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We consider a task, demanding a sequence of efforts, that must be completed by a deadline. Effort is not contractible. Agents face shocks to their opportunity cost of time and are sometimes distracted from work. We show that agents who are often distracted may outperform agents who are distracted less often. The reason is that anticipation of distractions induces agents to start earlier for precautionary reasons. Principals can increase the probability of completion, and achieve higher profits, by strategically setting “tight” deadlines, provided that the deadlines can be extended with some positive probability.  相似文献   

A simple model of decentralized graduation standards is presented. It is shown that a school whose students are disadvantaged on the labor market applies less demanding standards because such students have lower ability or less incentives to graduate. The model's predictions are tested using Dutch school‐level data. Since students in the Netherlands have to participate in both a central and a school specific examination, we can identify the grading policy of individual schools. We find that schools which harbor greater shares of disadvantaged students tend to set lower standards. This association is most pronounced in the track of secondary schooling that prepares for university.  相似文献   

Private and public payers are increasingly seeking an overall per-diem or global surgery rates that put hospitals at significant financial risk for anesthesia services. Other payers are demanding deep discounts in anesthesia fees and negotiating global capitation rates that put both hospitals and physicians at risk for all care including anesthesia. This study examines some of the various organizational models for using physician anesthesiologist (MDA) and nurse anesthetist (CRNA) resources most cost effectively and safely. Variations in percentages of these practitioners can be seen in that California reportedly has 47 MDAs for every 10 CRNAs while Michigan has just 6 MDAs for every 10 CRNAs practicing in that more highly managed care environment. Four various anesthesia practice models are described in detail without declaring any one a universal model. The cost per year for MDAs averages $294,000 while the cost per year for CRNAs is less than half as much.  相似文献   

This paper develops a political economy model of multiple unemployment equilibria to provide a theory of an endogenous natural rate of unemployment for the UK and the US interwar period. The theory here sees the natural rate and the associated path of unemployment as a reaction to mainly demand shocks and the institutional structure of the economy. The channel through which these two forces feed on each other is a political economy process whereby voters with limited information on the natural rate react to shocks by demanding more or less social protection. The reduced form results confirm a pattern of unemployment behaviour in which unemployment moves between high and low equilibria in response to shocks.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the transfer-demanding entrepreneur to help bridge the gap between static equilibria in an interest group theory of government and process theories. The transfer demanding entrepreneur acts in a creative, discontinuous fashion to organize latent demand for a particular transfer into an effective interest group. The disequilibrating, re-equilibrating transfer demanding entrepreneur provides a theoretical framework for understanding the movement between static political equilibria. This paper considers the transfer demanding entrepreneurship necessary to bring together the western railroads, organized labor, and potential Oklahoma colonists in the passage of white settlement and coal-lease ratification legislation in the Indian Territory.  相似文献   

The general problems of distinguishing between theoretical concepts and practical measures concerning capital are considered and the difference between various stock and flow measures of capital and their respective uses is defined. The qualifications and limitations to these measures in the interpretation of output changes are also discussed. Attention is concentrated on the initial, basic problem of how to measure gross capital stock and the special difficulties involved in using the perpetual inventory simulation method and census procedures in less developed countries to derive such estimates are broadly defined. Some of the special problems encountered in an attempt to undertake an inventory of industrial capital assets in Lesotho are also referred to and the paper concludes by expressing the view that there are at present far more important issues demanding higher statistical priority in less developed countries than the evaluation of capital stocks.  相似文献   

论西部旅游业的优势产业地位及发展对策   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
赵毅 《经济地理》2001,21(2):140-145
西部旅游资源富集度高,旅游产品市场需求旺盛,旅游业发展潜力巨大。西部旅游业是有利于合理配置资源的优势产业,是发展外向型经济、通过服务出口能进入国际产业水平分工体系参与国际竞争的优势产业。发挥西部旅游业的产业优势,需要采取政策引导、科学规划、市场拓展、加快人才培养等一系列措施。  相似文献   

In the labor economics literature, discrimination is often defined as occurring when identically productive workers, placed in the same working conditions, are assigned contracts involving, in particular, different hourly wage rates. This paper applies contract theory to explain how in some circumstances such differences take place, even if contract discrimination and productivity differences are strictly ruled out. It is assumed that worker types differ only in their consumption/leisure preferences and in their availability. A labor cost-minimizing firm offers a menu of labor contracts, and lets workers self-select. The model reveals external effects between types and the possibility of a paradoxical situation in which less demanding workers obtain a higher wage rate. A mixed employment regime always requires a minimum number (a quantum) of most demanding workers.  相似文献   

We consider an asset-based alternative to the standard use of expenditures in defining well-being and poverty. Our motivation is to see if there exist simpler and less demanding ways to collect data to measure economic welfare and rank households. This is particularly important in poor regions where there is limited capacity to collect consumption, expenditure and price data. We evaluate an index derived from a factor analysis on household assets using multipurpose surveys from several countries. We find that the asset index is a valid predictor of a crucial manifestation of poverty—child health and nutrition. Indicators of relative measurement error show that the asset index is measured as a proxy for long-term wealth with less error than expenditures. Analysts may thus prefer to use the asset index as an explanatory variable or as a means of mapping economic welfare to other living standards and capabilities such as health and nutrition.  相似文献   

