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以全球气候变暖为特征的全球气候系统变化,日益得到国际社会的广泛关注。由于受全球气候变暖和国际社会施加的各种压力,IMO加速推进温室气体排放谈判进程,并提出了11种减排方案。由于方案均不坚持"共同但有区别责任",国际海运温室气体减排市场机制的实施将对我国海运业带来巨大冲击。本文建立针对开放经济体的两国一般均衡模型,通过古诺模型来分析碳税对南北国家带来的不同影响,从博弈论模型的角度证明了无差异的碳税的实施会给发展中国家整体福利及海运业带来较大不利影响。  相似文献   

随着世界经济和人口规模的增长,人们已经逐渐地认识到化石能源的使用带来的环境问题,不仅仅是固定废弃物、噪音、污水等这些危害.化石能源的消费带来的更加严重的问题就是全球气候变暖,在这种大的背景下,国内外提出了低碳经济的发展模式.因为全球变暖对世界经济的可持续发展带来了新的挑战,并己经深度触及到了能源安全、农业安全、海洋安全和公共卫生安全等领域,这己成为各国关注的重点.联合国气候变化专门委员会针对全球气候变暖在1990年、1995年、2001年和2007年分别发表了4份评估报告.1990年的报告向人类警示了全球变暖的危险;1995年的报告已经清楚地表明:全球气候变化与人类行为有关;2001年的报告,用更坚实的证据表明了:人类活动与全球气候变暖有相关性;但是,2007年的评估报告指出:气候变暖是不争的事实.全球气候变暖已经对地球带来了非常明显的危害.有关预测表明,在未来100年内,全球变暖的趋势有可能进一步的加剧,这将会对我们生存的自然界和社会经济系统带来更为明显的负面影响.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖已经成为世界各国共同关注的焦点,由此带来了政治、经济、法律、技术和社会各方面的问题。与此同时,碳审计就是现代审计领域应对全球气候变暖的新兴举措,是一种全新的环境规制工具。该文在系统分析碳审计产生的时代背景,全面梳理国内外碳审计研究成果的基础上,探讨碳审计的发展之路。  相似文献   

殷烜 《商》2012,(17):139-139
近年来,温室效应问题已经受到世界人民的关注,温室效应带来的全球变暖后果给人类带来了一系列负面的气候变化影响,甚至对人类的生存也存在某种程度上的威胁。为了解决全球气候变暖问题,在福利经济学和制度经济学理论基础上,《联  相似文献   

当前.以气候变暖为主要特征的全球气候变化已成为21世纪人类共同面临的最大环境与发展挑战。发展低碳经济.减少二氧化碳排放.有效应对气候变化是全人类共同的责任。  相似文献   

贸易与气候变化:国际贸易.的新热点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球气候变暖是全人类共同面临的巨大挑战,保护气候安全是国际社会的共同目标.为了减缓气候变化,保护气候安全,国际社会需要密切合作,及早减少温室气体排放.在此背景下,贸易与气候变化的关系进入人们的视野,成为贸易领域研究的前沿问题.  相似文献   

低碳、汇碳、碳减排,低碳经济、低碳城市,已成为当今世界各国应对全球气候变暖的共同责任和共同行动,是经济与社会发展新的价值取向。中国政府向世界郑重承诺,到2020年我国碳排放量将消减40%。大连市委、市政府把发展低碳经济,建设低碳型城市作为"十二五"发展规划的战略目标。国家旅游局也提出"五年内将星级饭店用水用电量  相似文献   

近两百年来工业社会给人类带来巨大的财富,但是同时也带来了环境恶化、气候变暖、垃圾遍地、能源枯竭等问题,这是人类共同面临的窘境,需要全世界携手解决。因此,一股以保护环境、保护有限资源、保护人类身心健康为目标的绿色浪潮,正在全球兴起。  相似文献   

温室气体的过度排放引发全球气候变暖,碳减排则成为各国共同的目标,但各国对碳排放责任的界定存在巨大争议,究竟是生产者、使用者还是受益者承担更多的碳排放责任。 合理的界定碳排放责任主体对碳计量的发展具有重大影响。  相似文献   

清洁发展机制,简称CDM(Clean Development Mechanism),是《京都议定书》中引入的三个灵活履约机制之一。根据“共同但有区别的责任”原则,已完成工业革命的发达国家应对全球变暖承担更多的历史责任,因此,《京都议定书》只给工业化国家制定了减排任务,没有对发展中国家作这个要求。  相似文献   

This paper examines the ethical implications of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), the United Nation’s climate change initiative that provides incentives to countries and firms in developed countries to motivate investments in greenhouse gas reduction projects in developing countries. Using the tenets of agency theory, we present a solid waste management project in El Salvador as an illustrative example of how the CDM can produce a disproportionately high social cost for the most marginalized populations in the developing world. We suggest that the UN needs to reformulate the CDM so that it more effectively aligns the divergent goals of multiple actors and upholds the UN’s principles for sustainable development, including ethical firm-level behavior. By providing incentives for environmental, economic, and social value creation, the CDM would not only promote ethical norms for profit-seeking firms that participate in the program but also reinforce the UN’s twin pro-poor and environmental objectives.  相似文献   

