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叶光 《浙江金融》2006,(7):42-43
股票期权激励理论及其效果 在现代企业两权分离的情况下,委托人需要设计一个激励合同,对企业经营者的长短期行为进行激励,以诱使代理人从自身利益出发选择对委托人最有利的行动,从而减少代理成本和增加企业价值。  相似文献   

股票期权自20世纪50年代在美国出现以来,逐渐显示出巨大的生命力。根据西方法学和经济学中的代理理论和人力资本管理理论,解决公司代理问题的关键是监督和激励代理人,并以激励为主,股票期权就是一种主要的激励方式。  相似文献   

自2006年以来,股权激励开始在我国迅速盛行开来,到2014年为止已有500多家企业提出过股权激励方案,大部分会选择限制性股票或者股票期权这两种最常见的激励方式。本文通过统计分析检验发现,限制性股票的激励效果往往优于股票期权。  相似文献   

起源于美国的股票期权激励制度是一种旨在解决企业委托代理矛盾的长期激励计划。其核心是将管理层的个人收益和广大股东的收益,尤其是长期利益统一起来,从而使股东价值成为管理层决策行为的准则。股票期权的本意是通过经营者经营能力——公司业绩——股票价格——高层管理人员回报,建立一套科学的激励制度。但实践中,实施的效果却大相径庭。说明简单地认为管理层持股有助于改善企业业绩的观点有失偏颇。本文认为,在中国当前的管理体制下,实施股票期权时,在经营者经营能力的衡量,公司业绩的评价,股票价格的确定机制等方面都存在缺陷,因此股票期权在中国实行必须符合中国国情,必须根据中国的具体情况进行完善和改进。  相似文献   

美国股票期权激励的经验和启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
内容提要:我国股票期权薪酬激励的实践刚刚起步,而美国有着丰富的实践经验和理论研究。本文介绍了美国在1990年代期权薪酬盛行的几个原因:将股票期权激励视为强调股东价值的一个新重点、公司治理的变化、牛市、管理人员的寻租、税收和会计规则的影响、基于“可观察成本”的决策。21世纪后美国的期权激励开始下降,这一趋势可以从关于期权费用化的会计准则的改革、信息披露要求更加透明、严格、熊市的来临和期权的脆弱性、期权激励的负面效应不断凸现、期权激励对不同行业、不同发展阶段的激励效果不同等方面加以解释。最后作者根据美国经验谈了几点对中国期权薪酬激励实践的启示。  相似文献   

激励机制是现代公司治理的重要内客,是公司长远发展的关键因素。股票期权是对上市公司管理层进行长期激励的一种有效手段,是市场经济国家普遍采取的激励方式。但在实施的过程中出现了一系列制度和公司治理结构等障碍,文章应用博弈论知识对这些问题进行了解释。  相似文献   

企业采取股票期权激励制度的弊端越来越明显,迫切需要新的激励制度,EVA激励制度应运而生。文章对EVA激励制度进行分析,说明EVA激励制度是当前企业有效的激励制度。  相似文献   

李晓莎 《会计师》2009,(8):79-80
<正>一、绪论近年来,股票期权激励已成为现代企业激励制度中具有代表性的制度,它具有较强的长期激励与约束作用,很多中小企业都效仿上市公司采用这一措施。本文将通过分析中小企业(主要是未上市的股份公司或有限责任公司)实行股票期权激励所面临的问题,研究采用虚  相似文献   

张佳佳 《会计师》2010,(11):9-10
<正>一、股票期权激励制度负面效应表现股票期权激励制度被视为解决现代公司委托代理矛盾的一个有效手段,同时它还兼具低成本激励、吸引优秀的人才和避免短期行为等优势,在西方发达国家得到普遍应用,美国标准普尔500指标公司中最大的250家公司,99%实行了股票期权。我国的薪酬制度改革势在必行,股票期权制度已在较大范围内开展试点。然而,股票期权激励制度是一柄名副其实的"双刃剑",随其在世界各国大范围内推广应用的同时,负面效应也逐渐暴露,主要表现在以下几个方面。(一)管理层片面追求股价的上涨,进而引发新的道德风  相似文献   

This study presents empirical evidence on the ex post costs of employee stock option (ESO) grants to issuing firms and examines whether the Black–Scholes [1973] model provides reasonable estimates of these values. Because there are no market prices for ESOs, the traditional avenues for testing option–pricing models are unavailable. This research relies instead on techniques from the economic forecasting literature, viewing model values as forecasts of the options' payoff. The theoretically appropriate rate at which to discount ESO payoffs is derived under the maintained hypothesis that the Black–Scholes model is valid. This rate is used in estimating ex post ESO costs at the time of grant, which are then compared with Black–Scholes estimates using Theil's [1966] tests of forecast rationality. Based on a sample of 966 ESO grants over 1963–1984, the results suggest that the Black–Scholes model, adjusted for concavity in the time to exercise using the Hemmer, Matsunaga, and Shevlin [1994] procedure, appears to provide reasonable estimates of ex post ESO costs for the average ESO grant. However, there is significant variability in the amount of model error on an individual grant basis.  相似文献   