This article examines how the birth and the development of regional systems of innovation are connected with economic selection and points to implications for regional-level policies. The research questions are explored using an evolutionary model, which emphasizes geographical spaces and production of intermediate goods. In particular, we are concerned with how cooperative behaviour of technology producers is affected by the need to protect technological secrecies and of being financially constrained by firms demanding innovative input. Based on the theoretical model, we provide an analysis using computer simulations. The primary findings are, first, that the model generates predictions suited for empirical research as to the way in which economic selection influences cooperative behavior of innovative actors. Second, we demonstrate how a region’s entrepreneurial activity and growth can be controlled in a decentralized way by regions.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence shows that not all countries with high levels of corruption have suffered poor growth performance. Bad quality governance has clearly been much less damaging (if at all) in some economies than in others. Why this is so is a question that has largely been ignored, and the intention of this paper is to provide an answer. We develop a dynamic general equilibrium model in which growth occurs endogenously through the invention of new goods based on research and development activity. For such activity to be undertaken, firms must acquire complementary licenses from public officials who are able to exploit their monopoly power by demanding bribes in exchange for these (otherwise free) permits. We show that the effects of corruption depend on the extent to which bureaucrats coordinate their rent-seeking behaviour. Specifically, our analysis predicts that countries with organised corruption networks are likely to display lower levels of bribes, higher levels of research activity and higher rates of growth than countries with disorganised corruption arrangements.  相似文献   

信息时代的到来,对人才的需求和人才培养模式提出了更高的要求。根据人才需求的历史数据。针对这一情况,利用灰色预测理论和方法进行了预测分析,并进一步针对社会发展需求提出了人才培养对策。  相似文献   

本文以城市化进程中农村环境建设为起点,结合目前的新农村建设,通过调查南京市城乡边缘区农户对现有农村环境质量状况的评价和未来政府环境投资的需求,比较和分析了农户对政府不同类型环境投资的需求强度。结果认为,城市化进程致使农村环境质量恶化,加强农村环境建设十分必要,而且农户对此也有较强的需求。从满足农户偏好出发,政府应把有限的资金重点投资于既能产生环境效益又能产生经济效益的基础设施建设项目中,同时应结合当地实际情况,充分利用城市化进程给农村环境建设带来的契机。  相似文献   

资本市场发展影响货币需求的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从理论上分析,资本市场发展对货币需求存在正向影响的财富效应和负向影响的替代效应,但对中国的资本市场发展及货币需求数据进行实证分析发现,资本市场发展提高了经济体的货币需求;股票成交金额的变动有助于我们对于狭义货币供应量的预测,不过在统计上无助于我们对于广义货币供应量的预测。考虑到资本市场发展因素,货币政策从紧的力度应该比单纯考虑实体经济货币需求的从紧力度略松。  相似文献   

Considering sustainability a matter of intergenerational welfare equity, this paper examines whether an optimal development path can also be sustainable. It argues that the general “zero‐net‐aggregate‐investment” condition for an optimal development path to be sustainable in the sense of the maximin criterion of intergenerational justice is too demanding to be practical, especially in the context of developing countries. It further argues that while the maximin criterion of sustainability may be appealing to the rich advanced industrial countries, for the poor developing countries it implies equalization of poverty across generations, and as such is too costly a moral obligation to be acceptable. The paper suggests that a compromise development policy that follows the optimal growth approach but adopts certain measures to mitigate both the intergenerational and intragenerational welfare inequalities may be more appropriate for these countries. Some of the principal elements of such a policy are highlighted.  相似文献   

We study a model where individuals choose both the level of provision of a public good and the quota of low-skilled immigrants that are allowed into the country. Individuals can supplement the public good in the private market. Immigrants affect natives through three channels: (i) the labor market; (ii) tax collection; (iii) the quality of the public good. We find that the higher the political weight of the rich (highly skilled) is, the less tolerant the poor and the middle-class are toward immigration and the more demanding they are toward increasing public spending. The rich are the most favorable to immigration. As they have more weight, the political outcome is closer to their preferences and further from the preferences of the other groups. We use data from the European Social Survey to test the implications of our model.  相似文献   

This paper explores the welfare consequences of product boycotts by linking product and labor markets. Consumers' threat of boycott can affect the firm's decision such as production location, size of operation and wage rate. Such conscientious action, however, can actually result in a welfare loss of the workers of concern as well as consumers themselves. The analysis suggests that consumers set their goals by studying the labor market and coordinating with local groups rather than demanding what may seem righteous.  相似文献   

建立符合正义的公平、完善的收入分配制度,推进和谐社会建设,是当前中国发展中亟待解决的重大问题。现有的按劳分配、按要素分配制度不能得到有效贯彻、实现,这与基于社会契约的公平观存在密切联系,因此,建立符合正义的公平观念,制定体现公平与效率的再分配政策是一个重要研究课题。  相似文献   

We examine local strong rationality (LSR) in multivariate models with both forward-looking expectations and predetermined variables. Given hypothetical common knowledge restrictions that the dynamics will be close to those of a specified minimal state variable solution, we obtain eductive stability conditions for the solution to be LSR. In the saddlepoint stable case the saddle-path solution is LSR provided the model is structurally homogeneous across agents. However, the eductive stability conditions are strictly more demanding when heterogeneity is present, as can be expected in multisectoral models. Heterogeneity is thus a potentially important source of instability even in the saddlepoint stable case.  相似文献   

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