard, this research highlights the mediating roles of inter-partner flexibility, goal clarity, and conflict management.  相似文献   

人力资本是提高资源利用率、实现产业持续发展的源泉,是优化产业结构、延长产业链的关键,是有效减轻环境污染,维护生态安全的保障,人力资本的投资和引进,可优化人力资本配置。在资源型城市转型过程中发挥人力资本作用必须加大人力资本投资,改善人力资本投资和作用的环境,消除人力资本流动障碍,完善人力资本流动机制。  相似文献   

人力资本是当今时代促进经济发展的重要因素之一,而我们目前的现实却不容乐观:人力资本存量低,分布不合理,且流失严重,其最主要的原因在于教育投资长期不足。长期以来,我国的教育投资无论是绝对水平还是相对水平,都处于十分落后的状态。教育投资不足成为我国人力资本形成的“瓶颈”。加大教育投资力度,促进人力资本的形成是我们必然的选择。首先要确立教育投资是国家生产性投资、基础性投资的观念,在投资战略上把教育放在优先考虑的地位,积极调整投资结构;同时,要大力倡导、鼓励社会和个人投资教育,缓解教育基金短缺的压力。  相似文献   

按照时间上的先后,本文将教育人力资本投资过度理论分为传统教育人力资本投资过度论和现代教育人力资本投资过度论,并分别作了阐述,在此基础上,对教育人力资本投资过度论进行了简要评析,为进一步研究提供思路。  相似文献   

战略性人力资源是船舶工业核心竞争力与持续竞争优势的基础和源泉,而人力资源到核心竞争力的转化过程实际上是战略性人力资源管理改善的过程。只有通过转变观念、长远规划、建立机制、构建学习型组织和推进企业文化创新等措施来加强战略性人力资源管理,才能不断提升核心竞争力,使我国发展成为世界第一造船大国。  相似文献   


Using a multivariate exponential generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic (M-EGARCH) model, this study examines price and volatility spillovers and response asymmetries between the equity markets of the United States and Brazil, Chile and Mexico. Our results vary depending on the openness of the country in terms of international trade. Evidence indicates that there are price and volatility spillovers from the United States to Mexico and Chile and but not to Brazil. In addition, our results indicate response asymmetries for Mexico and Chile, suggesting that the Mexican and Chilean markets are more sensitive to negative innovations originating from other markets than to positive innovations.

RESUMEN. Este estudio examina contagios de precio y volatilidad, y respuestas asimétricas entre los mercados de capital de Estados Unidos y Brasil, Chile y México, fundándose en un modelo exponencial generalizado multivariado, con un condicionante autoregresivo heteroscedástico (M-EGARCH). Los resultados obtenidos varían, dependiente del nivel de apertura de un país en lo que concierne al comercio internacional. Las pruebas indican que existen contagios de precio y volatilidades desde los Estados Unidos hacia México y Chile, pero no hacia Brasil. Además, los resultados también indican asimetrías de respuesta para México y Chile, sugiriendo que estos dos mercados son más sensibles a las innovaciones negativas que se originan en otros mercados, que a las innovaciones positivas.

RESUMO. Usando um modelo condicionalmente heterocedástico, autoregressivo, generalizado, exponencial e multivariado (M-EGARCH), este estudo examina contágios de preços e volatilidade, e assimetrias de resposta entre mercados de ações dos EUA e Brasil, Chile e México. Nossos resultados variam, dependendo da abertura do país em termos de comércio internacional. Os dados indicam que existem contágiosde preço e volatilidade dos EUA para o México e Chile, mas não para o Brasil. Além disso, nossos resultados indicam assimetrias de resposta para o México e Chile, sugerindo que estes mercados são mais sensíveis a inovações negativas originárias de outros mercados do que a inovações positivas.  相似文献   

A small but significant percentage of the discoveries made by university researchers have commercial value, especially in fields such as the biomedical sciences, material science, and information technology. Early stage technologies emerging from university labs represent an important source of innovation for technology firms in the United States (US), especially those located in close proximity to elite universities in regions characterized by high levels of entrepreneurial dynamism. Based in part on the U.S. demonstration effect, policymakers in the developing world increasingly view universities as institutions capable of accelerating technology-based economic development. In this article we examine the efforts of elite universities in Chile, Mexico, and Brazil to transfer faculty inventions to the marketplace. On average these institutions have upgraded commercialization infrastructure since the mid-2000s and a select few are beginning to generate significant licensing revenue and viable spinoffs. We conclude with policy recommendations and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

