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浅谈产品创新战略管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍新产品含义及其策略类型,新产品开发集成管理,降低企业产品创新风险,保证项目顺利地得到低成本开发。  相似文献   


产品创新是市场竞争之必然。产品创新是反映为更好地满足顾客需求而推出具有新功能、新结构、新外观的产品。  相似文献   

日前,在与一位公司当老总的朋友闲聊时,他说了这样一句话:“再先进的技术也要由市场认可,没有市场的产品创新没法研究。”的确如此,产品创新也必须要面市场。这要禁使笔者想到曾在网上浏览到的一则消息,有哝规模加拿大的电器公司花费了很大的精力,开发出了一种科技含量很高的产品,投向市场后却是销量很小,公司为此蒙受了巨大损失,该产品也不得不停止生产。  相似文献   

中小企业是当今世界经济中重要的企业组织形式,在我国国民经济发展中起着重要的作用,它不断推动我国经济持续高速增长。但随着经济的高速发展,中小企业的发展也受到很多内外部环境条件的制约,现阶段制约中小企业发展的关键问题之一是如何加强产品创新。  相似文献   

中小企业是当今世界经济中重要的企业组织形式,在我国国民经济发展中起着重要的作用,它不断推动我国经济持续高速增长。但随着经济的高速发展,中小企业的发展也受到很多内外部环境条件的制约,现阶段制约中小企业发展的关键问题之一是如何加强产品创新。  相似文献   

我国资本市场的很多问题都归因于制度性、结构性的缺陷.一方面是股权结构的缺陷,三分之二股权不流通扭曲了市场定价和资源配置功能;另一方面是市场结构的缺陷,资本市场主要是单一的股票市场,债券市场(固定收益产品)不发达.金融衍生产品缺失,严重制约了资本市场的发展。因此,发展资本市场产品、解决资本市场结构性缺陷、为公司财务管理提供可选择的工具,就成为目前的重要任务。  相似文献   

技术创新作为改进或创造产品、生产过程或服务方式的技术活动,分为工艺创新和产品创新两种类型。在不同的市场结构下,两种创新类型对需求曲线、成本曲线和边际成本曲线的作用不同,表现为产品成本、价格和销量的变动差异,因而产品的最终利润也不同。目前,我国不少企业在进行技术创新时,常常忽视创新类型与市场结构对需求和供给曲线的作用,导致技术上的成功无法转化为利润的实现,增加了企业的财务风险。  相似文献   

Green product innovation (GPI) is becoming more and more relevant for policy makers, companies and society as a whole. As a result, over the last few years the number of studies on GPI development has increased substantially, thus prompting the need to analyse and synthesize the results of these studies. With this aim, this study reviews the body of knowledge on the topic. In particular, a systematic review of the literature is conducted, guided by three main research questions. Specifically, this paper identifies the antecedents, the outcomes and the success factors for GPI development. 63 studies are included in the review. Results show that many factors drive the development of GPI, both internal and external to the firm. Among internal factors, the most important are the prospect of competitive advantage, cost reduction, market benefits, improved reputation and opportunities for innovation. Among external factors, the most important are environmental regulations – current and/or expected – and market demand. In terms of outcomes, this study provides evidence that the most relevant ones are cost savings, achievement of competitive advantage, increased market share, increased sales, increased turnover, higher profits, better reputation, increased exports and higher productivity. Finally, this study highlights that many factors can influence the successful development of GPI, such as top management commitment, building networks of collaborations as well as enhancing knowledge flows, both within and outside the firm, cross‐functional integration and development of resources and capabilities. This study provides important implications for companies, policy makers and scholars. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

龚厚宽 《价值工程》2010,29(7):125-125
由于柴油汽车的逐年发展,如何了解柴油机的性能,正确掌握其使用方法,对于每个柴油发动机的用户来讲都是十分重要的。  相似文献   

文章在豪泰林空间差异化模型的基础上构建了静态完全信息博弈模型,研究转移成本和生产成本对市场竞争产生的影响以及转移成本下企业的创新激励。  相似文献   

为了有效满足客户金融需求,商业银行基层员工应遵循:设身处地为客户着想,以沟通为桥梁,以产品为契机的原则进行交叉销售。将交叉销售解决客户需求的思路方案化、产品化就是"自下而上"组合型产品创新。该创新模式需要员工对创意进行初步可行性分析并完成创意报告,需要相关部门完成创意整理、分类、初审、评审、立项开发、试点等工作。交叉销售的思想同样适用于各商业银行总行基于战略考虑进行"自上而下"组合型产品创新。  相似文献   

Firms collaborate in green product innovation to develop products with less environmental impact. These products typically use less energy, have lower emissions and incorporate more environmentally friendly materials. In an industrial setting, firms often collaborate along the supply chain with customers and suppliers. This paper focuses on external and internal capabilities that firms need when collaborating in green product innovation. The paper builds on data from five large industrial firms in ten case studies, in which these firms collaborate with customers and suppliers to innovate green products to an industrial market. External and internal capabilities are investigated. The study points to the importance of finding a suitable partner. Partners need to have environmental expertise and contribute knowledge or technology that is new to the firm. Firms need to combine relational capabilities, such as trust, with contractual agreements in collaborative innovations. The findings point to the importance of knowledge management with the partner as well as internally in the firm. The study shows that no partner collaboration operates in isolation but is situated in a network context. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

林海  崔晓璇 《价值工程》2008,27(2):40-42
多功能集成化的产品是技术发展和产业发展的必然结果,功能集成创新是未来产品功能创新的一大趋势。文中对国内产品功能集成创新的相关研究成果进行了梳理,分别从集成与产品功能集成的概念、产品功能集成创新技法、功能集成与企业绩效的关系、功能集成对企业组织与产业组织的影响等多个领域,系统地介绍和阐述了产品功能集成研究的进展及其焦点问题。  相似文献   

李靖  齐永丰 《价值工程》2012,31(8):274-275
提出了直角坐标联想组合法、缺点列举法和组合法这三种产品设计构思方法,具体分析了它们的内涵、特征和组成结构,分别研究了在产品设计中如何利用这三种构思方法,产生创新点,为产品创新设计提供思路。  相似文献   

Focusing on new product development projects, this study suggests that the effect of a market orientation on innovation performance relationships may differ depending on whether the market orientation is responsive or proactive. This study also argues that process‐based and outcome‐based rewards moderate the effect. Based on a survey of 186 new product development projects in 122 high‐tech firms, this study found that responsive and proactive market orientations have positive influences on incremental innovation performance and radical innovation performance, respectively. In addition, the positive effect of a proactive market orientation on performance is strengthened by process‐based rewards, whereas the positive effect of a responsive market orientation on performance is positively moderated by outcome‐based rewards. This study provides practical implications and directions for future research.  相似文献   

文章以供应链环境下企业间的产品创新为研究对象,分析了供应链环境下产品合作创新的影响因素,将供应链合作创新模式概括为技术转让、合作开发、创新网络、技术联盟、共建实体等5种。通过合作模式演进图描述了企业在技术、资金、人员和组织形式4方面深入合作、不断演进的过程。最后,提出了供应链产品创新的匹配模型。  相似文献   

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