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本文运用苹果主产区784户农户微观调查数据,从农户融资渠道视角,采用负二项回归模型实证分析了社会资本、收入水平对农户借贷响应的影响。研究发现,相较于民间借贷,社会资本对农户正规贷款响应更为强烈;收入水平对农户借贷响应的影响具有隐性作用;在社会资本与收入水平各子变量中,拥有良好银行关系资本的农户对正规贷款响应较为积极,而拥有良好亲邻关系资本的农户对民间借贷响应较为积极;农业收入水平较高的农户更倾向于选择正规贷款,而非农收入水平较高的农户更倾向于选择民间借贷。进一步来看,社会资本与收入水平对农户借贷响应的交互影响具有不显著作用,但各社会资本与各收入水平对农户借贷响应的交互影响存在显著差异。  相似文献   

在改革发展的进程中,我国居民地区收入差距呈现出阶梯型上升的态势。2006年以来差距程度虽有所下降,但差距仍然过大。居民地区收入差距的拉大是由物质资本、人力资本、政府政策、全球化、城镇化和经济体制改革等诸多因素造成的。本文在实证分析的基础上认为,就各影响因素之的贡献度来看,物质资本因素对于居民地区收入差距具有34.5%的贡献,人力资本、政府政策和全球化因素的贡献度均超过10%,而城镇化和经济体制改革因素的贡献度相对较低。  相似文献   

本文讨论造成个体收入差距的影响因素,其中人力资本、社会资本、家庭背景和劳动力市场分割均对个体收入差距产生影响。研究发现:人力资本对个体收入的贡献较为稳定地维持在7%~8%,社会资本变量对个体收入确实有一定影响;在控制人力资本和社会资本因素后行业分割对个体收入的影响始终未低于13%;个体收入边际效应的变动受父亲管理职位影响,父亲管理职位越高,个体收入边际效应的变动越大;不同地区影响个体收入的因素呈现不同特点。总体来看,中国个体收入差距既有市场性因素影响又避免不了非市场性因素影响,克服这些问题的有效办法还在于合理发挥政府作用。  相似文献   

会计作为国家宏观经济政策与微观主体行为的中介,其制度安排应考虑以营造有利于企业技术创新的制度环境为导向,以将企业行为引向特定国家战略政策的实施。会计制度可以通过影响会计信息的生成影响物质资本、人力资本以及创新投资,进而推动企业技术创新,也可以通过契合创新激励政策为企业技术创新提供良好的制度平台和微观环境,而作用的机理主要是通过对会计业绩及基于会计契约的影响。  相似文献   

集体林权制度改革对农户收入影响的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于云南省集体林权制度改革前后农村地区430个家庭微观调查数据,根据农户收入方程,构建计量模型实证分析集体林权制度改革对农户家庭收入的影响。研究结果表明:林权制度改革显著正向影响农户收入,生产资本投入、教育和非农务工对农户收入也起到正向影响。林权制度改革引发农户对林业的重视,但并不能解决农户的再投资问题,需要逐步地完善各类配套措施。  相似文献   

基于山东省临沂市、枣庄市和莱芜市的调查数据,运用多分类Logistic回归模型,对农地经营权抵押贷款试点中农户农地抵押融资方式选择行为及其影响因素进行实证分析。农地流转体系的完善和专业合作社的发展对农户选择农地经营权抵押贷款具有促进作用,而农村社会保障滞后和现行禁止性法律具有制约作用,收入水平和社会资本对农户传统融资方式影响显著。根据这些影响因素提出了完善相关农地抵押相关制度的政策建议。  相似文献   

党的二十大报告指出,实现全体人民共同富裕是中国式现代化的本质要求。本文利用2015~2019年中国家庭金融调查数据,研究了普惠金融对中国家庭收入差距的影响及其作用机制,进而回答普惠金融对实现共同富裕的作用。实证研究发现,普惠金融显著缩小了中国家庭的收入差距,普惠金融指数提高10%,基尼系数下降0.02,具有显著的经济意义。研究还发现,普惠金融显著提高了收入40分位数以下家庭和相对贫困家庭的收入水平,并提高了家庭进入收入40分位数以上的概率,有利于促进共同富裕。机制分析显示,普惠金融提高了低收入家庭的创业概率,并促进农村家庭非农就业,从而缩小收入差距。进一步分析发现,普惠金融对农村地区、农业户口、低社会资本、低人力资本、低物质资本、贫困线以下家庭的收入水平产生了更显著的正向影响,表明普惠金融具有良好的普惠性。本文的研究为全面认识普惠金融的作用提供了新的证据,为理解收入差距提供了新的视角,对采取金融措施促进共同富裕,加速中国式现代化具有政策启示。  相似文献   

