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Examining the influence of the retail environment on shopping behavior, Kaltcheva and Weitz (2006. When should a retailer create an exciting store environment? Journal of Marketing 70 (January), 107–118) showed that shopping motivation (utilitarian versus hedonic) moderates the relationship between arousal and shoppers’ behavior in the store environment. In particular, they found that high arousal decreases intentions to visit for consumers with a utilitarian motivational orientation. Focusing on this particular type of shopping motivation, we hypothesized that the negative effects of arousal-inducing store environments occur for consumers with higher utilitarian motivations because these environments prevent those specific consumers from controlling their shopping experience. We consequently adapted Kaltcheva and Weitz's (2006) framework by building a model articulating perceived control, stress, pleasure, and return intent. A multigroup analysis of consumers with high versus low utilitarian shopping motivations identified in a field study conducted in Europe gave support to our hypothesis.  相似文献   

This study proposes and empirically validates a model that incorporates the interaction effects of consumer's shopping orientation (utilitarian/recreational) and attitudes towards the online store atmospheric qualities (information related cues, navigation cues, aesthetic cues) on online shopping behavior. The use of an underutilized technique for detecting interaction effects unveils the superiority of interaction effects over direct effects in explaining online shopping behavior. Results reveal significant interaction effects during the information search stage but not during the purchase stage. Furthermore, the interaction effects were significant only for utilitarian shoppers but not for the recreational ones. The results signify the distinctive nature of online shopping compared to the offline one, and the need for retailers to distinguish online and offline store atmosphere management.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to model the effect of the consumers’ perceptions of their offline and online gendered behaviour on online utilitarian shopping motivation and purchase intentions. We hypothesise that when consumers shop online, their behaviour is mediated by two gendered behaviours, namely offline and online. To test this hypothesis, 515 usable responses were collected in face-to-face interviews. The conceptual model was tested with confirmatory factors analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) across five product categories. Our findings show that the effect of a consumer's perception of their gendered behaviour offline vs. online on online utilitarian shopping motivation and purchase intentions is significantly different. In particular we found that utilitarian shopping motivation online has a significant effect on purchase intentions online mediated by gender (online) overall: strongly for females but not for males. Conversely, utilitarian shopping motivation online has a significant effect on purchase intentions online mediated by gender (offline) for males but not overall and for females.  相似文献   

This study examines under which circumstances customers are more likely to process in-store digital display ads. An exploratory field study is conducted (n = 296), with a between-subjects, 2 (value-expressive versus utilitarian messages) by 2 (entrance versus register location) by 2 (low versus high goal relevance) quasi-experimental design, in a retail store of horticulture-, baking- and pet supplies. The findings show that DS can appeal to both segments of customers when positioned in proximity to the register, rather than the entrance. In terms of the content displayed, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach as both types of content have different effects, depending on the shopping goal of the customer.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates the importance of shopping trip value but recognises that consumers do not shop independent of the environment; both products and stores contribute to overall shopping trip value. This study identifies the impact of product and store value on overall shopping trip value and investigates the interrelationship among their utilitarian and hedonic components. In addition, it proposes a store value scale. The authors find empirically that utilitarian store value and performance-related product value have significant effects on utilitarian shopping trip value, whereas hedonic shopping trip value is influenced most by hedonic store value and emotional product value. In addition, women appear more prone to hedonic shopping trip value yet also utilitarian store value, while men were more attentive to utilitarian product value.  相似文献   

Retailers increasingly use mobile coupon services to deliver promotional offers to consumers. This paper draws on the theory of regulatory focus to explain mobile coupon redemption. The paper proposes that redemption depends on the extent to which a mobile coupon requires consumers to divert from their focal shopping motivation. Regulatory fit, the perception of receiving an offer that is relevant to consumers' regulatory goals, mediates this divergence effect, but only for utilitarian shoppers. Results from two scenario experiments support the main hypothesis and show that utilitarian shoppers perceive greater regulatory fit when an offer is compatible with their focal shopping motivation. In contrast, hedonic shoppers perceive no difference in regulatory fit when an offer diverts them from their focal shopping motivation. This explains why hedonic shoppers redeem a wider variety of offers than utilitarian shoppers and why utilitarian shoppers require more personalization to generate coupon redemption.  相似文献   

