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Krishnamoorthy  K.  Moore  Brett C. 《Metrika》2002,56(1):73-81
This article deals with the prediction problem in linear regression where the measurements are obtained using k different devices or collected from k different independent sources. For the case of k=2, a Graybill-Deal type combined estimtor for the regression parameters is shown to dominate the individual least squares estimators under the covariance criterion. Two predictors ŷ c and ŷ p are proposed. ŷ c is based on a combined estimator of the regression coefficient vector, and ŷ p is obtained by combining the individual predictors from different models. Prediction mean square errors of both predictors are derived. It is shown that the predictor ŷ p is better than the individual predictors for k≥2 and the predictor ŷ c is better than the individual predictors for k=2. Numerical comparison between ŷ c and ŷ p shows that the former is superior to the latter for the case k=2.  相似文献   

Summary LetN=[n ij ] (i=1, …,r;j=1, …,c) be the matrix of observed frequencies in anr×c contingency table fromr possibly different multinomial populations with respective probabilitiesp i =(p i1, …,p ic ).Freeman andHalton have proposed an exact conditional test for the hypothesisH 0 :p i =(p 1, …p c ) of the exact test is derived. Numerical values forβ(p) were previously computed for the special case:r=3,c=2 [Bennett andNakamura, 1964].  相似文献   

Dr. H. Vogt 《Metrika》1973,20(1):114-121
Summary We compare the OC-curvesL n.c (p) (1) andL n.c * (p) (2). The first is founded on the binomial distribution, the latter relates to the Poisson distribution and is often used as approximation. These OC-curves occur in Statistical Quality Control as probabilities for the acception of a lot as approximations for such probabilities; they are regarded as functions of the fraction defectivep. It is shown that the two OC-curves have exactly one intersection point between 0 and 1, if the acceptance numberc is 1 and the sample sizen is >c+1.Forp between 0 and the intersection pointp s we have thenL n.c.(p)>L n.c * (p); from p s <p1 followsL n.c(p)n.c * (p).An interval is given which coversp s and with an example it is shown how one might use the results of this paper for the construction of sampling plans.  相似文献   

Hagen Scherb 《Metrika》2001,53(1):71-84
Uniformly most powerful (UMP) tests are known to exist in one-parameter exponential families when the hypothesis H 0 and the alternative hypothesis H 1 are given by (i) H 0 : θ≤θ0, H 1 : θ>θ0, and (ii) H 0 : θ≤θ1 or θ≥θ2, H 1 : θ1<θ<θ2, where θ12.  Likewise, uniformly most powerful unbiased (UMPU) tests do exist when the hypotheses H 0 and H 1 take the form (iii) H 0 : θ1≤θ≤θ2, H 1 : θ<θ1 or θ>θ2, where θ12, and (iv) H 0 : θ=θ0, H 1:θ≠θ0.  To determine tests in case (i), only one critical value c and one randomization constant γ have to be computed. In cases (ii) through (iv) tests are determined by two critical values c 1, c 2 and two randomization constants γ1, γ2. Unlike determination of tests in case (i), computation of critical values and randomization constants in the remaining cases is rather difficult, unless distributions are symmetric. No straightforward method to determine two-sided UMP tests in discrete sample spaces seems to be known. The purpose of this note is to disclose a distribution independent principle for the determination of UMP tests in cases (ii) through (iv). Received: March 1999  相似文献   

F. Brodeau 《Metrika》1999,49(2):85-105
This paper is devoted to the study of the least squares estimator of f for the classical, fixed design, nonlinear model X (t i)=f(t i)+ε(t i), i=1,2,…,n, where the (ε(t i))i=1,…,n are independent second order r.v.. The estimation of f is based upon a given parametric form. In Brodeau (1993) this subject has been studied in the homoscedastic case. This time we assume that the ε(t i) have non constant and unknown variances σ2(t i). Our main goal is to develop two statistical tests, one for testing that f belongs to a given class of functions possibly discontinuous in their first derivative, and another for comparing two such classes. The fundamental tool is an approximation of the elements of these classes by more regular functions, which leads to asymptotic properties of estimators based on the least squares estimator of the unknown parameters. We point out that Neubauer and Zwanzig (1995) have obtained interesting results for connected subjects by using the same technique of approximation. Received: February 1996  相似文献   

We consider the problem of constructing simultaneous fixed-width confidence intervals for all pairwise treatment differences μ1−μ J , in the presence ofk(≥2) independent populationsN p 1,Σ), 1≤ijk. Appropriate purely sequential, accelerated sequential and three-stage sampling strategies have been developed and variousfirst-order asymptotic properties are then derived when Σ pxp is completely unknown, but positive definite (p.d.). In the two special cases when the largest component variance in Σ is a known multiple of one of the variances or Σ=σ2 H where σ(>0) is unknown, butH pxp is known and p.d., the original multistage sampling strategies are specialized. Under such special circumstances, associatedsecond-order characteristics are then developed. It is to be noted that our present formulation and the methodologies fill important voids in the context of multivariate multiple comparisons which is a challenging area that has not yet been fully explored. Moderate sample performances of the proposed techniques were very encouraging and detailed remarks on these were included in Mukhopadhyay and Aoshima (1997).  相似文献   

