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An analytically simple and tractable approach to firm-level welfare analysis of complete and partial mean-preserving price stabilization for producers with general risk-averse preferences facing a stochastic technology is developed. Necessary and sufficient conditions for price stabilization to be welfare enhancing are derived under different assumptions of the producer's preferences and the producer's technology. Existing stabilization results for the risk-averse firm are shown to be corollaries of these more general results.  相似文献   

This paper considers the behaviour of a farmer facing an unreliable market for his perishable product. In the context of a simple model, where unreliability is characterised as demand uncertainty at the going market price, the optimal responses of a risk-averse farmer both to the introduction and to an increase in the level of unreliability are analysed. Conditions determining these responses are described and are shown to contrast markedly with the conditions determining a farmer's responses to uncertainty in other parameters such as price. Finally, the policy implications of the paper are discussed, with particular reference to the problem of unstable supply.  相似文献   

The policy conclusions which stem from the deterministic theory of the competitive firm are well known and unambiguous. However, once product price is regarded as stochastic, there exist several theories upon which to base an analysis of the impact of agricultural policy on the output response of the firm. The paper considers four models from the safety-first and expected utility frameworks. These models produce a diverse set of comparative statics results which in many instances conflict with those of the deterministic model. Hence, the paper concludes that it is important in agricultural policy analysis that greater consideration by given to the links between risk aversion, policy-induced uncertainty and output response than is conventionally the case.  相似文献   

Many Asian countries are expected to undergo structural transformations in their economies and rapid urbanization over the next 25 years. The changes in tastes and lifestyles engendered by urban living are likely to have significant influences on food demand. Changes in marketing systems and occupational changes, closely linked with increasing GNP per capita, also may influence the demand for food. In this paper, estimates presented for Taiwan demonstrate that structural changes in food demand (as distinguished from changes due to income and price effects) have been significant factors driving the rapid changes in dietary patterns seen in East Asia over the past three decades. Because most previous demand studies have ignored the possible influence of structural shifts which are highly correlated with increases in per capita income over time, the effects of income on food demand have been overestimated.  相似文献   

We examine whether a firm is more or less likely to adopt precision technology when input prices are stochastic. The results are important to determining whether programs and contracts that reduce input price uncertainty may deter the adoption of conservation practices. An economic model of the technology adoption decision shows that the net effect of input price risk is ambiguous and depends on several factors including the shutdown effect, the mean price effect, the precision expansion effect, and the risk aversion effect. An empirical implementation of the model relies on data on water price and irrigation technology adoption observed in a California irrigation district over the period 1999–2002. The results show that a stable input price increases the adoption of precision technology, but the impact depends on crop choice and land quality characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper present the results of recent empirical work on the short-run producetion flexibility of cow-calf producers in Western Canada. Several aspects of firm behaviour may be inferred from the econometric estimates, including short-run elasticities of supply and factor demand, and the total elasticity of cattle supply. The principal empirical findings are that many of the shourt-run supply and factor demand responses of firms, are elastic with respect to within-season price variability. The evidence does not support a vertical or negatively-sloped short-run supply curve for cattle, where one previously has been hypothesized in the theoretical literature.  相似文献   

This paper develops measures of relative price variability among agricultural commodities in the UK farm sector for the period 1956-88. Econometric tests of the hypothesis that relative price variability is positively correlated with instability in the macroeconomy are carried out. The results indicate that UK agricultural commodity prices become more volatile relative to one another when the economy-wide inflation rate increases and when aggregate output becomes more variable. These findings suggest that UK producers and consumers of domestically grown farm products experience increased risk and uncertainty in their production and consumption decisions during periods of macroeconomic instability. The effects of UK entry into the European Community are also examined; no evidence is found to suggest that adoption of the Common Agricultural Policy reduced year-to-year relative price variability among agricultural commodities.  相似文献   

