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Brands have become increasingly important as a foundation for competitive strategy. Unfortunately, although brand managers are responsible for brand strategy development and execution, little is known about what makes a brand manager effective. A model is developed to understand what intangible capital embodied by brand managers influences brand management capabilities and resultant brand performance. Measures of brand manager intangible capital and brand management capabilities are developed through an iterative scale development process. Hypothesis testing, derived from a survey of brand managers, indicates that brand manager human, relational and informational capital influences brand management capabilities and resultant brand performance, and brand manager intangible capital has an indirect effect on brand performance via brand management capabilities. By delineating and operationalizing the intangible capital and capabilities of brand managers, this study provides a theoretical and empirical foundation for future research on brand managers, tools for assessing current brand manager capital and capabilities, and guidance in relation to intangible capital and capabilities needed by brand managers.  相似文献   

As service firms face intense pressure to improve service quality, contact employees have been asked to do more with less. It is important that managers understand the concept of organisational citizenship behaviours and attempt to motivate employees to exhibit such behaviours. This study developed and tested a model of how employees' perception of organisational support affects affective commitment (AC), which contributes to their citizenship behaviours in service settings. Questionnaire data from matched pairs of 318 contact employees and their supervisors demonstrated that both perceived organisational support (POS) and AC play strong, central roles in determining contact employees' exhibition of citizenship behaviours. In addition, AC was found to be an effective mediator linking contact employees' perception of organisational support to their citizenship behaviours.  相似文献   

The degree of firm-level multinationality is a key dimension that spans all theoretical frameworks, levels of empirical analysis and domains of investigation in international business research. There is, however, no agreed approach to defining or measuring firm-level multinationality. This is reflected in inconsistent approaches to sample selection and empirical testing, and it has curtailed the advancement of the discipline. We propose that instead of searching for the elusive, all-encompassing definition of an MNC, international business scholars should instead agree on a classification system for the degree of firm-level multinationality. We illustrate the advantages of this approach by constructing a simple classification system that takes into account the firm's breadth and depth of multinational engagements. We illustrate our matrix of firm multinationality by classifying a novel sample of over 1000 firms from seven countries, and we demonstrate how it can guide theory development and empirical testing. We also provide examples of potential future research directions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop and estimate a series of Bayesian generalized gamma family and mixture family models of product modification timing that take into account both firm- and industry-specific effects that are time varying. Our models are capable of capturing non-standard modification behavior such as multi-modality and non-monotonicity in the hazard rates motivated by real data. Additionally, we explore the existence of latent groups with respect to product modification timing strategies. The models are estimated using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods using a panel data from the automotive industry that covers 50 years and contains 6598 car model-year observations for 683 car models. The results reveal the non-monotonic modification behavior over time and the existence of three latent groups. Larger product portfolios and higher industry product proliferation lengthen the modification time. Brand and competitive modification dynamism increases the frequency of major modifications.  相似文献   

The question of new firm positioning in the marketplace and entrant's subsequent long-term performance lies at the heart of strategic entrepreneurship. We suggest a dynamic theory of new firm positioning that hinges on an important feature of the competitive environment: industry-level product diversity. The key argument is that industry-level product diversity drives imitation or differentiation at entry, which in turn shapes the exit likelihood of new entrants. So, in our theory, the extent of the new entrant's product portfolio overlap with all the industry's incumbents takes center stage. Support for our logic is obtained from the analysis of the life histories of 640 British motorcycle producers during the period 1899–1993.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to investigate the fundamentals of safe haven currencies, which are those currencies that provide an hedge for a reference portfolio of risky assets, conditional on shocks to global risk aversion. We analyse a large panel of 52 currencies in advanced and emerging countries over almost 25 years of data. We find that only a few factors are robustly associated to a safe haven status, most notably the net foreign asset position, an indicator of external vulnerability, and whether currencies have been a good hedge in the past. In addition, the currencies of large, less financially open economies are a good hedge against global risk aversion shocks. By contrast, the level of the interest rate spread vs. the US is significant only during the latest crisis. Finally, we find some evidence of non-linearity as the importance of the fundamentals is stronger during crisis times.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether determinants and effects of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) investment vary across types of funds. To address this issue, we classify SWFs based on their scope and the origin of wealth. We find that saving and reserve funds and non-commodity funds pick better-performing firms. Furthermore, effects vary among SWF categories. In fact, saving and reserve funds assume a passive role in managing investments, unlike multi-objective and development funds which have detrimental effects on the target companies. As a whole, these findings confirm that heterogeneity of SWFs in terms of how they target firms and activism matters.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the Spanish investment strategy abroad has been affected by the Great Recession. Applying a panel spatial Durbin model for two sample periods, pre‐crisis (1996–2007) and crisis (2008–14), our findings indicate that Spanish foreign direct investment (FDI) strategy has been indeed markedly altered by the global economic crisis. Complex‐vertical FDI motives prevailed over the pre‐crisis period, whereas horizontal FDI did so over the crisis. These results are robust to the use of sectoral FDI data and alternative specifications of the spatial weight matrix.  相似文献   

