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中国高端制造业空间结构变动的实证研究:2003~2009   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前各地发展战略性新兴产业出现了一哄而上的低水平发展现象,因此亟需规划各个战略性新兴产业的空间布局.产业空间结构现状及变动趋势可以为产业布局决策提供现实依据.高端制造业是战略性新兴产业的重要部分,本文利用修正后的E-G指数实证研究了其在2003~2009年的空间结构变动.结果显示:高端制造业集聚空间结构呈现出聚集和扩散两者并存的特性.东部沿海地区是高端制造业的主要集聚地,中西部地区的河南、河北、湖北和四川成为产业扩散的主要承接地.本文认为战略性新兴产业的空间布局要体现出“适度集聚”和“因地制宜”的特征.  相似文献   

By making use of firm‐level panel data from 2005 to 2007, this paper empirically examines the relationship between research and development (R&D) behaviour and the presence of foreign firms in China's four major manufacturing industries. The manufacturing industries considered are (1) car manufacturing, (2) household electrical appliances, (3) electronics and (4) communication equipment manufacturing. We find that the presence of foreign firms has resulted in a significant increase in R&D intensity of all four manufacturing industries in China. While the average R&D intensity in communication equipment manufacturing is the highest, the electronics industry, which has the highest level of foreign presence, has experienced a relatively large increase in R&D intensity. This suggests that China's electronics manufacturing sector is responding to rising competition from foreign firms located in China. Foreign presence in China's car manufacturing sector is relatively small, and this industry has experienced a relatively small increase in R&D intensity because of foreign presence.  相似文献   

The steel industries of Europe and the United States are among the worst casualties of the industrial turmoil that has shaken the economic order during the past ten years, Other heavy manufacturing industries can claim similar suffering. In this article, Bela Gold draws on his long years of experience in studying the technology, productivity, and competitive structure of such industries. He suggests that traditional planning approaches won't haul heavy industry onto a winning track. A new long-term approach, based on an integration of product innovation and market development, is needed to meet the changing pressures these industries are facing.  相似文献   

Gibrat's Law: Are the Services Different?   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
Several noted surveys on intra-industry dynamics have reached the conclusion from a large body of evidence that Gibrat's Law does not hold. However, almost all of these studies have been based on manufacturing or large scale services such as banking and insurance industries. There are compelling reasons to doubt whether these findings hold for small scale services such as the hospitality industries. In this paper we examine whether the basic tenet underlying Gibrat's Law– that growth rates are independent of firm size – can be rejected for the services as it has been for manufacturing. Based on a large sample of Dutch firms in the hospitality industries the evidence suggests that in most cases growth rates are independent of firm size. Validation of Gibrat's Law in some sub-sectors of the small scale services suggests that the dynamics of industrial organization for services may not simply mirror that for manufacturing. The present paper includes a survey of nearly 60 empirical studies on firm growth rates.  相似文献   

中国制造业产业集聚的实证研究   总被引:74,自引:0,他引:74  
文章利用集中度、基尼系数、赫芬达尔指数(N指数)等指标,对中国20个二位数制造业门类的集聚性进行了实证研究,并对其中5个门类进行了细化研究,得出结论:中国部分制造业已显现出较强的集中性,且主要集中在东部沿海省市,但一些规模经济和范围经济性强、在国外具有显著集聚特征的行业的集聚性还比较低。  相似文献   

中国制造业空间集聚态势非常明显,但并非所有制造业空间集聚都会带来正效益。本文利用1997—2008年中国制造业28个行业的数据,运用AMSZ准则对中国制造业资本积累的动态效率进行测算,并对典型制造业空间集聚规模及其资本积累动态效率关系进行格兰杰因果检验,结果显示:中国整体制造业资本积累动态效率不断提高,制造业内不同行业的资本积累动态效率存在较大差异;进一步分析发现,制造业空间集聚规模与资本积累的动态效率之间不是简单互为因果的均衡关系,只有部分地区、个别行业存在单向的因果关系,而有些产业集聚程度较高地区集聚程度与资本积累动态效率反而偏离长期均衡关系,出现过度集聚、效率下降现象。  相似文献   

