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新农村建设背景下黑龙江农民法律意识问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江省作为农业大省,进行新农村建设对实现黑龙江省的经济健康发展具有重要的意义。通过对社会主义新农村建设过程中黑龙江省农民法律意识的调查,发现黑龙江农民法律意识淡薄的原因,主要在于农民法律知识缺乏,农民权利与义务意识较差,存在畏法厌讼心理,基层法律机构不健全等方面。黑龙江省应通过为农民提供法律援助,加强对农民法律意识的宣传,完善与农业和农村密切相关的法律制度,加强基层执法工作,改革司法程序等措施来提高农民的法律意识。旨在为黑龙江省社会主义新农村建设过程中,创建法治的环境,提高经济发展水平。  相似文献   

加强和完善流通法律制度的建设,是当前的一个重要问题。本文对流通法律制度的涵义提出了较深刻的见解,认为流通法律制度是从新的视角所提出的一类法律制度,它的提出是流通领域的社会关系发展到一定程度的必然结果。流通法律制度是由不同层次、不同类别的法律规范和法律部门构成的统一体;是商品交易规范与流通管理规范并存的法律制度;是调整商品流通经济关系的法律制度等。文章提出,应不断加深认识流通关系的本质属性和流通法律制度的重要作用,建立健全流通法律制度的科学体系,以维护商品流通秩序,促进国民经济的健康顺利发展。  相似文献   

Differentiating Legal Issues by Business Type   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Developing legal strategies is a fundamental part of business formation and strategic operation. The ability to incorporate legal planning into the business planning process allows entrepreneurs to strategically plan their operations to minimize risks arising from legal and regulatory regimes and better protect the assets of the business and entrepreneur. Research regarding the legal issues encountered in nascent business ventures is just beginning. Conducting a content analysis of 292 legal information letters, prepared in a university-based legal clinic for new ventures, legal issues and business type were identified. An analysis of the data indicated that: (1) certain legal issues are relevant to all new ventures, (2) certain legal issues are relevant to specific types of new ventures, and (3) the relevancy of individual legal issues will vary depending on the category of business.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the international harmonization of commercial legal rules and commercial legal standards in Latin America have been the result of very specific legal and economic country-specific factors. The paper proposes that international legal harmonization within a regional bloc of countries is a function of the convergence of three broad conditions: (1) first, the a priori international country-to-country compatibility in the form and scope of their legal rules applied to domestic commercial transactions; (2) the emergence and growth of intra-sectoral international markets supported by foreign direct investment; and (3) the emergence and growth of domestic trade-related industries seeking compatible legal rules in their exporting markets abroad. A jurimetric model is introduced showing that the drive to seek international legal harmonization has been explained by these specific economic and legal domestic factors.  相似文献   

从法人本质说的理论发展和各国立法实践来看,现有的几种学说对法人制度的构建都存在着某些缺陷.文章提出的新拟制说认为:团体是一种客观实在,符合一定条件的部分团体被赋予法人资格则是一种拟制,法人主体化的拟制目标应为一般自然人,即具有完全意思能力和行为能力的自然人,而不是传统拟制说的"残疾人".新拟制说应更符合法人产生的规律和实际,也更符合逻辑,是一种彻底的拟制,在一定程度上能够避免传统法人拟制说和实在说的局限,有利完善法人制度的构建和更好地发挥法人制度的作用,新拟制说从哲学本源上揭示了法人的工具属性.  相似文献   

郭名宏 《中国市场》2007,(41):12-13
物流法律体系是我国社会主义市场经济法律体系的重要组成部分。建立、完善我国的物流法律体系是我国的物流业持续、健康的发展的重要保障。  相似文献   

科学界定合作社的法律属性是界定合作社法的法律属性的前提,合作社法的法律属性就是探讨该法的本质属性和功能,以及该法应归属于何种部门法的问题。随着合作社的发展,合作社已不再是传统的非营利组织,而转变为营利性组织。同时,结合合作社的特性,合作社应定位为互益性营利组织。影响合作社法法律属性的因素有合作社关系、合作社法的调整对象、合作社法的法益目标和合作社法责任。从这四个方面分析,合作社法的法律属性应定位为经济法。  相似文献   

