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黑色旅游是一种独特的旅游形式,其开发实践和理论发展一直存在着诸多争议.尽管相关学术研究已开展20多年,但这一领域所存在的一些根本性理论问题至今仍未解决,许多理论观点尚未形成共识.文章针对黑色旅游研究中的若干理论问题,以动机和内驱力为出发点,试图系统地探讨黑色旅游的本质规定性,厘定黑色旅游与死亡主题之间所具有的特殊而复杂的关系,并借助审美和审丑、悲剧和喜剧、优美和壮美等范畴,在美学框架下拓展了Stone的黑色旅游谱模型,从更广泛和深入的意义上论证了“黑色旅游是一种既符合一般意义上的旅游愉悦体验又属于具有独特的死亡观照特性的旅游类型”这一核心命题,从而将死亡观照这一美学范畴纳入黑色旅游愉悦体验的理论分析视野.在此基础上,重新界定了黑色旅游这一概念,探讨了其类型,梳理了黑色旅游的完整谱系,试图在体验视角下对黑色旅游的概念框架及核心命题作出系统阐释,对国内外黑色旅游研究中的诸多争议给出全面的回应,以期为黑色旅游的开发实践奠定相应的理论基础.  相似文献   

“红与黑”:论精神旅游产品的开发向度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何景明 《旅游学刊》2012,27(2):88-93
红色旅游作为我国精神旅游的主导产品,其主题大多为爱国主义和革命传统教育,存在着主题概念僵化、客源以公费旅游群体为主等问题;而黑色旅游主题则以爱与和平为主,呈现负面事件“正面宣传化”、多元化深度开发不足等问题.鉴于此,文章提出创新我国精神旅游主题的思路,即从阐释美、正义、人性、自由和理性等多维视角重构旅游产品,更好地发挥其对国民的伦理教化作用.  相似文献   

张言庆  寇敏  马波 《旅游学刊》2012,27(2):94-100
邮轮旅游在我国属于一种新兴的旅游方式,近年来受到产业界和理论界的普遍关注.但目前国内对邮轮旅游市场的研究比较匮乏,所能提供的有关邮轮旅游市场需求特征的信息很少.文章全面检索了国外邮轮旅游市场研究的相关文献,并进行了文献统计分析、主题内容分析.研究发现:国外该领域研究文献的大量出现是在2000年之后,全部为实证研究,研究内容包括邮轮游客基本特征和市场细分、邮轮旅游动机、邮轮旅游决策及影响因素、邮轮旅游体验质量和满意度等方面.在此基础上,文章还就未来国内邮轮旅游市场研究和业界实践提出了若干建议.  相似文献   

中国旅游研究的多维视野--对国内与国外相关文献的评述   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8  
本文通过对大量英文和中文文献的检索和分析,以几个重要的主题作为阐述的基本框架。比较全面地分析了中国本土学者、外国学者以及旅居国外的中国学者对中国旅游问题的研究成果和基本观点,并对旅游研究过程中所呈现的基本趋势进行了讨论。通过这个分析,使国内同行得以一窥中国旅游问题在世界旅游论坛上被关注的程度,以及了解中国旅游研究与国外旅游研究的差别。本文提供的大量英文文献,也是相关研究领域的重要学术线索。  相似文献   

公众参与在20世纪80年代就已经成为国外旅游研究的主题。但迄今国外尚未对公众参与旅游目的地公共事务进行整体性研究,已有研究主要是针对旅游目的地规划、政策制定、营销等的专题性研究。文章对涉及公众参与旅游目的地公共事务主题的国外英文文献,从文献概况、理论基础、研究内容、研究述评等角度进行了综述。在此基础上,文章提出该领域未来研究要关注公众参与旅游目的地公共事务概念与内涵的界定,完善其理论体系;其整体机制的构建,即整体层面构建涵盖参与主体、参与客体、参与层次与方式、参与过程及其结果等要素的公众参与实现机制;拓展研究领域,把需要公众参与的其他旅游公共事务纳入研究之中;建立针对具体公众参与技术的实践操作指南,并探索我国公众参与旅游目的地公共事务的具体路径。  相似文献   

国外会展旅游研究综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李旭  马耀峰 《旅游学刊》2008,23(3):85-89
本文通过对在世界三大权威旅游期刊上发表的有关会展旅游的文献进行梳理,认为会展经济影响、会展地点选择、会展旅游者决策行为和会展目的地营销组织--会议旅游局是国外会展旅游研究的四犬主题,对每一个主题进行回顾与总结,探讨了会展旅游未来的研究重点和方向.  相似文献   