R&D and the patent premium   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We analyze the effect of patenting on R&D with a model linking a firm's R&D effort with its decision to patent, recognizing that R&D and patenting affect one another and are both driven by many of the same factors. Using survey data for the U.S. manufacturing sector, we estimate the increment to the value of an innovation realized by patenting it, and then analyze the effect on R&D of changing that premium. Although patent protection is found to provide a positive premium on average in only a few industries, our results also imply that the premium varies across industries and with firm size. Patent protection also stimulates R&D across all manufacturing industries, albeit with the magnitude of that effect varying substantially.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between accounting profits and technical efficiency of manufacturing enterprises in Shanghai during the period 1989–1992 and examines which factors affect the profitability of manufacturing enterprises. We first estimate the average technical efficiency of four major manufacturing industries in Shanghai. Then, we test for the presence of ownership effects of technical efficiency on profits of those enterprises in these four industries.  相似文献   

本文构建关于MAR外部性、Jacobs外部性与Porter外部性与全要素生产率的空间计量模型,实证检验了以2004年为基期的2005~2015年中国省域制造业的产业外部性对于全要素生产率的影响,同时将产业细分为劳动密集型、资源密集型以及技术密集型进行探讨研究 。通过构建空间计量模型,发现雅各布斯外部性与波特外部性对于制造业整体以及3个细分产业的全要素生产率的影响非常显著,都对全要素生产率的增长具有促进作用。针对生产率分解后的技术进步与技术效率的实证证明,产业多样化可以促进制造业技术效率改善而对技术进步具有抑制作用,市场竞争可以促进制造业技术进步,与波特外部性不谋而合。提高产业专业化以及保持产业的区域垄断更能促进劳动密集型产业技术进步,支持了MAR外部性的观点。劳动密集型产业技术效率的变动则主要是通过区域的竞争来影响;资源密集型产业的技术进步与技术效率只有波特外部性在发挥正向效应;技术密集型产业的技术进步需要保持产业的专业化,而提高产业的多样化与有效的市场竞争更利于技术效率的改善。  相似文献   

The adoption of new technologies in Italian manufacturing industries is analysed using data for 13,334 firms selected from the 1990–92 Community Innovation Survey. The determinants of technology adoption are analysed in an econometric framework (logit model) which is a general test of different theoretical explanations of technological diffusion. We particularly refer to the rank, epidemic and information effects which significantly affect the use of new technology in Italian manufacturing industries. We use a set of explanatory variables which enables us to set up a well specified empirical model and to use odds ratios to determine the effect of their changes on the adoption probability, thus giving a more precise picture of the determinants of technology adoption.  相似文献   

本文运用SBM方向性距离函数和卢恩伯格生产率指标,对在资源和环境约束下我国26个制造业行业1999~2008年的效率和生产率及其构成进行了实证研究.结果表明:能源的过多使用以及SO2和COD的过度排放是环境无效率的主要来源;环境无效率水平最高的是原材料工业,环境效率水平最高的是机械设备制造业;环境全要素生产率的平均增长率低于市场全要素生产率的平均增长率,说明了环境管理的无效率;纯技术进步是中国制造业行业环境全要素生产率增长的主要推动力.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of firms' conduct on market structure. It studies the evolution of concentration in UK manufacturing following the abolition of cartels using a theoretical framework based on Sutton's theory of market structure and a panel data set of four-digit industries over 1958–1977. The econometric results suggest that the intensity of price competition has a positive effect on concentration in exogenous sunk cost industries as well as in advertising-intensive and R&D-intensive industries. The concentration-market size relationship, while negative in exogenous sunk cost industries, breaks down in industries with high advertising or R&D intensity.  相似文献   

We explore the realized strategies of large R&D-intensive firms through a venturing lens, focusing on two industries: pharmaceuticals and high-technology equipment manufacturing. Specifically, we examine changes in strategy over time along two critical dimensions: (1) focus of venturing, i.e., internally vs externally oriented, and (2) learning orientation i.e., explorative vs exploitative. Our empirical analysis is based on news stories relating to six large, R&D-intensive firms over a 6-year period. The findings suggest the following: (1) exploration is more prevalent than exploitation in both pharmaceuticals and high-technology equipment manufacturing, but pharmaceuticals have a greater preference for internal venturing than high-technology equipment manufacturing; (2) three firm-level venturing strategy types can be discerned, which are independent of the specific industry; and (3) change in realized strategy is a dynamic capability facilitated by firm-level factors. These results, albeit explorative, emphasize venturing in R&D industries as a dynamic capability that is influenced by firm-level characteristics rather than industry membership.  相似文献   