We develop an empirical model of employee stock option exercise that is suitable for valuation and allows for behavioral channels. We estimate exercise rates as functions of option, stock, and employee characteristics using all employee exercises at 88 public firms, 27 of them in the S&P 500. Increasing vesting frequency from annual to monthly reduces option value by 11% to 16%. Men exercise faster, reducing value by 2% to 4%, while top employees exercise slower, increasing value by 2% to 7%. Finally, we develop an analytic valuation approximation that is more accurate than methods used in practice.  相似文献   

起源于美国的股票期权制度在其本土已经得到了较为广泛的应用,我国在这方面也进行了积极的探索,一些企业也进行了实践。但股票期权究竟是否适合我国的情况呢?本将以主板市场为基础,通过对股票期权的实施条件的分析来对其在我国企业的适用性进行研究。  相似文献   

经理人股票期权是为了适应现代企业制度的需要,对经理人员实行的行之有效的约束激励机制,其本质就是让拥有控制权的经理人员一方面能够拥有一定的剩余索取权,另一方面还要承担相应的风险,从而激励经理人最大限度地维护企业所有者的利益。本文通过阐述经理人股票期权的激励作用,提出了期权理论模型,进而使经理人建立长期激励的良性循环具有指导意义。  相似文献   

股票期权的实践与探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为分配制度变革的股票期权计划,在发达国家运用已有近30年的历史,成为企业一种有效的激励机制。随着我国企业改革的深化与市场经济的确立,急需探索一条科学有效的激励机制。在我国现行的法律体系下,股票期权计划这种长期激励机制吸引了越来越多的注意力。本对我国在推行股票期权计划的实践中所产生的一些问题作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

Open‐market repurchase programs provide firms with the flexibility to manage the cash and risk aspects of their operations. We examine at which stage cash and risk matter in the typical stages of a repurchase program: announcement, implementation, and withdrawal. Cash and risk considerations appear to matter only at the implementation stage, and partially negate the traditional signaling effect around program announcement.  相似文献   

The Informational Role of Stock and Option Volume   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This article analyzes the intraday interdependence of orderflows and price movements for actively traded NYSE stocks andtheir Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)-traded options.Stock net trade volume (buyer-initiated volume minus seller-initiatedvolume) has strong predictive ability for stock and option quoterevisions, but option net trade volume has no incremental predictiveability. This suggests that informed investors initiate tradesin the stock market but not in the option market. On the otherhand, both stock and option quote revisions have predictiveability for each other. Thus, while information in the stockmarket is contained in both quote revisions and trades, informationin the option market is contained only in quote revisions.  相似文献   

This paper documents an important step in reconciling conflicting results by Manaster and Rendleman [16] and Stephan and Whaley [21] regarding price change relationships between options and their underlying stocks. Using recent advances in bi-directional causality testing and data sources available only fairly recently, statistical tests are conducted that mitigate the nonsynchroneity and bid-ask bias problems that may have affected the Manaster and Rendleman [16] study. Even with these adjustments, empirical results are consistent with Manaster and Rendleman [16], indicating that stock price changes adjust to lagged option price changes over two trading days. Moreover, results suggest that the causality is bi-directional.  相似文献   

目前,股票期权作为一种企业激励制度在我国还属新生事物,缺乏相关的法律规范,具体实施中存在障碍。建议借鉴美国比较成熟的做法,对股票期权计划的三个关键时点,即期权赠与日、行权日和股票出售日的个人所得税立法给予明确。  相似文献   

Stock Option Measures and the Stock Repurchase Decision   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The major purposes of this study are two fold. First, we investigate whether or not the dilutive effect from stock options on the denominator of earnings per share is associated with the incurrence of stock repurchases. We use the FASB dilution and the economic dilution as the direct dilution measures and examine their relationship with stock repurchase decision. Second, we explore which of the extant measures of stock options can better explain the incurrence of stock repurchases. Six extant measures of stock options from previous studies are used: (1) the FASB's treasury-stock EPS dilution method, (2) the economic dilution measure based on Core, Guay and Kothari (2002), (3) the number of employee stock option exercises, (4) the number of stock option grants, (5) the number of total stock options outstanding, and (6) the number of exercisable stock options.Using a pooled cross-sectional sample from 1996–2000, we find a positive association between the likelihood of stock repurchases and the FASB dilution as well as the economic dilution in EPS, respectively. Thereby providing support for the undo-dilution hypothesis. The highest incremental explanatory power is found when we add the number of stock options exercisable to the baseline model. However, further analysis does not support the option-funding hypothesis suggested by Kahle (2002). We provide two explanations for why exercisable stock options better explain the stock repurchase decision.  相似文献   

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