Many investment decisions of agribusiness firms, such as when to invest in an emerging market or whether to expand the capacity of the firm, involve irreversible investment and uncertainty about demand, cost or competition. This paper uses an option‐value model to examine the factors affecting an agribusiness firm's decision whether and how much to invest in an emerging market under demand uncertainty. Demand uncertainty and irreversibility of investment make investment less desirable than the net present value (NPV) rule indicates. The inactive firm is more reluctant to enter the market when it takes into account demand uncertainty because it preserves the opportunity of making a better investment later. The active firm is more reluctant to abandon the investment because there is an option value of keeping the operation alive. There is a greater distance between the entry and exit thresholds under the option‐value approach than under the NPV rule due to demand uncertainty. The results have implications for agribusiness decision‐making.  相似文献   

A competitive environment, highly concentrated processing and retailing sectors as well as increasing decoupling of direct payments from production volumes and the area under cultivation incentivizes farmers to find alternative ways to improve their bargaining position towards downstream companies. This article explores the possibilities of organic agriculture to enhance the bargaining power of farmers along with the role of concentration in downstream industries. Using a dataset with more than 200,000 observations from approximately 40,000 dairy farms, I estimate markups of price over marginal cost in dairy farming as a measure of market power in the EU. The results show that organic farmers achieve a significant markup premium over conventional farmers. With increasing market shares of organic milk in total milk production markups of conventional farmers diminish whereas those of organic farmers are unaffected. Farm-level markups decrease with increasing market shares of medium-sized dairy processors and increase with increasing market shares of large processors. The presence of large multinational retail chains shows an adverse impact on farmers’ markups.  相似文献   

We use a modified version of the stochastic frontier model to estimate oligopoly markups above the perfectly competitive frontier, separating out deterministic markups from purely stochastic markups. Using data from 42 US food processing industries between 1990 and 2010, empirical results indicate a widespread incidence of oligopoly power, with Lerner indexes averaging approximately 21%. Further, the estimated markups increase with industrial concentration but decrease with price elasticities and imports. Finally, the estimated Lerner indexes are in the range of previous food industry estimates using New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) models.  相似文献   

Reduced-form price spread models have been recently utilized by Wohlgenant and Mullen, and Thompson and Lyon to evaluate the economic factors affecting the marketing margins for agricultural products. Drawing on Gardner, Heien, Buse and Brandow, Waugh, Tomek and Robinson, and others they specify alternative retail-farm price spread models and attempt to determine which best fit the data in the context of underlying theoretical rationale. This paper continues in the spirit of Wohlgenant and Mullen, and Thompson and Lyon by evaluating alternative specifications of the retail-farm price spread for white maize in South Africa. However, several important differences do remain. Wohlgenant and Mullen analyzed the price spread for beef using annual data, while Thompson and Lyon modeled the price spread for oranges using weekly data. The time period under consideration can be expected to affect the choice of model because fixed markup rules that might be evident using a short-run period of analysis (e.g., Thompson and Lyon) become untenable over the long run with underlying supply and demand shifts. In this paper, monthly data, which may be interpreted as an intermediate-run period, are used along with dichotomous supply-demand shifters. In addition, Brorsen et. al. have shown that price uncertainty affects the price spread in the marketing channels of agricultural commodities. Thus, the analysis in this paper extends the framework of Wohlgenant and Mullen, and Thompson and Lyon to include measures of price risk. Finally, like Brorsen et. al. this study pertains to the grain market, while Wohlgenant and Mullen, and Thompson and Lyon studied the marketing margin for non-storable commodities.  相似文献   

A simulation model incorporating price and yield variability is used to examine the impact of government farm program and crop revenue coverage (CRC) insurance payments on the probability distribution of returns to land. Results indicate that Marketing Loan Program payments have the greatest impact on both the mean and standard deviation of returns. Agricultural Market Transition Act payments shift the distribution of returns without changing the variability, creating a reduction in relative risk. Market loss assistance payments increase the mean, reduce variability, and increase skewness. When combined, farm programs substantially increase the value that risk-averse producers place on the residual returns to land and substantially reduce the certainty equivalent value of CRC.  相似文献   

