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其实凯恩斯学派和哈耶克学派的主张各订优势和很强的政策借鉴意义,但是最终政策倾斜点会向哪一派靠近,要取决于现实的政治博弈、民意和市场风向标  相似文献   

20世纪以来,自由主义和凯恩斯主义这二大经济思潮在资本主义世界交替占据着主导地位,哈耶克与凯恩斯之争折射出自由主义和凯恩斯主义这二大经济思潮的交替和兴衰。文章从哈耶克与凯恩斯之争出发,阐明了自由主义和凯恩斯主义的主要观点和内容及其在资本主义世界的交替兴衰,以历史事实来说明哈耶克和凯恩斯思想的成败,并提出经济发展的规律走向,最后指明该经济发展走向对我国的经济发展所应有的启示作用。  相似文献   

高歌  张红凤 《山东经济》2008,24(3):20-24
熊彼特与哈耶克同属于奥地利学派,对瓦尔拉斯均衡的态度截然相反,成为社会主义论战中的对立双方。熊彼特认为静态均衡模型在社会主义条件下能够实现,哈耶克却关注市场经济的均衡过程,用时际一般均衡理论发展了静态分析,相信市场经济的基本自我稳定机制。熊彼特承认瓦尔拉斯均衡是经济的“有序机制”,最终没有超越新古典主义。哈耶克则将均衡与信息问题相联系,试图引导经济学从均衡分析走向获取和交流知识的过程,对现代均衡理论产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

2017年10月,习近平总书记在党的十九大报告中指出中国已进入新时代,从站起来、富起来,迈向了强起来。凯恩斯主义是一种国家干预经济的宏观经济学说,针对新时代中国经济发展现状,全面认识、客观评价凯恩斯主义,对我国经济发展具有借鉴意义。文章主要从凯恩斯主义概述、中国经济发展现状、凯恩斯主义对中国经济的影响以及中国经济发展的策略导向等四个方面阐述凯恩斯主义与中国经济。  相似文献   

李国疆   《华东经济管理》2011,25(10):78-81
凯恩斯主义经济学的基本特征是经济危机必然性的证明和国家干预的系统分析。2008年国际金融危机以来各国政府的应对政策实质上仍然是凯恩斯主义的国家干预,不可能改变资本主义市场经济体制的核心,但政策选择表现出明显的时代特点。此次国际金融危机将促使凯恩斯主义与新自由主义经济学加速融合,并会对未来国家干预的方式和重点会产生显著影响。  相似文献   

沿袭哈耶克的思想传统,运用现代博弈论分析制度的形成与自发的演化过程而产生的演化制度分析,形成了当代制度经济学中的一条理论主线.但他的经济伦理思想有局限的一面,哈耶克的自由理论、自发秩序理论、制度理论和平等思想中也存在着内在冲突和紧张,有其历史局限性.正确认识哈耶克的经济伦理思想对于完善我国市场经济秩序有着重要的借鉴意义...  相似文献   

作为自由保守主义代表人物之一,哈耶克认为自由与民主之间既有区别又有联系,多数民主也有可能导致专断而破坏自由,政府权力必须有限,即使是经由选举中多数支持而产生的民主政府。  相似文献   

哈耶克的有限民主观认为现存的民主制度是一种无限民主,并非是真正的民主,这种民主对民主制度本身构成了极大威胁,反而与民主背道而驰,在他看来民主制度需要在法治之下展开。民主权力一旦失去法律限制,不仅无法保障个人权利,甚至必然将越过宪政在公共领域和私人领域之间所划分的界限,最终侵害个人权利。哈耶克关于有限民主观的极富创新性和启发性的论述对于正处于转型时期的中国的民主建设而言是一笔宝贵的财富,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

凯恩斯的宏观经济理论诞生于西方世界历史上最严重经济危机时期,奠定了政府干预宏观经济运行的理论基础,其理论在后来学者的争论中不断完善。我国经济在快速运行中出现了不少新问题,可以借鉴凯恩斯主义来分析。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,为促进经济发展,我国运用凯恩斯经济模式,加强政府对经济的干预,增加财政支出,加大投资规模,刺激国内有效需求以及对外开放等措施,经济实现了飞速的增长。但是,近年来我国经济面临一系列问题:投资过分依赖政府,对外贸易遇到贸易壁垒,居民消费水平无法有效提高,消费拉动经济增长的产业模型实现困难,这些都严重阻碍了社会主义市场经济的发展。因此,面对这一系列的经济问题,我国经济的发展不应该继续过分依赖凯恩斯模式,而是应该放权于市场,使经济重新充满活力。  相似文献   

听着人鱼公主的故事入睡,玩着米老鼠的玩具欢笑,看着唐老鸭的动画片长大,孩子们对于迪士尼的爱难以言表,在幼小的心灵里,那是让人做梦都会微笑的乐园,是孩子们的天堂。即使长大又怎样,对迪士尼的幻想仍旧不变。  相似文献   