Globalization of production has ushered in vibrant manufacturing service industries whose business is to serve the production needs of product engineering firms. In these engineering–manufacturing chains, risk of capacity supply is an important concern for product firms as manufacturers are normally conservative in capacity expansion, especially when demand uncertainty and investment risk are high. To provide quality manufacturing services, this risk must be taken into consideration in formulating a capacity strategy. This paper presents a competition analysis method based on supply risk for a manufacturing duopoly of differentiated prices and lognormal random demand. A novel service-based demand rationing rule is first proposed. Reaction curves and equilibrium of capacity strategy are next derived. Finally, competition behavior of the duopoly is analyzed.  相似文献   

本文通过102个主要国家的SITC五位码贸易数据计算了我国2001—2009年24个制造业行业的出口复杂度(ESI),以此衡量各行业在全球价值链中的地位,并实证检验了全球生产网络对我国制造业价值链地位的影响。研究发现,总体而言,全球生产网络促进了我国制造业价值链提升,资本密集度和高技术资本密集度也可以显著提高价值链地位,但经济自由度、研发对我国制造业价值链提升的积极作用并不显著。进一步的研究发现,全球生产网络对我国制造业价值链地位的影响存在显著的行业差异性,具体表现为,与以零部件贸易为主的行业相比,全球生产网络对价值链提升的积极影响在以半成品贸易为主的行业中更为显著;在资本技术密集型行业中,全球生产网络有助于提升我国制造业的价值链地位,但在劳动密集型行业和资本密集型行业中这一作用并不明显。  相似文献   

本文采用比较分析方法,基于纺织业,纺织服装、鞋帽制造业和化学纤维制造业2001~2010年统计数据,分析产业转移特征与趋势,并进一步探讨与企业亏损及劳动力转移的关系。研究结论表明:(1)从2001~2010年10年来看,纺织业和纺织服装、鞋帽制造业由东部向中西部转移,而化学纤维制造业由中部向东西部转移;(2)从2001~2010年10年内不同时间阶段来看,纺织业等三大产业在2001~2004年间都由中西部向东部转移,2004年后纺织业和纺织服装、鞋帽制造业转为由东部向中西部转移,而化学纤维制造业2004年后由中部向东西部转移;(3)纺织业等三大产业转移特征与产业内企业亏损数量及劳动力转移是紧密相联系的。这些对于我们正确认识产业转移是我国工业化过程中的客观现象,以及只有加快产业有序转移,才有利于促进区域经济协调可持续发展,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Unions suffered a modest decline in their capacity to increase wages over nonunion levels between the late 1970s and the middle 1990s according to evidence presented here. The decline in relative wages was significant in only 13 (of 78) industries examined; in 11 industries the differential increased significantly. The industrially disaggregated econometric evidence is broadly consistent with institutional evidence about developments in particular industries; however, more industry-grounded research is clearly warranted.  相似文献   

为了解西南地区制造业专业化水平与产业同构程度,提高市场一体化水平,文章利用克鲁格曼指数和区位熵衡量了20个制造业2002~2014年的地区专业化水平,结果表明西南地区间专业化水平与地区间一体化水平偏低,且13年来无明显提高;各省市存在较严重的产业同构但有缓解趋势;优势产业主要体现在资源和劳动密集型的传统产业和重工业,高新技术产业较缺乏。基于分析,提出了加快实现行政区经济向市场化区域经济转变,建立健全区域产业合作利益分享与补偿机制,强化西南地区协同产业定位,加快具有优势的传统产业和重工业的优化升级,实现传统主导优势产业裂变或内涵式转型升级等发展对策。  相似文献   

The primary objective of strategy is to develop and support a lasting competitive advantage. In manufacturing industries, substantial focus has been given during the early eighties to the importance of the manufacturing function's contribution to overall corporate success, and yet the apparent lack of attention (historically) to achieving that potential contribution. In this article, characteristics of competitive advantage in manufacturing firms are described, a general framework for relating such advantage to corporate, business and functional levels of strategy is given, and an approach for pursuing that potential is outlined.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》1999,23(10-11):689-699
This paper outlines the development and evolution of a framework for analysing the information industries, which can encompass a range of industry and market statistics and provide a model capable of generating insights into the relationships between products, services, markets and industries in the information sector. Conceptual strands leading towards the development of various information industry maps are traced and key contributions to current information industry maps noted. The bases for, and subsequent developments of, the Australian IT Map are outlined, and examples of its application are presented in order to give some indication of the potential of such tools and techniques.  相似文献   

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