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治理交通拥堵中的政府失灵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"治理交通拥堵"作为一种公共物品,市场机制不能有效解决,政府组织却责无旁贷。文章认为,跟市场失灵一样,我国政府在治理交通拥堵时也出现了失灵,未能使得治理交通拥堵的边际社会成本等于边际社会收益;虽然实施"政府再造"能矫正政府失灵,但受限于我国现行政治体制,治理交通拥堵的帕累托最优状态无法实现,而通过限制私家车的行车里程和在行车收费上区别对待也能实现帕累托改进。  相似文献   

生态外部性求解的产权制度优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
廖卫东 《当代财经》2004,(12):71-74
依据帕累托边际最优条件,生态外部性行为的最优求解必须使这一行为发生的边际成本与包括发出方及承受方在内的所有成员因这一行为所获得的边际收益相等,据此,本文提出了生态正外部性激励和生态负外部性抑制的制度优化途径。  相似文献   

产学研协同创新是推动技术创新的一条重要路径,但创新成本分摊机制是影响产学研协同合作的一个重要问题。通过构建充分竞争市场下的多阶段博弈模型,从成本分摊机制角度探究了如何有效推进产学研协同创新。通过模型扩展与求解,获得成本分摊后的帕累托改善以及产学研协同创新的可行路径。结果表明:企业和学研方基于自身收益最大化而进行的成本分摊协商无法实现帕累托最优,而轮流出价博弈模型下的成本分摊形成机制能够有效改善各方收益,并使整体收益达到帕累托最优,因此是一条现实可行的帕累托改善路径,其中,各方获得的收益增量与耐心程度的对比有关。  相似文献   

人力资本投资并非多多益善,它有一个合理的限度,即人力资本投资存在一个帕累托最优的水平。该文认为既定资源在物质资本投资上的边际报酬与在人力资本投资上的边际报酬相等,且人力资本给每一个厂商带来的边际报酬相等时,人力资本投资便实现了帕累托最优。这就要求全社会在人力资本与物质资本上的投资齐头并进;并且,只要政府在人力资本上的投资不超过帕累托最优水平,则个人的自利行为就会自动地填补"帕累托缺口"。  相似文献   

工业产品的生产一旦出现了市场失灵,其产量就会偏离帕累托最优水平;同理,人力资本投资如果存在市场失灵,那么,产量也不会实现帕累托最优。尽管度量人力资本还存在着技术困难,但只要正确认识并消除了市场失灵,做到既定资源投资到人力资本与物质资本上的边际报酬相等,帕累托最优水平的人力资本投资量仍可能实现。该文在全面认识人力资本市场的失灵后,从新古典主义、新兴古典主义、新制度主义经济学角度出发,分别给出了消除市场失灵,实现人力资本投资帕累托改进的措施。  相似文献   

张亮  姚春华 《时代经贸》2006,4(Z1):38-39
帕累托法则又称为二八法则,它揭示了成本与收益、原因与结果之间普遍存在的不平衡关系,即起关键作用的少部分因素通常能对整个组织的产出,盈亏和成败起决定性的作用.帕累托法则已成功运用于商业、教育、娱乐、医疗卫生等领域,但在人力资本管理过程中尚未充分运用.本文将对帕累托法则在人力资本管理过程中的运用进行初步的研究和总结.  相似文献   

文章通过对帕累托改进原理内在逻辑的分析,结合中国经济改革实践的讨论,在肯定阿马蒂亚·森对帕累托最优原理适用于"从地狱到天堂"的质疑具有合理性的同时,认为帕累托改进原理具有巨大的普适性,"从地狱到天堂"的景象应通过,也可以通过帕累托改进而加以避免.在此基础上,文章还就中国经济改革如何调整帕累托改进的选择方向,努力实现社会和谐,提出了若干政策建议.  相似文献   

本结合中国经济改革的实践,从帕累托最优以及帕累托改进的视角观察中国经济改革。在分析的过程中,将经典帕螺托最优的条件加以改进,首先放宽“生产技术条件不变”的条件,阐述中国计划经济向市场经济转轨过程是生产的帕累托改进,继而放宽“个人效用量独立”的条件,认为“西部大开发”即是交换的帕累托改进。  相似文献   

