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新《旅行社管理条例》与导游管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新<旅行社管理条例>更强调旅游者消费权益的维护,对旅游服务质量要求更为严格和具体.导游服务质量是旅行社服务质量体系中的核心,导游诚信建设与导游管理是旅游诚信体系建设的关键.而尴尬的职业定位和扭曲的薪酬体制则使"导游管理悖论"问题严重,新<旅行社管理条例>还应加强配套解决好导游人员的职业环境、薪酬制度以及竞争环境等问题,避免导游市场中"劣币驱逐良币现象"产生.  相似文献   

关于准入制度与导游管理体制的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
很多研究从不同视角就导游管理问题进行了深入探讨,提出的对策主要是两个方面:严格导游职业准入制度和完善相关管理体制。文章认为,职业准入制度的主要功能对于解决我国导游服务中存在的市场机会主义问题并不具有针对性,对于真正实现导游数量控制、提高导游服务质量作用有限。加强监管的思路是合理的,但如何监管需考虑行业管理制度与企业微观机制的衔接和相互影响,从制度建设方面引导旅行社自身组织结构优化。从市场关系看,导游具有独立性,又对旅行社具有从属性,旅行社才是市场责任主体,其追求利益的方式影响企业组织结构,决定了旅行社与导游之间的关系,进而影响导游的行为和服务质量。旅游行业管理应该建立以旅行社为核心的行业治理模式,明确和强化旅行社的质量责任主体地位,促进导游服务质量提升。  相似文献   

社会导游、导游服务公司及旅行社之间法律关系的廓清   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区分劳动关系与劳务关系,在司法实务中历来是一个难题.笔者从一个具体案例出发,通过界定术语、分析区别标准,认为社会导游与旅行社之间成立劳务关系,而不是劳动关系;社会导游与导游服务公司之间成立居间关系,而不能成立劳动关系.并且,进一步分析了<劳动合同法>等实施后对社会导游与旅行社、导游服务公司之间法律关系的影响.  相似文献   

法经济学视角下的我国国内游导游执业危机解决路径研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从法经济学视角对我国国内游导游职业和执业状况进行深入分析认为,导游人员薪酬制度改革并不能解决导游执业危机。解决国内游导游人员执业危机应从导游人员总量控制切入,改革导游职业准入制度,平衡导游数量规模与导游平均服务质量之间的关系,进而对旅行社和旅游市场产生良性影响。以改革导游职业准入制度为主线,辅之以导游人员素质培养和严格执法监督两种方式,才能提高导游平均服务质量,推进旅游市场健康发展。  相似文献   

陈宁 《西部旅游》2023,(3):99-101
<正>随着我国经济的发展以及人们生活品质的不断提升,旅游产业也蓬勃发展。导游服务不仅是影响游客旅游体验的关键要素之一,在提升旅行社核心竞争力等方面也发挥着难以忽视的作用。文章首先分析了旅行社导游服务质量提升面临的问题,然后对旅行社导游服务质量提升策略进行了简要论述。  相似文献   

本文借鉴管理学的利益相关者理论,从游客感知视角探讨了我国的导游服务质量问题,提出导游服务质量管理是一个系统工程,把矛头单一地指向导游有失公允;导游服务质量问题的根源在于导游与其利益相关者间的利益失衡,而调整失衡关系的根本在于改革管理体制.完善制度保障.  相似文献   

傅林放 《旅游学刊》2012,27(4):99-105
目前,旅行社扭曲的经营模式是以不合理的购物佣金为基础的,这种购物佣金也几乎必然损害旅游者权益.当前的治理方式主要有两种,即立法禁止与立法规范.但两者都没能解决问题,其共同的困境在于:第一,都是地方立法,受限于地方利益的顾虑,执法者不可能严格执法;第二,都过度依赖行政监管,但行政监管存在自身固有的不足.可行的解决思路是在旅游法中赋予旅游者一项合适的权利,通过旅游者有效的维权活动制约旅行社损害旅游者利益的佣金行为.购物反悔权正是这样一种合适的权利,它将迫使旅行社主动将购物佣金控制在旅游者可以接受的限度内,或者干脆放弃购物安排.此时行政监管的主要职责将转化为保障旅游者该项权利的顺利实现,借此形成市场主导、行政保障的治理模式.  相似文献   

参团游客对旅行社服务质量的期望与感知实绩研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于参团游客对旅行社服务质量的预期和感知实绩的研究是改进旅行社服务质量,提高游客满意度的理论依据.本研究通过紧急事件访谈与问卷调查的方法,对参团游客对旅行社服务质量的期望与实际感知进行了研究,并利用IPA方法进行了分析探讨.结论认为,参团游客对旅行社服务质量主要关注产品服务质量、营业点服务质量、导游服务质量和营销服务质量,其中产品设计质量尤为重要;但游客的总体感知实绩并不理想,12个要素均需进一步改进,其中导游导购服务、产品种类多样化、价格公道和导游讲解水平是目前我国旅行社服务质量改进的关键因素,这一结论对旅行社服务质量改进具有现实意义.  相似文献   

