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This paper examines the determinants of the dispersion of interest rates bid on competitively sold, new municipal issues. Theory suggests that the dispersion of prices (interest rates) on a new municipal issue depends on the expected costs and benefits of underwriter search on that issue. The greater the expected costs and the lower the expected benefits, the smaller will be underwriter search and the greater will be municipal interest rate dispersion. For empirical testing, the expected costs and benefits of underwriter search are measured by characteristics of the bond issue, the bond issuer, and the market conditions. The empirical tests suggest that the theory holds.  相似文献   

This study compares the issuance costs of Eurobonds before and after the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in 2002. We find that the introduction of the Euro has significantly reduced the issue cost of Euro-denominated bonds compared to bonds denominated in the legacy currencies. The reduction in issue cost is not due to a decrease in underwriter compensation, but rather to the elimination of underpricing (the difference between the market price after trading commences and the offering price). Underwriter fee has declined substantially after the completion of the EMU, but this decline has been offset by an increase in underwriter spread (the difference between the offering price and the guaranteed price to the issuer), leaving total underwriter compensation unchanged. The EMU is also associated with significant reductions in bond maturity and syndicate size, consistent with its expected effects on liquidity and issue costs in the Eurobond market.  相似文献   

The issuer's decision to include warrants as compensation to underwriters is studied for a sample of 1,991 negotiated firm commitment issues of seasoned equity. Using a two-stage logit model to correct for self-selection bias, we find direct evidence that warrant compensation functions as a bond, substituting for reputational capital and enabling the underwriter to certify the issue price. To a lesser degree, the decision also is affected by regulations on underwriter compensation and on the use of underwriter warrants. Issuers' decisions are consistent with an objective of minimizing total underwriting cost, including cash compensation, warrants, and underpricing.  相似文献   

The bought deal is the predominant method of underwriting SEOs in Canada. Offer prices are set and underwriters commit to purchase offerings several days earlier for bought deals than for firm commitment issues, implying stronger underwriter certification for bought deal issues. Consistent with the certification hypothesis, this study finds a significantly smaller negative stock price reaction around the announcement of bought deals compared to firm commitment issues. Bought deals are further shown to have smaller offer price discounts and smaller underwriting fees, implying superior pricing and thus, higher quality offerings. These findings suggest that investment banks’ underwriting method of choice is informative of issue quality.  相似文献   

This paper examines an optimal underwriter participation model and develops testable hypotheses regarding the influence of certain factors on the degree of underwriter participation in initial public offerings (IPOs) of common stock. The issue of underwriter participation is important primarily due to the tradeoff between foregone underwriter compensation and underwriting risk reduction. The results of this paper indicate that factors related to the issue, issuing firm, underwriter, and IPO market conditions all are important determinants of the participation decision. Interestingly, the results also show that the importance of these factors is not consistent across underwriter prestige groups. In particular, factors external to underwriters (e.g., the issuing firm and market characteristics) are more important for explaining nonprestigious underwriter participation, while factors related to underwriters themselves play a more important role for explaining prestigious underwriter participation.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the issue costs and initial pricing of bonds in the international market. In particular, we investigate the determinants of three components of issue costs: underwriter fee, underwriter spread (the difference between the offering price and the guaranteed price to the issuer), and underpricing (the difference between the market price and the offering price). Total underwriter compensation increases with the bonds' credit risk and maturity, but it is insignificantly related to issue size. Interestingly, underwriters appear to price some issue characteristics directly (by adjusting the fee) and other characteristics indirectly (by setting the guaranteed price). The two compensation components (fee and spread) are negatively related to each other. We provide evidence that this trade-off is consistent with income tax considerations, as well as with two-tier pricing by underwriters. We find no evidence of underpricing.  相似文献   

In this paper I re-examine the effect of shelf registration (SEC Rule 415) on the underwriter fees of firms issuing equity. The data indicate that lower fees cannot be obtained by typical firms using the shelf procedure. Rather, previously documented evidence of lower underwriter spreads for shelf issues appears to be due to a selection bias in the firms choosing shelf registration. These firms enjoy a comparative cost advantage over other firms regardless of the registration procedure used.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a model of the underwritten offerings of new shares of seasoned securities. Our purpose is to explain why the offering price chosen by the underwriter is lower than the market price of the firm's shares. Our model recognizes the interdependence between the markets surrounding the announcement and sale of the new issue and recognizes as well the effect which asymmetric information regarding investor demands has upon the prices in these markets.  相似文献   

