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从上世纪90年代起,我国创新药物研究经过坚持不懈的努力,在创新体系、人才队伍、科技积累、资金投入等方面,都已取得长足进步。目前,中国已成为世界第一大原料药生产和出口国、第二大非处方药市场以及第三大医药市场。  相似文献   

中国医药科技成果转化中心(国家医药技术转移中心)是根据国家加快推进创新体系建设、深化体制改革要求而设立的全国性非盈利性行业科技中介机构,创建于1997年12月,目前已成为行业内国家级新药创新和技术转移服务机构。  相似文献   

典型国家创新体系的对比分析及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家创新体系的建立是当前我国建设创新型国家的一个重要内容,也是提升我国自主创新能力的制度基础,本文从创新理论的产生与发展入手,在综述国家创新体系内涵的基础上,重点分析了美国、日本、韩国、印度这四个国家创新体系的框架结构及特点,文章最后以上述研究结论为主要依据,结合东北区域创新体系的发展现实,提出了几点东北地区区域创新体系的构建策略.  相似文献   

中国医药科技成果转化中心是根据国家加快推进创新体系建设、深化体制改革要求而设立的全国性非盈利性行业科技中介机构,创建于1997年12月,目前已成为行业内国家级新药创新和技术转移服务机构。中心现接受大型跨国制药企业委托,面向国内外征寻医药项目。  相似文献   

前言贯彻党的十六届五中精神,坚持科学的发展观,全面落实科教兴国战略和人才强国战略,建设创新型国家的今天,科技创新摆在我国科技工作的突出位置,成为国家的战略重点。如何更有效的建立以市场为导向,产、学、研结合的科技创新体系,推动科技创新活动的进程,将作为科技创新工作的一项重要内容摆在我们面前。为更好的探索建设新形势下的科技创新体系,提高为科技创新活动的服务质量,本文对科技创新体系的概念进行归纳总结和分析,并就建立和完善新形势下的科技创新体系的应注意的几个问题进行了思考。科技创新体系基本概念在科技进步法等国家法…  相似文献   

提案提要:近年来,我国在核动力、地矿勘查与采冶、核燃料、核环保等各领域取得了丰硕的科技创新成果,已拥有完整的核科技创新体系并不断完善,拥有世界上少数国家才有的、唯一的、完整的核燃料循环产业体系并不断推动转型升级。进一步加强核科技创新能力建设是实现"十二五"时期建设我国先进核工业的强大推动力量。  相似文献   

一、攀钢技术创新体系的初步形成攀钢是靠科技起家,靠技术创新,独立自主、自力更生发展起来的独具特色的现代化钢铁企业,是我国钢铁工业国产化的典型。30多年来,具有攀钢特色的科技进步始终起着决定性的作用并贯穿于攀钢发展的全过程,经历了由自发创新到自觉创新的历程,逐步形成了科技管理以科技处为主,研究开发以钢研院为主,成果转化以生产厂为主的具有攀钢特色的技术创新体系。1.组建了技术创新咨询体系。1994年公司强化了经济研究部门,1998年成立了技术委员会,对公司发展战略、技术、经济及技术经济一体化等问题进行研究。2.…  相似文献   

集团公司科技创新工作以增强核心竞争力和可持续发展能力、适应国防和国民经济建设的需求和企业自身发展为基本出发点,以“强化基础、自主创新、军民结合、跨越发展”为指导方针,以提高集团公司的自主创新能力和核心竞争力、打造世界一流集团、加快“3221”战略实现为目标,10年来,科技创新工作全面推进,突出表现在集团公司科技创新体系逐步完善,核军工、核电、核燃料循环、核技术应用技术取得重大进步。  相似文献   

我国转型期的科技创新资源配置具有"政府主导"的弱形式与"市场主导"的弱形式并存的特点,由此造成了国家创新资源系统的双重失效困境:即市场失灵、政府失灵,具体表现为创新系统各要素之间相互联动和合作的市场化机制还未建立起来等等.解决这种困境的出路是结合国家创新体系理论和国家竞争优势理论,形成一种既能通过市场激励获得竞争力优势同时又能通过国家创新体系实现创新资源整合的创新资源配置方式.  相似文献   