Research examining the effects of store environment on shoppers has found that a number of atmospheric cues have significant effects on shoppers' cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses. To date, retail atmospheric cues have been studied in isolation, instead of simultaneously, like they occur in the retail setting. This study examines the interactive effects of two atmospheric cues—retail density and music tempo—and their impact on shopper responses within a real shopping environment. Based on the schema incongruity model, it is found that shopper hedonic and utilitarian evaluations of the shopping experience are highest under conditions of slow music/high density and fast music/low density. Significant main effects of music tempo are found for behavioral responses such as approach/avoidance tendency and extent of browsing behavior. The results underscore the need to examine interactive effects of atmospheric cues to better understand the impact of the store environment on shoppers. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Shopping in various retail formats involves both utilitarian and hedonic value. Taiwan residents shop at department stores and hypermarkets frequently, compared to other retailers. This study contrasts the differential effects of shopping value on retail outcomes in department stores and hypermarkets. The results support predicted relationships: (1) in the department store context, (a) hedonic shopping value perceived by shoppers is higher than utilitarian shopping value; (b) hedonic shopping value has a greater effect on satisfaction and word-of-mouth than utilitarian shopping value; and (2) in the hypermarket context, (a) utilitarian shopping value perceived by shoppers is higher than hedonic shopping value; (b) utilitarian shopping value has a greater effect on satisfaction and repatronage intentions than hedonic shopping value.  相似文献   

The visual cues shoppers view at the point of purchase during the shopping process is vital to product selection and sales. We aimed to identify the intrinsic and extrinsic visual cues or touchpoints customers use to select a product (live plant) in retail stores. Eye-tracking technology (ETT) has enabled market researchers to conduct cost- and time-efficient studies. Few studies have been conducted in a retail setting to pinpoint how shoppers attend to visual cues in situ. Using ETT gave researchers insight into the cognitive processes leading to purchase. We recruited four retail greenhouses in Michigan to collaborate on the study, and researchers invited customers from the store’s email list to participate. Researchers used eye-tracking glasses to record eye movement during a <12-min shopping trip to purchase a $10 plant. We analyzed 150 useful videos to identify attention to marketing and non-marketing cues at the point of purchase (e.g., reading a sign, product interaction, cell phone use). Time spent in specific store areas (e.g., annuals, perennials, shrubs, etc.) was measured. For 67 shoppers who purchased an annual plant, we analyzed which cues and touchpoints influenced the shopping time spent. Results showed that the most frequently accessed cue/touchpoint was intrinsic: product interaction (looking at or touching a plant). Participants read, on average, 6.7 signs with price and 4.5 signs without price. Conversely, only 34% interacted with employees, and 19.4% used their cell phones. Building on this exploratory study, future research could investigate signage elements attracting attention and motivations for employee interaction and cell phone use.  相似文献   

This study attempts to understand the moderating roles of in-store marketing by incorporating the effects of shopping motivations on repatronage and word-of-mouth intentions in the context of fashion apparel by applying theories related to self-determination and social impact. Structural equation modeling using data collected from young adult fashion apparel shoppers in Thailand reveals positive effects of shopping motivations. The utilitarian shopping motivation shows a greater effect in predicting loyalty intentions than hedonistic shopping motivation. In-store marketing is shown to have a moderating effect on loyalty intentions, although the influence of each moderator on the investigated direct effects varies. The findings can prove helpful to fashion apparel retailers in developing effective advertising and promotional strategies that correspond to the specific needs of the shoppers to promote store loyalty intentions.  相似文献   

This study endeavours to develop and analyze a conceptual model that sheds light on the moderating impact of utilitarian and hedonic shopping values in determining the relationship between private label usage and store loyalty. In a test with data collected from 267 consumers, conceptual framework was analyzed by using structural equation modeling. The findings reveal that a negative relationship was observed between private label usage and store loyalty. However, utilitarian shopping value converts this existing negative relationship between private label usage and store loyalty into a strong positive association. This study offers such interesting implications for managers that developing marketing strategies oriented to create utilitarian shopping value during the shopping experience may enable retailers to enhance their store loyalty in a positive way in the long run. Prior research has not approached the private label product phenomenon from a shopping value perspective. Hence, this study attempts to measure the moderating impact of shopping value on the linkage between private label usage and store loyalty for the first time.  相似文献   

Retailers use a variety of semantic cues to advertise discounts at their stores. In this paper we introduce the concept of cue concreteness and examine its impact on effectiveness of semantic cues. Four studies were conducted which concur with the findings of earlier research in this area and expand our knowledge about the effectiveness of semantic cues. Results indicate that between-store cues are perceived to be more effective than within-store cues at moderate price discount levels only when the cues are concrete in nature. In addition, a between-store cue resulted in more favorable evaluations than a within-store cue when the ad was viewed at home, but only when the cue was concrete. Implications for marketers and public policy makers are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored differences in the effects of perceived utilitarian and hedonic shopping values on customer satisfaction for the two separate groups of the agricultural product marketing channel: farmers' markets and specialty food stores. Empirical data were collected from customers of agricultural product retailers located in Taiwan (N = 412). The results show that different agricultural product marketing channels provide different values to their customers. Farmers' market customers experience a greater hedonic value, and specialty food store customers experience a greater utilitarian value. In addition, the perceived utilitarian and hedonic shopping values of farmers' market customers are more highly positively associated with customer satisfaction than are those of specialty food store customers.  相似文献   