This paper examines a common assertion that customers in reward programs become “locked in” as they accumulate credits toward earning a reward. We define a measure of switching costs and use a dynamic structural model of demand in a reward program to illustrate that frequent customers’ purchase incentives are practically invariant to the number of credits. In our empirical example, these customers comprise over 80% of all rewards and over two-thirds of all purchases. Less frequent customers may face substantial switching costs when close to a reward, but rarely reach this state.
V. Brian ViardEmail:

The article makes three contributions to the economics literature on entrepreneurship. We offer a new measure of entrepreneurship which accounts for variations in persistence in self-employment and as a result avoids the weakness of approaches which categorise an individual as an entrepreneur by observing their occupation at just one point in their career. We outline an econometric methodology to account for this approach and find, via a statistical test of model selection, that it is superior to probit/logit models, which have dominated the literature. While our results indicate that this existing literature is good at explaining an individual’s propensity to try self-employment, we find that entrepreneurial persistence is determined by a different model and unearth some new insights. Early self-employment encourages entrepreneurial persistence. For men, inheritance encourages persistence, and facilitates initial self-employment. Having a self-employed father as a role model makes sons persist longer. However, somewhat surprisingly, early experience of unemployment does not affect the probability of self-employment, while reducing persistence. The popular ‘unemployment push effect’ is thus rejected in our sample.
Michael A. NolanEmail:

Only anecdotal evidence exists that ventures use patents as collateral to access debt financing. In this paper, we use a novel dataset on patent reassignments with a security interest to explore quantitatively what patents are used as collateral. We analyze characteristics of patents to disentangle whether it is the technology underlying a patent or the patent's exclusion right per se matters for collateralization. We do find empirical support only for technology-related characteristics, suggesting that lenders use patents to collateralize high-quality technology that can, in case of default, be redeployed to ventures in similar technology fields. On the other hand, patent-related characteristics like scope, which are, in general, related to patent value and are particularly important for non-practicing entities, do not matter.  相似文献   


Online food delivery (OFD) is no longer a new concept for the majority of Americans. Large food delivery companies make millions in revenues and those numbers are expected to increase. This study was conducted to investigate customer intentions to use OFD services through the evaluation of satisfaction, food quality, and OFD service quality. The OFD service quality was assessed via e-SELFQUAL dimensions, and included perceived control, service convenience, customer service, and service fulfillment. The study determined that food quality, control, customer service, and service fulfillment affect customer satisfaction in online food delivery services. Customer satisfaction showed a strong positive impact on behavioral intentions to use OFD.  相似文献   

Customer–company identification (CCI) has been highlighted as an important mechanism that explains the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and customer outcomes such as customer loyalty and word-of-mouth (WOM). However, findings on when and how this mechanism works are mixed. To uncover the viability and strength of CSR’s indirect effect on customer outcomes through CCI, we conduct a meta-analysis testing a moderated mediated framework. This analysis incorporates 237 independent effect sizes from 58,766 individuals and 86 papers to examine the indirect effect of CSR on customer loyalty and WOM through CCI, while simultaneously testing a range of substantive and control moderators. The results reveal that 1) CSR has a main effect on CCI, 2) CCI mediates the effect of CSR on customer loyalty and WOM, and 3) there are significant theoretical moderators that amplify and reduce CSR’s relationship with CCI. The paper’s year of publication and industry controversy (versus non-controversy) mitigate the relationship between CSR and CCI, while collectivism and a holistic focus augment it.  相似文献   