帕累托改进往往被许多经济学家视为社会福利、制度改革的根本标准,姚洋教授进一步将它阐释为一种分配正义原则,用以兼蓄乃至仲裁诸多正义原则。但是帕累托改进本质上是自由至上主义倾向的产物,用其作为分配正义原则存在着内在的困难。从外部性来看,效用函数的外部性意味着帕累托改进难以有效,而价值观的相互冲突乃至对立———外部性的观念表现———更意味着帕累托改进无法仲裁,自身甚至也被自由等其他价值观所否定。从分配的后果来看,帕累托改进往往更有利于强者,并在长期演化中促成了阶级分化和固化。因此,本文认为,帕累托改进存在着严重的困难,合理的分配正义观应当从社会主义分配的实践中通过反思得出,并予以形式化的总结。  相似文献   

范如国  王丽丽 《技术经济》2011,30(7):118-121,132
在生鲜农产品的运输时间影响产品新鲜度进而影响市场需求的条件下,探讨了采用RFID技术前后生鲜农产品的运输时间以及零售商和物流商的收益的变化情况。研究结果表明:零售商和物流商的收益受运输时间和RFID标签成本的影响,在零售商和系统整体的收益增加而物流商的收益减少的情况下,引入收益协调机制可实现零售商和物流商的收益的帕累托改进。最后,运用算例对结论进行了验证。  相似文献   

The issue of water scarcity highlights the importance of watershed management. A sound watershed management should make all water users share the incurred cost. This study analyzes the optimal allocation of watershed management cost among different water users. As a consumable, water should be allocated to different users the amounts in which their marginal utilities (MUs) or marginal products (MPs) of water are equal. The value of MUs or MPs equals the water price that the watershed manager charges. When water is simultaneously used as consumable and nonconsumable, the watershed manager produces the quantity of water in which the sum of MUs and/or MPs for the two types of uses equals the marginal cost of water production. Each water user should share the portion of watershed management cost in the percentage that his MU or MP accounts for the sum of MUs and/or MPs. Thus, the price of consumable water does not equal the marginal cost of water production even if there is no public good.  相似文献   

价格歧视战略与福利效应分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在完全竞争市场条件下 ,竞争均衡可实现帕累托最优效率。垄断市场一般很难提供价格等于边际成本的产量水平 ,其产量与价格选择对社会来说不是最优的。垄断厂商以内生范畴和外生范畴为基础对消费者进行分类 ,使得价格歧视成为一种可行战略。由于定价策略存在差异 ,不同类型的价格歧视便具有不同的福利效应。  相似文献   

张先锋  刘厚俊 《财经研究》2007,33(5):105-115
文章以知识产权得到有效保护时计算机软件的价格和产量为比较标准,分析了我国知识产权保护中的企业与政府行为及其后果。文章得出结论认为:与知识产权完全实施时相比较,侵犯知识产权的行为不仅降低了国内类型软件产量,提高国内软件的价格,而且也降低了国外软件开发商在中国市场的利润,而这正是发达国家与我国在与贸易相关的知识产权问题上存在摩擦的主要原因。从短期静态利益考虑,地方政府在追求社会福利最大化时,零查处概率是最佳选择。政府查处盗版的最优概率是查处侵犯知识产权的边际收益等于边际成本时的概率,盗版现象虽不可能被完全杜绝,但却可以被控制在一定的范围和程度内。  相似文献   

A number of empirical studies document that marginal cost shocks are not fully passed through to prices at the firm level and that prices are substantially less volatile than costs. We show that in the relative-deep-habits model of Ravn, Schmitt-Grohé, and Uribe [Ravn, M., Schmitt-Grohé, S., Uribe, M., 2006. Deep habits. Review of Economic Studies 73, 195–218], firm-specific marginal cost shocks are not fully passed through to product prices. That is, in response to a firm-specific increase in marginal costs, prices rise, but by less than marginal costs leading to a decline in the firm-specific markup of prices over marginal costs. Pass-through is predicted to be even lower when shocks to marginal costs are anticipated by firms. In our model unanticipated firm-specific cost shocks lead to incomplete pass-through (or a decline in markups) of about 20 percent and anticipated cost shocks are associated with incomplete pass-through of about 50 percent. The model predicts that cost pass-through is increasing in the persistence of marginal cost shocks and U-shaped in the strength of habits. The relative-deep-habits model implies that conditional on marginal cost disturbances, prices are less volatile than marginal costs.  相似文献   

