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Knoblock and Korf have determined that abstraction can reduce search at a single agent from exponential to linear complexity (Knoblock 1991; Korf 1987). We extend their results by showing how concurrent problem solving among multiple agents using abstraction can further reduce search to logarithmic complexity. We empirically validate our formal analysis by showing that it correctly predicts performance for the Towers of Hanoi problem (which meets all of the assumptions of the analysis). Furthermore, a powerful form of abstraction for large multiagent systems is to group agents into teams, and teams of agents into larger teams, to form an organizational pyramid. We apply our analysis to such an organization of agents and demonstrate the results in a delivery task domain. Our predictions about abstraction's benefits can also be met in this more realistic domain, even though assumptions made in our analysis are violated. Our analytical results thus hold the promise for explaining in general terms many experimental observations made in specific distributed AI systems, and we demonstrate this ability with examples from prior research.This research has been sponsored, in part, by the National Science Foundation under grants IRI-9015423 and IRI-9010645, by the University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School, and by a Bell Northern Research Postgraduate Award.  相似文献   

The main goal of teaching a database application is to prepare students to use the application as a tool to gather information and to solve problems. This study investigated two approaches to teaching problem solving with database applications with the goal of preparing students to transfer their problem solving and database skills to solve an ill structured business problem. The findings reveal that neither the problem solving instruction approach nor the problem solving discovery approach improved students' transfer of problem solving skills. Students continue to have difficulty selecting efficient database procedures to support their problem solving processes. Further research is recommended.  相似文献   

Insight velocity measures the speed with which participants in a meeting increase their understanding of a problem and its possible solutions. The problem solving meeting is an information processing system subject to the influence of rational and social forces. Traditional meeting skills and information technology, in the form of group technology, provide meeting designers with a means of amplifying and dampening these social forces to improve the effectiveness of meetings. For each phase of a meeting, a three stage information processing model (generate, evaluate, and relate) is described. Meeting design consists of two activities: (1) dividing a meeting into a sequence of information processing steps, and (2) deciding which forces to amplify or dampen in each phase. Meeting design is based on repeated application of this three stage model to maintain insight velocity. These principles of meeting design are illustrated with vignettes drawn from selected meetings addressing complex problems.  相似文献   

测控设备采用传输控制协议/网际协议(TCP/IP)作为基础协议,进行遥控多通道并行工作时易造成网络数据粘包。针对此问题,在对TCP协议特点进行分析的基础上,通过讨论TCP编程模型和流交付模型,研究了发生TCP数据流粘包时的网络数据特征,并分析了发生网络粘包的原因,提出了局域网环境下采用短连接、发送端及格式数据组包3种解决网络粘包的方法。实际测试结果证明了这3种方法的适应性及格式数据方法还原TCP网络数据包的有效性,可为基于TCP应用软件开发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

We describe a pricing structure for the provision of IT services that ensures trust without requiring repeated interactions between service providers and users. It does so by offering a pricing structure that elicits truthful reporting of QoS by providers while making them profitable. This mechanism also induces truth-telling on the part of users reserving the service.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence for how factual (directly relevant for developing creative solutions) vs. range (indirectly relevant) information can be used to provoke idea generation and effective creative outcomes. Data were obtained from 127 staff, faculty, and students at a private Midwest university. The results show that the effect of type of information was moderated by the participant's creative thinking skill and domain knowledge. For individuals high in creative thinking skill, range information improved idea generation originality, which in turn enhanced creative outcome novelty but reduced outcome usefulness. Factual information, under various conditions, both helped and hindered creative outcome usefulness. Overall, presenting information during idea generation can improve creative outcome effectiveness. Managers should be careful to present the appropriate information at the appropriate time, however.  相似文献   

营销语言具有很强的灵活性与随机性.一般应做到:明确、简洁、通俗、生动.但在特定情境下,有时却表现为:"模糊"、"啰嗦"、"深奥"、"直白".只有巧妙地利用矛盾的对立性和统一性,营销语义表达才能产生微妙神奇的效果.  相似文献   

本文阐述了乳糖的特性、生理功能作用、乳糖酶缺乏症及解决途径.  相似文献   

论维权、诚信、法治的辩证统一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖浩辉 《消费经济》2004,20(2):13-14
“中消协”确定2004年主题为“诚信·维权”,符合时宜,切中要害。维权、诚信、法治是相互联系、相互依存、相互作用的辩证统一体。维权是目的,诚信是基础,法治是保障。只有把三者紧密结合、综合运用,才能收到维护消费者权益的最佳效果。  相似文献   