以科技创新带动制度创新、管理创新、模式创新等全面创新,着力实现原始创新重大突破,攻克阻碍行业发展的关键核心技术,推动工程建设行业高质量发展。行业科技发展取得伟大成就2019年是新中国成立70周年。70年来,我国工程建设行业科技发展取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就,科技水平和科技能力得到了空前的提高,在工程建设的一些重要领域已经跻身于世界先进行列,为推动我国经济社会发展作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

Scholarship on innovation has an extensive history, including research on national technological output, national systems to generate innovation, and the firm-level management of new product planning and development. This piece unites these strands, opening discussion on how national innovation systems affect management behavior, resulting in differences in the output of new technologies. By concentrating on one idiosyncracy of the United States, the disproportionate participation by small entity innovators, and one piece of its innovation environment, the patent system, the study is able to bring together the macro and micro evidence and analysis. Because national innovation systems, by definition, vary by country, there are important implications for managing the R&D process for optimal new products according to environmental circumstances.  相似文献   

Fundamental advances in the life sciences are exerting a profound influence on the structure of the pharmaceutical industry and the strategies of drug companies. The 'biological' revolution makes it possible to apply a scientific method to drug research. This paper argues that pharmaceutical companies can take advantage of the new method only if they encourage 'openness' of their research. We also offer a framework to explain why innovations in this industry increasingly result from networks of agents with complementary skills and resources. Greater use of scientific knowledge implies that important information for innovation can be expressed in relatively general and universal forms. This eases information exchange, and encourages specialisation and division of labour in drug R&D and marketing. Finally, the possibility of a division of labour in innovation opens new opportunities for medium-sized national pharmaceutical firms in Europe. Provided that they found their strategies on high-quality research in specialised niches, they can set up alliances with partners that possess complementary knowledge, and supply resources for clinical development and international marketing.  相似文献   

浅谈“me-too”药在新药研究中的地位   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
探索“me-too”药的研究规律,推动新药研究工作的开展;通过文献检索、分析、比较、归纳、综合,阐述“me-too”药的定义、特点、研究方法及典型事例,总结了国内外“me-too”药研究成功的经验。“me-too”药在新药研究中广泛应用。应用生物电子等排体替换、前药设计及手性药物研究等制得了大量“me-too”药物。“me-too”药是以已知药物为先导化合物,经结构修饰、结构改造而得到的新化学实体,比全新结构药物的创制研究难度低、风险小、成功率高,是新药研究的一条重要途径,也是由仿制向创制转轨的捷径。  相似文献   

新药研发具有周期长、投资大、风险高等特点,怎样对新药研发项目成本进行合理地估算,对制药企业提供新药研发的战略决策、对政府部门新药的定价、风险投资公司实施新药投资计划都具有重要的价值。在美国,已经积累了20多年的新药研发成本的理论和实证经验,这些经验对我国目前的新药研发成本的估算、项目投资价值、新药定价等具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

Evolutionary theorizing conceptualizes the discovery of new products as a successful outcome from searching for innovation in which firms combine new and old knowledge and resources. Prior research has shown that the propensity for discovering new products is greatest when firms cross a technological and/or organizational boundary in the search for new knowledge. In this paper, we add a new dimension to this literature: we examine whether, and to what extent, crossing a national boundary, as when firms use knowledge from network partners in foreign countries, influences the likelihood that firms will introduce new products into the market. Drawing on theorizing on institutional arbitrage in the literature on national innovation systems (NIS) and varieties of capitalism (VOC), we propose that companies that cross a national boundary in searching for innovation are significantly more likely to introduce new products. Detailed survey data on firms; data on their network partners, including their location; and regression analysis show that the use of knowledge from actors in foreign NIS has a positive influence on product innovation.  相似文献   