Drawing on agency theory, we explore how 30 employees defined ownership effectiveness in a 100 % employee‐owned Canadian‐based firm. Using a qualitative case‐study, remarkable similarities were found in the factors employees themselves believed contributed most to ownership effectiveness. Despite differences in job roles, employees emphasized confidence in the ownership program, participative decision‐making, ownership identity, and their organization as a family unit. In light of these findings, we discuss how a broader conceptualization of employee ownership effectiveness can be applied for a more comprehensive understanding of how such programs may develop and manifest. Copyright © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Consumers who experience a psychological threat may compensate by acquiring a product that directly boosts the threatened aspect of their self-concept (i.e., within-domain compensation), or they may compensate by acquiring a product that boosts an unrelated aspect of their self-concept (i.e., across-domain compensation). The current research investigates how self-verification motives influence consumers’ preference between these two compensation strategies. In two studies, participants with a self-verification motive displayed an increased preference for within- (vs. across-) domain compensatory products following a self-threat. Underlying this effect, those with a self-verification motive reported a greater desire for products that re-confirmed the threatened domain of their self-concept.  相似文献   

This study mines customer satisfaction (CS) segments using almost 270 thousand responses from a CS survey which ran in 140 e-commerce stores of a European country. To achieve this, it develops and applies a business analytics (BA)-informed framework. Then, it presents examples of how one e-commerce store exploited the extracted CS segments to build automated marketing actions for its customers, ranging from social media sharing strategies for the satisfied segments, to discounts for the less satisfied. This study contributes to customer satisfaction and segmentation literature. The extracted insights can be utilized to support decision making, ranging from targeted advertising for specific customer segments, to benchmarking for companies in similar industries.  相似文献   

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have positively contributed to the hospitality industry. In Spain, the third tourism destination in the world, hotels have widely adopted computers and the Internet for the internal processes as well as in their relationships with their providers and customers. While some ICT solutions are common in hotels regardless of their category, others may allow to differentiate across upscale hotels and those of inferior level. This study identifies the most discriminating ICT solutions across 3-, 4-, and 5-star hotels, and discusses their potential for improving efficiency and service quality. In particular, digital technology, loyalty programs, and ambient intelligence are some of the most differentiating technologies, which may be implemented by 3- and 4-star hotels to improve the perceived quality of their processes and services.  相似文献   

This study examines unique factors causing emerging market firms to pursue functional upgrading. Our analysis draws on the resource-based view and learning theory, and our study sample consisted of Chinese new technology ventures. We test the effect of governance mechanisms and internal resources on the functional upgrading of firms. The results indicate that trade shows and quality advantage facilitated the functional upgrading of firms. However, contrary to our expectations, electronic markets and technological advancement do not emerge as significant variables. The implications of the results are discussed in consideration of the existing literature, and future research opportunities are described.  相似文献   

A general approach is described for determining the information content of warnings. It begins with a formal analysis of the magnitudes of the risks arising from misuse (or even from proper use) of a product. It proceeds with structured, open-ended interviews intended to elicit consumers' naive conceptualizations of the processes creating and controlling those risks. Communications are then focused on information filling the most consequential gaps in their knowledge. The implementation of those warnings will depend on the extent of the knowledge gaps, and the opportunities for closing them. This approach allows for an estimate of the residual problems to be expected, if a warning program is implemented. It can also help to focus the policy debate over whether a product warning will achieve an acceptable level of misunderstanding. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Overconsumption is a widely used term in science, media and among concerned consumers. What do we mean by this term? This study is based on the assumption that both the public debate on consumption and consumer research could benefit from better understanding how this term is used and from clarifying the definition. The primary aim of this study was to describe how the term ‘overconsumption’ is being used in the contemporary scientific debate in fields related to consumer studies. This was done by studying the use of the term in scientific journal papers between 2010 and 2012 using qualitative content analysis. It is concluded that overconsumption is often described as consumption of hedonic goods by individuals with undesirable personality traits, low moral or belonging to minority groups. Furthermore, overconsumption is described as having detrimental effects both on the individual consumer, the society and the environment; however, direct individual effects are more frequently mentioned in the studies. The term is seldom defined explicitly. This might lead to confusion and misunderstanding between research fields and between different stakeholders. A structured framework for generating clear and useful definitions is suggested in this study, based on the reviewed papers and a theoretical framework from moral philosophy.  相似文献   

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