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陈建芬 《中国企业家》2008,(16):120-120
7月31日晚上,郎朗开着他代言的奥迪A8在北京西五环飞驰,紧盯其后的一辆无名小车里坐的就是我。为了赶在郎朗奥运排练前完成采访,我说不上是当起了狗仔还是他的粉丝。在当天晚上郎朗参加的《鲁豫有约》节目录制现场,台上鲁豫与郎朗全家诙谐地谈论着亲情故事,观众席中常常爆发出阵阵笑声,我却总走神,因为我特别饿,从下午2点冒着大雨赶到人民大学准备采郎朗到眼下,已经是快夜里10点了,连奔带跑带交涉带淋雨带追车却忘了带上点干粮和水。  相似文献   

7月31日晚上,郎朗开善他代言的奥迪A8在北京西五环飞驰,紧盯其后的一辆无名小车里坐的就是我。为了赶在郎朗奥运排练前完成采访,我说不上是当起了狗仔还是他的粉丝。在当天晚上郎朗参加的《鲁豫有约》节目录制现场,台上鲁豫与郎朗全家诙  相似文献   

如果说郎朗是中国经济高速发展时代的一大文化品牌,那他和任何公司一样,也有老板、助手、会计,律师、合作伙伴(郎朗在自传<千里之行:我的故事>中说,"在国内,爸爸是我的老板,在国外,我是他的老板").用郎朗中国经纪人李宁的话说,郎朗的收入包括音乐会演出系统、代言品牌系统以及灌制唱片,图书版税等.  相似文献   

采访结束的时候,我问郎朗:我能看看你的手吗? 当时他正脱下运动服准备出门拍照,马上转过身来,对着所有人摊开了他的手掌。这就是那双据说“上天入地无所不能的手”?看起来似乎并没什么特别。手指不如想像中纤长,比较突出的是小指,但是手掌白嫩到几乎看不见掌纹的地步——看得出,主人对它是精心保养的。郎朗最喜欢的球星是乔丹,但是因为怕手受伤,他几乎从不打球。  相似文献   

与企业界的全球化路线不同,郎朗的星路更像张艺谋的出口转内销.为了乡愁,或者更广阔的市场份额,2006年,郎朗开始回国演出.  相似文献   

郎朗 《乡镇论坛》2008,(24):7-8
钢琴演奏家郎朗,“这个当今时代最天才的明星”,在他的钢琴人生起步之时,在报考中央音乐学院期间,也曾深受重创,被老师拒绝、才华不被认可,甚至父子反目想要放弃钢琴……  相似文献   

审慎并购才是更大的智慧;联想为什么要输出新型文化价值观?;惟一牺牲的是郎朗个人形象;从商业来,到商业去;  相似文献   

肖鸿扬  王颖  梁冬梅  梁海松 《英才》2005,(9):109-112
怎样给大客户带来价值 指挥家余隆手里的小棒一扬,青年钢琴家郎朗手下的键盘便随指尖而动,激昂奔放的钢琴协奏曲响了起来,回荡在诺大的场馆里,如黄河之水汹涌激扬,在场的中外人士深受感染……  相似文献   

孙仁斌 《经营者》2008,(17):96-97
品牌就是财富。在个人品牌的照耀下,朗朗的个人品牌溢价能力也水涨船高。凭借8500万的年收入,郎朗登上了福布斯中国名人榜收入第四位,从朗朗身上,我们可以清晰地看到他个人财富裂变的内在轨迹。  相似文献   

缘起郎朗已经记不清演奏了多少遍《平湖秋月》了。作为在欧美以及亚洲地区享受盛誉的著名青年钢琴家,郎朗最兴奋的一次是今年7月份在奥迪总部所在城市——德国英戈尔斯塔特举办的夏日音乐会“,大部分都是奥迪员工,我教他们用中文大声喊着‘平湖秋月’,非常有意思!”2005年8月29  相似文献   

从1932年洛杉矶奥运会刘长春单刀赴会,到2008年北京奥运会的全方位出击。中国文体界的符号人物姚明与郎朗、鸟巢蕴含的设计力量、奥运赞助商联想、伊利、阿迪达斯等,以奥运为圆心,在地球上制造了一个巨大的冲击波,它们是中国国家品牌的推手。大雁的翱翔,新巨人的身高,前所未有的起飞,新兴市场领跑者,中国正学习在多元嘈杂的世界中发出自己的声音,走出孤独。这也是中国的承销口号:一切皆有可能!  相似文献   

