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选取福建省1978—2010年的货运量、客运量和农业生产总值作为分析指标,在对时间序列进行平稳性检验后,对福建省货运量、客运量与农业生产总值进行Johansen协整分析,并对它们进行回归分析,然后对货运量和客运量与农业生产总值之间进行了Granger因果检验。实证结果表明,福建省农业生产总值的变动与货运量和客运量的变动密切相关,货运量的增长对农业经济的发展有显著的促进作用,同时农业经济的发展也积极带动了货运量和客运量的增长。  相似文献   

目前,新加坡的海外投资被认为是新加坡经济发展的第二翅膀,对外投资总额已经超过了新加坡的GDP,这离不开新加坡政府的大力支持和推动。通过论述新加坡海外投资的一些基本现状,分析新加坡政府为推动企业海外投资提供的战略支持、搭建平台、贴心服务、开路先锋等方面的成功经验,为新时期我国推动企业更好地"走出去"提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The article looks into how parents see their children’s consumption. The data material consist of focus group interviews with parents and children living in relatively affluent Scandinavian society. The result shows that parents are not necessarily negative towards their children’s consumption, and in some fields they are willing to spend more than the children expect or want. Parents have two approaches towards their children’s consumption. The child perspective puts the child in the centre with the child’s need for development and protection. The consumer critical discourse dominates and children are seen as vulnerable. In many situations parents will stretch beyond the children’s expectations if they see the consumption as useful. In the parent’s perspective parental skills is exhibited. The parent’s economic status as well as their parental skills and competence are exhibited, and the child’s consumption demonstrates if you are caring and responsible parents.  相似文献   

This study applies the microfoundations approach to examine the impact of migrating executives on firms’ selection of host country in their international acquisition decisions. Viewing executive migration as a conduit for inter-organizational learning, this study offers the first empirical findings that a migrating executive’s inter-organizational learning associated with two specific types of international acquisition experience, i.e., general and country-specific, accumulated at a prior affiliated firm positively impacts host country selection in the executive’s current affiliated firm’s acquisition decisions. The findings further suggest that the migrating executive’s prior country-specific international acquisition experience has a greater influence compared with the migrating executive’s prior general international acquisition experience. Last, the findings show that industry similarity between a migrating executive’s prior and current affiliated firms enhances the effect of the migrating executive’s specific host country acquisition experience. In sum, this study contributes by introducing migrating executives as a new learning conduit in international acquisitions.  相似文献   

文化创新的论题是以文化批判为前提的。马克思的文化批判思想包含着两个向度——工具理性的批判和传统文化的批判。马克思的文化批判思想是对启蒙理性精神的传承,是在文化批判的两个向度中诉说着现代性的价值取向的。在我国大力解放和发展文化生产力、全面推进现代化发展的进程中,认识马克思的文化批判思想及其所彰显的现代性价值取向具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper studies how spillover effects from competitors’ choices affect a firm’s decision to open a store. Using panel data from the UK’s fast food industry, I propose and estimate a game of entry under incomplete information that incorporates spillover effects between firms’ entry decisions. A positive spillover is identified for Burger King – increasing the stock of existing McDonald’s by one outlet increases Burger King’s estimated equilibrium probability of opening a new store by approximately 18 percentage points. Furthermore, the estimated model suggests that this spillover affects Burger King’s variable profit, as opposed to its fixed cost of entry. It is less clear whether this externality matters for McDonald’s.  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to examine the key service quality attributes that affect Korean consumers’ loyalty toward McDonald’s in Korea. A survey instrument was developed to examine the key service quality attributes that influenc Korean consumers’ loyalty. The surveys were distributed to Korean college students. The results of the study suggest that social place and employee service quality are the two major dimensions that significantly affect Korean respondents’ intent to return to McDonald’s. Interestingly, convenience, value, and food quality were not found to be major dimensions that impact Korean respondents’ intention to return to McDonald’s. This finding is starkly different from the common belief that McService is based on value and covenience, as emphasized by McDonald’s value statements. The results of the study suggests that Korean consumers view McDonald’s as a social gathering place and expect high service quality from McDonald’s.  相似文献   

