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In this paper, we document an average first day return of 1.91 percent for the population of 105 investment trust IPOs during the period from January 1984 through August 1992 on the London Stock Exchange. This is the first study that finds evidence of significant first day returns for a sample of closed-end fund IPOs. The results also suggest that investment trust IPOs are subject to ‘hot’ issue periods. These tend to occur when there is a marked narrowing in the discounts of seasoned investment trusts. Initial gains are, however, short lived; by the end of their first year, investment trust IPOs substantially underperform a number of relevant benchmarks and, on average, trade at discounts to their underlying net asset values.  相似文献   

REIT Characteristics and the Sensitivity of REIT Returns   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Previous research on the returns to real estate investment trusts (REITs) has considered whether REITs are systematically exposed to general stock-market risk and interest-rate risk. This study examines how the sensitivity of REIT returns to these factors may be influenced by various REIT characteristics. Using a sample of publicly traded REITs, we estimate the sensitivity of REIT returns to stock market and interest-rate changes. We then propose and implement a model for testing whether differences in asset structure, financial leverage, management strategy, and degree of specialization in the REIT portfolios are related to their sensitivity to interest rate and market risk. Our results permit us to offer some inferences about how REITs can alter their risk exposure by managing these characteristics.  相似文献   

Initial public and seasoned equity offerings of American depositary receipts (ADRs) yield significantly positive market-adjusted returns both in early trading and over the longer run. This is in sharp contrast with the long-term performance of initial public offerings and seasoned equity offerings of common stocks in general. In addition, ADRs from emerging markets outperform those originating from developed countries, and those listed on the New York Stock Exchange generate higher after-market returns than those trading on the American Stock Exchange or the National Association of Security Dealers Automated Quotation System.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper investigates the long run share price performance of 454 Malaysian IPOs during the period 1990 to 2000. In contrast with developed markets, significant over performance is found for equally-weighted event time CARs and buy-and-hold returns using two market benchmarks, though not for value-weighted returns or using a matched company benchmark. The significant abnormal performance also disappears under the calendar-time approach using the Fama-French (1993) three factor model. While the long run performance of Main and Second Board IPOs does not differ, the year of listing, issue proceeds and initial returns are found to be performance-related.  相似文献   

I compare litigation frequency and outcomes associated with restated IPO prospectus financial statements and a matched sample of restated non-IPO financial statements. I find that investors are 8.4% more likely to sue IPO companies than non-IPO companies for misreporting and, more importantly, that the higher litigation rate in IPOs stems from companies with error-type restatements. In addition, I find that IPO suits are more likely to be settled than non-IPO suits. Overall, these results are consistent with plaintiff attorneys’ incentives driving the filing of lawsuits and provide direct evidence that IPO companies face more severe litigation consequences of accounting misstatements than non-IPO companies.Data Availability: Data are available from the public sources cited in the text.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theory of initial public offerings based on the ideathat the optimal ownership structure of a company changes over the life cycleof the firm. Insiders take the company public when they have lost thecomparative advantage over outsiders in gathering information to evaluate thefirm's growth prospects. The size of the share sold to the public depends onthe relative abilities of the market and insiders to gather this informationand on the frictions in the going-public process. Intermediaries help toreduce these frictions and lead to a more efficient allocation if IPOs areconducted more frequently. Discrimination between different classes ofinvestors may be beneficial. Learning by the market about projects in a newindustry can lead to a clustering of new issues (hot issue markets).  相似文献   

我国房地产融资主要来自商业银行,融资结构与渠道亟待破局。为撬动民间资本,调整房地产融资结构,降低金融机构的信贷风险并拓宽投资者理财渠道,对我国在当前法律制度环境下推行REITs进行可行性分析,并从REITs专项与配套立法、组织结构模式、操作运行模式以及投资报酬设计等几个方面提出我国REITS发展的建设性的意见和建议。  相似文献   

