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自2001年我国加入WTO以来,零售业进入快速发展时期,国内零售企业不断壮大,并逐渐走向连锁经营化,国外零售企业陆续投资进驻,在我国零售市场上占据了一席之地。零售业市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效在发展过程中发生了较大的变化。本文对我国零售业市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效三个方面进行分析,并利用Eviwes3.1对我国零售业市场绩效进行实证分析,进而对优化我国零售业产业组织提出政策建议。  相似文献   

零售业是我国改革开放以来最早放开的行业之一,经过多年的发展和与国外企业竞争的洗礼,我国零售业取得了长足的进步,特别是连锁零售业规模不断扩大,市场集中度进一步提高。自加入WTO后,我国市场进一步开放,跨国连锁零售巨头的不断进入,冲击着国内零售市场,对我国连锁零售业提出了更高的要求。文章试图通过分析我国连锁零售企业的发展现状,找出目前存在的问题,作为连锁零售企业发展的借鉴。  相似文献   

零售业发展的现状和推进策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国零售业实现了快速发展,培育出一批具有全国知名度的零售企业。而随着我国零售业的放开,国际零售巨头进入中国市场,国内零售业竞争将更加激烈,我国零售企业的改革与创新势在必行。本文在分析我国零售业的现状与存在的问题的基础上,提出了推进我国零售业发展的策略,尝试为我国零售业发展与国际化进程提供有益建议。  相似文献   

零售业是我国改革开放以来最早放开的行业之一,经过多年的发展和与国外企业竞争的洗礼,我国零售业取得了长足的进步,特别是连锁零售业规模不断扩大,市场集中度进一步提高。自加入WTO后,我国市场进一步开放,跨国连锁零售巨头的不断进入,冲击着国内零售市场,对我国连锁零售业提出了更高的要求。文章试图通过分析我国连锁零售企业的发展现状,找出目前存在的问题,作为连锁零售企业发展的借鉴。  相似文献   

连锁零售业发展中的几个关键问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
连锁零售业在流通中的地位不断增强,在整个零售市场中的份额稳步增长,发展潜力很大。然而随着国内新零售业务的出现、国外大型零售业集团的进入,使我国连锁零售业市场环境发生了巨大变化。我国连锁零售业必须适当调整业态分布格局,端正规模经营方向,健全投资主体约束机制,加强法制建设,发展电子商务为连锁零售业提供技术支撑等已成连锁零售业发展当务之急。  相似文献   

提高我国大型零售企业国际竞争力的对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国零售业市场向外资全面开放以来,外资零售巨头进一步加快了在我国市场的扩张步伐。面对境外零售巨头强大的竞争态势,我国大型零售企业必须采取相应对策来提高自身的国际竞争力,以应对外资零售业的全面挑战。  相似文献   

市场集中度在一定程度上能够反映零售业的竞争态势,如过低的零售业市场集中度反映出缺乏具有强大市场竞争力的零售企业。本文在分析我国零售业市场集中度现状的基础上,探讨了我国零售业集中度偏低的原因,并提出提高我国零售业市场集中度的对策。  相似文献   

张德化  汪上 《商业时代》2006,(15):11-12
随着我国经济的持续增长和对外开放的深入,我国零售市场和增长速度都取得了长足的发展,加之已经取消外国零售业进入我国的各种限制,众多国际零售业巨头纷纷抢滩中国市场,零售业成为目前我国市场化程度最高、竞争最为激烈的行业之一。如何发展和壮大我国零售企业,提高市场竞争力,成为当前迫在眉睫的问题。本文从价值创新的视角,提出我国零售企业价值创新战略构想。  相似文献   

解析我国零售业市场集中度问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场集中程度在一定程度上能够反映零售业的竞争态势,如过低的零售业市场集中度反映出缺乏具有强大市场竞争力的零售企业。本文在分析我国零售业市场集中现状的基础上,探讨了我国目前零售业市场集中度现状的成因。并提出发展我国零售业市场集中的对策性思考。  相似文献   

外资零售业进驻我国越来越普遍了。面对如此巨大的竞争,以及如此大的市场发展空间,跨国连锁零售企业纷纷抢滩中国。那么我国的零售企业该如何应对这么大的竞争,我国如何让外资零售企业成为激活我国零售市场的"鲇鱼",而不致使之成为吞食本土零售业的"鲨鱼";在不排斥外资合法进入的同时,扶持本土零售业的发展;在不保护落后的同时,营造公平的竞争环境,从而使国内零售业实力得到提升和发展,这是我国政府部门和企业当前必须认真思考的问题。本文就外资零售业大量的进驻中国的现状分析外资零售业对我国带来的影响以及我国政府部门和企业应变的对策。  相似文献   

后金融危机时代,零售业竞争直面残酷,营销创新是实现其可持续发展的正确选择。零售业的营销创新表现为营销实践探索与理论应用过程,总结西方国家和我国零售业营销改革创新的实践经验及零售业的营销创新的模式,可以探索营销理念创新、发展规模创新、营销管理创新、营销技术创新和营销服务创新等多种模式。必须通过优化创新环境、建立激励机制和制定弹性计划,为零售业的营销创新创造良好的条件。  相似文献   

