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效率与公平、正义是一对矛盾体,国家社会的发展需要在两者之间作出选择。卢梭的"公意"没有现实的可操作性,现实中的公意只能是共同体中的部分人而不可能是全部成员的公意,因此",公意"也就不能作为实现全体成员公平和正义的法理基础。效率和公平、正义之间分配的优先次序取决于不同社会的不同经济社会发展水平。先发国家和后发国家存在明显的巨大差异,因此完全有理由去在效率和公平、正义之间搞不同的平衡,关键是各个国家、社会在完全的效率和完全的公平、正义之间如何去分配。国家社会应该随着经济社会的发展促进效率与公平、正义的和谐统一。 相似文献
倪瑞华 《技术经济与管理研究》1999,(5):64-65
收入分配是一个大众非常关心而又十分敏感的问题,收入分配的状况如何又与收入的分配方式紧密联系。因此,如何把收入分配方式与公平分配目标统一起来是一个非常现实的问题。(一)在历史上不同的社会经济条件下曾经出现过不同的分配方式,人类社会发展早期的原始社会,实行的是原始公有制,采用的分配方式是平均分配,即在一定的社会范围内按人头大致均分生存必需品。在奴隶社会和封建社会占统治地位的分配方式是按权分配,即奴隶主和封建主凭借对生产资料(主要是土地)和劳动者人身的占有权,王室、贵族和各级官吏依仗国家授予的世袭特权… 相似文献
公平与效率始终是人类社会追求的两大目标,也是我们构建和谐社会主义社会的必然要求。本文主要从机会公平、过程公平和结果公平三个方面去分析我国财政分配体系中存在的问题,并根据在为“5·12”汶川大地震捐款过程中反映出来的我国在个人慈善捐款退税方面的不足,最终提出相应的对策,并着重分析了在初次分配中追求公平的必要性以及第三次分配的重要性,旨在为解决我国收入分配差距日益增大带来的结果不公平问题出谋划策。 相似文献
党的十七大报告既全面总结了中国特色社会主义事业取得的伟大成就,又对中国特色社会主义建设做出了新的战略部署,是新世纪新阶段指导中国特色社会主义建设的马克思主义纲领性文献。该报告中提到“初次分配和再分配都要处理好效率和公平的关系”.这说明我国未来几年的改革必向“效率与公平”兼顾努力。 相似文献
初次分配中效率与公平不是孰轻孰重的关系,初次分配中的效率本身具有公平性质。针对初次分配中存在的不公现象,处理好效率与公平的关系具有紧迫性和现实性。要对影响初次分配中效率与公平关系的因素进行分析,区分产生收入差距的合理因素和不合理因素,通过完善社会主义市场经济体制、真正落实社会主义初级阶段的分配制度、制定并严格执行国家在微观经济领域制定的法律法规等措施,正确处理初次分配中效率与公平关系。 相似文献
刘明珠 《经济技术协作信息》2011,(24):19-19
“效率优先、兼顾公平”是与建立社会主义市场经济体和桕适应的分配原则。效率与公平是企业员工最关注的热点问题,直接影响企业的发展状况。在现阶段,要确立现代企业收入分配中公平与效率及关系的判断标准,在分配中科学有效地贯彻落实“效率优先、兼顾公平”的原则。以提高企业的运作效率和经济效益,提高企业的竞争能力。 相似文献
薪酬与福利制度属于社会分配制度,因而它必定要体现社会的分配正义原则.分配正义主要有两个原则,即效率原则与公平原则.社会的薪酬与福利制度应当将这两个原则统一起来.这样就能既体现个体独特的价值,又能照顾到大多数人的利益,从而有利于社会和谐. 相似文献
论流域可持续发展中的效率与公平关系 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
本文认为,效率与以平关系既是抽象的,也是具体的,效率与公平关系的研究应与具体的地域空间相联系,流域是一种特殊类型的地域空间,流域的上中下游之间存在着天然的社会,经济和生态的联系,探讨流域内效率与公平的关系,既是实现流域可持续发展的需要,也有利于效率与公平问题研究的深化。 相似文献
Frederic Jennings 《Forum for Social Economics》2013,42(1):77-87
The theory of planning horizons and their relation to pricing, conscience and learning has been explored in some detail in terms of efficiency attributes and ecological health (Jennings 2003, Journal of Economic Issues 39:365-373, 2005, 2007a, b, 2008a). This paper addresses the equity implications of planning horizons in terms of the social role and importance of justice, rights and capabilities in a free market economy. From my earlier work, cooperation—not competition—is seen as the means to longer and broader horizons in an efficiency frame, mitigating any alleged tradeoff against equity issues. The impact of longer horizons on fairness and justice in terms of intentions and outcomes along with rights and capabilities still remains unexplored. This paper reviews the normative aspects of planning horizons, showing how ethical and ecological conscience spreads with horizon effects, strengthening goals of fairness and the internalization of social effects. In this setting, capabilities and empowerment are enhanced by respect for human rights, as social conscience spreads through interhorizonal complementarities. The features of a long-horizon world differ from myopic contexts, specifically in the relation of efficiency to other goals. This paper examines that difference in terms of its equity aspects, with regard to social justice and the role of rights and capabilities in economic cultures. 相似文献
公允价值顺周期性在金融风险形成中存在重要效应。理论上剖析公允价值顺周期效应的内在机理,探寻多重因素效应于公允价值顺周期的作用机制。实证研究发现:宏观经济形势越好,市场非理性效应加剧了公允价值对金融类资产计量的放大效应,公允价值的顺周期效应越明显;市场化程度越高,公允价值的顺周期效应越明显;相比于非国有企业,国有企业中公允价值计量的顺周期效应越明显。国有企业中宏观经济形势与公允价值计量顺周期性间的敏感性在金融危机前后差异不大,而在非国有企业中差异表现明显,在市场化程度较高的地方越明显,但在市场化越低的上市公司中宏观经济形势与公允价值计量顺周期性间的敏感性在金融危机前后差异不大。 相似文献
Rudi Verburg 《European Journal of the History of Economic Thought》2013,20(1):23-44