世博会将给我们留下什么   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
159年.这是一段说短不短,说长也不长的历史.1851年5月1日,英国海德公园内一座叫做水晶宫的玻璃建筑挂满了万国彩旗.从此,一个叫做世界博览会的盛大活动,就成了整个地球人类的共同节日.在每届世博会的184天里,人们跨越了国与国的界限,在广泛的领域进行着越来越深入地沟通与交流,以共同应对伴随发展而来的各种挑战.  相似文献   

Finance and Income Inequality: What Do the Data Tell Us?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although there are distinct conjectures about the relationship between finance and income inequality, little empirical research compares their explanatory power. We examine the relationship between finance and income inequality for 83 countries between 1960 and 1995. Because financial development might be endogenous, we use instruments from the literature on law, finance, and growth to control for this. Our results suggest that, in the long run, inequality is less when financial development is greater, consistent with Galor and Zeira (1993) and Banerjee and Newman (1993). Although the results also suggest that inequality might increase as financial sector development increases at very low levels of financial sector development, as suggested by Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990), this result is not robust. We reject the hypothesis that financial development benefits only the rich. Our results thus suggest that in addition to improving growth, financial development also reduces inequality.  相似文献   

When Douglas Copland of the University of Melbourne was about to go abroad in 1933, a leading Australian businessman, Herbert Gepp, hailed him as the ‘Keynes of the Commonwealth’. Gepp was referring to Copland's contributions to Australian economic policy, not that of the British Commonwealth, but there were similarities between Copland and John Maynard Keynes. In full flight, Copland impressed his compatriots with his prodigious work ethic, networking skills, persuasive powers with policy-makers, and practice of popularising economics in order to effect stabilisation policy. For a short time, there were two Keynes, one at the centre, the other at the periphery.  相似文献   

赵达 《上海国资》2004,(5):23-24
6年来,国企经营者年薪制改革两次因故受阻,这其中存在一些亟待解决的深层次问题。要理性认识年薪制改革当前的目标和作用,认识这一改革的艰巨性和长期性,突出重点,化解主要矛盾,推进年薪制改革顺利进行。  相似文献   

蔡彤 《山东经济》2008,24(5):16-20
弗里德里希·冯·哈耶克和詹姆斯·布坎南是当代最有影响的自由主义经济学家,他们都极为重视对经济秩序或制度规则的研究,二人从个人主义方法论出发,分别从知识的分散性与契约主义的角度论证了秩序的产生和演变,认为,具有充分自由的个人活动是形成自发的经济秩序和社会秩序的唯一源泉。同时,两入的研究思路和方法也存在着明显的不同特征。比较二入关于社会经济秩序的形成、方法论、政策取向等方面的异同,对于认识社会经济秩序的渊源,把握分析经济秩序问题的方法,从一个更广的道德哲学角度来认识制度问题具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

This paper reviews trends in real wages in Indonesia since the early 1970s. It finds that there has been wage growth in a range of agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. However, growth has been uneven across sectors and for different periods. After the oil boom, wage growth slowed during the second half of the 1980s, although it picked up again in the 1990s. The paper discusses the relationship between various episodes of economic growth and labour market developments which might have contributed to patterns of wage change in various sectors. It also examines the influence of price deflators on real wage change, and compares trends in real earnings with trends in wage rates.  相似文献   

Garrison and the “Keynes Problem”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Time and Money provides a highly effective platform from which to consider macroeconomic theory, and its capacity to service the needs of comparative macroeconomic analysis is an important contribution in its own right. The book will be important for the development of Austrian economics because it identifies important questions and provides sensible answers to the questions it analyzes. Although not discussed at length in these remarks, the framework contained inTime and Money is receptive to the extension of Austrian economics, especially with respect to monetary disequilibrium theory and to comparative institutional analysis. The impetus Garrison’s book provides for the wider acceptance and extension of capital-based macroeconomics will be carried out both at the level of theory and, one hopes, at the empirical level as well.  相似文献   

Based on a synthetic sample of Black households and information about employment and incomes, a provisional account is given of the distribution of income between households and poverty in the homelands in 1960, 1970 and 1980. It is concluded that while the majority of households remained poor in 1980 (80 per cent below the urban minimum living level), households above the 30th percentile of the distribution in 1980 were considerably better off in real terms than households at the corresponding percentile in 1960. Below the 30th percentile, however, relative deterioration has taken place and below the 15th percentile absolute deterioration. The massive expansion of homeland population by incorporation of metropolitan townships, resettlement and other immigration, complicates the interpretation of these findings.  相似文献   

We review the conduct and scale of official intervention by monetary authorities in the U.S.A., Japan, and West Germany since the Plaza Agreement. Relative to trading volume and the stock of internatonally traded assets denominated in foreign currencies, intervention is small-scale and sporadic, hence at best limited to transitory effects. It does not appear to reduce volatility of daily exchange rates. Monetary authorities gamble that they will not suffer losses on their foreign currency holdings. Evidence in favor of sterilized foreign exchange market intervention as a way of conveying information to the private sector is far from convincing. Since changes in relative monetary growth rates are sufficient to alter bilateral exchange rates, monetary authorities can achieve their exchange rate preferences with domestic monetary policy, but at the cost of possible distortionary effects on monetary growth rates, domestic interest rates, and international capital flows.  相似文献   

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