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债券定价模型阐释了在假定无交易税的条件下债券资产的定价机制.然而,交易税与所得税都会影响债券资产价格.拓展的债券含税定价模型能够揭示资产定价机制中的税收效应机理,并反映资产定价机制中的税收因素与风险因素的相互作用过程.  相似文献   

Typical after-tax bond yield-to-maturity calculations do not accurately reflect the timing of tax payments for the cash basis tax payer. The best of the methods gives reasonable yield estimates when the first coupon payment date is around May 15. As payment dates vary from May 15, bond values are affected by tax deferrals relating solely to the non-simultaneity of coupon interest and tax payments. These valuation effects, which are not measured by conventional bond models, can be significant, as demonstrated by model simulation and empirical tests which show that the bond market does price the coupon timing tax deferrals predicted by the model.  相似文献   

This study develops a discrete-time dynamic trading model for bond pricing under differential taxation. The model incorporates both the tax-timing option effect and the tax-clientele effect. Investors from all tax brackets have a chance to bid for a bond, and the marginal investor is the one who is willing to pay the highest price. Simulation results show that inter-bracket trading occurs frequently as the interest rate changes, which enhances the value of the tax option. These results are shown to be robust to changes in interest rate process and tax regimes.  相似文献   

The information content of conversion-forcing bond calls depends on the after-tax cash flow to bondholders. If the dividend after conversion exceeds the after-tax coupon but is less than the before-tax coupon, the call reveals unanticipated decreases in dividends and/or earnings that reduce the tax shield from interest payments. In contrast, a call when the dividend is less than the after-tax coupon reveals the timing of an anticipated shift from exceptional firm-specific positive growth to the industry norm. Efforts to document properties of convertible calls are subject to sample-selection bias because calls are disproportionately associated with positive pre-call firm-specific growth.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the sharp narrowing with maturity of the spread between taxable and tax-exempt yields leaves room for tax arbitrage. At times, tax-exempt forward rates have exceeded taxable forward rates. At such times, only expectations of higher taxes on Treasury than on municipal bonds would eliminate profit opportunities. The authors develop the idea of forward tax rates and compute forward tax rates for 1955 through 1984. They also outline tax-arbitrage mechanisms involving private forward sale of long municipal bonds or the use of the Municipal Bond Futures Contract and show the potential profits.  相似文献   

Are nominal bonds appropriately discounted for taxes? Empirical estimates of the response of nominal interest rates to changes in inflation, the Fisher effect, have failed to produce a definitive answer. Four reasons have been put forward as possible explanations: (i) Tobin effects, (ii) fiscal illusion, (iii) peso problems, and (iv) different estimators. Utilizing data on taxable and tax-exempt bond interest rates and several different estimators, we find that the Fisher effect estimates are always larger for the taxable bond relative to the tax-exempt bond, suggesting that fiscal illusion and different estimators cannot account for the previous results.  相似文献   

"纳税服务"通常是指税务机关根据<税收征收管理法>及其实施细则的规定,在纳税人依法履行纳税义务时,按照纳税人对自觉、主动、及时、完整地办理各项纳税手续的合理、合法期望,为其提供规范、全面、便捷、经济的各项服务措施的总称.它具体包括:①税收信息服务.即向纳税人提供税收政策法规、纳税程序等;②纳税程序性服务.即在税收征管过程中提供的征收服务;③纳税环境服务.即为纳税人提供便利的纳税条件和场所;④纳税救济服务.即在纳税人与税务机关发生纳税争议时,为了保障纳税人的合法权益,税务机关提供的行政救济服务."纳税服务"体现的是税务机关与外界的关系.  相似文献   

Earnings Predictability,Bond Ratings,and Bond Yields   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
We examine the role that earnings predictability plays in establishing a firm’s cost of debt capital by measuring its influence on establishing a new issue’s bond rating. In addition, we also examine the effects of earnings predictability on the initial pricing of the firm’s debt. Using new corporate bond issues from the period 1990–2000, our results indicate that the degree of predictability of a firm’s earnings is positively associated with a firm’s bond rating. Moreover, earnings predictability is also documented to be negatively associated with the offering yield. Importantly, bond rating classification accuracy is improved when specific measures of a firm’s earnings predictability are added to a robust model.JEL Classification:  相似文献   