According to the accepted view, Smith carved out distributive justice from his concept of justice and argued that distributive justice would follow in the wake of natural liberty. In recent contributions, however, it is emphasized that a system of natural liberty will only generate beneficent distributional outcomes if the rules of commutative justice safeguard natural liberty and mirror community standards of justice. In this paper it is argued that Smith increasingly came to question whether commercial society could meet this requirement. Given their subservience to sectional interests, rules of justice neither safeguard natural liberty nor conform to community standards. Moreover, the inherent strain in commercial society to corrupt man's moral sentiments erodes community standards of justice. In the development of Smith's views his growing concern for distributive justice is reflected. 相似文献
公平与效率是马克思主义理论的重要组成部分。文章认真研究正确解读中国特色社会主义市场经济下公平与效率的理论发展,并提出实现公平与效率的具体路径。 相似文献
兼顾公平与效率 促进经济社会和谐发展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
蔡思复 《中南财经政法大学学报》2006,(2):10-14
为了平抑收入差距急剧扩大的趋势,克服社会公平与经济增长相悖现象,必须关注社会公平。有鉴于此,应实行兼顾公平与效率的发展战略,替代“效率优先,兼顾公平”的增长理念。即应实行以人为本的公平与增长并重的发展战略,促进经济社会和谐发展。 相似文献
Hilde Bojer 《Feminist Economics》2013,19(2):23-39
This paper is about children as subjects of social justice. It argues that economic welfare theory, utilitarianism, and other theories of justice based on utility theory assume rational individuals with stable preferences, and therefore cannot be applied to children. Libertarian justice treats children as possessions of the parents without rights of their own. A Rawlsian social contract, on the other hand, can be extended to include children. The main part of the paper consists of an attempt to sketch such an extension. It argues that justice to children is basic to Rawlsian justice, and that the Rawlsian case for equality is strengthened when children are taken into account. The principle of extensive liberty, when applied to children, must imply that children cannot properly be regarded as the possession of their parents. 相似文献
Frederic B. JenningsJr. 《Forum for Social Economics》2010,39(1):77-87
The theory of planning horizons and their relation to pricing, conscience and learning has been explored in some detail in
terms of efficiency attributes and ecological health (Jennings 2003, Journal of Economic Issues 39:365-373, 2005, 2007a, b, 2008a). This paper addresses the equity implications of planning horizons in terms of the social role and importance of justice,
rights and capabilities in a free market economy. From my earlier work, cooperation—not competition—is seen as the means to
longer and broader horizons in an efficiency frame, mitigating any alleged tradeoff against equity issues. The impact of longer
horizons on fairness and justice in terms of intentions and outcomes along with rights and capabilities still remains unexplored.
This paper reviews the normative aspects of planning horizons, showing how ethical and ecological conscience spreads with
horizon effects, strengthening goals of fairness and the internalization of social effects. In this setting, capabilities
and empowerment are enhanced by respect for human rights, as social conscience spreads through interhorizonal complementarities.
The features of a long-horizon world differ from myopic contexts, specifically in the relation of efficiency to other goals.
This paper examines that difference in terms of its equity aspects, with regard to social justice and the role of rights and
capabilities in economic cultures. 相似文献