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设计无人机自组网媒体接入控制(Medium Access Control,MAC)协议时,需要考虑其控制开销和数据传输的可靠性。鉴于此,结合现有无线自组网多跳时分多址接入(Time Division Multiple Access,TDMA)协议和无人机自组网特点,提出了一种高效可靠的无人机自组网多跳TDMA协议。首先采用高效负载均衡的时隙请求信息上传机制,选择一个负载较小的节点转发节点时隙请求信息;然后根据相互通信的父节点删除重复节点的时隙请求信息,减少相同节点的时隙请求信息转发次数;最后通过实时更新节点时隙请求信息机制,提高节点时隙请求信息传输的可靠性。仿真结果表明,该协议在数据传输成功率、平均时延、控制开销方面优于现有协议,可较好地应用在无人机自组网中。  相似文献   

站点基于lP的应用(数据、话音、图像等全媒体的应用)提供通信支持。在业务接入的过程中需要通过Vanguard设备,把串口设备的数据转换成lP包,通过卫星小站的IP接口发送到其他的小站或是中心站i这样我们就需要使用Vanguard设备中的sOTCP协议与卫星网络进行互联。SOTCP协议是一个允许在Vanguard的lP网络中封装和传输串口协议的专属网络协议。主要功能和方法是实现IP网络中的每台终端用户都可以通过SOTCP协议进行互联。SOTCP协议可以提供可靠的串口设备路由到IP网络中的数据包转发机制串口数据的终端和封装都可以通过TCP/IP网络中传输、可以在一条TCP会话中建立多条交换虚电路.管理多条TCP会话。可以在源节点和目的节点之间提供高可靠的流量控制的传输机制  相似文献   

一种基于网格技术的校园网资源共享模型及实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网格可将校园网各种资源组织在一个统一的框架下,从而为各种复杂的计算任务提供资源。本文针对如何实现校园网资源协作式动态共享这一关键问题,提出了一种基于网格技术的校园网资源共享模型,该模型采用基于市场机制的资源管理调度模型实现资源调度,采用基于LDAP(轻型目录访问协议)的资源监控模型实现资源监控,可为校园网用户提供统一的编程接口及动态资源共享环境。  相似文献   

对物流技术、网格技术进行了介绍,分析了网格技术对现代物流网络的影响,并在此基础上提出了基于网格计算的四层物流网格体系结构。该体系结构对搭建物流网格信息平台,有效实现异构物流企业信息平台之间的信息共享,具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

網络协议(Network Protocols) 网络协议是指计算机之间相互通信需要共同遵守的规则,它是针对计算机之间相互交换信息的方式、秩序以及参数所作出的规定。一台计算机只有在遵守某个协议的前提下才能在计算机网络上与其它计算机进行正常的通信。超文本傳输协议(HTTP) HTTP是WWW浏览器和WWW服务器之间的应用层通信协议。它是基于TCP/IP之上的协议,能够保证正确传输超文本文档,并且确定传输文档中首先显示的部分或某一部分中首先显示的内容。文件傳输协议(FTP) FTP是Internet使用非常广泛的一种通信协议,它是由支持Internet文件传输的各种规则所组成的集合。这些  相似文献   

本FTP客户端是在Linux操作系统下用QT开发平台设计与实现的。该FTP客户端的运行需要FTP(File Transfer Protocol)的支持,才能实现文件的下载和上传。由于是在Linux操作系统下运行该FTP客户端,因此,FTP服务器用的是VSFTP(Very Secure File Transfer Protocol)服务器。具体实现是采用C/S(Client/Server)架构,用C++语言实现各种功能,并且在实现FTP客户端的基本功能之后,还添加了一些人性化、国际化模块,比如皮肤切换和语言切换等。此FTP客户端适用于刚接触Linux的,不熟悉Linux系统各种命令操作的低端用户。  相似文献   

Linux是一款免费的操作系统,完全兼容POSIX1.0标准,支持多用户、多任务处理,同时支持字符界面和图形界面操作,具有丰富的网络功能、可靠性安全、稳定性能强、实时性优良、软硬件可裁剪、移植性能强等优点。TCP协议一IOS七层网络模型中传输层控制协议。它是面向连接的可靠的字节流传输协议,此协议具有传输数据的可靠性、安全性强等优点。本设计在Linux基础上该系统采用c/s构架,实现多用户,单服务器的多进程间通信,从而实现远程数据传输的功能。  相似文献   