This study addresses the effects of the firm’s level of engagement with trade associations located at the company’s export market on export performance. It analyzes firm-level data from a South American emerging economy, Chile. Results show that a stronger engagement with trade associations located at the company’s export market has a positive effect on export performance. Environmental uncertainty on customer needs is confirmed as an export performance barrier, but unexpectedly, this obstacle only diminishes in a negligible factor as the level of engagement with trade associations located at the firm’s export market increases. This study contributes to the international management literature by investigating the direct and moderating effects of overseas trade associations on the firm’s export performance, and by scrutinizing on the distinctions among the cooperation determinants of local networks and networks situated at the firm’s export market. Practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   


Leading digital technology companies have shown a strong interest in enabling children to send electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Recasting children from passive to active participants in marketing communications, this shift expands children’s marketing practices from how companies influence children via traditional marketing communications, to how children influence companies’ marketing practices through eWOM. We apply the value-capacity-vulnerability framework for children’s expressive rights to the context of children’s eWOM. Using a dataset of Amazon customer reviews written by children under the age of 13, we examine the characteristics and business impact of children’s eWOM. We find that the volume and variance of children’s eWOM are smaller than that of adults’. Children’s eWOM increase the overall diversity of opinions. Although receivers perceive children’s eWOM as less helpful, children’s eWOM valence (i.e. average rating) correlates with that of adults’. Children’s eWOM volume has a product-category-dependent association with product sales: positively in children’s product categories, while negatively in general categories. Children’s eWOM valence and variance are positively associated with product sales in both product categories. Receivers are less likely to criticize children’s eWOM compared to that of adults’, suggesting an underlying protective behaviour towards children among eWOM receivers. These results show that children have the capacity to engage in eWOM of social and business value, with receivers typically mindful of children’s vulnerability in social interactions.  相似文献   

上市公司过度融资现象在我国普遍存在,基于经济伦理的视角,上市公司过度融资的危害体现在以下方面:控股股东在义利观方面的倒置导致公司经营业绩下降;上市公司义利关系的扭曲恶化了公司治理机制;义利观模糊状态下政府监管不到位严重阻碍经济社会的健康发展。上市公司过度融资产生的根本原因是不健全的股权结构安排,上市公司伦理责任的缺失和政府经济伦理意识的不健全分别是其产生的内外原因。只有有效增强公司股东和政府部门经济伦理意识,并不断健全以职业经理人市场及相应监管制度为代表的制度安排,才能克服企业过度融资现象,实现宏观与微观经济的良性互动。  相似文献   

北京市服务业结构和竞争力的动态偏离—份额分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京市已经迈入服务经济时代,但随着全国服务业水平的普遍发展,北京市服务业是否能继续保持竞争优势是个值得研究的课题。选取2005-2010年北京市服务业的相关数据,采用引入时间维度的动态偏离-份额法,以全国服务业产值为参照系,剖析了北京市服务业各分行业的结构效应与竞争力效应随时间推移的动态变化趋势,发现北京市服务业内部结构有待优化和相对竞争优势正逐渐减弱等深层次问题,并提出推动北京市服务业进一步发展的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

基于考虑供给因素、结构变化的出口决定模型,采用两方程方法和单方程方法研究了外国GDP、中国GDP、结构变化、汇率与我国17个双边贸易之间的关系。研究表明:供给因素、结构变化对我国双边贸易有重要影响,供给因素对我国与美、澳、马、巴、新、泰、加进口及出口的影响存在严重的不对称性,结构变化对我国与德、印、加进口及出口的影响存在严重的不对称性,汇率对中国对15个贸易伙伴国出口与进口的影响存在严重的不对称性。采用出口除进口表示贸易收支做法的单方程方法的研究存在严重错误。经济增长模式对双边贸易有重要影响,人民币升值对我国双边贸易不平衡有一定的矫正作用,对改善我国双边贸易不平衡的国别分布有较大的积极作用。  相似文献   

我国商业物流对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王雪峰 《中国市场》2008,(19):48-50
随着市场竞争的不断加剧,作为企业第三利润源的物流越来越受到各个企业的重视。目前,我国商业物流存在基础设施较差、信息技术相对落后,服务质量不高,缺乏专业的物流人才,商业企业、物流企业以及供应商之间的诚信体系不完善,沟通不畅等问题,需要借鉴国外先进的物流经验和运作模式,根据我国经济发展水平和市场化程度,逐步对商业物流加以调整、改造、完善和提高。  相似文献   

