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过度商业化导致众多恶性事故的发生,影响社会的健康发展,重塑中国商业伦理已成为一项十分重要的工作。而商业伦理可以看作是伦理学的在商业领域上的延伸,故此,重塑中国商业伦理必须充分重视儒家文化在商业伦理重塑中的作用,以儒家文化为突破口。本文从中国商业历史及现在商业实践两个方面论证了中国商业伦理构建必须以儒家文化为基础,完全照搬西方商业伦理模式是行不通的。  相似文献   

本文以董事会伦理为逻辑起点,分析以公司治理目标为导向的董事会运行机制理论研究,深入探讨了上市公司在独立董事作用下所暴露出来的治理模式缺陷,最后在建立公司治理过程运行框架的基础上论述了我国在伦理视角下如何改善公司治理困境。  相似文献   

公司治理是现代公司在所有权与经营权相分离,从而产生所有者和经营者委托代理关系条件下,设立的一套调整和平衡公司各参与方权利与利益关系并对公司运营进行监督的制度安排。公司治理的目的就是从降低代理成本的角度,对公司各利益相关者制定一定的行为规则和程序,给予各利益相关者适当的激励,促使各利益相关者为实现公司整体利益和股东利益而勤勉工作,并对公司的有效运行提供监督,从而促进公司的健康发展。  相似文献   

基于公司治理视角下的内部控制构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨海周 《北方经贸》2009,(8):129-130
建立和完善企业内部控制制度是实现战略目标的重要保障,为此要做好以下几点:完善公司治理机制;加强董事会的核心地位;监事会要起到保驾护航的作用。  相似文献   

随着资本市场日益全球化、投资者日渐专业化、竞争加剧,以及企业治理的国际化,许多公司的高管和董事们都越来越清楚地认识到,公司未来的繁荣归根到底要依靠有效的公司领导和治理。  相似文献   

刘春元 《北方经贸》2007,(1):7-8,11
在市场经济转型间的中国,商业伦理是一个非常重要,也是一个亟待引起全社会关注的问题。构建起一套被广泛接受的商业伦理道德体系,才会真正形成建康的、成熟的、有序的市场经济;对于构建社会主义和谐社会,都具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

公司是资本的集合,资本的本性是逐利,所以公司具有逐利的天然本性。尤其是在经济体制转轨期和社会转型期的宏观背景下,经济风险迭出,公司出现了盲目追逐利益的不良趋向,加之市场经济的冲击,传统商业伦理亦趋淡化。面对如此现实困境,在传统文化和现代伦理的竞合中,寻求当今公司治理之道显得尤为重要,而商业伦理和公司治理的高度耦合,则使这种努力显得更为可行。  相似文献   

蔡振宁 《现代商业》2012,(27):191-192
会计是现实社会经济场域中的存在,会计人员的公正立场、道德行为会受伦理制度及其伦理场域(包括利益相关者)的影响,要保证会计信息的真实性、会计行为的公正性,除需通过道德教育唤醒会计人员的道德良心外,还需通过会计伦理治理机制建设为会计人员的道德行为提供制度保障。制度的作用在于引导个体的行为,当某个个体的行为不符合现有制度的规范时,伦理制度应当能提供足够有效的强制力。在我国,要求提供真实、有效的会计信息,是现行制度的规范性要求。  相似文献   

论述了和谐社会构建的必要性、迫切性以及商业伦理在构建和谐社会的重要性。构建市场经济条件下的社会主义商业伦理道德体系,首先要提高商业主体的伦理道德意识;其次,和谐社会应该而且必须是一个诚信的商业社会;再次,要建立和谐的利益分配机制;最后,构建和谐社会应汲取儒学精华。当代中国的商业伦理精神是社会主义市场经济商业之魂,构建和发扬商业伦理,对于社会主义市场经济的建立和健全,对于应对经济全球化的挑战,时于构建社会主义和谐社会,都具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

The mainstream literature on corporate governance is based on the premise of conflicts of interest in a competitive game played by variously defined stakeholders and thus builds explicitly and/or implicitly on masculinist ethical theories. This article argues that insights from feminist ethics, and in particular ethics of care, can provide a different, yet relevant, lens through which to study corporate governance. Based on feminist ethical theories, the article conceptualises a governance model that is different from the current normative orthodoxy.  相似文献   

商事经营判断规则与我国公司法人治理结构之完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶源 《商业研究》2004,55(4):16-18
通过对商事经营判断规则的内容解读和问题分析,揭示了商事经营判断规则的基本涵义:一方面保障董事的经营决策权;另一方面也对董事的行为准则提出了严格的要求。进一步讨论我国应如何引入和借鉴商事经营判断规则的成功经验,以及该规则对完善我国公司法人治理结构的意义。  相似文献   

Corporate governance reforms are occurring in countries around the globe. In developing countries, such reforms occur in a context that is primarily defined by previous attempts at promoting "development" and recent processes of economic globalization. This context has resulted in the adoption of reforms that move developing countries in the direction of an Anglo-American model of governance. The most basic questions that arise with respect to these governance reforms are what prospects they entail for traditional development goals and whether alternatives should be considered. This paper offers a framework for addressing these basic questions by providing an account of: 1) previous development strategies and efforts; 2) the nature and causes of the reform processes; 3) the development potential of the reforms and concerns associated with them; 4) the (potential) responsibilities of corporate governance, including the (possible) responsibilities to promote development, and; 5) different approaches to promoting governance reforms with an eye to promoting development.  相似文献   

