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We examine how the entry timing of targets influences the initial and the post-entry percentage of ownership acquired by multinationals. We argue that targets that have entered earlier into the market launch signals of lower uncertainty in contexts where first-mover advantages exist. As a consequence, multinationals are willing to buy higher levels of ownership in these early entrant targets and to increase their participation in the subsidiary equity in the post-entry stage. Finding support for these relationships, we study how market age and innovative behaviour of the target reduce the importance of leading time as determinant of the ownership decision.  相似文献   

Modeling the relationship between networking and firm performance   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Network theory suggests that successful business ownership might depend on the ability of owners to gain access to resources not under their control in a cost effective way through networking. To date, however, there has been little empirical support for this proposition, particularly for established firms. The results of this study, based on a large longitudinal database, indicate a significant positive relationship between networking (particularly with formal networks such as external accountants) and both firm survival and, to a lesser extent, growth, but not ROE. Further, network intensity is found to be associated with survival, and network range with growth.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of the United States as a whole is basically a story of the discovery and adoption of novel and improved ways of satisfying wants and needs. Previously, these wants and needs have been championed by individuals such as J.P. Morgan (finance), James B. Duke (tobacco), Andrew Carnegie (steel), Cornelius Vanderbilt (railroads), and John D. Rockefeller (oil). Each of these entrepreneurs commercialized a new idea or invention—the essence of the innovation process. Each bridged the gap between science and the marketplace by developing and commercializing a marketable innovation.Although even more of a need to reach the market as quickly as possible exists today, the majority of the innovations commercialized each year come from new or smaller organizations-often the ones with the least amount of capability and resources to accomplish the task. Existing businesses, especially larger ones, are in a much better position to bridge this gap. These companies have the existing financial resources, business skills, and usually the marketing and distribution systems to successfully commercialize a new innovation. Recognizing this capability, large companies have tried to instill an entrepreneurial spirit or an internal venturing program in an attempt to increase the amount and success of new offerings. This activity has taken on a variety of forms, one of which is the new business venture unit.What are the characteristics of a new business venture unit? Are they more successful at introducing new products than autonomous entrepreneurs? These and other questions were addressed in a research project of Fortune 1000 firms consisting of a mail questionnaire and in-depth personal interviews.The majority of these firms did not have a new business venture unit (70%). Of those firms that did, the average age of their unit was 5.3 years and the range of ages was from a few months to 20 years. In addition, the range of employees in the new business venture unit varied greatly: from one to 100. Firms in the primary product lines of chemical and medical products, computers, beauty products, and feminine products tended to have new business venture units more than did firms in other product areas. These units contained a variety of departments, including marketing (the most frequent), finance, and research and development. Through modest increases in the number of new products introduced each year, the new business venture units also significantly increased the per- centages of sales attributed to products introduced within the previous three years. A good environment for a successful new business venture unit included: encouraging new ideas; allowing mistakes and failure; making available the resources of the firm; encouraging teamwork; establishing broad per- formance goals and an appropriate reward system; and having top management strongly support the unit.  相似文献   

This research explores the relationship between international entrepreneurship characteristics and the use of Internet capabilities for the international business processes of the firm. It has been suggested, that the accumulation of a firms Internet capability can assist international operations, especially when operating in fast changing dynamic Internet environments. However, international entrepreneurship characteristics which are seen as a precursor to leveraging Internet capabilities are still vague. Given this finding, eight case studies of small and medium sized travel and tourism firms were selected to investigate the influence of international entrepreneurship characteristics, and Internet capabilities for international business processes. Based on the eight in-depth case studies, the results signify that successful international entrepreneurial firms which encompass high levels of international innovativeness and proactiveness behaviour integrate Internet capabilities to a greater degree. Our findings also indicate that the prior international business experience, international risk-taking propensity and international networking characteristics are not necessarily precursors to successful integration of Internet capabilities for international business processes. On the contrary, international business experience and international networks actually lead to a reliance on traditional mechanisms of internationalisation and can dilute the development of Internet capabilities for international business processes.  相似文献   

New firm formation and employment growth: regional and business dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines differences in the effects of start-up rates on subsequent employment change. Two sources of such differences—types of start-ups and types of regions—are analyzed. We find that differences between knowledge-based and other start-ups dominate differences between highly agglomerated and modestly agglomerated regions. In particular, differences in the effects of new start-ups on subsequent employment growth between highly agglomerated and modestly agglomerated regions are greater for knowledge-based start-ups than for other types of start-ups. The results suggest that, while knowledge-based start-ups are likely to impart greater benefits on future employment than other types of start-ups, these benefits are greater when those start-ups locate in more agglomerated regions.  相似文献   