邓小平的经济法制思想是对我国社会主义经济建设和法制建设经验教训的深刻总结 ,是对马列主义、毛泽东思想的继承、丰富和发展。深入学习和研究这一思想 ,对于促进市场经济法制研究 ,建立和加强社会主义市场经济法制 ,保障和促进社会现代化建设顺利发展 ,具有重大的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(5):547-557
The legal and compliance departments in organizations have more influence than ever before. Why then are companies so vulnerable to legal liability? The problem may not be with talented legal professionals, but with the lack of legal knowledge held by MBAs and other business school graduates that make day-to-day decisions in modern organizations. Firms can close this knowledge gap and minimize legal liability by training their managers in legal astuteness—the ability of a manager to address legal issues successfully—by instilling four essential traits: respecting the rule of law, recognizing legal issues, resolving problems proactively, and reporting complex legal issues to experts. Job candidates should also be screened for traits of legal astuteness. A legally astute candidate, especially a graduate of a business school that requires legal education for all its students, can be a cultural ambassador for legal astuteness and a valuable liaison between legal and compliance departments and the candidate’s functional area. A legally ignorant candidate will require significant training and a frank assessment of the legal risk they bring to the organization. Modern firms in today’s legal environment face two choices: hire a legally astute manager now or deal with a compliance headache later.  相似文献   

尚珂 《中国流通经济》2012,26(6):105-108
我国市场流通法制建设是一个不断发展完善的过程,从最初关注某一方面的、单项的法律制定,到以系统、全局的角度进行整体谋划,特别是反垄断法律制度的建立,体现了我们对市场经济认识的日渐深入。从完善立法制度和注重立法实效的角度看,市场流通法制建设需要以相对稳定的立法指导思想和立法价值理念指导市场流通立法,这样有助于将各项法律制度整合为有机的整体,建立内在和谐的市场流通法律规范体系。另外,随着立法背景时过境迁和法律实施外部条件不断嬗变,对现有制度进行评估是非常有必要的,立法后评估是法制建设活动中的重要环节。  相似文献   

本文基于中国不平衡的法律环境和始于2010年的大中型事务所组织形式转制提供的天然实验场所,运用2010至2012年期间发生的事务所转制案例数据,研究法律制度与审计师独立性之间的关系,发现事务所转制与出具非标准无保留意见的概率显著正相关,事务所转制引致的法律责任增加有助于促进审计师独立性的提升;在法律环境差的区域,事务所转制与非标准无保留意见出具概率不相关,在法律环境好的区域,事务所转制与非标准无保留意见出具概率显著正相关。说明法律环境影响审计师的行为,审计师法律责任的增加更加有助于审计师独立性的提高。  相似文献   

人类社会进程的新陈代谢决定了大学生这个特殊的精英群体是关系国家和民族兴衰成败的未来有生力量,而法治文明则是实现国家繁荣和民族复兴的必由制度路径,大学生现代法律意识的培养因此构成一项关系到社会主义法治建设的巨大工程。法律意识之养成在于塑造一个法律世界观,但科学合理的法律世界观之形成应依赖客观因素之促进。良好的外部法律环境是健全和改善高校大学生法律意识的最佳途径。必须区别对待我国法律文化传统的积极和消极方面,立足传统并通由有策略的高校法制教育、司法的社会感召等措施培养、引导高校大学生的法律意识之养成。只有在“四有”新人的基础上补上“有法律”这一缺环,这样的民族才是有希望的民族。  相似文献   

法律科技成为目前科技市场和法律服务活动中备受关注的领域,法律科技中有部分技术面向法律文档,处理包括专业术语在内的语言文字。结合已有研究,法律科技对语言处理具有一定的技术的意义,同时法律语言研究对技术应用具备一定的参考价值,综上,法律语言研究在法律科技发展中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

《入境货物检验检疫证明》是海关对进口法定检验检疫货物签发的执法文书之一。本文回顾了进口食品《入境货物检验检疫证明》的法律依据与文书变迁,认为《入境货物检验检疫证明》是进口食品的法定合格凭证,是食品进口后生产经营过程中查验的凭据之一,但不具有合格保证的法律效力,也不能免除进口商和经营者法定的产品质量责任,进口食品消费者与海关之间也不因《入境货物检验检疫证明》形成法律利害关系。进口食品《入境货物检验检疫证明》评语应当强调海关对进口食品已经实施食品安全合格评定、进口商和经营者继续承担食品安全质量责任。同时,海关应当建立进口食品检验检疫证明的效力终止程序,并加强与地方政府市场监督管理部门的信息沟通。  相似文献   

