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Empirical Tests for Stochastic Dominance Efficiency   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We derive empirical tests for the stochastic dominance efficiency of a given portfolio with respect to all possible portfolios constructed from a set of assets. The tests can be computed using straightforward linear programming. Bootstrapping techniques and asymptotic distribution theory can approximate the sampling properties of the test results and allow for statistical inference. Our results could provide a stimulus to the further proliferation of stochastic dominance for the problem of portfolio selection and evaluation. Using our tests, the Fama and French market portfolio is significantly inefficient relative to benchmark portfolios formed on market capitalization and book‐to‐market equity ratio.  相似文献   

The present value equation in finance is shown to be equivalent to the Laplace transformation in mathematics. Based on this observation, the list of known analytic solutions for the present value problem is increased from a handful to more than one hundred. General properties of the Laplace transform are examined as well in light of the newly discovered significance for finance.  相似文献   

In this paper a systematic procedure is developed to determine necessary conditions for all degrees of stochastic dominance. The previously known necessary conditions are specified as to which degrees of dominance they belong, and two new necessary conditions, a ranking of harmonic means and a ranking of algebraic combinations of the first three moments, are derived.  相似文献   

Cochrane and Sa'a-Requejo (2000, Journal of Political Economy) proposed the good-deal price bounds for the European call option on an event that is not a traded asset, but is correlated with a traded asset that can be used as an approximate hedge. One remarkable feature of their model is that the return on an event process explicitly appears in the option price bounds formula, which offered a contrast with the standard option pricing model. We show that the good-deal option price bounds on a non-traded event are obtained as a closed-form formula, when the return on an event is governed by a mean reverting process.  相似文献   

In this study, the performance of cross-sectional stochastic dominance (SD), first proposed by Falk and Levy (FL) (1989), is compared with three traditional event study methodologies: the Mean Adjusted model, the Market Adjusted model, and the Market and Risk Adjusted Returns model. The comparison technique we use is a simulations approach similar to that of Brown and Warner (BW) (1980). BW show that the Mean Adjusted and Market Adjusted Returns models perform as well as the more sophisticated Market and Risk Adjusted Returns model. FL, however, provide a very compelling argument against the three traditional event study methodologies. The problem, they note, is not the theoretical need for risk adjustment; it is the definition and measurement of risk. FL assert that the observed abnormal returns (or lack thereof) may be due to omitted variables, a market proxy effect, or other specification errors in implementing the traditional event study methodologies.The present research finds that SD analysis without the bootstrap method for statistical testing is not very useful at any level of abnormal return. However, when the bootstrap method of statistical testing is employed, SD is found to perform as well as, and sometimes better than, the three traditional models in detecting simulated abnormal performance at all test levels. The results are consistent with FL's assertion that the improved performance may result from the SD methodology being free from the specification errors inherent in the three traditional event study models.  相似文献   

The perceived professionalism of charities is diminished when there is a great diversity in financial reporting practices. In addition, there may be additional regulatory pressure if present reporting practices continue. The purpose of this research was to gather information about the financial reporting practices for charitable organizations in Hong Kong. A brief review of international accounting practices for charities is also provided.  相似文献   

This paper uses a stochastic dominance approach to test for market efficiency following earnings announcements. We find that the stocks that recently announced good earnings news stochastically dominate those that recently announced bad news. The results cast serious doubt on any belief that asset pricing model misspecifications might explain post-earnings-announcement drift.  相似文献   

Applying stochastic dominance rules with borrowing and lending at the risk-free interest rate, we derive upper and lower values for an option price for all unconstrained utility functions and alternatively for concave utility functions. The derivation of these bounds is quite general and fits any kind of stock price distribution as long as it is characterized by a “nonnegative beta.” Transaction costs and taxes can be easily incorporated in the model presented here since investors are not required to revise their portfolios continuously. The “price” that is paid for this generalization is that a range of values rather than a unique value is obtained.  相似文献   


In this paper, the recursion for Generalized Power Series Distributions (GPSD) recently developed by Kling & Goovaerts (1993) is reviewed. Some errors are discovered in their results. Corrected and slightly more general results are proposed here.  相似文献   

We use various stochastic dominance criteria that account for(local) risk seeking to analyze market portfolio efficiencyrelative to benchmark portfolios formed on market capitalization,book-to-market equity ratio and price momentum. Our resultssuggest that reverse S-shaped utility functions with risk aversionfor losses and risk seeking for gains can explain stock returns.The results are also consistent with a reverse S-shaped patternof subjective probability transformation. The low average yieldon big caps, growth stocks, and past losers may reflect investors’twin desire for downside protection in bear markets and upsidepotential in bull markets.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a rationale for modelling physical depreciation under uncertainty and compares two variants of it. The first variant leads to a model, the 'gamma' model which has been discussed in the literature, while the second variant leads to a model, the 'binomial' model, which has not been investigated before. The binomial model is shown to approach a deterministic limit (the reducing balance method) as the depreciated asset becomes infinitely divisible. In contrast it has been demonstrated in the literature that the gamma model approaches a particular statistical distribution under these circumstances. The paper goes on to investigate the useful lives of assets under the two models, by reporting results on waiting times, none of which have appeared in the literature before.  相似文献   

Scott Richarson 《Abacus》2001,37(2):233-247
This article extends the models of discretionary disclosure. The level of disclosure will be affected by the costs of such disclosure. Verrecchia (1983) shows that when the cost of disclosure is fixed then the threshold level of disclosure is positively related to that cost. Verrecchia (1990a) shows that in the presence of fixed disclosure costs the threshold level of disclosure is negatively related to the quality of information (precision) to be disclosed. The intuition for the result is that as information is more precise, withholding it is more detrimental for the firm and hence the threshold for disclosure is lowered. The model here expands the cost of disclosure to be a function of information quality. When this is the case, the Verrecchia (1990a) unambiguous result does not hold. The presence of information quality in the cost function creates a countervailing force such that more precise information does not necessarily imply more disclosure. This creates the intuitive result that precise information of a proprietary nature might be withheld from the market.  相似文献   


In this paper, a stochastic model is developed for the prediction of the employee's cumulative pensionable service over his working life, as a function of his unemployment periods and his completed lengths of service, under a service requirement constraint. Distributional and first passagetime problems are considered for the total pensionable service and a generalized renewal equation is formally solved. Further useful results are obtained and numerical applications are given.  相似文献   

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