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关于消费不足,如何鼓励人们多消费的讨论,在后SARS期间更是各界都渴望的事。然而中国现在的问题,消费不足仅是现象,80%人群的收入不高以及他们对未来的预期不确定的“恐慌”才是宏观政策需要解决的事。储蓄的“预防动机”使储蓄大量增加,而消费指数基本不增。  相似文献   

当前市场上商品堆积如山,由于大量职工下岗,社会整体购买力下降,物价下降,已是典型的买方市场。与此同时,全国有4万多亿储蓄,有数万亿存货积压。如何解决这样的问题,把经济搞活?我们的响亮回答是:消费!消费!!再消费!!!我们想到了降价,想到了“下马”、收摊、让职工待业,为什么却忘记了消费?为何不在储蓄与存货之间架起一条消费的桥梁,让部分储蓄转化为消费?完整的再生产理论,包括生产、流通、分配和消费。我们为何只念念不忘生产,却忘记了流通、分配和消费,尤其是忘记了消费?忘记了消费,再生产理论就不完整了。生…  相似文献   

“预防性储蓄”动机的实证检验   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
通过对我国居民在耐用品和非耐用品上的消费行为分析,我们发现我国居民储蓄当中具有显著的“预防性储蓄”成分,未来预期收入当中也存在显著的不确定性。在目前总需求不足的情形下,降低“预防性储蓄”动机和流动性约束将是扩张社会消费需求的重要政策。  相似文献   

本刊讯 银监会副主席王兆星日前在“北京CBD国际金融论坛”上表示,中国应继续坚持市场经济,中国金融业应继续坚持创新,促成储蓄向投资和消费转化。为使中国金融业,特别是银行业继续健康、稳健的发展,必须很好地处理好几个方面的关系。首先要处理好政府调控和市场调节关系。其次,要处理好储蓄、投资和消费的关系。高投资支持了,中国经济发展,但现在高出口遇到挑战,高储蓄应向投资和消费转变。此外,  相似文献   

按照传统利率理论,利率与储蓄是同向变动的,降息应该使储蓄减少。然而,从1996年5月至今,人民银行已经连续7次下调银行存款利率,但储蓄不降反升。这似乎也成为了我国经济领域中一个让人费解的“谜”。对此,有人认为这是一种反常现象,但笔者却认为这不仅不反常,反而正是我国现实情况的反映。本文试图从几个容易被忽视的事实来破解这一“谜局”。一、利率传导机制的失效利率政策起作用的关键是利率传导机制的有效性。就降息来说,政策制定者的一个初衷就是分流银行的储蓄。而储蓄分流的两条出路是:(1)转化为居民的现实消费;…  相似文献   

投资、出口、消费是拉动经济增长的三驾马车。但是,在当今中国,三驾马车却未能并驾齐驱:“投资”一马当先,“出口”如野马奔腾,而“消费”却被远远地抛在后面。国内普遍出现的低消费和高储蓄现象已经趋于“两极化”,过度依赖外资和外贸使国家经济安全问题日益凸现,中国经济面临着不可持续的不平衡增长。从中国整体经济发展战略来看,扩大内需、优化投资消费结构、刺激消费需求,是开拓国内市场、扩大发展空间的战略举措,也是缓解国际贸易摩擦、实现经济稳定发展的重要措施。2005年12月,中国财政部部长金人庆表示,中国财政在今后5年将支持促进…  相似文献   

有位教育专家,在讲如何教育孩子时说,教育孩子要多鼓励,少批评,更不能动辄指责、贬斥、奚落孩子。他伸出大拇指比划着说:“对孩子要多用这个,你能,你行,你优秀!”,又伸出小指头说:“不要用这个,你软弱,你废物,你事事不如人!”又伸出食指说:“更不能用这个,你弱智,你愚蠢,没出息!”又把手握成拳头:“更不能用这个,打不但不解决问题,还会伤害孩子的自尊心,产生抵制情绪!”教育专家的手语虽然表达的不是一个意思,但却是在反复强调:对孩子要少批评指责,更不能打骂。而是要以表扬为主,多加鼓励,  相似文献   

我国社会保障与居民消费的实证性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来有效需求不足问题日益成为制约我国经济健康发展的障碍,尽管政府采取了许多措施来刺激居民的消费需求,但收效甚微。与此同时,我国城乡居民储蓄存款余额却不断上升,这表明我国城乡居民拥有巨大的潜在消费能力。如何把居民潜在的消费能力转化为现实消费,进而拉动我国经济增长,完善我国的社会保障制度是促进居民消费的根本途径。  相似文献   