Although service innovation is important, knowledge of new product and service development, including the positive effect of stage‐and‐gate‐type systems, has been derived almost exclusively from studies in the manufacturing sector. In the present paper, we address two important questions: How do differences in the firm’s business focus, which describes whether a firm puts more emphasis on products or services in its business activities, influence the usage of such formal innovation processes? Is stage‐and‐gate‐type systems’ impact on innovation program performance contingent on the firm’s business focus? Unlike previous studies, we not only differentiate service and manufacturing by industry classification codes but also apply a continuous measure to take into account the blurring of boundaries between the manufacturing and service businesses. Based on a comprehensive discussion of service‐specific characteristics and their implications for innovation management and using a cross‐industry, multi‐informant sample of innovation programs from 272 firms with 1,985 informants, we find empirical support for firms with a stronger focus on the service business being less likely to use stage‐and‐gate‐type systems. Furthermore, the use of stage‐and‐gate‐type systems fosters innovation program performance, and this effect becomes stronger as the business focus shifts toward services. This result implies that service‐based firms can benefit from stage‐and‐gate‐type systems to a greater extent than product‐based firms. Our research also demonstrates the gap between the desired level of innovation process formalization and its current usage in practice, especially for firms with a dominating service business.  相似文献   

Three methods of long-range forecasting used in telecommunications demand research are examined. Successful application of each technique depends on the validity of a number of concepts. The author questions whether the concepts used in past research were valid. The technique which he has developed for explicitly modelling the ‘structure’ of systems is described, together with an outline of its use within the areas of technical innovation diffusion, and market place conditions for the acceptability of new services.  相似文献   

As the demand for eco-friendly products arises, many suppliers have devoted significant effort to green innovation. Prior studies have investigated how green innovation influences product and firm performance; however, its influence on the relationship between suppliers and organizational buyers (customers) is still unknown. Organizational buyers' receptivity to green products is uncertain as they must adjust their current systems to accommodate the new products. As such, understanding how supplier green innovation effort affects the supplier-customer relationship is essential for green innovation success. Using data collected from 196 B2B customers, we find that the relationship between supplier green innovation effort and relational performance depends on several customer- and relationship-level contingencies. Specifically, green innovation benefits a relationship more if customer participation and relational embeddedness are high, or if customer risk aversion and customer-perceived product criticality are low. This research provides valuable guidance for the effective implementation of green innovation.  相似文献   

To escape the intense competition of today's global economy, large established organizations seek growth options beyond conventional new product development that leads to incremental changes in current product lines. Radical innovation (RI) is one such pathway, which results in organically driven growth through the creation of whole new lines of business that bring new to the world performance features to the market and may result in the creation of entirely new markets. Yet success is elusive, as many have experienced and scholars have documented. This article reports results of a three-year, longitudinal study of 12 large established firms that have declared a strategic intent to evolve their RI capabilities. In contrast to other academic research that has analyzed specific projects to understand management practices appropriate for RI, the present research reported explores the evolution of management systems for enabling radical innovation to occur repeatedly in large firms and reports on one aspect of this management system: organizational structures for enabling and nurturing RI. To consider organizational structure as a venue for capability development is new in the management of innovation and dynamic capabilities literatures. Conventional wisdom holds that RIs should be incubated outside the company and assimilated once they have gained traction in the marketplace. Numerous experiments with organizational structures were observed that instead work to manage the interfaces between the RI management system and the mother organization. These structures are described here, and insights are drawn out regarding radical innovation competency requirements, transition challenges, senior leadership mandates, and business-unit ambidexterity. The centerpiece of this research is the explication of the Discovery–Incubation–Acceleration framework, which details three sets of necessary, though not sufficient competencies, for building an RI capability.  相似文献   

Innovative features such as hands‐free car entry and ignition systems, stop‐start devices, telematics systems, and panoramic windshields are increasingly important to carmakers' innovation strategies. However, while product‐centric innovation has been extensively studied, there is less insight into the way companies implement their feature‐innovation strategies. The capability to explore, integrate, and deploy such attractive features is a critical dynamic capability; it allows carmakers to refresh their products, develop their competences, and maintain the efficiency of their traditional new product development. This research investigates the structures and processes of feature innovation in the automotive industry. It is based on a global investigation encompassing 9 generalist carmakers and 26 cases of feature innovation. The results show a clear trend, over the past decade, toward a structure of autonomous “advanced engineering” units and processes that are responsible for exploring innovative features and transferring them to multiple products. This paper details the key attributes of these units, and the role they play along the multiproduct learning cycle. Supplementing this structural analysis, the paper also identifies the coordination patterns between exploration and new product development activities. These results provide industry‐level insights into the way firms organize their feature‐innovation capability, and bring empirical elements to the ambidexterity literature.  相似文献   

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