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We propose different schemes for option hedging when asset returns are modeled using a general class of GARCH models. More specifically, we implement local risk minimization and a minimum variance hedge approximation based on an extended Girsanov principle that generalizes Duan׳s (1995) delta hedge. Since the minimal martingale measure fails to produce a probability measure in this setting, we construct local risk minimization hedging strategies with respect to a pricing kernel. These approaches are investigated in the context of non-Gaussian driven models. Furthermore, we analyze these methods for non-Gaussian GARCH diffusion limit processes and link them to the corresponding discrete time counterparts. A detailed numerical analysis based on S&P 500 European call options is provided to assess the empirical performance of the proposed schemes. We also test the sensitivity of the hedging strategies with respect to the risk neutral measure used by recomputing some of our results with an exponential affine pricing kernel.  相似文献   

This paper examines multi-step barrier options with an arbitrary payoff function using extended static hedging methods. Although there have been studies using extended reflection principles to obtain joint distribution functions for barrier options with complex barrier conditions, and static hedging methods to evaluate limited barrier options with well-known payoff functions, we obtain an explicit expression of barrier option price which has a general payoff function under the Black–Scholes framework assumption. The explicit multi-step barrier options prices we discuss in this paper are not only useful in that they can handle different levels and time steps barrier and all types of payoff functions, but can also extend to pricing of barrier options under finite discrete jump–diffusion models with a simple barrier. In the last part, we supplement the theory with numerical examples of various multi-step barrier options under the Black–Scholes or discrete jump–diffusion model for comparison purposes.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the path integral technique which has wide applications in statistical physics and relate it to the backward recursion technique which is widely used for the evaluation of derivative securities. We formulate the pricing of equity options, both European and American, using the path integral framework. Discretising in the time variable and using expansions in Fourier–Hermite series for the continuous representation of the underlying asset price, we show how these options can be evaluated in the path integral framework. For American options, the solution technique facilitates the accurate determination of the early exercise boundary as part of the solution. Additionally, the continuous representation of the state variable allows the relatively accurate and efficient evaluation of the option prices and the delta hedge ratio.  相似文献   

The problem of option hedging in the presence of proportional transaction costs can be formulated as a singular stochastic control problem. Hodges and Neuberger [1989. Optimal replication of contingent claims under transactions costs. Review of Futures Markets 8, 222–239] introduced an approach that is based on maximization of the expected utility of terminal wealth. We develop a new algorithm to solve the corresponding singular stochastic control problem and introduce a new approach to option hedging which is closer in spirit to the pathwise replication of Black and Scholes [1973. The pricing of options and corporate liabilities. Journal of Political Economy 81, 637–654]. This new approach is based on minimization of a Black–Scholes-type measure of pathwise risk, defined in terms of a market delta, subject to an upper bound on the hedging cost. We provide an efficient backward induction algorithm for the problem of cost-constrained risk minimization, whose associated singular stochastic control problem is shown to be equivalent to an optimal stopping problem. This algorithm is then modified to solve the singular stochastic control problem associated with utility maximization, which cannot be reduced to an optimal stopping problem. We propose to choose an optimal parameter (risk-aversion coefficient or Lagrange multiplier) in either approach by minimizing the mean squared hedging error and demonstrate that with this “best” choice of the parameter, both approaches have similar performance. We also discuss the different notions of risk in both approaches and propose a volatility adjustment for the risk-minimization approach, which is analogous to that introduced by Zakamouline [2006. European option pricing and hedging with both fixed and proportional transaction costs. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 30, 1–25] for the utility maximization approach, thereby providing a unified treatment of both approaches.  相似文献   

This paper is dedicated to a new binomial lattice method called Moments and Strike Matching (MSM) consistent with the Black–Scholes model in the limit of an infinite step number and such that the Strike K is equal to one of the final nodes of the tree. The method is very easy to implement, since the parameters are explicitly given. Asymptotic expansions are obtained for the MSM European Put price and delta, which motivates the use of Richardson extrapolation. A numerical comparison with the best lattice based numerical methods known in literature, shows the efficiency of the proposed algorithm for pricing and hedging American Put options.   相似文献   