网格是继传统因特网和web之后的第三代因特网。传统因特网实现了计算机硬件的连通,web实现了网页的连通,而网格将要实现因特网上所有资源的全面连通。企业通过网格获取来自全球的计算资源,利用网格这个虚拟的、强大的计算平台,企业会降低总体的计算成本。网格带给企业的将不仅仅是经济利益,还有竞争力的提升。  相似文献   

致福“超级魔电”猫采用topic芯片和最新的ROCKWELL双芯片组,支持V.90传输协议,真正实现56Kb传输,具有良好的兼容性也可以保证快速上网和数据传输的质量。  相似文献   

文件传输(FTP)是Iternet上的一个重要功能,它可以把一台计算机上存储的文件传输到另一台计算机而不管这两台计算机距离多么遥远。这种服务能够快速高效地拷贝大量数据。 FTP简介 FTP(File Transfer Protocol)是文件传送协议的缩写。它是Internet上发展较早且稳定而有用的功能。常用的浏览器都支持FTP,也有专用FTP支持软件如Ws-Ftp,CuteFtp等。有了FTP,你就可以给你的主板、显卡下载最新的驱动程序,给你的杀毒软件加载最新的病毒数据库……。由于网上庞大的数据库资源,内容包罗万象,任何人都希望得到自己所需要的信息资源。只要选择其中你需要的,用FTP把它们传送到你的计算机中就可以了。  相似文献   

Technology transfer, and its focus on research commercialization, is gaining popularity in all academic fields as a way to better demonstrate universities' external impacts. We conducted a multiple case‐study of three commercialization projects in Organizational Development, Information Technology, and Marketing, which took place in a university business school. We explored to what extent the technology transfer model of commercializing academic outputs could apply in business schools. We also examined its potential value compared to other ways of sharing academic expertise. Although the technology transfer approach appears to work, the three projects exhibited crucial characteristics that markedly differ from traditional technology transfer. Compared to other forms of knowledge uses, what makes research commercialization so attractive is that it is readily observable and traceable. However, it raises some fundamental questions about knowledge production and its use. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

分析了航空自组网GRID路由协议的特点,在对GRID路由协议中栅格长度、节点有效辐射 半径以及节点通信功率联合研究的基础上,通过理论分析和数学推导,得出栅格长度、节点 有效辐射半径在一定通信功率条件下的定量关系,为GRID路由协议中栅格长度的划分提供了 一 种新的思路和科学的划分方法,对GRID路由协议在今后航空自组网中的研究设计具备一定的 实用价值。  相似文献   

A Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) perspective captures the motivating social and cultural contexts of retail patronage and purchase behaviors and the myriad motivating factors behind the retail purchase decision. A CCT perspective complements behavioral decision theory and social cognition research in retailing. For consumers, retailers represent a field in which operant resources interact. In these marketspaces, firms and consumers exert a mutual gravitational pull. Firms compete for a role in the culturally constituted projects that consumers pursue by offering certain resource combinations. A CCT-based approach to retailing strives to account for co-creation, namely, how consumers deploy their own cultural resources, aided by retailer-provided resources, to accomplish the pursuit of their personal identity and communal projects. The paper discusses strategic orientations for retail firms that spring from a resource view, four types of firm supplied operant resources, suggests some mechanisms through which consumers animate cultural resources and their motivations to do so, and offers suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

随着我国对外合作规模和领域不断扩大,海外石油项目日益增多,海外项目的成功运作,除了要有精湛、配套的技术和资金保证外,关键在于全面提升管理水平,而管理的关键在于人才的管理。本文结合海外石油项目的特点,分析了我国海外石油项目人力资源管理存在的问题;从我国海外石油项目组织规划、人员获取和项目团队开发三个方面,提出了切实可行的对策,旨在探索出一条海外石油项目人力资源管理与开发的新路子,为做强做大海外项目提供智力支持。  相似文献   