基于DEA-Malmquist指数法的中部六省人力资本投资效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一引言人力资本投资是指用于教育、培训、医疗保健、劳动力迁移及收集价格与收入信息等实际活动的支出。人力资本水平越来越成为衡量国家经济发展的核心因素,曾有研究表明,人力资本投资能够带来比物质资本投资更大的投资效益。国内外学者对于人力资本的研究,主要在以下几个方面:一是研究人力资本投资与经济增长的关系;二是研究人力资本投资对收入差距的影响;三是研究人力资本的现状。研究人力资本投资效率的比较少,并且针对具体的区域研究更少。齐艳彩(2010)基于DEA对环渤海地区四省市的人力资本投资效率进行研究并提出相应的改进建议。白勇、马跃如(2013)实证研究了中国人力资本投资效率及其影响因素。本文以中部六省为研究对象,分析其人力资本投资效率,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

国内学者在研究中国人力资本和物质资本与增长的关系时,对要素增长贡献的变化研究涉及不多。为此,以新增长理论为基础,比较分析“制度增长论”和“技术决定论”在中国的适用性后,对新增长模型进行了修改;从微观个体同质性的假设出发,探寻人力资本和物质资本对增长贡献的变化规律;同时,选取中国2001—2011年省级面板数据,用常规和分段回归的方法对相关假说与推论进行检验;最终得出:人力资本、物质资本及制度变迁在推动中国经济增长的同时,其总量对增长的贡献存在递减效应,结构对增长存在反向递增效应。  相似文献   

用人力资本理论浅谈技工短缺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资本可划分为三种形式,即效率性人力资本、动力性人力资本和交易性人力资本。所谓效率性人力资本,是指完成一项生产活动所必需的知识、技能、体力及心理素质;动力性人力资本是指影响劳动者能动性发挥程度的因素,包括需要、兴趣、动机、情感、意志和性格等非智力因素;交易性人力资本是指个人的道德因素、声誉和社会交易资本等影响人力资本未来收益的因素。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,人力资本成为科技进步和社会经济发展的重要资源和保证,它是影响人们收入的决定性因素。目前,广西的经济建设虽然取得了巨大成就,但是在农村的人力资本投资严重滞后,导致农民收入增长缓慢。文章基于经济学视角,在前人研究的基础上,对广西农村人力资本投资与农民收入进行实证分析,得出结论:农村劳动力受教育程度与农民人均纯收入之间存在相关关系,而人力资本存量不足是导致农民收入低下的重要因素。最后,针对目前广西农村人力资本投资存在的问题提出合理的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper provides the latest Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) of the year 2003–2004 for the Indian economy with a wide variety of disaggregation for the Energy sector and the sectors that are relevant for environmental and climate policy evaluation. This SAM shows the interaction between production, income, consumption and capital accumulation. It can be used to provide an analysis of the interrelationship between the production structure of an economy and the distribution of incomes and expenditures of different household groups. In addition, it can be used for multiplier analysis to capture direct, indirect and induced impact on input use due to any exogenous changes in the economy. This SAM consists of 85 sectors of the economy, three factors of production and nine categories of occupational households. The Indian economy is becoming structurally biased towards capital intensive sectors, such as service and energy production. The energy production sector itself is the most energy intensive sector as of 2003–2004.  相似文献   

金融资源的有效配置能够发挥金融资源功能,提高资金使用效率,促进经济结构的调整进而提高社会全要素生产率。由于受政策制度、初始经济条件以及效益指标等诸多因素影响,我国中部地区的金融资源在配置过程中呈现出失配、错配等非均质现象,金融资源无法释放其全部潜力,造成资金供需不均衡,有效供给严重不足等问题,金融能量很大程度上被抑制。为提升中部地区金融资源配置效率,应调整存量、优化增量,化解政策、市场、利益等单方面约束,选择差异性、多样性等不同层次的路径,促进金融资源有效应用,从而保障社会经济持续、稳定、和谐发展。  相似文献   