This paper examines the pricing decisions of a seller facing an unknown demand function. It is assumed that partial information, in the form of an independent random sample of values, is available. The optimal price for the inferred demand satisfies a consistency property—as the size of the sample increases, the maximum profit and price approach the values for the case where demand is known. The main results deduced here are asymptotics for prices. Prices converge at a rate of O p (n −1/3) with a limit that can be expressed as a functional of a Gaussian process. Implications for the comparison of mechanisms are discussed.   相似文献   

LetX 1,X 2,… be i.i.d. with finite meanμ>0,S n =X 1+…+X n . Forf(n)=n β ,c>0 we consider the stopping timesT c =inf{n:S n >c+f(n)} with overshootR c =S T c −(c+f(T c )). For 0<β<1 we give a bound for sup c≥0 ER c in the spirit of Lorden’s well-known inequality forf=0.  相似文献   

Let {v n(θ)} be a sequence of statistics such that whenθ =θ 0,v n(θ 0) N p(0,Σ), whereΣ is of rankp andθ εR d. Suppose that underθ =θ 0, {Σ n} is a sequence of consistent estimators ofΣ. Wald (1943) shows thatv n T (θ 0)Σ n −1 v n(θ 0) x 2(p). It often happens thatv n(θ 0) N p(0,Σ) holds butΣ is singular. Moore (1977) states that under certain assumptionsv n T (θ 0)Σ n v n(θ 0) x 2(k), wherek = rank (Σ) andΣ n is a generalized inverse ofΣ n. However, Moore’s result as stated is incorrect. It needs the additional assumption that rank (Σ n) =k forn sufficiently large. In this article, we show that Moore’s result (as corrected) holds under somewhat different, but easier to verify, assumptions. Research partly supported by the U.S. Army Research Office through the Mathematical Sciences Institute at Cornell University.  相似文献   

D. Plachky  A. L. Rukhin 《Metrika》1991,38(1):369-376
Some notions ofL p (μ)-completeness resp. totally L p (μ)-completeness (1≦p≦∞) are characterized for families of probability distributions dominated by aσ-finite measureμ and their conservation with respect to direct products is proved. Furthermore, it is shown that totallyL (μ)-completeness does not implyL 1(μ)-completeness and that there are families of probability distributions in the i.i.d. case induced by the order statistic, which are L1(μ)-complete but not totallyL (μ)-complete.  相似文献   

We study the questions of existence and smoothness of demand functions with an infinite number of commodities. The main result obtained, under some hypothesis, is: if a C1 demand exists in a commodity space B, then B can be given an inner product structure. For example, if B is Lp, 1p∞, and if there exists a C1 demand function defined on B then p must be 2. Another result is: if a demand function exists, defined for all prices p and income, then the commodity space must be reflexive. For example, if B is Lp and a demand function exists on B, defined for all prices and incomes then 1<p<∞. We also study the cases L and L1 with weaker assumptions. We finish the paper proving that the demand function is always defined for a dense set of prices and convenient incomes.  相似文献   

Combined-optimal designs (Li and Lin, 2003) are obviously the best choices for the initial designs if we partition the experiment into two parts with equal size to obtain some information about the process, especially for the case not considering the blocking factor. In this paper, the definition of combined-optimal design is extended to the case when blocking factor is significant, and this new class of designs is called blocked combined-optimal designs. Some general results are obtained which relate 2kpIII initial designs with their complementary designs when , where n=2kp. By applying these results, we are able to characterize 2kpIII combined-optimal designs or blocked combined-optimal designs in terms of their complementary designs. It is also proved that both 2kpIII combined-optimal and blocked combined-optimal designs are not minimum aberration designs when and n−1−k > 2. And some combined-optimal and blocked combined-optimal designs with 16 and 32 runs are constructed for illustration. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 62K15, 62K05  相似文献   

W. Bischoff  W. Fieger 《Metrika》1992,39(1):185-197
Summary Let the random variableX be normal distributed with known varianceσ 2>0. It is supposed that the unknown meanθ is an element of a bounded intervalΘ. The problem of estimatingθ under the loss functionl p (θ, d)=|θ-d| p p≥2 is considered. In case the length of the intervalθ is sufficiently small the minimax estimator and theΓ(β, τ)-minimax estimator, whereΓ(β, τ) represents special vague prior information, are given.  相似文献   