国外有关旅游资源游憩价值评估的研究综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张红霞  苏勤  王群 《旅游学刊》2006,21(1):31-35
旅游资源的游憩价值评估是近年来国外旅游资源学与旅游经济学研究领域的热点与难点议题.本文从研究的历史进程、主要研究方法、研究区域和研究内容4个方面,回顾和分析了国外有关旅游资源游憩价值评估的研究进展情况.在此基础上,总结了国外旅游资源游憩价值评估研究对我国此领域研究的启示.  相似文献   

旅游价值链研究综述:回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘亭立 《旅游学刊》2013,28(2):60-66
旅游价值链是近年来旅游研究领域的一个新方向,特别是我国“十二五”规划中对发展旅游业的战略定位,必将引起对旅游价值创造的关注与探讨.文章按照旅游价值链的研究基础与范畴、研究视角与切入点、研究方法与动态这一渐进思路,对旅游价值链主题的中外文献进行了回顾与梳理,并在此基础上提出未来可能的研究方向:旅游价值链的内在关系、多元化的研究方法以及对旅游价值的度量等.  相似文献   

旅游影响研究进展   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
旅游影响包括旅游的经济、环境和社会影响。对它的研究于20世纪印年代始于英语国家,并逐渐成为旅游研究中一个非常重要的领域。本文在对所能获得的有代表性的国外(主要是英文资料)和国内有关其研究的论著进行分析的基础上,对国内外旅游经济、环境和社会影响的研究进行了简要的回顾和评述。  相似文献   

邓冰  陈玲玲  张翾 《旅游学刊》2015,30(3):116-126
低碳而时尚的自行车旅游已经吸引越来越多的人参与其中,是可持续旅游的重要形式.国外学者在这一较新领域已有15年的积累,研究较为系统而深入.文章通过对国外关于自行车旅游的42篇文献进行梳理,认为国外相关研究主要集中于自行车旅游的供给和需求两大方面,影响研究和系统研究方面也有涉及.从供给来说,重点研究自行车旅游产品、营销、组织;从需求来说,重点研究自行车旅游者的行为特征.最后,对该领域在国内外研究的差距做了简要分析,提出建议,以期推动国内自行车旅游研究的发展.  相似文献   

Consuming dark tourism: A Thanatological Perspective   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Despite increasing academic attention paid to dark tourism, understanding of the concept remains limited, particularly from a consumption perspective. That is, the literature focuses primarily on the supply of dark tourism; less attention, however, has been paid to the demand for ‘dark’ touristic experiences. This theoretical paper seeks to address this gap in the literature. Drawing upon the contemporary sociology of death, it explores the relationship between socio-cultural perspectives on mortality and the potential of dark tourism as a means of confronting death in modern societies. In so doing, it proposes a model of dark tourism consumption within a thanatological framework as a basis for further theoretical and empirical analysis of dark tourism.  相似文献   

近几年中国星空旅游市场快速崛起,然而国内学术界对这一旅游新业态的研究明显不足。本文采用传统的文献分析方法,对国际暗夜星空旅游的发展脉络与研究进展进行了系统梳理。研究发现:(1)在全球暗夜保护运动的推动下,星空的旅游价值得到发掘,暗夜星空体验项目在西方国家已趋于成熟;(2)国际暗夜星空旅游的实证研究于2011年起步,文献数量持续上升,质性研究与量化研究同步发展,但研究主要集中在欧洲和北美等发达国家和地区;(3)通过分析与对比天文旅游,本文界定了暗夜星空旅游的概念并探讨了暗夜星空旅游的主要特征;(4)国际暗夜星空旅游研究主要集中在光污染测量与暗夜星空旅游发展、暗夜星空旅游发展效益、暗夜星空旅游体验及其影响、暗夜星空目的地的旅游发展4个方面。对于正处在萌芽成长期的中国星空旅游而言,国际研究成果为此旅游新业态的发展与管理提供了一定的理论基础,同时也促进国内学者结合本土暗夜星空旅游市场展开具体的实证研究,逐渐建立暗夜星空旅游研究的中西对话。  相似文献   

In 1886, the explosion of Mount Tarawera resulted in the loss of 150 lives and the burial of the village of Te Wairoa, the base from which tourists had visited the Pink and White Terraces, a silicone-stained natural formation then advertised as one of the natural wonders of the world. Since 1931, the buried site has itself been a tourist attraction and Smith and Croy have argued that it serves as an example of “dark tourism”. This paper uses a different methodology to argue that Lennon and Foley's original definition of dark tourism is precise, that the buried village of Te Wairoa does not meet that specification, but does support the model suggested by Sharpley, that the site's characteristics are those of grey tourism supply. However, the findings derived from a sample of over 600 respondents indicate that sites are complex packages of potential experiences, and are potentially multi-faceted in terms of the experiences they offer. It is also suggested that cultural components might play a role in the experience of what is “dark” about a site.  相似文献   