Abstract We discuss a practical method to price and hedge European contingent claims on assets with price processes which follow a jump-diffusion. The method consists of a sequence of trinomial models for the asset price and option price processes which are shown to converge weakly to the corresponding continuous time jump-diffusion processes. The main difference with many existing methods is that our approach ensures that the intermediate discrete time approximations generate models which are themselves complete, just as in the Black-Scholes binomial approximations. This is only possible by dropping the assumption that the approximations of increments of the Wiener and Poisson processes on our trinomial tree are independent, but we show that the dependence between these processes disappears in the weak limit. The approximations thus define an easy and flexible method for pricing and hedging in jump-diffusion models using explicit trees for hedging and pricing. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 60B10, 60H35 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: G13  相似文献   

The linear hedging of the options ignores the characteristic of the nonlinear change of option prices with the underlying asset. This paper establishes the nonlinear hedging strategy followed the study by Hull and White (2017) to investigate the effectiveness on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) 50 ETF options. The results show that the nonlinear hedge of the Chinese option market is less effective than the U.S option market because of the short history and the lower activity of the Chinese option market. The effect of nonlinear hedging strategy is better than the linear hedging strategy for calls in China. But for puts, the effect of the nonlinear hedging strategy is not as significant as it for calls. The difference in the trading volume between calls and puts and the high short-selling cost in the Chinese market are the main factors leading to the difference in hedge effectiveness. This paper suggests that the stock exchange could reduce margin standard of 50 ETF securities lending, promote a more flexible shorting mechanism, and accelerate the process of index options listed, so as to achieve hedging the risk of options more directly and efficiently.  相似文献   

Recent non-parametric statistical analysis of high-frequency VIX data (Todorov and Tauchen, 2011) reveals that VIX dynamics is a pure jump semimartingale with infinite jump activity and infinite variation. To our best knowledge, existing models in the literature for pricing and hedging VIX derivatives do not have these features. This paper fills this gap by developing a novel class of parsimonious pure jump models with such features for VIX based on the additive time change technique proposed in Li et al., 2016a, Li et al., 2016b. We time change the 3/2 diffusion by a class of additive subordinators with infinite activity, yielding pure jump Markov semimartingales with infinite activity and infinite variation. These processes have time and state dependent jumps that are mean reverting and are able to capture stylized features of VIX. Our models take the initial term structure of VIX futures as input and are analytically tractable for pricing VIX futures and European options via eigenfunction expansions. Through calibration exercises, we show that our model is able to achieve excellent fit for the VIX implied volatility surface which typically exhibits very steep skews. Comparison to two other models in terms of calibration reveals that our model performs better both in-sample and out-of-sample. We explain the ability of our model to fit the volatility surface by evaluating the matching of moments implied from market VIX option prices. To hedge VIX options, we develop a dynamic strategy which minimizes instantaneous jump risk at each rebalancing time while controlling transaction cost. Its effectiveness is demonstrated through a simulation study on hedging Bermudan style VIX options.  相似文献   

权证发行人在存在交易成本时对冲风险,若按照B—S理论进行动态连续避险操作,将造成巨大的交易成本,致使B-S动态连续避险不可行。因此存在交易成本时,对避险的操作都采用间断性避险。本文在统一均值方差框架下,系统全面的比较了存在交易成本的五种避险策略。在比例交易成本情形下,Whalley—Wilmott避险策略优于其他所有策略,当避险误差的标准差相同时该策略的交易成本最小;其次分别是delta固定避险带避险策略,基于标的资产价格变化的避险策略,Leland避险模型和间断的B—S避险策略。随着波动率σ上升,无风险利率γ下降,基于变动的避险策略相对于基于时间的策略优势更大。  相似文献   

