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大龄青年的婚配问题成为社会学研究的一个重要领域。通过对征婚启事的量化分析 ,发现初婚与再婚择偶的大龄青年在外貌、性格与人品、家境、学历与职业等择偶标准方面存在着差异 ,而在兴趣爱好方面没有差异 相似文献
大规模人口流动已成为中国社会转型期的重要时代特征,人口流动给个体初婚带来怎样的影响?基于CGSS2015数据,运用Cox比例风险模型对此进行了实证分析。结果显示:人口流动总体上推迟了初婚年龄,降低了初婚风险率;人口流动对初婚风险率的负向影响呈现代际递增趋势;与女性相比,农村男性流动在一定程度上提高了初婚概率,但不能从根本上改变其初婚不利处境;社会阶层地位对个人初婚有重要影响,不仅直接促进了个人初婚,也显著降低人口流动对初婚的负向影响;在扩大的婚姻市场中,农村底层男性成为婚姻竞争的失败者,也是婚姻挤压情境下终身不婚风险的主要承担者。贫富分化和阶层固化透过婚姻市场的竞争规则得以强化和延续。农村底层男性所面临的阶层边缘化和初婚机会减少的双重困境,需引起政府和学界的高度重视。 相似文献
成本标杆法与标准成本法的比较分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在市场经济不断完善和世界经济一体化深入发展的今天,当今企业为了在市场竞争中处于不败之地,越来越关注其成本的管理与控制,以追求更高额的经济利润,本文将成本标杆法与标准成本法两种成本管理方法进行比较分析,旨在为企业管理者选择成本管理方法时提供参考与依据。 相似文献
各行各业竞争均相当激烈的如今,成本管理不再仅仅聚焦在成本核算和控制而被定义为更深的战略层面,即需要更多的为管理者提供成本信息,帮助管理者利用成本信息进行战略选择和经营决策。同时,任何单一的成本核算方法均有其短处,很难胜任企业成本管理的重任,复合型成本核算管理方法将是未来企业成本管理的王道。本文以标准成本法与作业成本法为切入口.在概述其各自内涵和特点的基础上,从成本核算和成本管理两个方面分析对比起基本功能发挥,最后思考标准成本法与作业成本法结合运用的要点及流程。 相似文献
虽然在世界贸易组织框架内是否将国际贸易和劳工标准挂钩争论激烈,但由于该问题的现实性,国际贸易与劳工标准挂钩已出现多种实现模式并存的局面。文章对现有的国际贸易和劳工标准挂钩的主要模式从约束性、经济性和有效性方面进行了比较研究,认为各种模式有其特点和适用范围,模式发展的近期方向将是ILO和WTO的充分合作模式。 相似文献
食品安全是食品贸易中的焦点问题,受到发达国家官方标准和私营标准的共同关注。文章从官方标准和私营标准的内涵出发,阐述了二者的发展趋势及相互关系,分析了用于约束官方标准的SPS协议的主要原则及私营标准与SPS协议的冲突之处。研究发现,发达国家食品安全的官方标准和私营标准均越来越严格,私营标准比官方标准更为广泛和严格,私营标准尚不受SPS协议约束,且在科学依据、透明度、等效性等方面违背了SPS协议的原则。 相似文献
Sarah D. Asebedo Melissa J. Wilmarth Martin C. Seay Kristy Archuleta Gary L. Brase Maurice MacDonald 《The Journal of consumer affairs》2019,53(2):488-519
This study investigates how psychological characteristics influence saving behavior within a sample of 1,380 U.S. preretirees aged 50–70 from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Using the 3M Model of Motivation and Personality as a theoretical basis, structural equation model results revealed that financial self‐efficacy (FSE) directly explains saving behavior and is central to understanding the link between other psychological characteristics and the saving behavior of older adults. Through higher FSE, increased positive affect and reduced negative affect indirectly supported saving behavior. Moreover, the results revealed personality traits indirectly explained saving behavior. Conscientiousness and extroversion indirectly supported saving behavior; whereas openness to experience and neuroticism indirectly undermined saving behavior. This study connects broad personality traits with saving behavior, which provides information about how older adults' psychological composition is related to their saving practices. 相似文献
农村第一代已婚独生子女父母养老意愿实证研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于2011年江苏、四川两省720户农民调查数据,以同龄的非独生子女父母为参照,对农村第一代已婚独生子女父母的养老意愿及其影响因素进行探索性分析.父母的居住方式安排、养老依靠对象存在子女身份上的显著差别,相比非独生子女父母,独生子女父母更希望和子女居住,更倾向依靠自己养老;而在居住地点安排、养老经济打算上没有显著差别.多元回归分析发现,父母的居住地点安排、居住方式安排受到子女身份的显著影响,相比于非独生子女父母,独生子女父母更有可能选择机构养老,也更有可能选择和子女同住;而子女身份对父母的养老依靠对象、养老经济打算并无显著影响. 相似文献
中国二胎生育政策的逐步放开,引起了社会各界对女性主妇化的关注.利用2011年中国社会状况综合调查(CSS2011)数据,运用二元logistic回归分析方法,从性别观念、二元劳动力市场、新经济新技术三个方面解读了已婚女性成为家庭主妇的影响因素.拥有传统性别观念、劳动力市场中处于弱势地位、缺少家用电器使用的已婚女性更可能成为家庭主妇.进一步研究表明,不同代际已婚女性成为家庭主妇的影响因素存在较大差异,“80前”已婚女性主要受年龄、教育程度、户籍、性别意识的影响,“80后”已婚女性主要受居住地、子女年龄和工作行业的影响. 相似文献
The technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) has become a popular multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) technique, since it has a comprehensible theoretical structure and is able to provide an exact model for decision making. For the use of TOPSIS in group decisions, the common approaches in aggregating individual decision makers’ judgments are the geometric and the arithmetic mean methods, although these are too intuitive and do not consider either preference levels or preference priorities among alternatives for individual decision makers. In this paper, a TOPSIS group decision aggregation model is proposed in which the construction consists of three stages: (1) The weight differences are calculated first as the degrees of preferences among different alternatives for each decision maker; (2) The alternative priorities are then derived, and the highest one can be denoted as the degree to which a decision maker wants his most favorite alternative to be chosen; (3) The group ideal solutions approach in TOPSIS is used for the aggregation of similarities obtained from different decision makers. A comparative analysis is performed, and the proposed aggregation model seems to be more satisfactory than the traditional aggregation model for solving compromise-oriented decision problems. 相似文献
Using two samples drawn from contrasting developed and developing countries, this investigation considers the powerful, unique Millennial consumer group and their engagement in ethical consumerism. Specifically, this study explores the levers that promote their ethical consumption and the potential impact of country of residence on cause-related purchase decisions. Three distinct subgroups of ethical consumers emerge among Millennials, providing insight into their concerns and behaviors. Instead of being conceptualized as a single niche market, Millennials should be treated as a collection of submarkets that differ in their levels of awareness of ethical issues, consider discrete motives when making consumption decisions, and are willing to engage in cause-related purchasing to varying degrees. These findings have several critical implications for theory and practice. 相似文献
The objective of this paper is to explore how the various stages of consciousness development of top managers can influence, in practical terms, their abilities in and commitment to environmental leadership in different types of SMEs. A case study based on 63 interviews carried out in 15 industrial SMEs showed that the organizations that displayed the most environmental management practices were mostly run by managers at a post-conventional stage of consciousness development. Conversely, the SMEs that displayed less sustainable environmental management practices were all run by managers at conventional stages of development. Drawing upon diverse examples of environmental leadership, this paper analyzes the reasons why the stages of post-conventional consciousness development of top managers seem to foster corporate greening in SMEs. The study also sheds light on the key values and abilities associated with both environmental leadership and the upper-stages of consciousness development, which include a broader and systemic perspective, long-range focus, integration of conflicting goals, collaboration with stakeholders, complexity management, collaborative learning, among others. 相似文献
从感觉、视觉、兴趣和行为等4个侧面,对中国老年人进行感知年龄维度属性的本土化检验发现,感知年龄与实足年龄之间差异为4岁,中西方有着较大差异.感知年龄反映文化和社会规范意涵,相对于实足年龄更适于预测老年人的消费行为. 相似文献