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在国外商业银行的经营运作中,中间业务已经成为其效益的主要增长点之一,取得了比较成熟的经验,而我国商业银行的中间业务大多处于起步阶段。作者通过对澳大利亚、新西兰的西太平洋银行的考察,简要介绍了该行中间业务的基本情况、种类、管理体制和特点,分析了澳大利亚银行界中间业务发展的因素以及值得我们农业银行学习借鉴之处。  相似文献   

我国加入WTO以后,与国际市场的联系越来紧密,标准发挥着越来重要的作用。2003年12月8日,国务院办公厅发出了《关于进一步做好农业标准化工作的通知》,指出农业标准化是促进农业结构调整和产业化发展的重要技术基础,是规范农业生产、保障消费安全、促进农业经济发展的有效措施,是现代化农业的重要标志。长期以来,我国农业标准化工作比较薄弱,缺乏统一的标准体系和建设规划,  相似文献   

充足、富有营养和安全的食品对人类生存至关重要.但是,受到污染的食品却会给人类带来疾病、甚至死亡.目前,世界各国在确保食品供应的同时,都在想方设法建立起以科技为基础、以法规为核心、以企业和公众积极参与为主要内容的全面管理体系,努力评估和管理与食品相关的各种风险,确保食品安全。我国正在努力建立健全具有本国特色的高效、实用和方便的食品安全管理体系,而以美国为首的发达国家的一些先进做法则具有非常有益的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

本介绍了美国土地评价与立地分析体系(LESA)的出台背景及主要内容,并具体分析了LESA的特征,以期为我国现阶段基本农田保护区的划定、耕地占补平衡的实施、农村征地补偿标准的确定、中低产田的改造等各项土地管理工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文主要是从影响中国对日食品出口的主要因素分析入手,通过建立中国对日食品出口模型来预测日本残留农药检疫制度从否定列表制度向肯定列表制度的转变可能对中国输日食品产生的影响。模拟方案的结果显示:如果忽略日本国内的需求因素的影响,日本制度转变可能导致2006年中国对日食品出口出现295.87~581.44亿日元的损失;如果考虑日本国内的需求因素,2006年中国对日食品出口还是有可能出现11.72%的增长。  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence of the link between outlook and practice among farmers, foresters, and growers in New Zealand. Specifically, we use a large, nationally representative survey to assess how foci on production and environmental outcomes influence the adoption of six good management practices aimed at increasing agricultural sustainability. We then show that while environmentally oriented and production-oriented decision-makers are statistically more prepared to take risks, all rural decision-makers are more likely to adopt new technologies and good practices after seeing their relative advantages successfully demonstrated. Next, we show that social and professional networks are small, often limited to five or fewer operators, which begs the question about how the risk-averse operators become informed about good practice. Hence, we ultimately analyse trust in order to identify other credible demonstrators or informants. We find that veterinarians are the most trusted source of information and that government (at all levels) is the least.  相似文献   

How much might the potential economic benefit from enhanced farm productivity associated with crop biotechnology adoption by Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) be offset by a loss of market access abroad for crops that may contain genetically modified (GM) organisms? This paper uses the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model to estimate effects of other countries' GM policies without and with ANZ farmers adopting GM varieties of various grains and oilseeds. The gross economic benefits to ANZ from adopting GM crops under a variety of scenarios could be positive even if the strict controls on imports from GM‐adopting countries by the European Union are maintained, but not if North‐East Asia also applied such trade restaints. From those gross economic effects would need to be subtracted society's evaluation of any new food safety concerns and negative environmental externalities (net of any new environmental and occupational health benefits), as well as any extra costs of segregation, identity preservation and consumer search.  相似文献   

朱东辉 《现代食品》2021,27(4):93-94,102
随着我国高职教育的迅速发展,以工学结合为特色的课程标准广泛应用于高职院校烹饪专业的教学中.食品营养与卫生课程是一门重要的课程,为进一步提升该课程的教学质量,培养学生的职业能力和职业素养.本文结合食品营养与卫生课程教学改革现状,提出教学改革途径,以期实现食品营养与卫生教学质量的进一步提升.  相似文献   

李辉 《现代食品》2021,27(4):164-165,171
改革开放以来,我国的畜牧养殖业发展迅速,养殖的规模越来越大,对推动经济发展、促进食品生产加工繁荣起到了非常重要的促进作用.但与此同时,畜牧养殖过程中也会因为技术、环境或人为等因素的影响而导致养殖的动物感染疫病,不仅会给养殖管理增加了难度与工作量,还会因为动物疫病的隐藏性、传染性,以及检验检疫过程中出现的疏漏,给下游的食...  相似文献   

王志兴 《现代食品》2022,28(3):118-120
近年来,随着社会经济的发展,我国居民的生活水平得到持续提升,对生活质量、食品卫生安全等方面有了更高的要求。但目前我国餐饮业在发展中存在较多问题,对居民的健康生活、社会的稳定发展造成了影响。本文分析了餐饮业发展中食品卫生安全问题所产生的影响,并提出我国餐饮业在发展中存在的食品卫生安全问题和相应的改善措施,希望能改善餐饮业的发展现状,提升餐饮企业的经营管理意识,从而保证食品的卫生安全,推动社会的稳定发展。  相似文献   

The New Zealand government seeks to dramatically increase the value of agricultural exports while concurrently protecting the natural environment. Thus, farmers are expected to adopt pro‐environmental management practices and novel farm technologies. We show that farmers are more likely to adopt new practices and technologies after seeing them demonstrated, but earlier evidence indicates that demonstration is most effectively undertaken within farmer networks. We use multivariate regression to identify the traits of livestock farmers who are innovative by focusing on adoption of pro‐environmental management practices (managing nutrients, soils and pugging) and novel farm technologies (e.g., windmills, computer‐based management systems, automatic sensors and specialised grasses), considering both numbers adopted and timing. We find that dairy farmers are more innovative than other livestock farmers and that higher education levels and stronger environmental norms within the family are strongly associated with innovativeness. In addition, we find that innovators and early adopters have larger networks than other farmers. Moreover, the composition of these networks is much more varied than the networks of less innovative farmers. These findings imply that innovative farmers in New Zealand may also act as connectors for the diffusion of new ideas in farming.  相似文献   

日本的食品安全检疫措施及其对中日农产品贸易的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过对日本卫生安全检疫体制及措施进行分析、评述,试图为我国相关部门及人士提供某种可供参考的意见。  相似文献   

This paper examines the newly constructed geographically scaled economic output measure, Gross Cell Product (GCP), of Australia and New Zealand to quantify the impacts of climate change in the region. The paper discusses advantages of using the GCP instead of the Gross Domestic Product. The paper reveals that the GCP falls sharply as temperature increases in the region. A 1°C increase in temperature would decrease the productivity with an elasticity of ?2.4. A 1 per cent decrease in precipitation would decrease productivity with an elasticity of ?2.3. However, forest vegetation on the coasts will benefit from initial warming. We find that the changes in climate means are potentially more harmful than changes in climate variability. In the long term, a 3.4° warming coupled with 6.6 mm decrease in rainfall would decrease the GCP by 34 per cent by 2060. The damage is largely accounted for by population effects. The paper confirms that Australia is highly constrained by climate and geographic factors.  相似文献   

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