This paper was to price and hedge a quanto floating range accrual note (QFRAN) by an affine term structure model with affine-jump processes. We first generalized the affine transform proposed by Duffie et al. (2000) under both the domestic and foreign risk-neutral measures with a change of measure, which provides a flexible structure to value quanto derivatives. Then, we provided semi-analytic pricing and hedging solutions for QFRAN under a four-factor affine-jump model with the stochastic mean, stochastic volatility, and jumps. The numerical results demonstrated that both the common and local factors significantly affect the value and hedging strategy of QFRAN. Notably,  the factor of stochastic mean plays the most important role in either valuation or hedging. This study suggested that ignorance of these factors in a term-structure model will result in significant pricing and hedging errors in QFRAN. In summary, this study provided flexible and easily implementable solutions in valuing quanto derivatives.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the pricing issue and catastrophe risk management of exchange options. Exchange options allow the holder to exchange its stocks for another at maturity and can be seen as an extended version of catastrophe equity put options with another traded asset price as strike prices. Since option holders have to issue new shares to exercise the option, we illustrate the differences between option prices calculated using pre-exercise and post-exercise share prices. The effects of default risk on option prices and risk management are also considered. Finally, risk management analysis shows that exchange options can effectively hedge catastrophe risk.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new class of exotic options, termed lookback-barrier options, which literally combine lookback and barrier options by incorporating an activating barrier condition into the European lookback payoff. A prototype of lookback-barrier option was first proposed by Bermin (1998), where he intended to reduce the expensive cost of lookback option by considering lookback options with barrier. However, despite his novel trial, it has not attracted much attention yet. Thus, in this paper, we revisit the idea and extend the horizon of lookback-barrier option in order to enhance the marketability and applicability to equity-linked investments. Devising a variety of payoffs, this paper develops a complete valuation framework which allows for closed-form pricing formulas under the Black–Scholes model. Our closed-form pricing formulas provide a substantial advantage over the method of Monte Carlo simulation, because the extrema appearing in both of the lookback payoff and barrier condition would require a large number of simulations for exact calculation. Complexities involved in the derivation process would be resolved by the Esscher transform and the reflection principle of the Brownian motion. We illustrate our results with numerical examples.  相似文献   

This paper derives optimal perfect hedging portfolios in the presence of transaction costs within the binomial model of stock returns, for a market maker that establishes bid and ask prices for American call options on stocks paying dividends prior to expiration. It is shown that, while the option holder's optimal exercise policy at the ex-dividend date varies according to the stock price, there are intervals of values for such a price where the optimal policy would depend on the holder's preferences. Nonetheless, the perfect hedging assumption still allows the derivation of optimal hedging portfolios for both long and short positions of a market maker on the option.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose new option pricing models based on class of models with jumps contained in the Lévy-type based models (NIG-Lévy, Schoutens, 2003, Merton-jump, Merton, 1976 and Duan based model, Duan et al., 2007). By combining these different classes of models with several volatility dynamics of the GARCH type, we aim at taking into account the dynamics of financial returns in a realistic way. The associated risk neutral dynamics of the time series models is obtained through two different specifications for the pricing kernel: we provide a characterization of the change in the probability measure using the Esscher transform and the Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure. We finally assess empirically the performance of this modelling approach, using a dataset of European options based on the S&P 500 and on the CAC 40 indices. Our results show that models involving jumps and a time varying volatility provide realistic pricing and hedging results for options with different kinds of time to maturities and moneyness. These results are supportive of the idea that a realistic time series model can provide realistic option prices making the approach developed here interesting to price options when option markets are illiquid or when such markets simply do not exist.  相似文献   