Current research on dark tourism lacks an in-depth investigation of the relationships between the various psychological factors that influence tourist satisfaction. Using the cognitive-affective-behavior system, this paper evaluates a theoretical model that postulates relationships between four constructs, namely: motivation, perceptions of tourism impacts, place attachment, and satisfaction. The study extends the tourism literature on cultural sustainability by showing the psychological connections of domestic tourists to a dark heritage site, and the implications for perceptions of tourism impacts on this heritage. Based on a sample of 414 domestic tourists at a dark heritage site in Elmina, Ghana, PLS-SEM confirmed several inter-relationships among the four constructs. Motivation had a positive relationship with perceptions of positive and negative tourism impacts, suggesting that the tourists who were more motivated to visit the site for cultural/learning experiences were also more inclined to perceive both positive and negative tourism impacts. Implications for dark tourism and how heritage site management can influence tourists’ perceptions of impacts are offered.  相似文献   


Dark tourism is a popular niche of tourism that allows tourists to come into close proximity with death, atrocity, and the macabre, and therefore has the potential to be an emotional and even traumatic encounter for tourists. While this context has inspired tourism researchers to investigate dark tourists’ motivations, as well as the marketing and representation of dark tourism sites, we have yet to attend to its implications for the researcher. This paper analyzes the emotional experiences and aftermath of fieldwork at the cremation grounds of Varanasi, India, which involved working closely with tourists, Doms, and Aghoris by focusing on the relations of reflexivity, positionality, and emotionality. As a result, we suggest a number of reflexive and self-care practices to be put into place so as to attend to the researchers’ emotional well-being in the fieldwork process.  相似文献   

This research note reviews the existing literature comprised of dark tourism articles and chapters mentioning children. Publications meeting the search criteria were few. Accordingly, we offer possible reasons for the scarcity of research on children in dark tourism, including the legal constraints when researching with minors, the academic risk in undertaking a new field of research, and the substantial expertise needed to engage children in studies. We conclude with the compelling reasons to undertake such research: to inform interpretation of emotionally provocative sites for children, to understand and mitigate children's psychological distress at dark sites, and to advance theoretical work on children as tourists.  相似文献   

In the growing discussion of dark tourism, attention has focused on dark tourism theory, interpretation of tragic events, management of dark tourist sites, and visitor motivations. The local government component, however, has been overlooked in this field of study. Fame from notorious events often transfers to the city where it happened, sometimes sharing a name (the Amityville Horror, the Villisca Axe Murders, Auschwitz) whether the community likes it or not. This fame transfer creates a shared city ‘ghost’ lingering in its shadows, but draws curiosity seekers from around the globe. This study presents factors local governments should consider as they examine their role in dark tourism, including planning for site management, consideration of the safety of, and services provided to, their citizens, examination of potential economic benefits, and most importantly, to ensure that they have a voice in the stewardship of their history.  相似文献   

This paper explores motives for visiting a lightest dark (heritage) tourism attraction. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 24 visitors to the London Dungeon. Few visitors reported an interest in death, suffering or the macabre as important in their decision to visit, a finding which accords with research at a range of other types of darker places. Instead, most people visited from general or incidental reasons that were unrelated to the attraction’s theme. However, while few visitors stated that an interest in learning was important in their reason for visiting, many reported that an element of informal education and discovery was an important part of the visit experience. As such, lighter dark tourism is about more than entertainment and the London Dungeon offers opportunities for visitors to engage with the themes and stories in a deeper way. Overall, these findings suggest that lightest dark tourism has more in common with heritage tourism than at first appears.  相似文献   


This article introduces a collection of eight revised papers that focus on the connection between slavery and tourism. After tracing the history of the former from its origins to the present day, and after providing some examples of related attractions, it confronts a number of dilemmas associated with their juxtaposition. A brief overview of the contributions to the volume is supplied, along with some epistemological and methodological concerns that they raise. Slavery tourism is finally contextualized within a framework of thanatourism, dark tourism and dissonant heritage, a field which in turn poses several questions for further research into this new and exciting phenomenon.  相似文献   

Previous studies have focused on exploring why people seek out sites of death, whereas little is known about why they do not visit or revisit such sites. This paper aims to fill this gap by exploring the inner constraints on visiting the darkest edge of the dark tourism spectrum among both participants (N?=?460) and non-participants (N?=?275). By identifying four sub-dimensions of intrapersonal constraints in the context of dark tourism (i.e., traumatic memory, emotions of fear and depression, taboos and cultural ideas and lack of interest), an extension of a leisure constraints framework was created. The findings move beyond the prior studies on tourism constraints, which solely measure intrapersonal constraints as an overall construct, and thus explain the non-homogeneity of this construct. This study also contributes to a more nuanced understanding of how non-participants differ from dark tourists on the psychological constraints of visiting sites of death.  相似文献   

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