Conclusion  The NAPs must be compatible with the climate goals and emissions reduction targets. Within the first period there will be no concrete sanction mechanism if countries fail to achieve their target, as is planned for later periods. A stringent allocation of allowances would prevent too high a burden on private households and the transport sector. In addition, it would also increase the incentive for other flexible mechanisms such as Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) and (later on) Joint Implementation (Jl). Conversely, some important aspects of the trading system, such as the treatment of newcomers or how to react to the dynamics of the market, are not regulated at the European level. This provides a large scope for strategic action and creates uncertainties. In Germany as well as in many other countries, negotiations between politicians and industrial lobbyists has led to a less effective emissions trading system. It is questionable whether there will be significant emission trading at all. The climate goal cannot be reached if industries get the emissions allowances that they need to continue business as usual. In the future, it would be desirable to harmonise the specific rules of the initial allocation plan among all European countries in order to avoid strategic behaviour and a weakening of the entire trading system.  相似文献   

Conclusions  The EU ETS is a grandiose experiment that could pave the way for the EU becoming a pioneer in market mechanisms to counter global change. The speed of its implementation has surprised seasoned observers of Brussels decision processes. However, a timid approach to the national allocation of allowances could reduce the credibility of the instrument and prevent learning that will be crucial for later, deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, it will reduce the private sector acquisition of emission credits from the CDM which is necessary to embark on a global strategy for emissions reduction. A short-term bow to powerful interest groups from sunset industries risks shutting off the way forward for the sunrise industries that will grow on mitigating global climate change.  相似文献   

金砖国家是指巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非五个新兴经济体国家,其经济以快速发展为主要特点。预计金砖国家GDP总量占全球的比重2015年将会上升到23%,2020年将会达到31%,2025年将达到41%,2030年将达到47%,甚至有可能会占到50%以上。金砖国家目前面临的主要问题是收入分配差距比较大、产业层次低、社会保障体系不够完善、受通货膨胀困扰和国际短期资本冲击大。金砖国家应处理好与发达国家和其他发展中国家以及金砖国家内部的合作关系,把握好共同利益,在国际事务中加强政策协调,共同反对贸易保护主义,推动国际金融体系改革,积极应对全球气候变化,实现共同发展。  相似文献   

补贴是各国目前所普遍采用的应对气候变化措施之一。但是,依据现有补贴与反补贴(SCM)规则,很多以应对气候变化为真实目的的补贴都可能被判定为禁止性补贴或可诉性补贴,从而在很大程度上限制了WTO成员采取应对气候变化补贴措施的自由。因此,要为各国推行正当的应对气候变化补贴铺平道路,就必须对SCM协定的相关规则进行修改和完善。目前比较可行的办法是借鉴GATT第20条模式,增加环保例外条款。  相似文献   

This paper aims to apply game theory matching mechanisms to international climate change negotiations using numerical analysis in order to overcome the free-riding problem without a central authority. The analysis found that the mechanisms can increase the reduction by 2.5 times compared to the case without the mechanisms. It also demonstrates that coupling it with an emission trading scheme could reduce total abatement costs, and improve countries’ payoffs substantially. Matching mechanisms could be tabled in international climate change negotiations based on the conditional pledges which are currently proposed by the European Union and a few other countries.  相似文献   

经济危机使全球贸易保护主义迅速抬头。负有量化减排义务的发达国家越来越多地以应对气候变化、防止碳泄露为由,试图通过贸易限制手段维持自身的竞争力不因减排所导致的成本上升而下降,碳贸易保护初露端倪。贸易与气候变化的关系成为WTO不得不面对的问题,其在应对气候变化全球合作中的特定作用日益显现。  相似文献   

This paper examines religious affiliation change (brand switching) from a consumer decision perspective. It applies three variants of Howard's Consumer Decision Model (CDM) to 14 denominations of religion. The denominations are considered as brands of religion and several hypotheses concerning the relationships among the CDM variables are tested via path analysis. Application of the CDM to brands of religion is supported. Implications of the results for consumer theory and consumers’ interests are discussed.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of technological change on the stability of climate coalitions and explore how international cooperation on abatement affects the incentives of signatories to invest in R&D to reduce emissions. We compare the case of no technological change with exogenous technological change and induced technological change. In the latter case R&D investments are endogenous. We find that the highest equilibrium pay‐offs are achieved in the case of induced technological change. Furthermore, the formation of a climate coalition boosts R&D investments in carbon abatement technologies in signatory countries.  相似文献   

This study identifies the climate change strategies adopted by firms in developing countries to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. First, a framework is developed to classify and assess the GHG emission strategies of companies; second, it is then improved by using data on their implementation collected from 185 companies operating in 10 energy-intensive industries in Vietnam. We find that multinational subsidiaries engage in various climate change activities and have a higher level of implementation than those of domestic firms. Further, the most active and proactive companies are large in size and from Europe, the United States and Japan.  相似文献   

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