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The purpose of this paper is to identify the effects of multinational diversification on corporate financial performance. This issue is examined for Canadian firms by using four years of individual as well as pooled time-series-cross-sectional data for the years 1992–1994 and 1997. Using three distinct measures of financial performance and two measures of multinational diversification and controlling for size, leverage, growth, and efficiency, we replicate the procedures in prior studies to show that, in general, lower performance is associated with multinationality. However, when a nonlinear specification is used, a hurdle level for foreign assets deployment is identified. Prior to this threshold level, financial performance is inversely related to degree of multinational diversification, but beyond this level, the relationship is positive. We provide an explanation for this U-shaped relationship. 相似文献
We investigate the effect of board composition on overall corporate performance while controlling for managerial ownership and other key variables. We recognize that both managerial ownership and board composition may be endogenous to performance, but our work differs from previous in two important respects. First, we measure performance using the market value to book value ratio of common stock equity rather than the more commonly used Tobin's q. Second, recognizing that overall estimates from the IV approach depend greatly on the choice of instruments, we perform sensitivity analysis by using a variety of instruments to proxy for board composition and managerial ownership. Both our OLS and IV estimates indicate a significant curvilinear relation between board composition and performance. However, we find that moderate differences in first-stage regressions, resulting in small changes to first-stage R 2s, lead to widely differing overall results. Our results suggest that findings of studies using IV and similar techniques (e.g. two- and three-stage least squares) must be interpreted cautiously. 相似文献
The present study attempts an examination of the extent to which Greek firms use flexible employment arrangements, the kind of jobs in which they are used and the factors affecting their use. It concentrates on three types of flexible work: temporary workers, independent contractors and subcontractors. Drawing upon data from a sample of seventy-five companies, it identifies factors affecting: a) firm's decision to use flexible forms of work or not and b) the percentage of flexible workers used. The main findings indicate that different types of flexible worker are used by the same firm for the accomplishment of different kinds of job and are affected by different factors. Training costs and monitoring problems appear to be the most influential factors explaining the use of temporary workers, while low frequency of specialized tasks is the main factor affecting the use of independent contractors and often the recourse to subcontractors. Results from the Greek national context would add to existing evidence on this important issue. 相似文献
Every science is built upon a few axioms or general truths, which cannot be logically proved, but accepted as obviously true to actual fact. Conventional statistics is built upon unwarranted assumptions, and therefore it must be replaced by the new statistical thinking which is based on four axioms. 相似文献
This study estimates price– marginal cost mark-ups for Canadian manufacturing industries during the 1970s in order to assess the impact of import competition on domestic market power. The results are mixed. Based on the analysis, there is no consistent evidence that imports reduced the mark-ups of Canadian firms during that period. 相似文献
This note presents Canadian evidence on the linkage between the level of risk exhibited by the share market and instability in monetary policy. Recent findings for the US financial market which establish such a relationship are corroborated using this new data set. 相似文献
This paper re-examines the role of high employment budget expenditures (fiscal policy) in the St. Louis expenditure equation by using spectral analysis and the spectral estimates of a two-sided distributed lag model. The analysis is undertaken with quarterly U.S. data from 1947:1 to 1984:IV in the rate of change form. A salient conclusion is that fiscal policy has statistically significant partial coherences with (nominal) income, with the latter leading the former over the business cycle. We find that income is jointly related to lead terms of fiscal policy in a two-sided distributed lag model. Some explanations for these results are provided. 相似文献
This is an exploratory study examining issues associated with women expatriates and their spouses. Individuals representing three groups - organizations, women expatriates, male spouses - were interviewed to identify their experiences and concerns. The authors conclude that this issue will pose a dramatic challenge for international organizations in the coming decades, and that it is timely to investigate the issue in more depth. 相似文献
Purchasing groups were first created in the healthcare sector, which has faced unprecedented challenges in terms of cost control for over two decades. Purchasing groups are indeed supposed to generate additional savings and more efficient purchasing processes. However, although various aspects of purchasing groups have been studied since the early 2000s, both their performance measurement and the influence that this measurement has on inter-organizational dynamics have been neglected. In purchasing groups, the dynamics between the group itself and its members often results in tensions between both parties. Performance measurement within purchasing groups could alleviate those tensions, since “objective” data could then be used to improve communication.Based on a case study, this research sheds light on performance measurement in a purchasing group, on the dynamics between the group and its members, and on the interaction between performance measurement and inter-organizational dynamics. Results indicate that measuring performance impacts the dynamics between both parties, but that the relationship is also the other way around, and that the inter-organizational dynamics is quite complex. In addition, this paper proposes a framework summarizing the research findings. 相似文献