Kinetic quality of store space is the appreciation of the store with regard to the movements and gestures that can be performed during the shopping trip. Few researches have studied this concept despite its potential influence on shopping outcomes. In this paper, we show that the kinetic quality of the store has an impact on hedonic and utilitarian shopping values and on purchase. The impact on shopping value is similar in magnitude to that of atmospheric quality. Music and visual esthetics positively influence kinetic quality.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of utilizing consumers’ digital shopping traces when designing in-store promotions on purchase behavior and brand image. In two experimental studies with 526 and 550 espondents, the authors examine the effects of omnichannel-based promotions (e.g. using digital shopping trace to offer a promotion when the consumer enters the physical store) in two different product categories (utilitarian vs. hedonic), spontaneous/planned purchases and two different retail industries (durable good vs. travel). The results show that retailers benefit from using digital shopping traces as it increases purchases and enhances brand imagery. The effects are moderated by product category and type of purchase.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of Hispanic consumers’ perceived importance of apparel retail store environmental cues and demographic characteristics (i.e., age and the number of years lived in the US) on their apparel store patronage behavior across various retail store formats. Three apparel retail store environmental cue dimensions were identified. Of the three dimensions, Customer Service appeared as a significant determinant in Hispanic consumers’ decision to shop at department stores, specialty stores, and mass merchant stores. Convenience was significantly, but negatively, related to the use of specialty stores. Physical Atmosphere appeared as significant determinants of Hispanic consumers’ use of Internet websites. The respondents’ shopping frequency at department stores, Internet websites, and catalogues was significantly different based on the respondents’ age and number of years lived in the US This study offers insights for apparel retailers in building effective retail store environments to attract Hispanic consumers.  相似文献   

The authors propose a new model of the effects of four perceived atmosphere constructs on hedonic and utilitarian shopping evaluations. Survey data demonstrate that the perceived atmosphere constructs are positively associated with both hedonic and utilitarian evaluations of retail shopping value. Importantly, the relationship between the customer's perception of the store's level of sophistication (perceived style) and the customer's overall assessment that the store is a pleasant place (perceived overall atmosphere) is different for different retail brands. The results suggest that the relationship between constructs can be used to detect differentiation between retail brands.  相似文献   

Retailers use atmospheric cues to trigger emotional reactions that enhance consumer behavior. However, introducing cues into a store environment may also trigger sensory overload, due to too much stimulation. This study aims to examine the effects of adding high arousal atmospheric cues in a store environment on affective reactions, approach behavior, and evaluations by making use of different methods (i.e., two lab experiments and one field experiment), by adding various types of atmospheric cues (i.e., cues processed in higher senses versus processed in lower senses), and by differentiating the order in which they are added. Results reveal that when a third high arousal cue is added sensory overload (i.e., rise in perceived arousal and decrease in perceived pleasantness) occurs under the condition that this third cue is processed by a higher sense (i.e. visual or auditory sense). Furthermore, a decrease in approach behavior and evaluations is also observed when these conditions are met. Mediation analyses indicate that this effect on evaluations is mediated by pleasure and approach behavior. The research presented extends previous findings by investigating possible predictors (i.e., number of cues as well as type of cues) of the momentum where sensory overload may take place.  相似文献   

This study examines how mannequins' physical conditions of display height and distance are related to consumers’ shopping motivations in generating mental simulation resulting in purchase intention. A 2 × 2 x 2 between-subjects lab experiment (n = 249) was conducted to address this question. The results reveal a significant three-way interaction effect of display height, distance, and shopping motivation. Specifically, it is found that for those with a dominant hedonic shopping motivation, a mannequin displayed up high generates greater mental simulation than one displayed down low, but for those with a dominant utilitarian shopping motivation, a mannequin displayed high and close to consumers generates greater mental simulation than one displayed low and close to them. This study also reveals that mental simulation mediates the influence of the interaction effect of “display height x distance,” moderated by shopping motivation, on purchase intention. Important theoretical and practical implications for retail managers are discussed.  相似文献   

Many retailers face the questions of whether providing consultation services would enhance store performance and, if so, what the retailers could do to increase the number of shoppers seeking salesperson consultation. Despite its importance, prior research has not answered the question of what influences retail shoppers to consult with salespeople. We use motivation theory and recent theorizing on behavioral decision-making to develop a model of four utilitarian and hedonic motivators of shopper consultation with salespeople. This model, which includes the relationship between consultation and amount of money spent by shoppers, was tested with data from 425 shoppers. Our results demonstrate situational and individual influences, both utilitarian (i.e., shoppers’ purchase uncertainty and efficiency orientation) and hedonic (i.e., shoppers’ situation-related affect toward salespeople and shopping enjoyment), that prompt retail shoppers to consult with salespeople. As well, we find that salesperson consultation is positively related to the amount of money spent by shoppers and completely mediates the spending effects of the four motivators of consultation. This research shows that motivation theory is useful for better understanding salesperson consultation and can assist retailers that compete on service to better implement consultation-oriented strategies.  相似文献   

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