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生鲜连锁超市是市民生活物资获取的来源之一,也是社会商业领域的一个组成部分。我国生鲜连锁超市主要以零售的方式经营生鲜农副产品等,经营模式基本为统一的采购和配送,集中管理方式改变了传统生鲜的多渠道供应方式,减少了超市的经营成本,增加了生鲜的即时传送性。基于此,文章对我国生鲜连锁超市的经营模式进行了研究。  相似文献   

一、社区型超市经营现状及问题 1.营业面积较小,经营品种较少,顾客向大卖场分流 社区型超市营业面积较小,一般在1500 —3000平方米,经营品种在8000—1万左右。随着竞争的日趋激烈,以及外资超市纷纷涌入,社区型超市周边不断有大型卖场出现。这些大卖场不仅面积大(一般在7000—1.  相似文献   

中共中央关于"十二无规划"的指导思想明确提出了我国要实现经济发展方式的转变.这种转变将涉及到国民经济的各个部门与各行各业,对中国现代流通业的代表连锁业来说,这种转变已经开始实实在在进行着了.  相似文献   

本文通过对浙江实施“千镇连锁超市、万村放心店”工程的分析,提出了增加农民收入、规范市场秩序等改善农村消费环境的办法。  相似文献   

消费启动方式的选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
闻潜 《消费经济》2000,16(5):7-10
消费启动的功能,除依存于消费启动的力度以外,还受消费启动的方式制约。消费启动力度的大小,也与消费启动方式的选择密切相关。我国首次消费启动起步于经济复苏的初期,此时经济运行仍处于紧缩过程之中,消费启动方式的适当选择尤其具有重要意义。...  相似文献   

连锁超市进入我国以来,发展势头迅速。本文在对消费者在连锁超市的消费心理进行分析的基础上,提出了连锁超市的营销策略,旨在提高连锁超市中消费者购买行为发生的可能性和频率。  相似文献   

我国连锁超市的发展越来越迅速,从规模到数量,都在迅速发展扩大,呈现十分积极的发展态势,但是,我国连锁超市的物流配送体系还正在初级的建设中,不是十分完善,这就严重制约了我国连锁超市的经营规模和经济效益又好又快的发展下去。本文就我国连锁超市物流配送方式的优缺点进行了分析,并探析了每种方法应该在什么类型的连锁超市进行使用。  相似文献   

对浙江“千万工程”与改善农村消费环境的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对浙江实施“千镇连锁超市、万村放心店”工程的分析,提出了增加农民收入、规范市场秩序等改善农村消费环境的办法。  相似文献   

吕丹 《商业研究》2004,29(2):103-105
食品消费是人类消费中的一个重要部分 ,随着人们生活水平的提高 ,食品的消费数量大大增加 ,消费结构与方式也随之改变。在这一过程中 ,对环境产生了正负两方面的影响 ,一方面促使了资源的优化配置和绿色农业的发展 ,另一方面则加重了对环境的压力 ,如何兴利抑弊 ,是值得重视与研究的一个问题  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined the consumption of Indian foods among groups of English and Indian people living in the UK. Both convenience and freshly made Indian foods were included in the research. The aim was to explore attitudes (based on ethnicity) towards, and the consumption of, Indian foods. The means–end model and laddering methodology were used in interviews with 24 respondents, 12 from each group (English and Indians). The personal values ‘social life’, ‘health’, ‘adventure’, ‘enjoyment’ and ‘savings’ were found to be the most important for English respondents whereas ‘enjoyment’, ‘good life’, ‘health’, ‘religion’ and ‘culture’ were the most desirable value ends for Indians. The results provide an insight into English and Indian peoples’ perceptions of Indian food that can be used in promotion and marketing positioning of branded Indian foods, sauces and accompaniments.  相似文献   

为了促进我国商业的发展和现代化步伐,了解世界上的商业发展趋势和潮流,我们选取了世界上五个现代化城市:纽约、巴黎、东京、汉城和我国香港特区,对其商业消费现状进行比较分析.这五个城市的商业都非常发达,零售额占地区生产总值的比例都非常高,分别为:纽约占14.85%,巴黎占18.4%,东京占18.33%,香港占24.21%.零售额分别为:纽约420亿美元、巴黎460亿美元、东京1230.6亿美元、香港240亿美元.汉城的批零业更是吸纳了大量的劳动力,从业人数为137万.  相似文献   

Two experiments show that the role the consumer plays in the creation of their food can affect the consumption experience. When guilt is present in the consumption of the food item, namely an unhealthy food item, having someone else create the food item increases taste evaluations, attitudes, and behavioral intentions. However, when guilt is not present, as in the case for healthy foods, there is no difference in food evaluations when the end consumer or another creates the food. These results have important implications for food retailers, food service establishment, and food delivery companies.  相似文献   