Consumers’ thinking style (e.g., dialectical thinking), which is fundamental to cognition, has been paid inadequate attention in the consumer literature. This research explores the impact of dialectical thinking on Chinese consumer responses toward crisis‐associated products/brands. Findings in three experimental studies indicate that, in comparison to those primed with nondialectical thinking, consumers primed with dialectical thinking report higher levels of purchase intention and trust for a crisis‐associated product/brand. This is the case not just for products with Chinese cultural background, but also for products with western cultural background. Consumers’ perceived severity of crises moderates the impact of dialectical thinking, with a stronger impact in a highly severe crisis situation than in a less severe one. A survey study indicates a similar pattern. These findings are important in suggesting ways of encouraging Chinese consumers to be insistent on quality standard in order to better protect their consumer rights, and moreover, for multinational corporations on how best to respond and formulate strategies of handling product‐harm crises in the Chinese market.  相似文献   

在C-RAN(Centralized,Cooperative,Cloud Radio Access Network)无线网络基于转移矩阵的负载预测方法中,虽然该预测矩阵具有稀疏特性,但是现有的技术缺乏对稀疏特性加以利用,从而造成计算复杂。针对此问题,提出了一种基于稀疏性的预测矩阵求解算法。该算法对网络状态转移矩阵进行分块迭代,每次等分4块,并分别定义4块矩阵的偏移量。当属于同一行的块矩阵的偏移量有一个是零矩阵时,直接得出所求矩阵对应块的元素全部为零,然后进行下一次迭代;当属于同一行的块矩阵偏移量都不为零矩阵时,通过对矩阵方程组变形处理,转换成迭代格式,然后分块处理。最后,结合仿真定量分析稀疏矩阵稀疏度的临界值问题,给出了稀疏度与计算量之间的关系,并证明了其合理性。仿真结果表明,所提算法能够在不影响预测准确度前提下,降低复杂度。  相似文献   

基于冲突化解的管理创新原理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将解决工程技术领域创新问题的TRIZ理论应用于管理创新是可行的,但需要依据管理对象系统所具有的复杂性、模糊性和环境适应性特征进行调整。针对它的复杂性,需要对管理冲突作分类研究;针对它的模糊性,需要构建解的理想化水平的模糊判定方法;针对它的环境适应性,需要将环境变量引入管理创新方法中。借鉴TRIZ理论,从化解管理冲突的角度出发,提出了管理创新所依据两个基本原理:一是化解冲突是管理创新的动力;二是管理创新是一个从局部优化到系统优化的过程,管理创新多从局部开始和交替发生。  相似文献   

我国图书馆事业的发展必须面向未来,为知识经济发展和国家建设做出贡献.而要做出更有效的贡献,必须将自身纳入法制的轨道.从而使图书馆的立法问题不仅成为必要,而且显得迫在眉睫.  相似文献   

文章基于对理论价值的辩证性思考,主要从开发式与探索式创新的视角回顾改革开放以来管理学在中国的理论创新现状,并进一步提出未来演进的相关理论命题从而构建“中国管理学理论知识创造与传播的发展模型”。基于对相关理论文献的推演以及对中国管理学纵向的实际考察,文章认为管理学在中国的理论创新存在多元化的开发与探索象限;虽然数十年以来管理理论的贡献水平逐渐提高,这也在很大程度上符合主流学术共同体的制度逻辑,但是中国管理学理论知识的有效创造与传播还应该兼顾其他理论创新程度较低或者非理论化研究的可能空间,甚至需要保持上述不同象限之间的平衡,从而为全球管理知识的更新做出来自中国的独特价值贡献。  相似文献   

本文提供一种计算非线性电路的稳态响应的有效算法,在多频信号激励的强迫振荡电路和耦合振荡电路都可使用。该方法可称为“代换算法”。因为,它每一步的变量都是用残留误差的各个频率分量解关联时不变电路,该电路是用“松弛法”将时变电路转换而来。此算法非常简单而有效,并且可应用于各种非线性电路。  相似文献   

众所周知,传统的、单一经营的军工企业,不能适应社会主义市场经济的新环境,这是军工企业陷入困境的根本原因.因此,所谓脱困,就是要针对根本原因采取一系列措施,这些措施归结到一点,就是进行企业再造,包括转变旧观念、改造旧结构、改造旧系统和改造旧体制等几个方面的内容.在军工企业自身努力、进行企业再造的同时,国家也要为企业提供良好的外部环境,从政策上以及其它方面,给予积极地、强有力地引导和支持,这是军工企业脱困的必不可少的外部条件.  相似文献   

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