A number of accounting tasks require an evaluation of competing hypotheses. For instance, a management accountant considers alternative reasons for a significant standard cost variance while an auditor must determine whether an unexpected fluctuation in a client's account balance was caused by an error, irregularity or a change in economic conditions. In spite of the prevalence of hypothesis evaluation in practice, little is known about the process. In this paper we provide evidence on two issues that could compromise effective and efficient hypothesis evaluation: (1) the revision of beliefs over competing hypotheses given diagnostic evidence; and (2) whether an eliminated hypothesis is subsequently resuscitated (i.e. reconsidered as plausible). To address these issues, 55 auditors were provided audit test results and were asked to evaluate five potential hypotheses that may have caused a material fluctuation in the gross margin ratio of a client. The findings indicate that, when presented with diagnostic evidence about a target hypothesis, auditors were prone to adjusting the likelihood of the target hypothesis but not revising the likelihoods of the competing hypotheses. This non-Bayesian revision strategy, which we label the “one-hypothesis syndrome”, appears to represent a trade-off reflecting competing forces of cognitive strain, efficiency and accountability. While our preliminary results indicate high performance (in identifying the actual cause), additional research in less controlled settings is needed to fully evaluate the effect of this trade-off on efficiency and effectiveness. Finally, contrary to anecdotal evidence from an SEC release, auditors were reluctant to eliminate hypotheses and those who did, did not regard their eliminations as permanent.  相似文献   

We empirically analyze the economic role of the underwriter in initial public offerings (IPOs), distinguishing between the “certification” and “market power” hypotheses. We find that equity in high‐reputation underwriter backed IPOs is priced higher and further away from intrinsic value than that in low‐reputation underwriter backed IPOs. Our results are robust to controlling for the endogenous selection of firms to take public by underwriters. Overall, our results support the market power hypothesis and reject the certification hypothesis, indicating that the role of underwriters is to obtain the highest possible valuation for the IPOs that they back rather than to price the equity close to intrinsic value.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence on the economic effects of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 14 segment disclosures. Required disclosures under this standard subsume those of the Securities and Exchange Commission' (SEC) 1970 line-of-business disclosure rule both in terms of the variables to be disclosed and the degree of decomposition of the consolidated information. Consequently, this study hypothesizes that stock price variability will be greater at the time of, and security analysts' earnings forecasts more accurate following, release of these disclosures. The results of the empirical analysis support these hypotheses. They indicate that SFAS No. 14 segment disclosures convey incremental information over previously reported SEC line-of-business information that is relevant to stockholders and to security analysts.  相似文献   

Moral hazard and asymmetric information have both been proposed as the motive behind the use of IPO lockup provisions, with each receiving empirical support in the literature. Rather than consider them to be mutually exclusive motivations, we hypothesize that each is dominant for a different set of firms. We provide novel empirical support for the underwriter certification hypothesis then use this hypothesis to categorize the firms in our sample. Firms that are certified by a reputable underwriter see a reduction in the severity of asymmetric information relative to other firms and therefore will be more likely to see moral hazard as the friction that motivates the use of the lockup provision. For those firms that are unable to obtain high reputation underwriter certification it is relatively more likely that asymmetric information is the motivation for the use of the lockup provision. Based on this separation of firms we introduce and provide empirical support for a novel set of hypotheses concerning the lockup period.  相似文献   

Investors who possess information about the value of an IPO can participate in the offering as well as trade strategically in the aftermarket. Both the bookbuilding and the fixed price IPO selling methods require more underpricing when aftermarket trading by informed investors is considered. Bookbuilding becomes especially costly, since the potential for profit in the aftermarket adversely affects investors' bidding behavior in the premarket. Unless the underwriter can restrict its bookbuilding effort to a small enough subset of the informed investors, a fixed price strategy that allocates the issue to retail investors produces higher proceeds on average, contrary to the conventional wisdom in the literature. We therefore find a benefit to limiting access to the premarket and, hence, provide an efficiency rationale for the practice by American bankers of marketing IPOs to a select group of investors. We also provide unique policy and empirical implications.  相似文献   