深圳有个零售企业在店庆时打出横幅"打造中国零售业航母".笔者在此把零售生鲜管理喻为航母,弹药库、火力系统、雷达系统分别代表品质、销售、服务管理.下面详细了解各环节的特点. 一、商品的品质似弹药库,没有良好的弹药库不能在商战中取胜.零售业要持续发展就要有稳定的品质作后盾.生鲜的品质标准化低、等级差、易损、易腐,根据这些特点需要从信息化、规范化、科学化、细致化方面以进销存为纽带严把商品品质关.  相似文献   

This article considers the changing scope of research into UK food superstores over some three decades. Rather than catalogue changing market shares by format, we seek instead to show how such change links to national policy agendas. Academic research has evolved to address the growing complexities of the social, technological, economic and political impacts of the superstore format. We exemplify this by tracing the progression of retail change in Portsmouth, Hampshire, over 30 years. We discover that academic research can conflict with the preconceptions of some public policy makers. The position is exacerbated by a progressive decline in public information – and a commensurate rise in factual data held by commercial data companies – that leaves policy makers with a choice of which data to believe. This problem casts a shadow over the objectivity of macro-policy as currently formulated. Concerns currently arise because the UK Competition Commission (2006–2009 but ongoing) starts each inquiry afresh with a search for recent data. Furthermore, it has recently called for changes to retail planning – the very arena in which UK superstore research commenced.  相似文献   

This study asked consumers to identify the possible contradictions in their food consumption. The article takes the so‐called ‘antinomies of taste’– health vs. indulgence, convenience vs. care, extravagance vs. economy, novelty vs. tradition and together vs. alone – by Warde and Mäkelä as a starting point. The empirical part of the research analyses between which opposing poles the contradictions emerge when the consumers themselves are asked. Findings from a survey (745 respondents) indicate that consumers prefer to engage in food‐related activities that would be more aesthetic, healthful, tasty, convenient, caring and economic, but state significant barriers for not being able to fulfil these desires. Finally, the article draws theoretical conclusions about the connections between the prevailing food consumption‐related contradictions and contemporary consumer society.  相似文献   

New overseas retail formats have been entering emerging markets since the late 1990s. Accordingly, research on the advance of transnational retailers into emerging markets has recently flourished, and Thailand, one of the most popular host countries for transnational retailers, has often been examined as a case study. Many of these studies clarify the retail internationalization process and conclude that the new formats are driving the host countries' traditional distribution system toward a fundamental change. Although these studies consider the host countries' circumstances, they do not necessarily pay sufficient attention to specific characteristics of those host countries. In case studies of Thailand, the specific roles of intermediaries throughout the entire retail and distribution system are commonly overlooked. This paper argues that intermediaries continue to play an important role in Thailand's distribution systems, especially in the system of fresh vegetable distribution. This study first explains why earlier studies often attached less importance to the examination of intermediate distribution systems, despite the necessity of considering the roles of intermediaries for a deeper understanding of the impact of new retail formats on the host countries' distribution system as a whole. After discussing the key roles of intermediaries in Thailand's vegetable distribution system, this paper concludes that because modern retailers' involvement, particularly that of transnational retailers, at the agricultural production stage is still limited in Thailand, they often rely on intermediate distributors, such as local assembling wholesalers, coordinator-type intermediaries, and wholesale markets, for the intermediate distribution process.  相似文献   

Since 2002, the Chinese government has initiated the “Wet Market Transforming into Food Supermarket (WMTFS)” program that aims to transform the traditional fresh food retailing system into a more efficient system that adopts a supermarket operation mode. However, after years of effort, the process of implementing the WMTFS program has been painfully slow. In addition to several supply side factors, this paper focuses on the consumer demand side using survey data in three large Chinese cities to identify the factors affecting consumers' decisions to buy fresh food from traditional vs modern retail formats. It further explores regional differences in consumers' shopping behavior. We find that freshness, accessibility, and whether buyers can bargain are influencing factors and the effects of socioeconomic factors such as income and storage facility are very limited. In addition, we find regional difference exists in consumers' retail format preferences. We suggested that managers of fresh food supermarket should enhance product freshness and safety in the future. Meanwhile, since traditional retail formats are still preferred by many consumers, the policy-makers should give a further thinking on the specific way of transformation.  相似文献   

准确的成本水平是评估一个部门,乃至一个企业经营状况的重要因素,能够为企业和部门提供一个良好的管理和控制依据。  相似文献   

方昕 《商场现代化》2002,(11):20-21
从零售端的超市生鲜经营来看,生鲜经营的业绩固然受内部管理体系和规范的影响很大,但外围产业发展的制约作用十分明显,来自生鲜供应链上游的农业与食品加工发展水平的影响和制约日渐突出,例如水果、蔬菜、肉禽和水产品的标准化问题,生鲜食品安全性问题,食品加工相关辅料生产的产业化问题等,使得目前超市生鲜经营具有特殊的复杂性.我们开始认识到,超市生鲜经营的发展是不可能脱离大的食品产业体系而独立存在和运作的.  相似文献   

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