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80年代上半期,美国的对外贸易发生了一些重要的变化。其中最明显的变化之一是进出口比例进一步失调,具体表现为外贸逆差猛增,1985年高达1,480亿美元。80年代上半期美国的外贸逆差主要与周期性因素和市场行情的变动有密切关系。美国经济走出1980—1982年危机要比它的大多数竞争对手来得早,从而使美国对商品,特别是对投资商品的需求十分迫切,它基本上是依靠原被用于出口的本国商品和通过增加进口来满足这一需求的。造成逆差的另一个重要原因在于利率偏高,致使美国商品在其国内外市场上的价格竞争力受到影响。美国对发展中国家的出口急剧下降。  相似文献   

1993年,日本人用了22年的时间,终于使人均GDP从世界第18位达到了世界第1位,而20年后的今天,日本人均GDP又从世界第1位跌同到了世界第22位。从经济泡沫破灭开始往后的20年时间,被日本人称作“失去的20年”。  相似文献   

70年代中期开始,印尼政府制订并实施了颇具规模的工业化发展战略,制造业以20%的年增长率成长。印尼发展战略的基本设想是通过大力发展进口替代产业,以求在本世纪内根本改变落后的经济结构,跻身于新兴工业国家之列,并在日后国际经济竞争中争得一席之地。然而,进入80年代后,石油和其他初级产品的价格却日趋疲软,继续全面下跌.自1985年来,石油的价格更出现了崩溃性的下泻。这一变化,立即使出口以石油和原料为主的印尼经济遭受沉重打击。它的石油收入从1981年的152亿美元减少到1983年的113亿美元。  相似文献   

对80年代边疆地区对外贸易的评价邱洛洲一、规模、速度和格局1.对外贸易发展规模在80年代以前边疆地区几乎没有独立的对外贸易经营权,外贸部门的主要职能是为沿海地区大口岸提供货源。对外贸易发展缓慢,对外贸易规模较小。改革开放以来,边疆地区的对外贸易规模急...  相似文献   

近年来学术界对70年代末80年代初的农村改革虽看法不一,但大都肯定其成绩,指出其缺陷,并对以后的农村的进一步改革提出了指导性意见。  相似文献   

近年来学术界对70年代末80年代初的农村改革虽看法不一,但大都肯定其成绩,指出其缺陷,并对以后的农村的进一步改革提出了指导性意见.  相似文献   

70年代尤其是80年代中期以来,东盟和欧共体之间的商品贸易、劳务,经济技术合作以及直接投资等关系迅速发展。它们相互作用,相互影响,促进了双边经济关系的全面发展.其中商品贸易关系起了十分重要的作用。本文试就80年代以来东盟和欧共体之间商品贸易关系发展概况、特点、原因,存在的问题及其发展前景作点探讨。  相似文献   

In examining the problems and prospects of the Mexican economy in the 1980s. the main concern of this paper is whether Mexico will use its new found wealth to correct some of the major deficiences of past policies or whether the development of the energy sector will further increase the dualism between the modern and traditional sectors. This paper surveys the major problems now facing the economy (poverty and unemployment, declining agricultural production, a weak industrial base, inflation) and then discusses the framework in which Mexico proposes to deal with these problems, in particular the priority allocated to development of oil and gas. The policies are then compared briefly with the experience of Japan and Iran. The conclusion takes a critical view of current Mexican policies and suggests that a more equity-oriented and efficient growth strategy is required.  相似文献   


The early days of economic history in Sweden — the many scattered, more or less important, contributions of the 19th century — have never been investigated. Hans Forssell's remarkable work on the 16th century has won well-deserved fame, but his was not an isolated case. Around the turn of the century, interest in the subject area increased, in Sweden as elsewhere. There were a few dissertations, formally in economics or in history (for instance, Eli Heckscher's in 1907). The first assistant professor of economic history to be appointed was Karl Petander, in Stockhohn in 1912.  相似文献   

梦幻般的蓝色星空,如白沙细浪的繁星漫无边际地流淌、起伏,它们沉甸甸地低着头,闪耀着水晶般透明的银光.时而,几颗细长坚韧的流星划过长空,没有曲折回转,直奔深邃的天际,那里更加浩瀚、博大、神秘与瑰丽…… 打开傅定彦的摄影作品系列《星空》,那些犹如彩色梦境般的画面,让人一旦瞥过就永留心间. 傅定彦,喜欢植物,动画,小动物;热爱海洋,星空,迷恋宇宙中发生的所有神秘现象.这个"80后"小伙子在圈内有着"中国星空摄影狂人"称号,在过去的几年里,他狂热"追星",记录不同地方的星空美景.  相似文献   

Intra-Industry Trade in the 1980s: A Panel Study. — This paper uses a panel data set to estimate the determinants of intra-industry trade in the 1980s. The data for trade covers 68 ISIC industries for the US, Japan, Germany, France, the UK and Italy from 1980 to 1987. UK data is used to measure industry characteristics. The results support, in particular, the positive effects of R&;D intensity and heterogeneity on intra-industry trade and the negative effects of scale and concentration. While fixed effects estimation indicates that industry characteristics explain most of the variation in intra-industry trade, differences in industry characteristics or in their effects vary significantly across countries.  相似文献   

Abstract: At independence, Zimbabwe was faced with the dilemma of redressing the inherited inequalities while, at the same time, ensuring continued expansion of the economy, to provide employment to the increasing labour force. The implied frictions were exemplified by large budget deficits, accumulated in a bid to extend social services to the countryside, but keeping urban consumer subsidies intact, and tight controls on the external sector, in order to ensure the continued viability of the import-substituting industry. Though Zimbabwe's economic performance was better than that of its neighbours, the control regime was coming under tremendous pressure at the end of the 1980s. The paper attempts to put these challenges into a consistent macroeconomic perspective. Résumé: A l'indépendance le Zimbabwe était confronté au dilemne de redresser les inégalités dont il a hérité, tout en veillant en meme temps à l'expansion continue de l'économie, pour assurer du travail à la main d'?uvre croissante. Les frictions que cela impliquait ont été mises en évidence par d'importants déficits budgétaires cumulés dans une tentative pour étendre les services sociaux à la campagne, mais en conservant intactes les subventions des consommateurs urbains et des contrôles serrés sur le secteur exterieur pour assurer, la rentabilité de l'industrie de substitution des importations. Bien que la performance économique du Zimbabwe ait été meilleure que celle de ses voisins, le régime du contrôle subissant une énorme pression à la fin des années 1980. Ce document essaie de placer ces déficits dans une perspective macroéconomique cohérente.  相似文献   

In the early 1980s, Taiwan embarked on a development programme designed to shift the economy away from reliance on labour-intensive industries towards the development of technology-intensive products and industries. While continuing to pursue ongoing trade liberalization, the government simultaneously adopted a sectoral policy of identifying and promoting “strategic industries” in order to further industrial development and restructure industry. This assessment suggests that the success of this strategy has at best been debatable.  相似文献   

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