This study identifies the combination of factors that lead to quality management reinforcing innovation capability as an organization’s strength. The results from 133 Spanish service organizations show that competitive strategy, manager’s motivation to adopt quality management, and customer orientation are the key factors that explain the presence of innovation capability as a firm’s strength. As some pioneering research points out, the impact of quality management on innovation depends mainly on managers’ interpretation of this management philosophy. When quality management focuses on discovering new customer needs and even new markets, it contributes to strengthen the organization’s innovation capability.  相似文献   

The study which follows explores the management of Sir George Gilbert Scott’s architectural practice, which was responsible for the very large output of over 1000 works across the Victorian period. The Scott practice has been seen by some as a predecessor of the modern, large-scale architectural office. Employing insights from Max Weber’s Protestant Ethic (PE), the article examines Scott’s motivation as an architect, the nature of his leadership and the detailed structuring and management of his office and of architectural projects. This is followed by a short case study relating to Scott’s rebuilding of Glasgow University from 1865–1870. Finally, there are some reflections on the article’s implications for further historical studies of businessmen and businesses from different periods through the lens of Weber’s PE.  相似文献   

随着零售业保护期的结束,我国零售业将处于一种前所未有过的竞争态势之中。零售业的彻底对外开放,关系着我国整体零售行业的发展。我们应看到外商的进入,对我国零售行业既是一种挑战,也是一种机遇。我国零售业如何面对这种对外资零售业全面放开的现实,去迎接挑战,本文结合我国目前最大的零售商"联华超市"的经营发展状况,与第二大洋巨头"家乐福"进行具体比较,以获启示。  相似文献   

我国葡萄酒进口需求及产品异质性的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是葡萄酒净进口国,随着我国居民收入水平的不断提高,进口规模逐渐扩大,需要把握进口变化的动因,判断我国葡萄酒进口贸易的发展方向,从而促进我国葡萄酒贸易的健康发展。运用进口需求模型定量分析葡萄酒进口变化的主要决定因素,进而针对不同来源地产品之间的关系,用近似理想需求系统模型进行分析。结果表明,随着消费者收入的提高和进口关税的降低,我国葡萄酒进口贸易仍有很大发展空间;进口葡萄酒和国产葡萄酒存在差异化竞争,进口葡萄酒占据了我国高端市场;在我国的葡萄酒进口市场上,法国与智利和澳大利亚的产品具有异质性,智利与澳大利亚的产品表现为同质性。我国葡萄酒进口规模将逐渐扩大,国产高端产品需要一定的保护和培育。  相似文献   

基于2003-2008年中国对外直接投资分国家面板数据,并采用GMM分析方法,本文对中国对外直接投资的资源寻求性进行研究。结果表明:(1)中国对外直接投资具有较强的资源寻求特质,其在发展中国家表现得更明显;(2)中国对外直接投资的资源寻求性在美洲和亚洲发展中国家表现得比较明显,在非洲不明显;(3)中国对矿产的渴求要大于对石油的渴求。以上结果是由中国国内能源消费结构以及国际上石油与矿产定价机制差异决定的。  相似文献   

In today’s multichannel retail environment, consumers’ experiences in one channel influence their perceptions of another channel. Specifically, consumer evaluations of a firm’s online store have been found to be influenced by consumer interactions with the firm’s in‐store personnel. This paper is among the first to address this assumption and test it empirically. Drawing upon the analogical transfer paradigm, we propose hypotheses and accordingly model in‐store personnel’s competence and friendliness as determinants of online store usefulness, online store enjoyment, and online store value. Using consumer data collected from two Dutch multichannel retailers, we test this model with partial least squares modeling. The results provide clear support for the model and confirm that consumers may use characteristics of in‐store personnel as analogies when evaluating a firm’s online store. Implications for research and retail managers are discussed.  相似文献   

本文首先分析了全球金融危机影响我国出口贸易的传导机制,在此基础上,从贸易总额、贸易方式、贸易主体和出口商品结构等几个方面实证探究了金融危机对我国出口贸易的影响。研究发现,受到此次全球金融危机的冲击,我国出口总额及其同比增长速度均大幅下滑,特别是加工贸易、国有企业和高附加值商品出口受到的影响更大。最后提出了促进我国出口贸易的政策建议。  相似文献   

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