The Repertory Grid (RepGrid) technique has been used extensively in Management Sciences research, including Information Systems research, in order to reveal the personal views of individual research subjects regarding the issue being studied. These individual constructs are then used to propose criteria for success amongst other things. This paper uses a distinctly different form of RepGrid, renamed a Reflection Grid, as a collaboration tool. Members of a research team use this new technique to probe their individual understanding of what happened and what was achieved during a research event and then to share these insights. Hence, not only is the application new (reflection and construction of shared meaning rather than the analysis and synthesis of personal constructs) but the original grid technique has evolved.  相似文献   

本文以跨国并购的动因理论和跨国并购相互传导机制的相互依赖理论为基础,分析了抢占市场型、寻求资源型、寻求效率型等跨国并购的相互传导机制类型。基于发达国家与发达国家、发达国家与发展中国家两个层面分析了跨国并购的传导效应及跨国并购对发展中国家的寡占传导机制。并从技术进步、东道国的后续扩张、跨国公司跟随三个方面分析了跨国并购的持续性。  相似文献   

由于混沌同步问题,目前基于混沌的加密数据在网络中传送多采用TCP协议.文中针对网络中传输的数字语音数据,提出了一种数据分块加密算法,这种加密算法可以使用UDP协议传送密文数据,在一定程度上解决了部分密文丢失后接收端的解密问题.算法采用混沌模型库随机加密数据的方法,极大增强了混沌密码序列的随机性,克服了混沌序列加密大数据量数据时的序列周期问题,编程试验验证了这种算法的可行性.  相似文献   

The goal of radically increasing the proportion of electricity generated from renewable sources puts the current electrical grid under pressure and one of the solutions is to turn the grid into a ‘Smart Grid’. One of the key elements of the Smart Grid is that electricity consumers make some of their consumption available as flexible capacity to balance the grid. Consumers’ flexible capacity is only available to the grid if the consumers adopt Smart Grid technology (SGT) that establishes the link between the electric system and the consumer. This technology is new to private consumers and using it involves behavioural changes. There is a need to get more insight into who are willing to adopt SGT and why. This study draws on innovation adoption theory as a framework for understanding consumer adoption of this new technology. We explore whether consumers who have already adopted other types of new energy technology, such as a geothermal heat pump, are more favourably disposed towards SGT than other consumers. Also, we explore how consumers who have signed up to let their heat pump be used as flexible capacity in a test trial differ from other heat pump owners, if at all. We used semi‐structured interviews with household members as well as a questionnaire to explore differences between three groups: households with (1) a heat pump with SGT (n = 11), (2) a heat pump‐only (n = 7), or (3) an oil‐fired boiler (n = 6). We find that the families in the three groups perceive the technology characteristics differently and those who have trial experience with SGT are most in favour of the technology.  相似文献   

Although academic entrepreneurship is a topic receiving some attention in the literature, higher education's appetite for expanding technology transfer activities suggests that more research is needed to inform practice. This study investigates the effects of particular resource sets on two university commercialization activities: the number of start-up companies formed and the number of initial public offering (IPO) firms to which a university had previously licensed a technology. Utilizing multisource data on 120 universities and a resource-based view of the firm framework, a set of university financial, human capital, and organizational resources were found to be significant predictors of one or both outcomes.  相似文献   

There is a wealth of research analyzing sender-receiver transfers within multinational corporations focusing on the characteristics of (a) the sender, (b) the receiver, (c) the knowledge subject to transfer, and (d) the immediate transfer context. However, less is known about how networks external to the sender-receiver transfer dyad influence the outcomes of a transfer project. In this paper, we focus on the receiving subunits' internal and external networks and how embedded actors in these networks influence transfer effectiveness. More specifically, by means of an inductive multiple-case study, we explore how internal and external networks of subunits influence the effectiveness of capability transfers from headquarters to subunits. We study 18 transfers of the same capability from headquarters to subunits’ innovation projects. We theorize about how the capacity and configuration of receiving subunits’ networks can have a unique and detrimental influence on transfer effectiveness. The results of our study suggest that the receiver in a transfer project is not so much a specific unit as a network.  相似文献   

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