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An Empirical Analysis of the Housing Decisions of Older Homeowners   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper examines the effects of finanacial, demographic and housing variables on older homeowners' propensity to make a variety of housing changes. Pooled cross-sectional data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics is used in a multinomial logit framework. The results indicate that demographic factors are much more important than financial factors in explaining housing changes by older homeowners.  相似文献   

This paper provides a framework for considering approaches to the preservation of older neighborhoods. Particular attention is paid to the role of financial institutions in the dynamics of neighborhood change and to public/private collaborative efforts to stem decline. In general, public policie to preserve neighborhoods must be comprehensive in nature and require a variety of tools to take into account the unique aspects of a neighborhood's environment. To create or maintain a stable neighborhood environment, however, there are no alternatives to an overall approach which embodies local governments, the private sector, and private citizens. Any other approach may provide short-run gains that will not create the dynamics necessary for long-term stability.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence on the factors influencing the housing improvement expenditures of urban homeowners. In comparison to prior work, a more completely specified model was estimated. In particular, variables measuring the price of inputs and neighborhood quality were included and found to have a statistically significant impact on the maintenance and improvement expenditures of central city homeowners.  相似文献   

A variety of reverse mortgage loan programs have been available to elderly households for over a decade. The number of unrestricted reverse mortgage loans issued by the private sector has been quite small. About 12,000 loans have been issued through mid-1992. Some researchers take this to mean that the size of the potential market for reverse mortgages is also quite small. Other researchers claim that current low levels of activity reflect supply and demand problems, but that the potential market is in fact quite large. This paper uses American Housing Survey (AHS) data to estimate the potential size of the market for unrestricted reverse mortgages. The 1989 national AHS shows that there are over twelve million elderly homeowners (age 62 and over) who own their homes free and clear. Depending on their income, age and the level of home equity, the group of households most likely to benefit from reverse annuity mortgages is considerably smaller. As one approach to defining a lower bound of the estimate of potential beneficiaries from reverse mortgages, we count the number of homeowners in a prime group consisting of the older elderly, aged 70 or above, with an annual income of $30,000 or less, with home equity between $100,000 and $200,000, who have lived in their homes for over ten years. We estimate that there are about 800,000 elderly households in this prime group. For such households, reverse mortgage payments could represent a substantial percentage increase in income; other definitions of target groups can also be explored using the tables provided. The paper uses the 1985 through 1988 AHS Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) surveys to identify areas that have a large number of elderly homeowners in the prime target group, and in which these homeowners represent a large fraction of the elderly homeowner population. These locations are likely targets for introduction of reverse mortgage products because any campaign can be targeted towards a high concentration of likely eligible beneficiaries.  相似文献   

During most of the postwar period the increase of the prices of single-family homes in Sweden have exceeded the general inflation, while for several years the opposite is true of apartment houses. We discuss the reasons and present estimates of capital gains attached to this price behavior. It turns out that apartment houses have often yielded nominal but no real capital gains. Single-family homes have yielded real accrued capital gains amounting to approximately 3% of GNP during the period 1963–1976. We also present a rough indirect method of estimating realized capital gains, first disregarding, and then including the effects of loans.  相似文献   

城市知识资本评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从理论上探讨了城市知识资本的概念、构成以及评估指标,提出构建城市知识资本评估指标的原则,建立城市知识资本评估指标体系,同时运用层次分析法AHP给出城市知识资本评估综合指标的计算。  相似文献   

Though approaching $200 billion a year, spending by homeowners and rental property owners on improvements and repairs to the stock of existing housing units has received little attention in the academic literature. Historically, studies of the determinants of home improvements have focused heavily on the static characteristics of the housing unit (age, value, size, location) and of the occupants (age, income, household composition). This article extends this inquiry by incorporating dynamic factors, namely changes in the composition of the household and previous spending on home improvements. The results of these enhancements are encouraging. Additions of household members and having recently undertaken a major home improvement project are significantly related to home expansion projects.  相似文献   

A recent publication [2 Bernhard , Richard H. , “ A Comprehensive Comparison and Critique of Discounting Indices Proposed for Capital Investment Evaluation ,” The Engineering Economist , Volume 16 , Number 3 , Spring 1971 .[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]] in this journal presented a comprehensive comparison and critique of discounting indices proposed for (i) the examination of whether a proposed independent project should be accepted and (ii) selection of a project from a set of mutually exclusive projects. The present paper examines procedures available in the literature of engineering and managerial economics and in practice for selecting projects from a given number of proposed capital investment projects, if a given capital constraint does not permit the undertaking of all proposed projects. It appears that the present state of the art is subject to much controversy and confusion. The ensuing presentation intends to rectify this situation. In addition, a procedure for the above selection problem is developed. Usage of this procedure is recommended for the many policy makers who are continually faced with the trade-off between elaborate methods on the one hand and cursory /approximations on the other.  相似文献   

Future costs and revenues in capital investment opportunities can seldom be predicted with certainty. As a result, there is usually some doubt as to the outcome of an investment. The chance that an investment may not prove profitable represents the investor's risk. This paper considers the problems which uncertainty and risk present in the evaluation of capital investments. Several traditional methods of dealing with uncertainty and risk are considered and shown to be deficient. A relatively new evaluation technique, which utilizes probability theory and computer simulation, is then described and its advantages highlighted. It is suggested that this technique will prove valuable in the evaluation of future marine capital investments.  相似文献   