中国女性人力资本特点及现状分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
女性人力资本投资具有较高的个人收益率和社会收益。女性人力资本具有很强的持续性,对女性人力资本投资有利于社会的可持续发展。从我国女性受教育现状来看,对女性人力资本投资相对不足。从妇女从业情况来看,女性多就业于劳动技能要求不高,技术含量低、报酬少的行业。对女性人力资本投资不足的原因主要是社会观念和经济方面的原因。增加女性人力资本投资,有利于促进社会的全面发展和国民经济持续增长。  相似文献   

资本的发展经历了原始资本、经济资本和人力资本三个阶段。随着社会的发展,社会资本也受到了企业应有的重视,特别是近年来出现的心理资本转变了传统人力资源管理的模式,正逐渐成为了21世纪人力资源管理的一个新取向。  相似文献   

人力资本进行专用性投资存在制度困境,本文联系案例对此问题进行相关调查和研究,并运用声誉理论、资产专用性转化理论以及人的有限理性假设理论,发现提供人力资本所有者的较高收入(包括剩余分享权)虽可诱使人力资本的专用性投资,但并不是问题的全部,促进新兴产业人力资本的专用性投资更是一个综合性、多因素制约的相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

人力资本专用性投资与知识型企业治理设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人力资本重要性日益上升的背景下,知识型企业的治理结构有必要作出调整以激发人力资本更多地进行专用性投资。本文针对这一问题展开了理论探讨,通过构造模型,文章从三个方面探讨了激发人力资本专用性投资的途径:分享利润或所有权、事后谈判、保障人力资本利益。  相似文献   

社会资本与人力资本的内在关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会资本理论就其渊源而言起源于人力资本。人力资本的提出突破了古典经济学中资本只是有形资本的局限,将资本定义为可以带来价值增值的所有资源的代名词,抽象了资本的最初含义,为社会资本的提出奠定了词源上的基础。人力资本依附于具有能动性的个体而存在,个体人力资本作用的发挥最终取决于个体所处的社会环境。社会资本强调了个体参与群体的重要性,强调了个体的价值通过他人得到增加,社会资本对个体人力资本具有整合与协同作用。  相似文献   

黄晶 《商业研究》2020,(3):113-121
资本回报率下降对人力资本投资、收入不平等程度有较大影响。本文将可变资本回报率加入Galor-Zeira模型,理论推导发现:收入不平等陷阱并非不可逾越的障碍。当技能劳动力工资高于受教育固定成本时,随着资本回报率下降,接受教育的遗赠临界水平将降低,更多家庭将发现投资人力资本是有利的,稳态的技能劳动力比例将提高。在当前资本回报率下降的大背景下,提高技能劳动力工资、降低受教育成本、对教育贷款实施财政减免优惠、为农村中等教育支出减负和提升农村教育质量、倡导节俭和重视遗赠的文化氛围在长期都有助于提高技能劳动力比重以及缓和收入不平等。  相似文献   

Latin America's retail landscape has changed dramatically over the last 20 years. Attracted by deregulation and a sizable and growing market, modern retailers arrived looking for the next El Dorado. But signs of maturity appeared much before expected. Traditional retailers modernized their offer, while keeping their appeal to the emerging consumers. While chain retail has concentrated earlier than expected – and faster by the hand of crisis that are usual in emerging markets –, local chains have developed formats which add modernity to their understanding of their customers' base. By providing better access through convenience and credit to a broader range that even includes affordable design and quality, local chains are showing the way to the growing mass customers that form Latin America's new emerging middle class. And leveraging on this customer understanding, they are redefining concepts like convenience and crossing borders to grab the opportunity of the new emerging consumers. This article covers the evolution of retailing in Latin America over the past two decades, and provides insights on the segment that has brought the most significant growth: emerging consumers.  相似文献   

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