有效需求不足是由消费需求和投资需求不足造成的,而消费需求和投资需求不足又是由边际消费倾向、资本边际效率和流动性偏好三个基本的心理规律决定的。在经济正常运行的情况下,由于存在储蓄行为,所以消费的增加一般小于收入的增加,且随着收入的增加,消费与收入之间的缺口会日益扩大,因此仅仅依靠消费需求无法实现社会的扩大再生产,这客观需要投资来弥补这一缺口,投资不仅本身是有效需求的一部分,而且还可以通过“乘数效应”成倍地放大有效需求,但由于受资本边际效率和流动性偏好的影响,  相似文献   

孟为 《经营者》2010,(17):84-86
无论成本如何,央企电动车产业大联盟是个好的开始。这支“国家队”目前最重要的工作应当率先确立电动车标准,对产业进行规划,使联盟的成员能够沿着同一技术路线前进  相似文献   

A strong case statement provides a solid foundation to build an appeal, notes the author. He prepared a list of nine ways to encourage increased giving. Be bold about asking for a gift, he warns. Initiative must be grabbed to get donors upgraded.  相似文献   

Organisations increasingly use websites to promote prosocial behaviour such as volunteering, philanthropy, and activism. However, these websites often fail to encourage prosocial behaviours effectively. To address the lack of relevant research, we develop, then refine, a design model that identifies the user experience factors that create intention to engage in prosocial behaviour on websites. We test an initial model developed from the literature, by interviewing forty participants, each of whom visited and compared six volunteering websites. Our analysis of the participants' user experience reveals eighteen elements that interplay to create intention to engage in prosocial behaviour. Our refined design model comprises ten website features (interaction, factual, anecdata, external recognition, organisational expression, value suggestion, explanatory content, visual media, written media and, website design), seven perceptions (ease of use, aesthetics, information quality, trust, negative affect, positive affect, and argument strength), and one motivation (egoism). These findings provide novel insights into how to design Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to encourage prosocial behaviour.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationships between three dimensions of contingent pay – performance‐related pay, profit‐related pay and employee share‐ownership – and positive employee attitudes (job satisfaction, employee commitment and trust in management). The article also examines a conflicting argument that contingent pay may intensify work, and this can detract from its positive impact on employee attitudes. Of the three contingent pay dimensions, only performance‐related pay had direct positive relationships with all three employee attitudes. Profit‐related pay and employee share‐ownership had a mix of negative and no significant direct relationships with employee attitudes, but profit‐related pay showed U‐shaped curvilinear relationships with all three employee attitudes. The results also indicated that performance‐related pay is associated with work intensification, and this offsets some of its positive impact on employee attitudes.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to define what is meant by clusters, their characteristics or determinants and the advantages they generate, focusing on the role they play in boosting entrepreneurship and new venture creation. In clusters, a balance is reached between cooperation and competition which becomes evident in the higher productivity of the companies because of their increased access to inputs, information, technology and institutions; or in greater innovation and venture creation. The cluster incentivizes the entry of new companies or start-ups. The hope is, then, that the new companies will revitalize specific regions where competitiveness has fallen and that entrepreneurship will contribute to economic development and improved country-wide competitiveness.
ángeles Montoro-Sánchez (Corresponding author)Email:

The paper points out the perception in the public mind that charities equate to fundraising. This should not be the sole function of charities and the advantages that campaigning bring to a cause are enumerated. Characteristics of donors are discussed, with suggestions for the optimum use of their skills and time, not only demands for their money. Political issues are addressed and campaign materials are suggested, with a view to maximum understanding by supporters.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of customer concentration on green innovation in Chinese listed firms between 2006 and 2018 through the dynamic panel generalized method of moments regressions. It is reported that major customers positively impact corporate green innovation, indicating that firms have more incentives to engage in innovative green practices to maintain stable relationships with major customers. In addition, the positive relationship between customer concentration and green innovation is more pronounced in state-owned enterprises, firms located in the provinces with a high level of marketization, and after China's new Environmental Protection Law implementation. Moreover, we observe that the positive impact of customer concentration on corporate green innovation is more significant among industrial firms and firms operating in heavily polluting industries. Furthermore, industrial competition is an essential channel for major customers to affect corporate green innovation.  相似文献   

We apply an affordance lens on qualitative data from three case organisations using a digital voice channel providing employees with the opportunity to speak up via answering periodic mini‐surveys and making comments in an anonymous mini‐forum. We find that imbrications of material and social agencies (i.e., the voice channel's features and managerial reactions to voice) in the respective organisational contexts culminate in employees perceiving the channel as either affording or constraining voice, leading to perceived voice outcomes that eventually encourage or discourage them to speak up. Whether voice is encouraged or discouraged partly results from the mere interaction between employees and the digital voice channel independent of managerial reactions. Our findings thus challenge the emphasis on managerial behaviour and reactions to voice in explaining voice behaviour and outcomes in extant literature.  相似文献   

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