In this paper a method for estimating a producer's willingness-to-pay for crop insurance is presented. The method includes formulae to capture the impact of crop insurance on the producer's expected income and variance of income. These impacts are evaluated in the context of a model of producer welfare which features both price and yield uncertainty, as well as risk aversion on the part of the producer. The method is applied to the Australian wheat industry and estimates of willingness-to-pay are shown to be relatively sensitive to the levels of coverage and yield variability.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explain the perplexing tendency to multiple leasing by both landlords and tenants in some countries. It shows that if the negotiation of share contracts involves significant transaction costs and there is some uncertainty regarding the output on tenanted plots, a risk-averse landlord maximizing expected utility will find it in his advantage to subdivide his land among several tenants and also permit his tenant to lease land from other landlords.  相似文献   

Perfect farm‐retail price transmission sometimes is taken to mean an elasticity of price transmission (EPT) equal to 1. We show that this definition is inconsistent with Gardner's (1975) model. We also show that the absolute marketing margin (defined as the difference between the retail price and farm price) responds differently to shifts in retail demand, input supply, and technical change in the marketers’ production function than does the relative marketing margin (defined as the ratio of the retail price to the farm price). The empirical implications of these results are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

Contemporaneous observations on expected supply and on prices of post‐harvest futures contracts for corn are used to estimate expected demand relationships. These equations are used to estimate the prices of the post‐harvest contracts based on new supply estimates. Each estimate can be compared with a corresponding futures price, i.e. the market forecast. The differences help discern the market expectations about the expected demand for the new crop relative to historical experience, which can help support outlook analyses. We find that in recent years, a 100 million bushel change in the expected supply of corn results in about a 6 cent per bushel negative change in the price of December corn. The discussion also deepens understanding of the term ‘anticipatory prices’ as defined by Holbrook Working in his 1958 work.  相似文献   

Using panel data on a statistically representative sample of Iowa farmland parcels from 1997 to 2017, we analyze the factors determining whether land is farmed by the owner or rented out under a cash rent or crop share contract. The landowner's decision to rent or operate the land depends on the distribution of expected net returns to the land, and so estimates of the factors affecting rental terms will be biased if the sample only includes rental contracts and excludes the owner-operator. Land with higher mean and/or lower variance of expected net returns is most likely to be rented out. Participants in the rental market will include the most risk-averse landowners and the least risk-averse tenants, while the least risk-averse landowners operate their own land. Our empirical results suggest that the rising use of cash rent contracts and declining incidence of owner-operation and crop-share rental contracts is consistent with falling coefficient of variation in expected net returns per acre.  相似文献   

Timber prices in the area struck by a natural disaster such as a hurricane or pest infestation are known to drop sharply immediately following the disaster, only to recover after about a year or so. Previous research attributes the rapid recovery to shifts in supply and demand curves. Our analysis suggests the more probable explanation is rotation in the curves. Supply and demand shifts come into play in the second and third years as rebuilding from the hurricane begins in earnest, and as timber inventory is rebuilt in response to elevated price expectations. But for the period in which price recovery occurs, model simulations based on data for Hurricane Hugo indicate the major causal factors of the observed price dynamics are curve rotation and trade with the surrounding undamaged region. Inventory-based supply shifts, the previously-identified causal factor, play a minor role in the observed price dynamics. Getting the causal factors right is important for predicting the price effects of forest inventory shocks, and for proper measurement of their welfare effects.  相似文献   

This article studies the comparative statics of output subsidies for firms, with monotonic preferences over costs and returns, that face price and production uncertainty. The modeling of deficiency payments, support-price schemes, and stochastic supply shifts in a state-space framework is discussed. It is shown how these notions can be used, via a simple application of Shephard's lemma, to analyze input-demand shifts once comparative-static results for supply are available. A range of comparative-static results for supply are then developed and discussed.  相似文献   

There exists much uncertainty about consumer attitudes toward genetically modified foods. If it happens that sufficient (insufficient) acres are planted under nonmodified seed to meet postharvest demand, then a price premium will not (will) emerge for the nonmodified varieties. A nonlinearity originates in the fact that a price premium may not be supported. This nonlinearity interacts with demand uncertainty to determine equilibrium plantings and the probability that postharvest varietal prices differ. Also, as planting approaches signals will be broadcast about the nature of postharvest demand. We show how the nonlinearity affects the types of signals that growers will prefer to receive.  相似文献   

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