周佳 《对外经贸》2021,(3):77-79
互联网技术驱动下的数字货币革命揭开了货币史上的新篇章,私人数字货币迅猛发展的同时,世界各国中央银行为了维护主权法定货币的地位纷纷投入到了法定数字货币运动的浪潮中。而法定数字货币有利于克服数字货币天然的缺点,并能给市场带来更透明化更加安全的环境。基于分析法定数字货币的内涵与发展现状,对比私人数字货币的突出特点,提出发行法定数字货币的必要性,为法定数字货币的发行与流通提出建议。  相似文献   

公司为他人提供担保的意思表示可以由法定代表人或者代理人作出。《公司法》第16条既是对法定代表人代表权限的法定限制,也是对代理人代理权限的法定限制。如此,担保代理权的外观就包括公司担保决议与代理权授予行为。代理人无权代理,以公司名义与相对人订立担保合同,未经公司以适格的公司担保决议追认,担保合同对公司不发生效力,不管担保合同是否有效,其法律后果均不由公司承受。此时,相对人知道或者应当知道代理人无代理权,在主观上应属恶意,仅得向有过错的无权代理人主张损害赔偿请求权。法定代表人越权代表的法律后果应类推适用《民法典》第171条无权代理规则,公司享有追认与否的选择权。公司选择追认的,担保合同的法律后果由公司承受;公司拒绝追认的,公司不承担担保责任,由公司法定代表人和相对人按照各自的过错分担相对人所受损失。  相似文献   

I show that the decreased price of cocaine in its major destination markets is partly explained by a lower smuggling cost, which is itself the consequence of an increased international trade in legal goods. First, because more legal imports are associated with a bigger number of transporters and therefore with a bigger supply of potential drug smugglers. Second, because, as the number of legal shipments grows, the individual inspection probability decreases, lowering the risk born by the smugglers and thus their compensation. The cocaine market provides evidence of a complementarity between legal and illegal trade.  相似文献   

大学章程是内部治理的总纲领,也是调整大学关系的基本法律依据。加拿大皇家大学章程在法律框架、大学宗旨、法律地位、治理结构方面极具特点。通过分析加拿大皇家大学章程文本内容,对完善我国开放大学章程建设有以下启示:一是开放大学章程应包涵开放性、公平性、高质量、服务性的理念与学历、非学历教育以及终身教育的宗旨;二是开放大学章程明确规定大学主体法律地位;三是开放大学章程是调整开放大学内部治理结构的法律依据。  相似文献   

Governance Inc.     
The use of the nomer ‘corporate’ is hardly an issue in contemporary scholarship on corporate governance. I will argue that this nomer is important for two main reasons. First, the corporate form distinguishes itself from any other form of business representation. In this sense, it is important to know exactly how this form is different to understand how conceptions of ‘corporate governance’ relate to different forms of representation. Second, it is my contention that the use of a particular understanding of incorporation directly informs the concept of internal governance in terms of constituency, structure, ownership and the locus of corporate agency. It is in this sense that I argue that the identification of corporate constituencies and the allocation of agency and ownership is a precondition of business ethics. With this aim in mind, I explore the governance in corporations as the result of the legal understanding of incorporation and the separate legal entity. I explore two historical positions from which five legal positions on the separate legal entity can be derived. These five positions provide reference points for the attribution of ownership and agency between the separate legal entity and the aggregation of individuals that together make up the corporation. Incorporation, as the legal act that constitutes the corporation, can then be shown to adopt multiple and mutually exclusive positions. These positions are central to the debate on the respective claims to agency and ownership between the separate legal entity and the aggregation of individuals. I then end the article by arguing that all concepts of incorporation create legal and economic issues regarding the allocation of ownership and agency, which makes their understanding and the choice behind them important for theories of governance.  相似文献   

2007年,我国人大常委会审议通过的《中华人民共和国公共危机事件应对法》,是新中国第一部应对各类公共危机事件的综合性法律,标志着我国规范应对各类公共危机事件共同行为的基本法律制度已经确立,但还存在着法规体系不健全、应急法制的实施环境有待进一步改善、应急管理的法制执行不到位等问题。我国应不断地修订和完善危机管理法律体系、营造良好的法制环境、加大职能部门执法监管力度,使危机管理工作逐渐进入了制度化、规范化和法制化的轨道。  相似文献   

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