This study analyses the effect of political money contributions on U.S. banks’ IPOs. We employ unbalanced panel data of 367 U.S. banks’ IPOs for the period January 1998 to December 2019. Our findings reveal that investors perceive Political Money Contributions (PMC) by U.S. banks as a proxy for political reach and connectedness. We document an inverse relationship between total PMC and the level of underpricing, which implies that both lobbying and PAC expenditure pay off on issue day as donors incur less underpricing. Initial returns decrease with PAC contributions to House of Representatives candidates, whereas the returns relate to the partisan identity of the candidates receiving PAC contributions. We document that those individual contributions by directors bring significant benefits to the IPO banks. Finally, we show that the political contributions of board members, particularly those of CEOs and founders, are associated with better returns in the long term.  相似文献   

This empirical study examines whether the optimistic forecasts of analysts explain the long-run abnormal return following initial public offerings (IPOs). Consistent with prior research, this paper concludes that the analysis of earning forecasts for firms going public has an upward bias. While the usually calculated buy-and-hold abnormal return is not significantly negative on average, a proper control for risk confirms the long-run underperformance hypothesis for the 1-year period following IPOs. The risk-adjusted return is positively correlated to the surprise effect and earning forecast revisions, and appears to be the response to new information about the true earnings perspectives.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the underpricing and the short- and long-run performance of Finnish initial public offerings (IPOs). More specifically, we examine whether there are differences between the performance of value and growth stock IPOs in the Finnish stock market. Our results indicate that growth stock IPOs are slightly more underpriced and have marginally higher short-run returns. However, value stock IPOs are better long-run investments and provide higher returns during the first three years in the aftermarket. We also document that the apparent long-run underperformance of Finnish IPOs can be largely explained by size, book-to-market, and momentum effects.  相似文献   

American depositary receipts (ADRs) are negotiable instruments representing foreign company shares traded in US dollars in the US capital market. We present comparative analyses of the pricing and aftermarket performance of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) by ADRs and a matching sample of US firms over the 1990–2001 period. Offered by large, well-known multinationals, ADR IPOs go through a detailed scrutiny, and incur significant costs, during the pre-IPO period to recast financial statements in conformity with SEC rules and the US GAAP. This mitigates the information asymmetry between the IPO firm and investors. We categorize the ADR issuing country as developed or emerging, and our sample includes several cases of privatization of state owned corporations. The analyses indicate that (1) ADR IPOs are significantly less underpriced than comparable US IPOs; (2) IPOs from developed countries are more underpriced; and (3) Privatization IPOs are less underpriced than non-privatizations. The lower underpricing of ADR IPOs persists even after differential IPO attributes, the traditional proxies for information asymmetry and, the unique characteristics associated with ADR IPOs, are accounted for. We conclude that extant literature offers only partial explanation for this puzzling phenomenon.  相似文献   


The agency problems for initial public offerings are well documented in the literature. The objective of this research is to investigate the potential conflicts of interest for the ‘Neuer Markt’ in Germany. Of special interest are venture-backed IPOs and those in which banks acted as venture capitalist, underwriter, and provided analyst recommendations. High initial returns and outperformance are observed over the first 6 months of trading, which decreases significantly over the subsequent 18 months. The individual performance depends on the VC's underwriter and bank affiliation, exit behaviour, and lock-up commitment. Venture capitalists, and especially banks, timed their exit well. This indicates some serious agency problems in the German IPO market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the predictability of monthly aftermarket returns of initial public offerings during the first six years of trading. Predictability is tested under the null hypothesis of random walk using a Markov chain analysis. The evidence shows that excess returns of IPOs (adjusted for the return on the equally weighted NASDAQ index) demonstrate non-random walk behavior through the first five years of trading and random walk behavior in the sixth year. This is accompanied by predictability of monthly excess returns conditioned on the two previous months' excess returns. A trading strategy is offered to capitalize on the predictability patterns. Implementing the trading strategy is not possible due to institutional barriers, providing additional explanation for why IPOs do not reach their intrinsic values for extended periods of time.  相似文献   