旅行社和导游之间是典型的委托一代理关系,导游的工作特征使得旅行社对其监督的成本很高,也就是说旅行社很难观测到导游的努力水平.本文根据委托一代理理论.构建经济模型说明,在这种情况下,旅行社与导游不会改变他们之间现有的报酬模式,因为这是一种满足了参与约束与激励相客约束的均衡结果.而旅游行政管理者要做的就是完善现有的导游报酬机制.特别是要通过制度设计与行政手段来解决导游监督、回扣等问题.  相似文献   

导游员职业等级标准(试行)国家旅游局导游员定义:运用专门知识和技能为旅游者组织、安排旅行和游览事项,提供向导、讲解和旅途服务的人员。适用范围:从事导游工作的专兼职人员。等级:初、中、高、特级。政治思想、职业道德和身体要求:拥护中国共产党的领导,热爱祖...  相似文献   

孔令学 《旅游学刊》2013,28(7):41-47
公民旅游权是基本人权的重要延伸,是一种综合性权利,可分为基础性旅游权和消费性旅游权两大类,旅游保障权、旅游自由权、旅游平等权、旅游资源共享权、旅游发展共享权、旅游消费权和出入境旅游权等七项权利。在我国旅游发展与旅游者权益保护亟待加强的情况下,建议通过相关制度设计构建全面广泛的公民旅游权保障体系,完善我国旅游业持续健康发展的制度基础。在保险制度方面的保障措施主要包括:借助强制保险和商业保险提供公民旅游休闲保障,完善保险制度安排,加强旅游资源保护,进行保险创新,保障公民旅游自由权,加强保险国际合作保障,公民出入境旅游权等。  相似文献   

China has become the most visited destination in the world for international tourists. The number of Taiwanese tourists going to China on guided tours has increased; “shopping” and “optional tours” are the two most controversial consumption experiences for them due to price competition. This study aims to investigate the Taiwanese guided package tourists’ shopping intentions and behavior when traveling in China and also to examine how their shopping behaviors are influenced by sales representatives, local tour guides, and other tour participants. This study found that benefits sought, perceived sympathy, and social acceptance are often used by service providers to persuade tour participants to buy. It is expected that the study can contribute to tourism industry theory, and help the travel industry to improve the quality of guided package tours to China.  相似文献   

小费的性质与合约安排   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
刘宝宏 《旅游学刊》2004,19(6):63-68
本文运用新制度经济学以及微观经济学理论,结合实际观察所得,对旅游业中的小费制度进行了经济学解释。基本结论是,小费是企业对难以完全清晰界定或降低而留在公共领域里的产权(先占权利)的一种间接定价,目的在于降低企业因交易而面临的机会成本,其多样化的合约安排则是交易费用约束下企业降低交易费用努力的理性选择。相应的政策建议是,作为一项过渡性制度安排,我国旅游业中的导游应实行强迫性小费制度。  相似文献   


The study explores the selection criteria conducted by travel agencies, evaluating travel intermediaries (destination tour operator) founded on the visionary perspectives of product managers and front-line employees (tour leaders) of Taiwanese travel agencies. Statistically, data accumulated from the 36 product managers and 36 tour leaders by the critical incident technique indicates that local coaches, drivers, and local guides are monumental on group package tour (GPT) service sectors. Meanwhile, another critical issue being scrutinized is the selection scenarios, as to which prices are exponentially executed by product managers, whereas tour leaders tend to be destination tour operator qualities-oriented fundamentally. In order to enhance the destination tour operator service qualities, the research conducts relatively objective selection criteria in selecting the well-qualified and appropriate travel intermediaries as commissioners on the cutting edge travel agencies domain. More substantially, the revealed scenarios of destination tour operators supply the populously rivalous market, China, a relatively credential reference on selecting the well-suited Travel Intermediaries.  相似文献   

A number of authors believe that tour guide training may hold a key to passing on the concept of sustainable tourism to tourists. Savannah Guides Limited (SGL) is an organisation for tour guides interpreting and protecting the tropical savannahs of northern Australia. This paper examines the provision of intensive professional development schools, which the SGL organisation provides, to raise standards of professionalism for nature-based tour guides in remote regions. Its framework is based on Schein's three levels of organisational culture model, and Black and Ham's 10-element performance-based tour guide certification programme. Active participant observation of the development school process and a self-administered questionnaire to SGL members were used to understand the organisation's success. The main motivations for tour guiding are explored, as are the ways in which tour guides acquire knowledge. It is suggested that the provision of professional development schools in nature-based tourism regions benefits the guide and the tour guiding industry, and contributes to the protection of the natural environment. It is proposed that the SGL training model of professional development schools and certification be adopted by tour guiding organisations in other regional destinations as a way of nurturing and advancing quality tour guiding and professionalism.  相似文献   


Emotional intelligence, a type of social and personal intelligence, is important in managing interpersonal relationships and interactions, especially in the business sphere. Businesses that involve frequent customer contact and interaction, such as those in the field of tourism, can benefit from the application of multiple intelligences. This study examines how, and to what extent, emotional intelligence can benefit the travel and tourism industry. Seven tour operators were interviewed to assess their attitudes, opinions and observations about emotional intelligence and its application to the relationship between tourists and residents of a community. Results showed that all tour operators, to a certain degree, utilized emotional intelligence to offer more personalized travel solutions for tourists. It was found that understanding the cultural values and social etiquette particular to each travel destination was essential for healthy tourist-resident relations.  相似文献   

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