This paper confirms the relative superiority of related-diversification in terms of the financial performance of New Zealand companies, companies which are much smaller and less diverse than those which normally feature in this literature. To facilitate comparisons with other studies, financial performance is measured in three ways: return on equity; return on assets; and sales growth. Other independent variables controlled for are company size; risk; leverage; technological opportunity; and industry concentration. The effective rates of protection afforded manufacturing industries (export subsidies and import tariffs) are also confirmed as having had some positive bearing on company performance. 相似文献
"Various hypotheses have been put forward in recent years concerning the contribution of human capital to economic growth. This paper argues that school enrolment rates--by far the most commonly used human capital measure in growth regressions attempting to test these hypotheses--conflate human capital stock and accumulation effects and lead to misinterpretations of the role of labour force growth. An alternative education-related human capital measure is constructed which is capable of distinguishing between stocks and flows. Applying this measure to samples of developed and less developed countries during the 1960-85 period suggests not only that there are important growth effects associated both with 'initial' stocks of, and subsequent growth in, human capital, but also that this new measure out-performs the simple school enrolment rates used in previous analyses." 相似文献
Lawyers have come to play an increasingly prominent role in unfair dismissal cases. In the course of their work, lawyers have dealings with the conciliation function of ACAS. This article reports an interview survey which asked lawyers to recount their experiences, and assessments, of ACAS. 相似文献
This article explores how changes in industry structure are reflected in changes in performance and strategy. A set of interrelated hypotheses is proposed and examined in one industry (the Norwegian telecommunications industry). Increasing competition was found to be positively related to increasing industry concentration but negatively related to new entries and performance as measured by value added. Large and small firms were found to vary in performance, and they are seemingly applying different strategies in coping with stagnating market opportunities. 相似文献
人类已经进入21世纪.为了适应新世纪国内外市场竞争日趋激烈的新形势,广大企业都在设法努力提高综合质量和国际竞争能力.笔者通过20年的资料积累,特别是近几年实地学习国际先进企业的经验、参加国际质量会议、研修以及在实践中参与研究、总结,认为以下几个主要观点,似可作为新世纪质量工作的新思路和新举措,供同志们参考. 相似文献
Using cointegration and error-correction modeling, this paper empirically examines the merits of interest-free monetary system in the case of Iran and Pakistan. Results from annual data over 1960–1999 suggest that introducing interest-free banking in the two countries around the early 1980s improved, or at least did not hamper, their overall macroeconomic performance. Moreover, compared to interest-based monetary aggregates, interest-free monetary aggregates in both countries (a) exhibit a stable money velocity, (b) provide policy-makers with a highly controllable monetary environment, and (c) provide a robust linkage with ultimate policy objectives. 相似文献
This note comments on a recent article in this journal by Hollander. The principal points made are two. First, if Hollander's regressions are interpreted as representing the determinants of non-wage share of value-added, no evidence is provided by these regressions that monopsony power transfers income from factors in one industry to factors in another. Second, the interpretation of the regressions as representing the determinants of non-wage share of value-added is itself challenged. In so doing the role of capital intensity variables in these types of studies is clarified. 相似文献
Previous studies on the impact of immigration on productivity in developed countries remain inconclusive, and most analyses are abstracted from firms where production actually takes place. This study examines the empirical relationship between immigration and firm-level productivity in Canada. It uses the Canadian Employer-Employee Dynamics Database that tracks firms over time and matches firms with their employees. The study finds that there is a positive association between changes in the share of immigrants in a firm and changes in firm productivity. This positive effect of immigration on firm productivity is small, but it is stronger over a longer period. The effect tends to be larger for low-skilled immigrants as compared with highly-skilled workers, as firm productivity growth is more strongly associated with changes in the share of recent immigrants (relative to established immigrants), and immigrants who intended to work in non-high skilled occupations (relative to immigrants who intended to work in high-skilled occupations). Those differences are more pronounced in technology-intensive and knowledge-based industries. Immigration is found to have little estimated effects on capital intensity in a firm. Finally, this study finds that high skill and lower skill immigrants have similar effects on average worker earnings arising from the positive productivity effect of immigration, but only skilled immigrants are associated with higher firm profits. 相似文献
In recent years, a number of countries have introduced currency boards (CBs). Gaining in swing and popularity, this new generation CB preserves, to varying degrees, the Central Bank’s ability to function as the lender of last resort (LOLR) and to intervene in case of systemic risk. Recently, Central Bank flexibility has been preserved in different forms in Hong Kong, Argentina, Estonia, Lithuania and Bulgaria. Macro- and microeconomic implications of such departures from orthodox CBs have not been thoroughly studied yet. Theoretically, the introduction of this second-generation CB provides an opportunity for conducting discretionary monetary policy (though certainly not in its typical form). Some major, ensuing questions require answers. What are the new channels of monetary policy? Does an orthodox self-regulating (automatic) mechanism work with second-generation CBs? How are monetary disequilibria in the economy adjusted? We define an automatic mechanism as “the presence of a positive cointegration relationship between the overall balance of payments (BOPs) and the reserve money, and the absence of discretionary variables in the model.” The theoretical hypothesis is checked empirically based on Bulgarian data. 相似文献
职业教育是面向人人的教育,国家把发展职业教育放在很重要与突出的地位。文章就新形式下如何认识职业教育,大力发展职业教育,对于构建学习型社会中的重要作用等方面的问题进行了探讨与思索。 相似文献