This article considers the development of relationship marketing in retail financial services. It begins by examining the relationship marketing literature and considering its application to the retail banking industry. Following a discussion of the research methodology, four in-depth retail bank case studies are presented. These cases form the basis of a qualitative analysis of the state of relationship marketing in retail banking. Many banks have already reached a higher level of relationship marketing than businesses in other sectors. Yet generic relationship marketing models such as the one applied in this research do not necessarily reflect these differences. A modified version of a relationship marketing model, which caters for the particular characteristics of retail banks and which may be applicable to other services businesses, is therefore proposed.  相似文献   

With growing popularity of mobile devices, digital marketing strategies are increasingly important for modern airports. This paper studied context-aware mobile marketing strategies in the airport retail environment. An on-site mobile marketing experiment was conducted at a partner airport to explore how preference and/or location-based mobile coupons could affect passengers’ retail behaviour. Results show that retail shopping became more efficient (less browsing time) with mobile marketing influence, but not necessarily more effective (not higher spending amount). Randomly pushed mobile marketing information is effective in keeping passengers in shops for longer but context-aware mobile marketing is more effective in increasing spending amount.  相似文献   

蔬菜市场批零价差和价格传递机制分析——以北京市为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国蔬菜的市场零售价格不断上升的一个重要原因是蔬菜批零价差过大。因此,研究农产品不同流通环节的价格传递机制,对于提高农产品流通效率具有重要意义。对北京蔬菜市场上小白菜、西红柿和土豆的价格变化进行研究,发现零售价格是影响蔬菜批零价差的主要因素,同时也发现蔬菜市场的零售商对某些产品拥有一定的市场支配力,能够通过一定的途径提高零售价格,扩大价差。  相似文献   

This article takes a systems perspective to study marketing channel system structure dynamics and their interactions with economic system dynamics. A novel, non-linear method from ecology is used to establish a causal network of mostly bi-directional causal forcing between economic variables and marketing channel system structure. This resulting causal network facilitates a comprehensive understanding of a marketing channel system. The study finds a highly endogenous and non-linearly interrelated subsystem encompassing online/offline retail channel structure, retail/wholesale channel structure, the ratio of import to consumption and the competitive dynamics of the economic system. Surprisingly, marketing channel system structure is rather resilient to changes in economic growth. In contrast, changes in retail/wholesale channel structure affect economic growth. The results may help to caution marketing managers changing their marketing channel structures too routinely. Moreover, the identified causal network presents a starting point for further empirical marketing channel system analyses. Implications particularly affect future empirical marketing channel system studies based on linear structural models.  相似文献   

沃尔玛、家乐福在华市场营销组合比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在综述营销组合及零售营销组合理论的基础上,构建了其分析维度,进而从产品、服务、价格、地点、店面设计、促销、人员、物流配送等方面对沃尔玛和家乐福在华市场的营销组合进行比较研究,同时也对国内零售企业给出相应的几点启示。  相似文献   

This study deals with the measurement of the effects of retail marketing instruments on annual sales in retail stores. We assume that the sales level in retail stores is determined by an interplay of supply capacity and demand factors. In some stores sales are supply-determined, whereas in other stores sales are demand-determined. If it is not known a priori what economic regime applies, the more traditional approaches lead to biased estimation results. Therefore, a switching regression model is proposed to estimate the marketing mix effects.Our ideas are tested using data from four different types of stores in the Dutch retail trade and a comparison is made with a more traditional approach. The main conclusions are: the traditional approach leads to underestimation of the marketing mix effects. A switching regression model seems to be a promising instrument for analyzing these effects. The method has a wider applicability than the retail trade.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study comparing the effect of the retail and direct marketing channels of delivery on the endowment effect. The results demonstrated the endowment effect for both retail and direct marketing channels of product delivery. In addition, in the direct marketing channel, the endowment effect was strengthened by the physical, tangible possession of products at the point of product receipt compared to its virtual possession value at the point of purchase. In the retail channel of delivery, confirming consumer expectation with the possession of the product at the point of purchase resulted in the strengthening of the endowment effect compared to the unexpected out‐of‐stock retail situation. Contrary to expectations, the duration of the product possession did not affect product valuation. Managerial implications are discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

在零售情景下,传统营销组合范式具有一定的局限性。这是因为传统营销组合框架是以制造商为视角构建起来的,而制造商与消费者交换的内容同零售商与消费者交换的内容是不同的。制造商向消费者提供的是价值方案,零售商向消费者提供的是合格价值方案的获取过程。因此,获取过程是零售商与消费者交换的基本内容。效率、乐趣、费用、沟通是消费者与零售商发生交换的四个必要条件,即零售营销的四项基本功能。零售营销活动的功能性归属分别是:定价属于费用类别,广告属于沟通类别,物理环境的设计与管理属于乐趣类别,商品组合、选址、商店布局、物流与结算属于效率类别。  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the importance of retailing to urban economies, the role of retailing in the marketing of urban places has been an area neglected by both academics and practitioners alike. It is acknowledged that the principles of marketing can be applied (albeit with modification) to the context of urban places. The theoretical implications of this are considered using Corsico's () metaphors of the city as enterprise, market and commodity. Such issues are considered via a survey of place marketing actors within the specific context of the marketing of towns and cities as shopping destinations in urban places classified as sub-regional and above. Particular attention is paid to responsibility for the marketing of the retail provision, the emphasis given to retail in the marketing/promotional activities of various urban stakeholders, the perceived role of retailing, and the factors influencing the nature of the urban retail provision. Promotion of retailing was found to be important for all urban stakeholders to a greater or lesser degree. However, prime responsibility lay with town centre managers and shopping centre managers. The implications for both theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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