基于以人为本的根本宗旨、中国特色社会主义经济与社会可持续发展的战略思想、传承中国优秀的历史文化与创新发展的现代文化三个层面相结合,对企业文化建设进行新视角的解读,餐饮企业构建饭店会计伦理,应遵循全局性、客观性、竞争性和效益性的原则,要倡导和贯彻社会主义"荣辱"道德观和核心价值观,大力推进企业文化体制建设,宣传饭店会计伦理建设的先进业绩,积极争取政府有关机构与相关社团机构对会计伦理建设的大力支持。  相似文献   

The relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and business ethics (BE) is both a practical and theoretical issue. Unlike the traditional way of clarifying the relationship through identifying and comparing the extant definitions of the two terms, this study addresses and compares CSR and BE from three perspectives (basic concepts, academic fields, and social movements) in two analytical dimensions (in practice and in theory). This study indicates that: The relationship between the concept of CSR and BE is different from either the relationship between CSR as an academic field and BE as another academic field or the relationship between CSR as a movement and BE as another movement; within the relationships of the two concepts, fields and movements, the relationship between them in practice is different from that in theory; and CSR and BE are neither totally independent nor one of mutual inclusion, rather, they have similarities and differences.  相似文献   

Companies that contribute to charitable organizations rightly hope that their philanthropic work will also be good for the bottom line. Marketers of good corporate conduct must be especially careful, however, to market such conduct in a morally acceptable fashion. Although marketers typically engage in mild deception or take artistic license when marketing goods and services, these sorts of practices are far more morally troublesome when used to market good corporate conduct. I argue that although mild deception is not substantially worrisome with respect to the marketing of most goods and services, it is a far greater moral blunder to use such methods in the marketing of good corporate character. These erode trust and demonstrate alack of adequate respect for the moral good. In light of these concerns, I suggest that such practices must be re-examined when applied to the marketing of corporate character and good conduct. Finally, I develop a revised set of ethical guidelines that are needed in order to address the problems peculiar to the marketing of morally praiseworthy behavior.  相似文献   

Recent events have raised concerns about the ethical standards of public and private organisations, with some attention falling on business schools as providers of education and training to managers and senior␣executives. This paper investigates the nature of, motivation and commitment to, ethics tuition provided by the business schools. Using content analysis of their institutional and home websites, we appraise their corporate identity, level of engagement in socially responsible programmes, degree of social inclusion, and the relationship to their ethics teaching. Based on published research, a schema is developed with corporate identity forming an integral part, to represent the macro-environment, parent institution, the business school and their relationships to ethics education provision. This is validated by our findings. Dr. Nelarine Cornelius, Reader in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour, Brunel Business School, Brunel University, is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. She is also a Chartered Psychologist and is Director of both the Centre for Research in Emotion Work and the Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour Research Group at Brunel University. Dr. James Wallace, Lecturer in Quantitative Methods, School of Management, University of Bradford, is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society. He has considerable experience of statistical and mathematical modelling gained over several years in the UK utilities sector and in H.E. His current research interests include, applying statistical and mathematical modelling approaches to Technological, Operational and General Management problems. Dr. Rana Tassabehji, Lecturer in Information Systems and E-business, School of Management, University of Bradford, is a member of the British Academy of Management and the UK Academy for Information Systems. She worked as an international business consultant and as a consultant in the UK IT sector and is currently an academic member of the eGISE eGovernment network. Her research interests include ethics and e-business, Internet security and e-government.  相似文献   

Taiwanese enterprises generally display a tacit acceptance and practice of globally-recognized business ethics such as the respect of human rights. Yet some Taiwanese business supervisors subscribe instead to a philosophy of leadership, dubbed "pseudo-harmony", which actively seeks to evade responsibility and any conflict of interest with profitability. Meanwhile other Taiwanese entrepreneurs are even less enlightened, dictatorially upholding self-serving regimes which operate on a philosophy which is euphemistically referred to as "householder management".These attitudes result in the sub-optimal development of "organizational democratization" within Taiwanese enterprises and hi-light the fragility of "ethical leadership" in Taiwan. There is a strong argument, therefore, that Taiwanese business needs to become both its own analyst and therapist if it is to enhance its "governance ethics". Only this way can the nation's enterprises evolve their ethical responsibilities to stakeholders and sustain their competitiveness in a global market that increasingly demands an adherence to ethical standards.  相似文献   

从债务融资角度看我国国有企业治理结构及其改善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
债务融资不仅是企业的一种融资手段,它对公司治理也具有重要影响。从债务融资角度看我国国有企业治理结构存在某些缺陷,债转股无效。为此,提出解决国有企业困境的办法,以改善我国国有企业公司治理结构。  相似文献   

Recently, several articles have asserted that corporate social responsibility programs have gone too far and need to be reigned in. These critics have charged that corporate social responsibility is to be regarded with skepticism and that any changes in corporate accountability should be superficial at best. I will examine a␣number of these objections; I conclude that these critiques are largely ill founded, but that their increasing frequency in popular media is a cause for concern. I argue that these purported objections are better understood as one part of a long-term cycle that generally accompanies positive moral change in institutions. Using the feminist movement as a touchstone, I examine the similarities between backlash against the movement for corporate accountability as compared to backlash against feminists. I␣also suggest ways in which successful strategies adopted by feminists could be used effectively to communicate the aims of those working to increase awareness of business accountability.  相似文献   

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