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本文是通过对近年来接连发生的各种自然灾害与环境破坏事件,引发了对发生这种灾害事故的原因的思考,并对干旱、洪水、泥石流、土地沙漠化与环境破坏进行分析,得出了灾害与我们人类对自然界的改遣活动的不节制有关,并呼吁我们保护自然,尊重自然规律,与自然和谐相处。  相似文献   

音乐是特定文化的产物,包含着创作者的主观精神,是对社会生活、文化、内在情感的涵盖.本文通过音乐的表现手段与文化的关系、音乐欣赏的主体性与再创造、音乐欣赏者对音乐的文化诠释、音乐欣赏对精神文化发展的影响,这几方面的阐述揭示了音乐欣赏与文化的关系:二者是相互影响、相互作用的.  相似文献   

教师对课堂教学流程的驾驭和对一些重要关系的处理是制约课堂教学效果的重要因素,笔者认为在课堂教学过程中应下大力气处理好"主"与"次"、"收"与"放"、"动"与"静"、"分"与"合"、"深"与"浅"、"讲"与"演"的相互关系,这样才能切实提高课堂教学成效、实现课堂教学目标。  相似文献   

严果 《商》2014,(14):87-87
首先分析了矿山环境治理绩效预测的传统预测方法,对其中的细化方法进行了细化研究,将经济技术分析研究法、物元研究法、聚类分析法、OPSIS法、据网络包分析法的应用情况与优缺点进行了具体阐述,接着对灰色综合型评价与预测方式与糊综合型评判与预测方法进行了阐述与讲解.对与今后矿山环境治理绩效预测方法的选择提供了参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

意识对人体有两种指挥方式:直接指挥与间接指挥.直接指挥的意识称之为直接意识,间接指挥的意识称之为间接意识.正确的歌唱是意识对人体的直接与间接的指挥艺术.正确的歌唱需要直接意识与间接意识对人体指挥的协调统一,具体为呼吸、吐字、声区、音色、音高、气息、共鸣等等的协调统一.歌唱水平提高的关键是意识对人体指挥的熟练性以及相关肌肉的锻炼.个人修养也是歌唱水平提高的重要因素.  相似文献   

科学发展观是我党三代领导人对马克思社会主义社会发展理论实践与探索的光辉结晶,是解决中国现代性问题的新视野、新思路。对科学发展观的形成与发展、本质与理论体系问题进行深入探讨,对深化我国政治与经济改革,加快社会主义现代化建设具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

新会计准则的出台,与原会计准则有许多明显差异,其中涉及金融、证券行业的很多方面,造成了会计目标与监管目标的差异,会计口径与监管口径的差异,会计准则与金融监管规则的差异,资产负债表的内容与监管框架不吻合等。同时,这一系列的准则对衍生金融工具也产生了深远的影响,主要是影响了对银行资本的计算、对减值准备计提对金融衍生品处理方法、对交易类证券的计价和处理等。  相似文献   

以人民为中心的发展思想源于对马克思主义群众史观和中国传统民本思想的继承与发展、对党始终秉持的人民立场的诠释与遵循、对国情世情的判断与把握.它与共产党执政规律相契合,内蕴着对党的执政基础的深刻认识、对执政宗旨的切实贯彻和对执政任务的全新概括,并在执政为民的实践中深化了对共产党执政规律先进性、务实性、针对性地认识.  相似文献   

在法治与自由的关系问题上,哈耶克与拉兹有不同的结论,前者崇尚建立一个自由秩序的社会,并认为法治能够对自由提供充分的保障,后者则将此看作是一种奢望;在基本法治思想方面,二者对“法治”、“法律”、“法治之价值”等也有不同的认识;在法治观上,二者则是实质法治与形式法治、积极法治与消极法治、目的法治与工具法治、彻底法治与不彻底法治、对法治的完全信任与中立信任、价值主义的法律立场与实证主义的法律立场之间的对立。  相似文献   

根据对国内主要人口学刊物的文章检索,2003年中国人口学界研究的重点与热点主要集中在人口与经济、老龄、计划生育、迁移、人口理论与方法、普查、人口与社会等研究领域;文章对上述研究领域的代表性成果作了回顾和评述,在此基础上对未来人口学研究的走向作了展望.  相似文献   

通过对北京市某城区的实际调查,对大城市中学教师的性知识水平、性道德价值取向、教师与学生在与性有关问题上的交流等等进行了较为深入、系统的分析.  相似文献   


In summarising the main findings of this study it appears that many hospitality properties in France and Sweden do not have policies regarding sexual harassment nor have the majority of respondents received any information about sexual harassment during their training. Perceptions of what constitutes sexual harassment and the likelihood of reporting possible incidents differ between nationalities and a large percentage of both male and female respondents have experienced serious acts of sexual harassment while at work.  相似文献   

一项针对男女不平等问题进行的研究表明,美国在男女平等方面排在全球第22位,不仅落后于发达国家,甚至落后于一些发展中国家.造成这一结果的主要原因是,参政的美国女性很少,即使南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)即将成为众议院首位女议长.  相似文献   

Sexual harassment is a problem for many organizations. Organizations must understand that sexual harassment lies within the broader context of sex discrimination and inequality of opportunity in the workplace. Sexual harassment is both an illegal and unethical practice. Companies need to implement a policy which respects the rights of individual employees by prohibiting sexual harassment. This policy need to be clearly stated in the company Code of Ethics and enforced rigorously.Karen A. Crain is a Territory Representative for Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories pharmaceutical company. She has published in a recent Proceeding of the International Conference of theAcademy of Business Administration.Kenneth A. Heischmidt is a Professor of Marketing at Southeast Missouri State University and has published in various professional journals and conferences includingJournal of Advertising, Journal of Professional Services Marketing, Journal of Hospital Marketing, Health Marketing Quarterly andJournal of Education for Business. He has received best paper awards at both the American Marketing Association and the Academy of Business Administration conferences.  相似文献   

Recent media coverage of sexual-harassment cases and new federal legislation have made this area of law even more dangerous for employers who are not monitoring their work environment  相似文献   

蒋小文 《华商》2008,(3):166-167
Gender discrimination is a social attitude that is re- flected in language. The representation of gender discrimination in the English language has a variety of forms, and can be eliminated by vari- ous means. English teachers are supposed to observe these phenomenon, avoiding using sexual prejudical words and helping students to learn to use neuter words so that they can communicate with English native speakers effortlessly without hurting the latter. This thesis is tending to talk about the ways of removing sexism in English study.  相似文献   


This study explores consumers' ethical judgments about the use of sexual appeals in print advertising. It specifically focuses upon responses on the Reidenbach-Robin multidimensional ethics scale, ad attitude, brand attitude, and purchase intentions. The findings indicate that, regardless of the respondent's gender, the use of a strong overt sexual appeal in a print advertisement was not well received. Consequently, advertisers need to rethink the use of strong overt sexual appeals, especially given the controversial issues surrounding such advertising stimuli and their popular use to break through media clutter.  相似文献   

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