Holger Dette 《Metrika》1993,40(1):37-50
The optimal design problem for the estimation of several linear combinationsc′ l ϑ (l=1, …,m) is considered in the usual linear regression modely=f′(x)ϑ (f(x) ∈ ℝ k ,ϑ ∈ ℝ k ). An optimal design minimizes a (weighted)p-norm of the variances of the least squares estimates for the different linear combinationsc′ l ϑ. A generalized Elfving theorem is used to derive the relation of the new optimality criterion to theE-optimal design problem. It is shown that theE-optimal design for the parameterϑ minimizes such a (weighted)p-norm whenever the vectorc=(c′ 1, …, c′k)′ is an inball vector of a symmetric convex and compact “Elfving set” in.  相似文献   

Dr. Herbert Basler 《Metrika》1987,34(1):287-322
Summary The so-called Exact Test of R. A. Fisher for comparing two probabilitiesp 1 andp 2 in a Fourfold-Table with small cell frequencies is known as a UMPU-Test. But in practice the test is used in a nonrandomized, often tabulated version. Given a certain level of significanceα it is shown: the critical region of this nonrandomized test, referred to as “Fisher 1”, can be enlarged considerably. For instance for all sample-size-sums up to 20 andα=0.01 the total number of points in the critical regions of “Fisher 1” is 552 whereas the analogous number of the new version “Fisher 2” is 788. The size of tables for “Fisher 2” can be reduced considerably because the main parts of the critical regions can be described by the aid of some Chi-square-test versions. In particular Yates’ continuity-correction turns out to be always conservative in the above mentioned region relative to “Fisher 2” whereas this is not strictly true relative to “Fisher 1”.   相似文献   

Summary A lot is accepted if the number of defective units in a sample of sizen does not exceed the acceptance numberc. The usefulness of the sampling plan (n, c) is described by the regret function. This regret functionR(p), depending on the proportionp of defective units in the lot, is the expectation of the avoidable costs. There always exists an optimum sampling plan which minimizes the maximum ofR(p). The dependence of the maxima ofR(p) onn andc is studied and some theorems are given which are useful for calculating the minimax solution, that is the optimum sampling plan.   相似文献   

N. Giri  M. Behara  P. Banerjee 《Metrika》1992,39(1):75-84
Summary LetX=(X ij )=(X 1, ...,X n )’,X i =(X i1, ...,X ip )’,i=1,2, ...,n be a matrix having a multivariate elliptical distribution depending on a convex functionq with parameters, 0,σ. Let ϱ22 -2 be the squared multiple correlation coefficient between the first and the remainingp 2+p 3=p−1 components of eachX i . We have considered here the problem of testingH 02=0 against the alternativesH 11 -2 =0, ϱ 2 -2 >0 on the basis ofX andn 1 additional observationsY 1 (n 1×1) on the first component,n 2 observationsY 2(n 2×p 2) on the followingp 2 components andn 3 additional observationsY 3(n 3×p 3) on the lastp 3 components and we have derived here the locally minimax test ofH 0 againstH 1 when ϱ 2 -2 →0 for a givenq. This test, in general, depends on the choice ofq of the familyQ of elliptically symmetrical distributions and it is not optimality robust forQ.  相似文献   

Andrej Pázman 《Metrika》2002,56(2):113-130
The nonlinear regression model with N observations y i=η(x i,θ) +εi, and with the parameter θ subject to q nonlinear constraints C j (θ)=0; j=1, …,q, is considered. As an example, the spline regression with unknown nodes is taken. Expressions for the variances (variance matrices) of the LSE are discussed. Because of the complexity of these expressions, and the singularity of the variance matrix of the LSE for θ, the optimality criteria and their properties, in particular the convexity and the equivalence theorem are considered from different aspects. Also the possibility of restriction to designs with limited values of measures of nonlinearity is mentioned. Research supported by the VEGA-grant of the Slovak grant agency No. 1/7295/20.  相似文献   

In Flak/Schmid (1993) an outlier test for linear processes was introduced. The test statistic bases on a comparison of each observation with a one-step predictor. It was assumed that an upper bound for the total number of outlierss n is known, wheren denotes the sample size. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic was derived under the assumption thats n/n → 0 ands n → ∞ asn → ∞. This note deals with the asymptotic behaviour of this quantity, ifs n/np 0 ∈ (0, 1).  相似文献   

In the present paper families of truncated distributions with a Lebesgue density forx=(x 1,...,x n ) ε ℝ n are considered, wheref 0:ℝ → (0, ∞) is a known continuous function andC n (ϑ) denotes a normalization constant. The unknown truncation parameterϑ which is assumed to belong to a bounded parameter intervalΘ=[0,d] is to be estimated under a convex loss function. It is studied whether a two point prior and a corresponding Bayes estimator form a saddle point when the parameter interval is sufficiently small.  相似文献   

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