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美国海关实施品牌保护涉及到海关程序的多个方面,但海关的执法程序主要包括两个阶段:扣押与没收。在这两个阶段里,商标所有人可以亲自参与执法过程,告知海关如何识别他们的品牌,并且收集有关非法流入美国的伪造品信息。  相似文献   

Opinions are not divided on in fringement by another person's use of a registered trademark without license from the trademark registrant,nor on the non-infringement by its/his licensed use of a registered trademark.  相似文献   

驰名商标是企业的重要财产,也是拓展与巩固市场的有力工具。驰名商标的特殊保护已不仅仅涉及到商标所有人的利益,更成为各国用以争取和维持本国竞争者在国际市场上的竞争优势,最大限度地占领市场的有效手段。今天的驰名商标已不仅仅只是在区别商品的出处,它同时也已成为商品的一部分.人们购买商品时已不单看重它的功能和质量,同时还会看重品牌及其代表的形象。在这种情况下,保护驰名商标,对于维护驰名商标权人以及消费者的利益都是十分重要的。  相似文献   

<正>中国改革开放以来,不断吸引外资举措帮助促进了中国经济的各项发展,也使许多国际品牌得以进入中国。如今,中国品牌也在逐步开拓国际市场,国际商业舞台上也开始出现中国品牌的身影,如海尔、华为、联想等公司。  相似文献   

石树文 《商业研究》2001,(3):142-144
商标权是商标注册人依法享有的权利。商标权属于知识产权范畴,是工业产权的组成部分,具有知识产权的共同特征。正确认识商标权的法律特征和商标权的权项构成,有助于更好地发挥商标在开拓市场、促进经济发展的积极作用。  相似文献   

商标平行进口法律问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黎霞 《商业研究》2005,3(5):176-179
商标平行进口是一个与知识产权有关的国际贸易问题。在考察国际商标平行进口理论与实践的发展状况的基础上,针对我国国情提出中国宜以"原则上禁止商标平行进口,一定条件下例外允许平行进口。"为指导完善我国相关法律的建议。  相似文献   

孙兴学  谭美 《商业研究》2001,(9):167-168
商标是商品经济发展的产物。1904年产生了中国历史上第一部成文商标法,它的问世,并非中国近代工商业自身发展的必然产物,而是在中国半殖民地半封建社会条件下产生的。它的颁布具有对列强的妥协性和抗争性。  相似文献   

With the downturn in the US economy well into its fourth year,American and Canadian franchisors are increasingly looking to international markets to secure new franchisees.As the worlds' second largest economy and with the largest middleclass anywhere,China is generating an increasing amount of attention.  相似文献   

21世纪的企业竞争是品牌竞争。我国企业应树立品牌意识,在营销中实施生产规模扩大化、经营集团化、多样化、国际化的品牌战略,同时应注意产品质量要赶超国际标准;采用高新技术;创特色品牌;注意品牌保护。  相似文献   

This article deals with trade relations between the EC and Japan by focusing on the automobile industry. It analyzes the performance of the European and Japanese car manufacturers in the EC market. It examines quantitative import restrictions as well as non-tariff restrictions such as technical regulations, the value-added system, state aid to European car producers, exclusive distribution system, and "rule of origin" requirements. The article also discusses how the Japanese car producers are reacting to the EC-92 program by pursuing at least three strategies.  相似文献   

本文通过国外、国内及温州商标品牌情况的调查研究,借鉴先进经验和做法,结合温州实际,突出温州特色,发挥优势、找准不足、明确威胁和挑战,从战略角度对温州商标品牌的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

With the downturn in the US economy well into its fourth year,American and Canadian franchisors are increasingly looking to international markets to secure new franchisees.As the worlds' second largest economy and with the largest middleclass anywhere,China is generating an increasing amount of attention.  相似文献   

商标侵权行为的新认定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张瑞芬 《商业研究》2003,(11):173-175
在认定销售侵犯注册商标专用权商品行为的归责原则和反向假冒行为性质的问题上,一直存在着争议。而新出台的《商标法》将这两个问题给予立法上的明确化,使得商标权人的合法权益得到了更加有利的保障。由此在对不同见解的分析中,寻求了立法选择的依据。  相似文献   

<正>品牌是现代企业的无形资产之一,是核心竞争力的重要组成部分,是投资智慧的结晶。著名品牌商品往往使消费者对生产该产品的企业产生好感,促进对企业的其他产品产生认同,从而产生诱导性购买行为。商标,作为品牌发展的基础,是企业生存和发展的经济纽带,已成为现代企业走  相似文献   

The paper addresses a trademark infringer who seeks to capitalize on the reputation of a trademark owner, sells an identical product under a trademark which is confusingly similar to that of the owner, charges the same price and competes with him in the same market. We show that the welfare-maximizing monitoring intensity is zero, hence the government is not likely to engage in monitoring infringement. Recognizing this, the trademark owner may consider monitoring the market himself, discovering, however, that this is worth his while only if the penalty for infringement, which he fully collects, is sufficiently high. Given the entry condition, an increase in the penalty may either raise or lower the optimal monitoring intensity. In the former case it will counter-intuitively increase the infringer's expected profit, apparently because a higher penalty will also lead to a raise in price. While monitoring enables the trademark owner to maintain a positive profit level, it reduces social welfare. The government may intervene to eliminate the private incentive for monitoring through taxing the collected penalty.  相似文献   

跨文化交际与商标翻译   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
商标翻译是一种跨文化交际活动。作为商品成功走向国际市场,参与竞争的重要环节,商标翻译要求译者不仅熟练掌握两种不同语言,同时熟悉两种文化的共性和个性,穿过表层文化挖掘深层文化意蕴,准确有效地传达出商标所蕴含的商品信息,促进商品的销售和消费。本文从跨文化交际角度出发,分析文化和商标翻译的层次性,着重阐述了商标翻译中译者应把握的几个原则。  相似文献   

随着平行进口贸易发生日益频繁,平等进口问题逐渐引起人们的关注,其中尤以商标平行进口争议较大。本试图通过分析商标平行进口的表现形式、成因、经济影响以及比较各国立法现状和实践,对商标平行进口问题作初步的探讨,并针对我国国情提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

Case of Reexamination of Rejection of Trademark “GE“   On 20 December 2001, the US General Electric Company (GE) filed with the Trademark Office an application for regG Eistration of the trademark “GE“(see Fig.l) on goods in class 8 of the International Classification: hand tools, table cutlery (knives, forks and spoons), side arms other than firearms, fish forks. Upon examination, the Trademark Office, pursuant to Article 11, paragraph one (3) and Article 28 of the Trademark Law of the People‘s Republic of China, rejected, on 9 October 2002, the application for registration of said mark, and made no publication thereof on the grounds that “the trademark applied for registration was the combination of two letters of ordinary typeface, which was not distinctive, so should not be registered as a trademark“.   ……  相似文献   

Case of Reexamination of Rejection of Trademark "GE" On 20 December 2001, the US General Electric Company (GE) filed with the Trademark Office an application for regG Eistration of the trademark "GE"(see Fig.l) on goods in class 8 of the International Classification: hand tools, table cutlery (knives, forks and spoons), side arms other than firearms, fish forks. Upon examination, the Trademark Office, pursuant to Article 11, paragraph one (3) and Article 28 of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China, rejected, on 9 October 2002, the application for registration of said mark, and made no publication thereof on the grounds that "the trademark applied for registration was the combination of two letters of ordinary typeface, which was not distinctive, so should not be registered as a trademark".  相似文献   

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