This paper tests the predictions made by Signaling Theory against the competing Price–Irrelevance Hypothesis (Eckbo and Masulis, 1992). Signaling Theory suggests that the issue price of a security provides a signal of quality of the issuing firm. In contrast, the Price–Irrelevance Hypothesis suggests that equity pricing does not possess information content. This paper investigates the pricing of seasoned equity offerings by examining the role of firm quality and relative firm valuation on issue price discounts. Additionally, this paper investigates the relationship between the issue price discount and the market reaction at the issuance of seasoned equity offerings. The results indicate that firm quality does not have a significant impact on the degree of price discounting by the issuing firm. Relative firm market valuation does appear to be a determinant of the magnitude of discounting in setting the issue price. This paper also provides evidence that seasoned equity offerings firms that provide a lower issue-price discount experience a lower stock-price decline following the issuance as compared to firms offering a higher price discount.  相似文献   

We discuss the implications of an alternative to the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) the adaptive market hypothesis (AMH). The AMH advances a theoretical basis for a new financial paradigm which can better model such phenomena as the recent financial crisis. The AMH regards the financial market order as evolving, tentative and defined by creative destruction in which trading strategies are introduced, mutate to survive, or face abandonment. The concept of investor rationality is less helpful than the distinction between investment strategies which are more or less well adapted to the prevailing market environment. We outline how a more systematic and grounded basis for behavioural finance can be developed in line with the latter approach. Based on this we develop testable hypotheses allowing the AMH to be distinguished from the EMH. Finally, we discuss how the AMH can aid our understanding of important issues in finance. A central insight is that in the survival of richest, as opposed to fittest, implied by the AMH there is much room for misallocation of resources as price and value uncouple. In this shifting financial market order the regulatory State features as a further market in which the vote market verifies or disrupts market conditions.  相似文献   

This paper develops a signalling model with two signals, two attributes, and a continuum of signal levels and attribute types to explain new issue underpricing. Both the fraction of the new issue retained by the issuer and its offering price convey to investors the unobservable “intrinsic” value of the firm and the variance of its cash flows. Many of the model's comparative statics results are novel, empirically testable, and consistent with the existing empirical evidence on new issues. In particular, the degree of underpricing, which can be inferred from observable variables, is positively related to the firm's post-issue share price.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of setup costs on the pricing of investment banking services. The existence of setup costs is predicted to result in lower underwriter spreads in IPOs for firms that are expected to issue again. Consistent with this prediction, I find significantly lower spreads for firms that make subsequent issues. I also find that a firm's likelihood of changing underwriters in a subsequent offer is related to the time between offerings and the underwriter's pricing performance in the IPO. These results suggest that the deviations from optimal IPO pricing carry a penalty for the underwriter.  相似文献   

In this article we examine the effect of underwriter reputation on the abnormal return due to an announcement to issue seasoned new equity. After controlling for other factors that relate asymmetric information to abnormal returns, underwriter reputation still significantly reduces the magnitude of the negative announcement effect. We also develop a procedure to extract a signaling component from the measure of underwriter reputation. We show that the signaling component of underwriter reputation positively and significantly affects abnormal returns. This result supports the notion that issuing firms use underwriter reputation as an effective instrument to signal that their stocks are not overvalued. JEL classification: D82, G24, G30  相似文献   

We examine the role of issuer‐underwriter relationships in determining underwriter spreads for Eurobond floating rate notes from 1992 to 2002. Financial and nonfinancial firms with long‐term relationships pay a higher underwriter spread. Financial issuers that switch underwriters receive a discounted spread that is invariant to the underwriter's reputation and quality of the issue. However, the discount is not evident for nonfinancial firms. For both financial and nonfinancial firms, spreads are higher for noninvestment grade issues and, within investment grade, increase as quality declines. We also find higher spreads when underwriting is syndicated, and a strong negative time trend consistent with increasing competitive pressures.  相似文献   

This study investigates how regulatory oversight affects the price formation of initial public offerings (IPOs). We provide evidence on the oversight role of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) by examining the effects of comment letters issued by the SEC in the process through which companies are initially listed. We find that IPO issuers reduce their offer price if they receive comment letters. The reduction in price from the IPO filing date to the final issue date is greater when the IPO firm has more correspondence with the SEC. The pricing impact of SEC comment letters is more pronounced for IPO issuers with greater hyping incentives. Moreover, we find that IPO firms that receive more comment letters have similar levels of underpricing and outperform over the long run after the issue date, compared with IPOs with fewer comment letters.  相似文献   

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