谁从谁获益:中国制造业中的外商直接投资   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用中国制造业1995年和2003年的行业数据,实证研究了不同国别外资企业与不同所有制内资企业组合产生的溢出效应模式。结果发现.外资存在与内资企业绩效间的关系并不是普遍而一致的.而是与外资企业的国别和内资企业的所有制类型密切相关。我们研究的主要结果表明,西方国家的投资较港、澳、台和海外华人投资对内资企业的影响相对更大。进一步发现西方企业对国有企业具有正向的溢出效应。而港、澳、台和海外华人企业则改进了内资非国有企业而不是国有企业的绩效。本文所发现的外资在中国制造业中溢出效应的有趣模式建议外资政策设计应着力促进不同类型外资与内资企业之间的特定组合,特别是西方跨国公司与本土国有企业及港、澳、台和海外华人企业与本土非国有企业之间的合作和良性互动.从而最大化外资溢出带来的溢出好处。  相似文献   

近年来,创意设计产业蓬勃发展,逐渐成为风险投资青睐的新兴领域.然而,创意设计产业是典型的高风险投资行业,为了控制风险获取高收益,综合评价项目对于风险投资者而言尤为重要.针对国内外缺少该领域研究的现状,本文简要分析了创意设计产业风险投资项目的特点,并结合层次化分析法(AHP)构造了一套风险投资评价指标体系,对于指导风险投资者进行投资决策具有实用价值和指导意义.  相似文献   

国有企业形成的不良资产应纳入企业经营业绩评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
所谓不良资产 ,通俗地讲就是不能为本企业带来预期现金流入或明显给企业带来跌价损失的资产。这些资产是否给企业当期造成亏损及亏损多少 ,关键是企业是否及时进行处置。处置的越多则当期亏损越多 ,不处置则不表现为亏损。企业不良资产的大量累积 ,不仅导致当期企业盈亏不实 ,不能正确评价企业经营者的经营业绩 ,而且严重影响国有资产的统计不实 ,影响各级政府对国民经济发展规划的决策。在现行财会法规和企业经营业绩评估指标体系的要求中 ,均没有把形成的不良资产的处置作为企业必要行为来核算和考核。虽然中央及各级政府一再强调盘活资产…  相似文献   

This paper describes a course in Engineering Economy which has been taught at Bradford for twenty years. It employs a variety of teaching methods to meet the preferred learning styles of students with different personality profiles and rt enables them to develop by passing through all four quadrants of the Experiential Learning Cycle. To facilitate this process, a novel business game has been invented which allows the Net Present Value of a project to be calculated quickly. Working as teams, students can thereby appraise the economic merits of a capital project as it proceeds through the various stages of its life cycle. The derivation of this model is provided herein with a few examples of the memoranda which enable the game to develop in a realistic way and by applying sequential decisions.  相似文献   

Productivity Gains from the Implementation of Employee Training Programs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ANN P. BARTEL 《劳资关系》1994,33(4):411-425
This study uses data on the personnel policies and economic characteristics of businesses in the manufacturing sector to measure the impact of formal training programs on labor productivity. The major finding is that businesses that were operating below their expected labor productivity levels in 1983 implemented new employee training programs after 1983 that resulted in significantly larger increases in labor productivity growth between 1983 and 1986. This higher rate of productivity growth was sufficient to bring these businesses up to the labor productivity levels of comparable businesses by 1986.  相似文献   

人力资本价值转化模型实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为人力资本包含了个体资本、群体知识资本、个体社会资本三个方面,并且建立了人力资本各要素的因果关系及其向组织知识资本转化的模型。利用企业问卷调查得到的数据,本文运用结构化方程分析方法和Amos软件,对模型进行了参数估计和分析总结,以此揭示人力资本在组织中积累和转化为组织知识资本的机理,从而为企业的知识管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为适应社会主义市场经济发展 ,规范企业无形资产等事项的会计核算及相关信息披露 ,从而提高会计信息质量 ,财政部制定了《企业会计准则———无形资产》等 3项准则 ,并修订了《企业会计准则———现金流量表》等 5项准则 ,并从 2 0 0 1年 1月 1日起执行。《企业会计准则———无形资产》对无形资产的核算作了明确具体的规定 ,但其对于自创无形资产的会计核算的规定并不深入 ,笔者在此作一探讨。一、无形资产的价值构成及价格确定要进行无形资产的核算 ,就必须了解无形资产是如何形成以及其价值、价格是如何决定的。根据经济学观点 ,商品具有…  相似文献   

《企业会计准则———债务重组》已于1999年1月1日起正式执行,在该准则中规定债务重组的方式包括以下四种:以资产清偿债务;债务转为资本;修改不包括上述两种方式在内的债务条件,如减少债务本金、减少债务利息等;以上三种方式的组合。其中,第一种方式———以资产清偿债务又可分为现金(含现金等价物)清偿债务和以非现金资产清偿债务两种。在以非现金资产清偿债务进行债务重组的方式下,准则规定对非现金资产按公允价值计量。所谓公允价值,是指在公平交易中,熟悉情况的交易双方,自愿进行资产交换或债务清偿的金额。准则之所…  相似文献   

本文针对分承包方多而杂之企业,从分承包方分类、评定方法选择、档案建立、考核等4个方面探讨了如何有效地进行分承包方评价等问题.  相似文献   

REITs offer the opportunity to examine the relationship between capital structure and cost of capital in the absence of corporate earnings taxes. The evidence supports the leverage clientele effect as the motivation for the use of financial leverage by REITs.  相似文献   

从微观角度,依据我国现行财税制度和价格体系的要求,阐述了高校基本建设投资项目财务评价的职能、原则、内容、重要意义,以及评价指标的确定和计算方法。  相似文献   

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