We introduce status goods in a model of monopolistic competition for investigating whether a stronger preference for status promotes a higher quantity or a greater variety of status goods in equilibrium. We argue that diversification is a more likely outcome. Elasticity of marginal status is identified as the crucial factor. Under the widely adopted relative-consumption hypothesis, elasticity of marginal status equals one, which supports a higher variety. Under other hypotheses, if the status return from an extra unit of own consumption falls as others’ consumption rises, elasticity of marginal status is likely to be higher than one or not substantially smaller than one. In these reasonable patterns, diversification also tends to appear.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to present a methodology to estimate the marginal cost of electric energy deficit in the long-term using input–output (I–O) analysis. We obtain a deficit marginal cost (DMC) curve that is not limited to a small number of levels, such as the curve used currently in Brazil, which is limited to four levels. The marginal cost of deficit is an important exogenous parameter used in the model’s chain to calculate the operation’s marginal cost and short-term market pricing. The electric energy deficit is a temporary lack of continuity in meeting demand, which is usually predictable and involves prior notice to the consumer. The cause of this deficit may be a lack of investment and/or low water inflows that impact the production of hydroelectric power plants. In this study, the marginal cost of the deficit is obtained from restrictions on the provision of electricity for productive sectors and by calculating the corresponding impact on the gross domestic product. The proposed methodology can be used with data from the I–O matrix of any country to estimate its marginal cost of electric energy deficit.  相似文献   

This paper studies the optimal factor tax incidence in a neoclassical growth model with a given share of government expenditure in output. In the Ramsey planner's optimization, the effect of next period's capital on government expenditure equals the given share of the marginal product of capital. Capital accumulation reduces the discounted net marginal product of next period's capital by way of increasing government expenditure. In order to internalize the distortion, it is optimal to tax capital income in the long run.  相似文献   

It is a well-established idea that prices are a function of marginal cost, yet estimating a reliable measure of marginal cost is difficult to do. Stock and Watson (1999) use the Phillips Curve to forecast inflation for a variety of existing activity variables that researchers commonly use to proxy for marginal cost. This paper uses a similar type of approach to examine the performance of a new candidate for the activity variable, which is marginal cost measured following the theoretical methodology of Bils (1987), which we find to be simple yet powerful when implemented empirically. We then use the Phillips Curve to conduct pseudo out-of-sample inflation forecasts for the US using: output, unemployment, hours, the labor share, the capacity utilization rate, and the new measure of marginal cost. For almost all cases, forecast errors are lowest in the regressions with the new marginal cost variable, indicating that this new measure is an improvement over previous attempts to proxy for marginal cost.  相似文献   

We consider optimal pricing by a profit‐maximizing platform running a dynamic search and matching market. Buyers and sellers enter in cohorts over time, meet, and bargain under private information. The optimal centralized mechanism, which involves posting a bid–ask spread, can be decentralized through participation fees charged by the intermediary to both sides. The sum of buyers' and sellers' fees equals the sum of inverse hazard rates of the marginal types, and their ratio equals the ratio of buyers' and sellers' bargaining weights. We also show that a monopolistic intermediary in a search market may be welfare enhancing.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the simultaneous determination of welfare-optimal pricing and investment rules under a multi-period ex ante maximum demand charge by allowing the possibility of purchasing electricity from third party generators at some cost when excess demand occurs. I show that at the optimal size of capacity, expected short-run marginal shortage cost and long-run marginal capacity cost should be equal. The optimal maximum demand tariff does not entail marginal cost pricing. In general, it is shown that maximum demand charges are welfare superior to marginal cost pricing when tariffs must be set ex ante, before demand is known.  相似文献   

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