There is little consensus globally on the relationship between board diversity and firm performance. Using the resource dependence and agency views, this paper examines how business group affiliation influences the relationship between board diversity and firm performance as a contextual/confounding factor. Based on data for listed firms in India, we find that board demographic diversity is positively associated with the firm performance (Tobin’s Q) of standalone firms, but this association is negative for group-affiliated firms. This negative effect of group affiliation is confirmed in a test based on a novel measure of firm performance using the stock market reaction to the announcement of mergers and acquisitions. For both measures of performance, we show that business group affiliation impairs the positive firm value effects of board demographic diversity. These findings imply that the relationship between board diversity and firm performance requires re-examination in the many countries where group affiliation is common. Our results also provide evidence of a new cost of group affiliation and show in a fresh context that cross-country studies should account for international variations in ownership and institutional structures.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(1):8-28
The role of acquisitions has been widely discussed in management literature. There is considerable evidence that many acquisitions fail, often because of post-acquisition problems. More recently business historians have examined their role in the restructuring of the British, American and other economies after World War Two. Yet the historical and management literatures have been poorly integrated. This article seeks to address some of the issues raised in the management literature by contributing a longitudinal case study of the use of acquisitions by Unilever to build the world's largest ice cream and tea businesses. The study supports recent resource-based theory which argues that complementary rather than related acquisitions add value. It identifies the importance of local knowledge as a key complementary asset. It also identifies reasons why Unilever was able to integrate acquisitions quite successfully, including clear strategic intent and the fact that employee resistance was reduced because most acquisitions were agreed. Finally Unilever could take a long-term view because of its size, and relative unconcern for shareholder interests before the 1980s.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the growing body of business survival literature that focuses on regional determinants of the hazard faced by firms. Using parametric survival analysis, we test the effects of regional innovation on exit likelihood in the US computer and electronic product manufacturing during the 1992–2008 period. The novelty of our approach is in conditioning the effects of metropolitan innovation on firm size. Estimation results suggest a negative relationship between metropolitan patenting activity and survival of firms that started with 1–3 employees. This effect decreases if companies grow. Establishments with more than 4 employees at start-up are insensitive to metropolitan innovation, although size of firms that started with 4–9 employees improves their survival chances. These findings indicate that local knowledge spillovers do not translate into lower hazard. The negative relationship indicates either a creative destruction regime or decisions of entrepreneurs to shut down existing ventures in order to pursue other opportunities.  相似文献   

Based on a survey of 405 principal owner-managers of new independent business in Great Britain this paper explores two research questions— are there any differences in the reasons that owner-managers articulate for starting their businesses, and, if there are, do they appear to affect the subsequent growth and size of the businesses? The results of the study indicate an affirmative answer to the first question. From the 23 diverse reasons leading to start-up that were identified in the literature, an underlying pattern emerged via the Principal Components Analysis. Moreover, these were similar to those found in earlier studies. Thus, five of the seven components identified by the model correspond to those identified by Scheinberg and MacMillan (1988) in their eleven-country study of motivations to start a business: “Need for Approval,” “Need for Independence,” “Need for Personal Development,” “Welfare Considerations,” and “Perceived Instrumentality of Wealth.” Two further components were identified by this current study. The first vindicates the decision to add a question not included in the previous study that related to “Tax Reduction and Indirect Benefits,” and the second, the desire to “Follow Role Models” was identified by Dubini (1988) in her study in Italy.In order to take account of possible multiple motivations in the start-up period, cluster analysis was used to provide a classification of founder “types.” The seven generalized “types” of owner-managers were named as follows—the insecure (104 founders), the followers (49 founders), the status avoiders (169 founders), the confused (15 founders), the tax avoiders (18 founders), the community (49 founders), and the unfocused (1 founder). Further, evidence from the final discriminant analysis model suggested that the seven-cluster classification of owner-managers was appropriate and optimal. However, despite these clear differences between clusters, this was not found to be an indicator of subsequent size or growth, as measured by sales and employment levels. The answer to the second research question would be in the negative. Therefore, we conclude that, whereas new businesses are founded by individuals with significantly different reasons leading to start-up, once the new ventures are established these reasons have a minimal influence on the growth of new ventures and upon the subsequent wealth creation and job generation potential.This result is important for investors and policy-makers. It suggests that strategies for “picking winners” solely based upon the characteristics of owner-managers and their stated reasons for wanting to go into business are not supported. Thus, for example, targeting scarce resources to those with high opportunistic and materialistic reasons for venture initiation would miss those with a wider sense of community or those with personal needs for independence who establish similarly sized businesses with comparable levels of wealth creation.  相似文献   

Even as customer value research in business-to-business markets burgeons, scholars still circumscribe its progress to studies performed in domestic, Western markets and call attention to the ongoing lack of consensus for how to model customer value. To advance the validity and usefulness of this emerging core construct in marketing, this study investigates the measurement equivalence and modeling of customer value perceptions with business managers across five culturally-diverse countries. Analyses draw clarity to the divergent modeling of customer value in the literature by exploring alternative measures and model specifications within structural equations modeling (SEM) and partial least squares (PLS). Comparisons of eight models reveal several valid and invalid conceptualizations reported previously in the literature and generate guidance for managers and scholars modeling customer value in various research contexts.  相似文献   