Companies that have listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange by means of a public offering between 1980 and 1991 have subsequently performed poorly. This long run post issue performance is remarkably consistent with the South African evidence for seasoned rights issuing companies and the international evidence for both initial public offerings (IPOs) and seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). Over the four years post issue, the newly listed companies earned an average return of 18.0% as opposed to 81.5% for a size-matched sample of seasoned companies. This study adds to the increasing body of international evidence suggesting the IPO under performance 'puzzle' referred to by Ibbotson (1975), Loughran and Ritter (1995) and Spiess and Affleck-Graves (1995) is not simply sample or country specific.  相似文献   

I study the impact of initial public offerings (IPOs) on industry rival performance. Instrumenting for IPO completion with post-IPO filing NASDAQ returns, I find no impact of IPOs on average rival sales growth, return on sales (ROS), or Tobin’s q after 3 years. However, post-IPO rival performance varies with rival financial constraints. Relative to peers, rivals with low cash or high leverage exhibit lower sales growth, ROS, and q values, accompanied by lower capital expenditures and employment growth. I provide causal evidence of the competitive impact of IPOs and highlight the competitive cost of financial constraints following industry IPO activity.  相似文献   

Following Brounen and Eichholtz (2002) this paper adds to the international literature investigating the underpricing of REIT initial public offerings (IPOs), with a study into Australian property trusts. This study finds that initial day returns can in part be explained by forecast profit distributions (or dividends) and the market sentiment towards property trusts from the date of the prospectus to the date of listing. There is some support for the “winners curse” explanation of underpricing with evidence that large investor or institutional involvement at the outset of the IPO also has some explanatory power.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the conditions and choices of firms at dates of initial public offerings (IPOs) as a basis for predicting their likelihood of management earnings forecast disclosure in post-IPO periods. Using a sample of 944 IPOs, we demonstrate that firms choosing to reduce IPO information asymmetries or signal issue quality by choosing prestigious underwriters, high quality auditors, and higher percentages of retained ownership tend to issue management forecasts in the post-IPO period. These relationships exist after controlling for IPO date measures of risk/stability, a construct that prior management forecast research has found to be a key determinant of the forecasting act.  相似文献   

We examine the dynamic behavior of Equity Real Estate Investment Trust (EREIT) volatility in a GARCH context 1972–2006 using monthly EREIT returns, and comparing volatility performance for “early” Equity REITs 1972–1992 with that of “modern” EREITs 1993–2006. Consistent with findings for conventional firms, we find that EREIT conditional volatility is time-varying, persistent, and predictable. There is a positive relationship between expected return and expected risk in EREIT stocks pre-1993, but the relationship disappears after 1993. We find no evidence that negative shocks affect EREIT volatility differently from positive ones in either time period. Different from reported results for conventional firms, we find that changes in the conditional volatility of fundamental macroeconomic variables have strong explanatory value for future changes in EREIT volatility. Finally, comparing EREIT volatility performance with volatility in the Russell 2000 Index, a proxy for small stocks, we find that EREIT volatility behaves differently from that of small stocks in many respects, indicating that risks in the small stock index cannot effectively proxy for risks in the EREIT market.
Riza EmekterEmail:

Abstract:  A firm's stock becomes publicly tradable through an initial public offering (IPO). This study suggests a portfolio diversification perspective to explore IPOs. We examine whether investors can gain diversification benefits by adding an IPO portfolio to a set of benchmark portfolios sorted by firm size and book-to-market ratio. Using US IPOs from 1980-2002, we find that adding a value-weighted IPO portfolio does lead to a statistically and economically significant enlargement of the investment opportunity set for investors relative to investing solely in a set of benchmark portfolios. Specifically, the Sharpe ratio of the tangency portfolio increases by 5.50% on average after including IPO stocks. Furthermore, IPOs associated with prestigious lead underwriters are the main source of this augmentation of the mean-variance investment opportunity set. Finally, our study implies that issuing IPO exchange traded funds or similar products can provide diversification gains to investors.  相似文献   

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