An increase in income taxes to fund education was one of the demands made by the social movements that emerged in Chile in 2011. Currently, the Chilean Congress is enacting a tax reform to raise money for higher education. This study aims to show the dynamic effects on the general equilibrium of the Chilean economy under two alternative approaches: a subsidy to lower the price of higher education (public and private), and greater spending on public higher education to reduce household payments for education. The social accounting matrix (SAM) used to calibrate the computable general equilibrium (CGE) model has 38 economic sectors, including the production structure of private education and public education. The study mainly concludes that a subsidy policy has significant advantages over increasing higher public education spending, regarding its effects on variables such as GDP, investment, and household incomes, while both policies have a similar effect on poverty and income distribution.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the research framework that locus of control enhances entrepreneurship through the mediating mechanisms of increased social capital in interpersonal networks and improved human capital in personal development. We adopted structural equation modeling to examine the research hypothesis. The research participants comprised managers from 14 enterprises in China; a total of 1002 valid questionnaires were collected. The results revealed that social and human capital mediate the effect that internal locus of control exerts on entrepreneurship. This study provides the following research contributions: first, the findings address the gaps in previous studies regarding the effect that a single dimension (i.e. personality traits) produces on entrepreneurship. Second, by employing the social exchange and human capital theories, we integrated interpersonal and individual perspectives into the research framework to explore factors affecting entrepreneurship, identifying that social and human capital are key-mediating mechanisms through which locus of control influences entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

This paper examines criminal choice using a variant of the human capital model. The innovation of our approach is that it attempts to disaggregate individual capital, not unlike production-based studies which disaggregate physical capital into equipment and structures. We disaggregate an individual’s capital stock into the standard human capital component as well as a utility generating component that we call social capital. In our set-up, social capital is used to account for the influence of social norms on the decision to participate in crime. This is done by modeling the stigma of arrest as a reduction in the individual’s social capital stock. We also allow individuals to account for the impact of their criminal actions on their probability of arrest. In order to estimate the structural parameters underlying the model, we make use of computationally intensive methods involving simulated generalized method of moments and value function approximation. The empirical results, based on panel data from the Delinquency in a Birth Cohort II Study, support the social capital model of crime and reveal significant state dependence in the decision to participate in crime.  相似文献   

The Russian Far East (RFE) is still a backward region of Russia. Per capita agricultural output is lower than the national average. Chinese agricultural entrepreneurs are farming in the region. The business environment is challenging for both Chinese and Russians. We analyze possible ways for agriculture to develop in the RFE with Chinese agricultural entrepreneurs as the main agents of development. We discuss the investment environment in the RFE, the role and impact of Chinese agricultural entrepreneurs, their ability to assist in rural development, and the challenges they face. We examine the current state of agriculture in the RFE, the experience of Chinese and Russian farmers, and the impact of Chinese farmers on Russian farmers. Agriculture can improve in the RFE with better communication and better coordination mechanisms among governments and with more training to help businesses understand existing policies and regulations.  相似文献   

分析表明,影响农地流转意愿最大的三个因子依次为:非农工作所在地,非农工作人数比例以及农业人均年经营收入。结合成都统筹城乡改革的经验,本文建议采用规划民营工业园区、提高农业经营收入等方式,来促进农地的流转和整合,提高农民可支配收入,实现资源和收入的有效配置。  相似文献   

This paper applies current theory recognizing the irreversibility of investment, in order to test for the impact of uncertainty on investment expenditure for a middle income country. The contribution of the paper is unique in two respects. First, it employs dynamic heterogeneous panel estimation techniques not previously applied to investment functions. Secondly, it explicitly tests for the impact of both sectoral and systemic uncertainty on investment expenditure. We find that both sectoral (as measured by output volatility) and systemic uncertainty (as measured by political instability) have a negative impact on investment rates in a middle income country context. Liquidity constraints and growth in total factor productivity are found to have no impact on investment, while trade liberalization has the impact predicted by Heckscher‐Ohlin trade theory. Finally, we find complementarity effects between physical capital and skilled human capital, suggesting that South African educational policies may have hampered investment in physical capital as well as the growth performance of the economy. Policy implications emphasize the importance of lowering uncertainty for investors, and the need for sound human capital investment.  相似文献   

Firms appoint CEOs with different types of human capital in order to manage resource dependencies. How CEOs are compensated thus can be conceptualized as a valuation process of how boards view the value of CEOs' human capital. Two types of human capital – international experience and political ties – have emerged as potential drivers of CEO compensation during institutional transitions. But how they impact CEO compensation has remained unclear. We develop a resource dependence‐based, contingency framework to focus on the external and internal factors that enable or constrain human capital to impact CEO compensation. Because of the tremendous regional diversity within China, externally, we focus on the level of marketization of the region in which firms are headquartered. Internally, we pay attention to two corporate governance mechanisms: politically connected outside directors and compensation committee. Data from 10,329 firm‐year observations at 94 per cent of listed firms in China largely support our framework. Overall, our study contributes to resource dependence research by extending this research to the context of institutional transitions with a focus on how human capital impacts CEO compensation.  相似文献   

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