大田对奥凯的全资收购在让奥凯实现被救赎的同时,也让大田的物流产业链变得更加完善。在经历了一年的痛苦挣扎后,民营航空公司奥凯航空(以下简称奥凯)在大田集团(以下简称大田)的强势介入下完成了被救赎。3月5日,大田董事长王树生正  相似文献   

Gabi Ebbers, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2001, e45.50, 263pp. ISBN: 3-631-38245-6  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - The recent years have witnessed an increasing awareness in methodological issues in the field of applied linguistics, which brought about what Byrnes (Mod Lang J...  相似文献   

Empirical evidence from the 1980s and 1990s indicates that cash use in the U.S. remains high even though there has been a proliferation of alternatives to cash. This paper examines the dynamics of inflation and asset prices in response to innovations in the efficiency of processing noncash transactions. The quantitative results suggest that inflation is more sensitive than nominal interest rates or real equity prices to innovations in the efficiency of non-cash payments processing. Thus, as alternatives to cash payment become more prominent, the volatility of real interest rates may increase.(JELE31, E41, G12) This research is supported by a Swarthmore College Faculty Research Grant and a Eugene M. Lang Faculty Fellowship.  相似文献   

介绍了美国城市规划学家Jon Lang博士的<城市设计--美国经验>,描绘分布于书中的以及赋予全文结构的观点,以及20世纪前后城市设计的两股思潮:理性主义和经验主义,重申了城市设计的主要目标:创造一个美好的世界.  相似文献   

I argue that teaching statistical thinking is harder than teaching mathematics, that experimental design is particularly well suited to teaching statistical thinking and that in teaching statistics, variation is good. We need a mix of archival data, simulations and activities, of varying degrees of complexity. Within this context, I applaud the important contributions to our profession represented by Darius et al. (2007) , and Nolan & Temple Lang (2007) , the first for showing us how to make simulation‐based learning simultaneously more flexible and more realistic than ever before, and the second for showing us a path‐breaking technology that can make archival data the basis for active learning at an impressively high level of sophistication, embedding statistical thinking within real scientific and practical investigations.  相似文献   

Darius et al. (2007) and Nolan & Temple Lang (2007) give examples of virtual environments that can, for specific purposes, substitute for the real world. We are in the early stages of developments that could revolutionize statistics education by making it possible to capture efficiently important aspects of the thinking and practice of professional statisticians previously learned only from long years of experience. The ability of virtual environments to automate processes provides a potent weapon for tackling the tyranny that Time exercises over such modes of learning. We discuss the many new possibilities that are opened up by virtual environments together with cognitive and pedagogical imperatives to be addressed to ensure that environments actually do teach the lessons they were designed to teach. We echo Nolan and Temple Lang's call for the development of environments to be modular and open source. Taking the R‐project as a model, this can lead to a growing repository of building blocks that make the construction of future environments less costly, thus facilitating the realization of more and more ambitious conceptions.  相似文献   

In this study we extend prior research on the international analysis of accounting conservatism (Joos and Lang, 1994; Ball et al., 2000; Giner and Rees, 2001), by examining the level of accounting conservatism across eight European countries (United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Belgium), and assessing the statistical significance of the differences among them. The definitions of conservatism that we use are, on the one hand, the Feltham and Ohlson (1995) definition, which implies a persistent understatement of book value of shareholders' equity (balance sheet conservatism). On the other hand, we use the one proposed by Basu (1997), that is, a timelier recognition of bad news in earnings relative to good news (earnings conservatism). We also address the possible scale problems of the models used to measure balance sheet conservatism. Finally, we check whether our comparative results could be influenced by a different sample composition in each country. Our results show that there are both balance sheet and earnings conservatism practices in all countries under study. In addition, while continental countries show larger balance sheet conservatism, differences in earnings conservative practices between countries are not that pronounced, although they tend to be larger in the UK. We also find that the existence of balance sheet conservative practices is associated with reduced levels of earnings conservatism, which is consistent with the results in Pope and Walker (2003).  相似文献   

In panel studies, where a categorical response is measured attwo points in time, we can examine two kind of hypotheses regardingthe nature of change. The first is related with change at theindividual level (gross change) through the modelling of joint distributionof responses. The second is related with aggregate change (netchange) through the modelling of marginal distributions of responses.This paper describes a general approach to the analysis of two-wavepanel data based on Lang and Agresti's work (1994) that simultaneouslypermits the modelling of marginal and joint distributions of responses.This approach is illustrated with data from Heatherton et al.(1997) about change in dieting behaviour. These data were originallyanalyzed using the 2 statistic to test independenceof responses. This paper shows how it is possible toobtain a better understanding of these data using the proposedmethodological approach.  相似文献   

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