税收文化及其对税收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
税收作为市场经济的重要组成部分并参与了国民收入再分配,它与政治、经济、文化有着不可分割的有机联系.税收不仅需要有完善的税收法律制度,而且需要良好的税收环境,税收环境的构成必须有与之相应的文化作依托,这种特殊的文化氛围便是税收文化.营造良好的税收环境,则需要努力构建和倡导公正、文明、适合时代的税收文化.下面就税收文化及其对税收的影响作粗浅的分析,以期达到抛砖引玉之功效.  相似文献   

企业税务筹划偷税、避税   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
税务筹划又称税收筹划、节税,具有合法性、筹划性、目的性,综合性等特征,从水平或深度上可将其划分为三个层次,即初级,中级和高级税务筹划。为了更准确地把握税务筹划的本质,有必要将税务筹划与偷税、避税进行比较,区分与界定;偷税具有非法性和勘诈性,与税务筹划相比,二者区别显而易见,避税具有合法性,它是税务筹划的一个子集。  相似文献   

税收收入,GDP及我国宏观税负分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济是税收之根本,税收的增长离不开经济的增长,税收反作用于经济,这是经济与税收之间的一般规律,本分析了税收收入与GDP的各个构成要素之间的关系,并通过世界各国宏观税负的分析,结合我国的实际情况,提出了我国宏观税负的合理区间,论证了我国目前小口径宏观税负偏低,而大口径的宏观税负已处于一个较高的水平,进而得出了解决目前财政困难的措施是调整目前的政府收入结构,规范政府收入形式,而不宜走简单增税的路子。  相似文献   

查帐欠税,是指被税务机关检查的对象在法定的期限内,未能按税务机关出具的<税务处理决定书>上列明的条款履行补交税款的义务而造成的拖欠税款的行为.<税务处理决定书>(以下称<决定书>)是税务机关在税务检查完毕后对税务违章行为或有退税的被查纳税人出具的具有法律效力的税务文书.  相似文献   

This paper reviews conflicting theories of company tax incidence impliedby the alternative new and traditional views of dividends andexamines their contrasting policy implications. Whereas, under thetraditional view, closer integration of the corporate and personalincome tax systems is suggested, an alternative policy orientationemphasizing the non-distorting features of the classical system is impliedby the new view. Even if the traditional view is accepted, theimplications for design and reform of the company tax vary widely underalternative specifications of domestic and international tax policy objectives. Schedular alternatives to global income taxation are alsoconsidered.  相似文献   

我国保险业发展举步维艰一部分归因于对保险税收立法的严重滞后,以及由此导致的税收在刺激保险业发展上的软弱无力。一方面,对保险公司实行的高税负使其加大了保费中的费用因素,将税负通过提高保费的方式转嫁到消费者头上;另一方面,对投保人或被保险人有关保险费和保险赔款也缺乏相应的税收优惠政策,致使整个社会的有效保障水平下降。  相似文献   

继承赠与税 继承赠与税是对财产收益征收的税项.澳门有关这方面的法律是于1901年颁布的.主要针对动产及不动产无偿性的转移、向遗产继承或财产受赠者课征所接受部分的税项.  相似文献   

当前被动投资的税收竞争、主动投资的税收竞争和税收套利等问题阻碍了单一税收原则和受惠原则的实践运用。本文介绍了税收竞争和税收套利对国际税收制度的挑战,并以OECD成员国的应对为例,阐述了OECD成员国不断与时俱进修订税收法规的历程,试图引起人们关注国际税收制度的完善。  相似文献   

本文基于债券持有人利益保护视角,以手工收集的2007-2016年沪深A股上市公司发行的公司债特殊条款为样本,研究公司债特殊条款对会计稳健性的影响,以及债券评级的调节作用,并基于公司治理机制和代理冲突角度,探究公司债特殊条款影响会计稳健性的作用机理。研究发现,公司债特殊条款数量越多(约束强度越大),发债主体会计稳健性水平越高;债券评级越低,公司债特殊条款对会计稳健性的正效应越大。进一步研究发现,在国有企业、公司治理水平低以及代理冲突严重的情况下,公司债特殊条款数量对债务主体会计稳健性具有正效应。本研究为不同缔约主体以及政府监管部门防范债券违约风险、治理违约事件、提高债券契约执行效率提供理论参考与经验借鉴。  相似文献   

供应经济学关于经济增长的原理认为,决定经济长期增长的源泉是资本、劳动、技术、自然资源等要素的供给.  相似文献   

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