A model of how institutional investors evaluate and allocate business to brokers shows a complex pattern of influences. The broker's ability to execute transactions at appropriate prices is basic, but this combines with research and sales force performance to build a relationship that affects over-time allocation of business. It is difficult to separate relationship and selling performance, and relationship is subject to considerable decay. Research ability has a weak effect on business allocated on the basis of trading, while trading ability does affect business allocated on the basis of research.  相似文献   

While research has successfully linked social media to separate customer metrics, an in-depth conceptual and empirical understanding of how social media affects the stages of the marketing funnel is currently lacking. We draw on extant theories of consumer information processing and source credibility to conceptually link and contrast the relationships between firm generated content (FGC) dimensions of neutral valence, positive valence and vividness, user generated content (UGC) dimensions of volume and valence and the marketing funnel stages of awareness, consideration, purchase intent and satisfaction. Using daily aggregate brand-level data for 19 brands across seven industries, our analysis shows that UGC dimensions have a stronger relationship with awareness and satisfaction while FGC dimensions are more effective for consideration and purchase intent. Specifically, we observe that FGC vividness has the strongest relationship with consideration and purchase intent, while UGC valence dominates UGC volume for these stages. Our results also show that brands with higher corporate reputation have stronger relationships between dimensions of FGC and the marketing funnel stages. Findings by consumption category show that UGC and FGC dimensions have larger positive relationships with awareness for durables and non-durables, and with consideration, purchase intent, and satisfaction for services. Thus, overall, our study offers critical managerial insights into social media marketing regarding how to leverage both FGC and UGC in managing the marketing funnel and brand reputation.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(2):193-219
Jardine Matheson & Company, a 200-year-old Hong Kong trading company that began as a house of agency, has evolved to become a contemporary Asian multinational. This article focuses on the entrepreneurial ambition of founders William Jardine and James Matheson, the importance of reputation both to legitimacy and the survival and growth of the firm, with emphasis on the role played by the founders in shaping the legal environment for trade with China. The study uses Edith Penrose's Theory of the Growth of the Firm as a principal interpretive framework and draws its evidence from the founders' original letters and a previously unexamined resource, the free trade treatise of James Matheson called Present Position and Prospects of the British Trade with China.  相似文献   

Small Business Economics - Company survival after recessions depends on the entrepreneurial ability of decision makers to react to the crisis and learn how to make the best use of chances. The aim...  相似文献   

To understand the unique aspects of Asian business practice, we propose a conceptual framework of institution-based, legitimacy-embedded efficiency. We underscore the institutional foundations of Asian business practice and propose that gaining legitimacy takes priority in order to attain the efficiency that follows from legitimacy in Asian business practice. We then highlight several fundamental, philosophic principles that define the meaning of legitimacy and ways to achieve legitimacy in Asian societies. We also provide a brief summary of each paper in this special issue and then proceed to pinpoint desirable directions for further research in light of our conceptual framework.  相似文献   

We examine the influence of multinationality and business group diversification on firm performance. Further, we examine how their interaction varies between service and manufacturing firms. We assess these relations in three Latin American countries using a sample of 103 firms over the period from 2000 to 2007. We found that there is a limit to the positive effects of business group diversification and that business group diversification effectively moderates the multinationality-performance (M-P) relationship. Our results also suggest that diversified business groups have a stronger positive influence on the M-P relationship for service firms compared to manufacturing firms.  相似文献   

Prior business group (BG) studies implicitly assume that corporate diversification‐firm performance relationships are uniform across industry sectors. This generalization may lead to research implications that are not equally true for BG‐affiliated manufacturing and service firms. Drawing on strategy and marketing literature, this research addresses this scholarly gap. Our empirical analysis of a large sample of BG‐affiliated Indian firms over a five‐year period (2004‐2008) indicates that the influence of corporate diversification on firm performance is greater for affiliated service firms than affiliated manufacturing firms. Results also indicate that the influence of BG size and diversity on diversification‐firm performance relationship varies significantly depending on whether the focal firm belongs to the manufacturing or service sector. Firm's share ownership does not generate similar influence. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation of board structure through the appointments of outside directors and the role of busy directors on firm return on assets within an environment of no regulation for privately held firms and voluntary adoption of corporate best practices for security issuers with family controlling blockholders. This study relies on a sample of an average of 335 firms per year for the 1996-2006 period, where 244 are private firms and 285 are affiliated to one of the seven largest non-financial business groups in the country. Five of these groups were, in 2006, still family-controlled. We find a positive relation between both the ratio of outside directors, and the degree of board interlocks, with firm return-on-assets. Outside busy directors turned out to be key drivers of improved firm performance. Appointments of outsiders are endogenous to firm ownership structure. Blockholder activism as well as contestability becomes an internal mechanism that improves director monitoring and ex-post firm valuation.  相似文献   

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