In an incomplete market model where convex trading constraints are imposed upon the underlying assets, it is no longer possible to obtain unique arbitrage-free prices for derivatives using standard replication arguments. Most existing derivative pricing approaches involve the selection of a suitable martingale measure or the optimisation of utility functions as well as risk measures from the perspective of a single trader.We propose a new and effective derivative pricing method, referred to as the equal risk pricing approach, for markets with convex trading constraints. The approach analyses the risk exposure of both the buyer and seller of the derivative, and seeks an equal risk price which evenly distributes the expected loss for both parties under optimal hedging. The existence and uniqueness of the equal risk price are established for both European and American options. Furthermore, if the trading constraints are removed, the equal risk price agrees with the standard arbitrage-free price.Finally, the equal risk pricing approach is applied to a constrained Black–Scholes market model where short-selling is banned. In particular, simple pricing formulas are derived for European calls, European puts and American puts.  相似文献   

This paper derives pricing formulas of standard double barrier option, generalized window double barrier option and chained option. Our method is based on probabilitic approach. We derive the probability of multiple crossings of curved barriers for Brownian motion with drift, by repeatedly applying the Girsanov theorem and the reflection principle. The price of a standard double barrier option is presented as an infinite sum that converges very rapidly. Although the price formula of standard double barrier option is the same with Kunitomo and Ikeda (1992), our method gives an intuitive interpretation for each term in the infinite series. From the intuitive interpretation we present the way how to approximate the infinite sum in the pricing formula and an error bound for the given approximation. Guillaume (2003) and Jun and Ku (2013) assumed that barriers are constant to price barrier options. We extend constant barriers of window double barrier option and chained option to curved barriers. By employing multiple crossing probabilities and previous skills we derive closed formula for prices of 16 types of the generalized chained option. Based on our analytic formulas we compute Greeks of chained options directly.  相似文献   

We introduce a new numerical method called the complex Fourier series (CFS) method proposed by Chan (2017) to price options with an early-exercise feature—American, Bermudan and discretely monitored barrier options—under exponential Lévy asset dynamics. This new method allows us to quickly and accurately compute the values of early-exercise options and their Greeks. We also provide an error analysis to demonstrate that, in many cases, we can achieve an exponential convergence rate in the pricing method as long as we choose the correct truncated computational interval. Our numerical analysis indicates that the CFS method is computationally more comparable or favourable than the methods currently available. Finally, the superiority of the CFS method is illustrated with real financial data by considering Standard & Poor’s depositary receipts (SPDR) exchange-traded fund (ETF) on the S&P 500® index options, which are American options traded from November 2017 to February 2018 and from 30 January 2019 to 21 June 2019.  相似文献   

This paper studies a new type of barrier option, min–max multi-step barrier options with diverse multiple up or down barrier levels placed in the sub-periods of the option’s lifetime. We develop the explicit pricing formula of this type of option under the Black–Scholes model and explore its applications and possible extensions. In particular, the min–max multi-step barrier option pricing formula can be used to approximate double barrier option prices and compute prices of complex barrier options such as discrete geometric Asian barrier options. As a practical example of directly applying the pricing formula, we introduce and evaluate a re-bouncing equity-linked security. The main theorem of this work is capable of handling the general payoff function, from which we obtain the pricing formulas of various min–max multi-step barrier options. The min–max multi-step reflection principle, the boundary-crossing probability of min–max multi-step barriers with icicles, is also derived.  相似文献   

Barrier options based upon the extremum of more than one underlying prices do not allow for closed-form pricing formulas, and thus require numerical methods to evaluate. One example is the autocallable structured product with knock-in feature, which has gained a great deal of popularity in the recent decades. In order to increase numerical efficiency for pricing such products, this paper develops a semi-analytic valuation algorithm which is free from the computational burden and the monitoring bias of the crude Monte Carlo simulation. The basic idea is to combine the simulation of the underlying prices at certain time points and the exit (or non-exit) probability of the Brownian bridge. In the literature, the algorithm was developed to deal with a single-asset barrier option under the Black–Scholes model. Now we extend the framework to cover two-asset barrier options and autocallable product. For the purpose, we explore the non-exit probability of the two-dimensional Brownian bridge, which has not been researched before. Meanwhile, we employ the actuarial method of Esscher transform to simplify our calculation and improve our algorithm via importance sampling. We illustrate our algorithm with numerical examples.  相似文献   

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