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Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy,while grain is the cornet stone of that foundation.It is also essential for subsistence and development of the mankind. In recent years,especially since its entry into the WTO, China has been undergoing a period of twists and turns in the development of its grain production and trade which used to be sound and stable.[第一段]  相似文献   

The main products of China's dailyuse glass industry include bottle glass, utensil glass, technical glass (glass instruments, syringes, thermometers and industrial glass) and insulated container glass. These four categories of products are not only people's daily necessities but also bottles for packing use, and  相似文献   

Nowadays,China has become the country that introduces the largest amount of foreign capital.Up to June 2008,the accnmulative total number of foreign-invested enterprises in China is over 632 thousand;the total amount of actual use of foreign capital is over US$582 billion.There are over 400 multinationals of top 500 investing in China,30 of which set up regional headquarters,and the number of R & D institutions funded by foreign firms is over 600.The investment from multinationals has become the mainstream of China's FDI.  相似文献   

Negotiations on industrial tariffs in the current WTO work programme have turned out to be surprisingly difficult. On the one hand, developing countries, particularly in Africa, are concerned about the potential negative effect on their industrial development of developed country efforts to push them into deep cuts in applied tariffs: after the disillusion of the Uruguay Round, promises of welfare gains seem unconvincing. On the other hand, a number of the more complex formula proposals for tariff‐cutting make it difficult for participants to evaluate what they have to do compared with what they hope to receive. The developing countries may achieve greater exports and welfare gains from the more ambitious proposals, but computations show that these also imply greater imports, lower tariff revenues, some labour market adjustments and reduced output in some politically sensitive sectors. Some way of assisting the developing countries in coping with these adjustments is required to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the negotiations.  相似文献   

1997 is the 20th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping's issuing of instructions on ship exports and also the 15th anniversary of the founding of the China National Shi-building Industry Corporation (CNSIC).  相似文献   

China's imports and exports areconfronted with severe challengesin its first year of WTOmembership,due to the decline of globaleconomy and the drop in international tradegrowth,Ma Xiuhong,vice-minister ofForeign Trade and Economic Cooperation,said at the First National Conference on FairTrade which opened in Dalian recently.Tomeet the challenges,domestic enterprisesshould completely understand the rules of  相似文献   

On October 15 2008,China Unicorn merged with China Netcom,the latter de- claring withdrawal from the market.Both agreed to rename"China Unicom Limited"as"China Unicorn (HongKong) Limited",which happened just after China Mobile had announced that would become its wholly-owned subsidiary  相似文献   

1.Key components of cars In accordance with the policy of highstarting point,specialization,large-scaleproduction and high quality,there will be 60key components,especially auto componentsunder unified planning.Support will be givento those optimized products and nearly 300enterprises will be under unified planningfor producing the components.The state will  相似文献   

Coal is China's principal source ofenergy, accounting for about 75percent of primary energy. This patternwill remain unchanged for a long period oftime from now on. Thanks to the effortsmade during the Eighth Five-Year Plan period,the general situation for the coal industry isnow good.  相似文献   

In recent years, the research departments of the chemical industry in China have been active in establishing technical and economic entities, encouraging technical personnel to undertake the commercialization and industrialization of their research achievements, developing new materials and new products according to market needs, and practicing the combination of  相似文献   

The civil aviation industry, with the key role of promoting hitech development, enhancing national strength, providing work opportunities, and guaranteeing aviation safety, is regarded as one of the leading hi-tech industries in the industrialized world, and civil aircraft are the industry's basic products, which are value-added, andpromote the production of their related  相似文献   

Mr. Wang Tao, President of the China National Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, briefed this reporter on his thoughts on the development of China's land oil industry. From the present to the turn of the century, said Wang Tao, is a critical period in the reform and development of the land oil industry in China. Our basic thoughts on the development of China's land oil industry from now on are: to blaze a new trail of better commercial efficiency and rapid development by making economic efficiency upgrading the aim, and oil and gas production and operation the main  相似文献   

Since the economic reform and opening to the outside world, China's electronics information industry has always maintained a high development speed, with an average annual increase of more than 20 percent. From January to June 1997, the electronics industry sector achieved a total industrial output value of RMB162.62 billion, an increase of 26.5 percent over the same period of last year, industrial addedvalue of RMB26.6 billion, an increase of 20.9 percent over the same period of last year, 9.3 percent higher than the average growth speed of the whole country's industrial added-value, and sales revenue of RMB99 billion, an increase of 18.7 percent,with a marketing-production rate of 94.1  相似文献   

This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of grain reserves and grain banks. One important argument against establishing official reserves is that they are more likely to stiffen the barriers to food trade whereas a financial grain bank might be used to reduce those barriers. A regime of trade in which markets for food crops are more open would also be a more integrated world.  相似文献   

Under the first shock of price pressure from China's WTO accession, the Shanghai General Auto Corporation firmly took the initiative. On January 28, 2002, its new models SAIL and BUICK G2.5 were launched on China's market, seeing a rise in demand for the …  相似文献   

The 1994 China International Auto Exposition attracted some of the world's famous carmakers such as Germany's Benz, the Swedish SAAD, Japan' s Mazda and Korea' s Hyundai. The only Chinese enterprise rivaling these international giants is the Shanghai Volkswagen Auto Co., Ltd. whose luxury Shanghai Santana car aroused great interest among its counterparts at home and abroad. Situated in the Anting Industrial  相似文献   

DevelopmentOpportunitiesfortheMachineryIndustryIntheupcomingdecade,Chinashouldfocusondevelopingabatchoflargeprojectsintermsof...  相似文献   

StatusQuoandDevelopmentTrendofChina'sBrewingIndustrySincethefoundingofthefirstbrewery-theQingdaoBreweryin1903,China'sbrewing...  相似文献   

Foreign-oriented Economy Entering a New Stage The Eighth Five-year Plan period saw the fastest development of the foreign-oriented economy in China's chemical industry, with an accumulated import and export value of US$100 billion, including US$38.3 billion of exports. In 1996 the total import and export value reached US$30 billion, including US$12 billion of exports. Now, more than 300 chemical enterprises and institutes have obtained foreign trade  相似文献   

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